• Учителю
  • Пособие для 5 класса Обучение чтению на уроках английского языка

Пособие для 5 класса Обучение чтению на уроках английского языка

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

ГУ "Новонежинская средняя школа имени Батыржана Кенжетаева отдела образования акимата Аулиекольского района»

Педагогическое мастерство 2016 год

«Обучение чтению на уроках английского языка»

(пособие для 5 класса)

Учитель английского языка : Саламахина Е. И.

2015-2016 учебный год

Пояснительная записка:

Чтение является одним из важнейших видов коммуникативно-познавательной деятельности учащихся. Эта деятельность направлена на извлечение информации из письменно фиксированного текста. Чтение выполняет различные функции: служит для практического овладения иностранным языком, является средством изучения языка и культуры, средством информационной и образовательной деятельности и средством самообразования. Как известно, чтение способствует развитию других видов коммуникативной деятельности. Именно чтение даёт наибольшие возможности для воспитания и всестороннего развития школьников средствами иностранного языка.

Чтение - важный вид рецептивной (связанной с восприятием) речевой деятельности, и овладение им как полноценным средством коммуникации на иностранном языке является одной из главных коммуникативных практических целей. Владение чтением предполагает полное, глубокое понимание иноязычного текста всех литературных стилей и жанров - художественного, публицистического и научного. Для того чтобы чтение успешно выполняло свою роль эффективного средства обучения, нужно, чтобы оно стало для ученика приятным занятием, превратилось в удовольствие.

Обучение чтению в казахстанских школах диктуется условиями обучения и потребностями общества. Так например в тестовых заданиях при сдаче ЕНТ и ВОУД встречаются вопросы, касающиеся чтения: например, 1.определите слово с тем или иным типом слога, 2.найдите слово, которое читается отлично от других, 3. как читается то или иное буквосочетание, 4.прочитайте текст и выполните задание по содержанию текста и др. для оценки уровня развития умений чтения.

В данной работе чтение рассматривается как отдельный самостоятельный вид речевой деятельности, так и средство формирования языковых навыков и развития умений, способствующих развитию коммуникации на иностранном языке. Иначе говоря, в обучении иностранному языку чтение представляет собой одно из важнейших средств получения информации, с одной стороны, и средство освоения знаний о языковых явлениях изучаемого языка, с другой. В работе представлено поэтапное знакомство с правилами чтения букв и буквосочетаний, отработка этих правил в упражнениях, работа с текстами и выполнение различных заданий по прочитанному. Этим объясняется актуальность данной работы.


Пояснительная записка ...................................................................................... 2

1. Чтение гласных: .............................................................................................5

1.1 Типы слогов ...................................................................................................6

1.2 Тренировочные упражнения ....................................................................7-8

1.3 Чтение сочетаний гласных ……………………………………………9-11

1.4 Тренировочные упражнения ................................................................12-14

1.5 Чтение некоторых гласных перед сочетаниями согласных…………….15

1.6 Тренировочные упражнения ……………………………………………..16

2.Чтение сочетаний согласных: ................................................................... 17

2.1 Чтение сочетаний согласных .................................................................... 18

2.2 Тренировочные упражнения ..................................................................... 19

3. Тренировочные упражнения для чтения……………………………….20

3.1 Тренировочные упражнения для чтения……………………………...21-28

4. Работа с текстами………………………………………………………….29

4.1Animals …………………………………………………….....................30-37

4.2 Sport……………………………………………………………………..38-39

4.3 Famous people………………………………………………………… .40-42

4.4 My school……………………………………………………………….43-45

4.5 The Great Britain………………………………………………………...46-50

4.6 My family………………………………………………………………..51-53

5. Список литературы .....................................................................................54


Типы слогов

Чтение гласной буквы в ударном слоге зависит от типа слога. Тип слога определяется тем, какие буквы следуют за ударной гласной. Существуют четыре типа ударного слога.

I тип слога - открытый слог, т. е. слог, оканчивающийся на гласную букву. Например:

- в конце односложных слов: go [gəʊ] идти;

- в положении гласная + согласная + гласная: time [taim] время, lotus ['l əʊt əs] лотос;

- в положении гласная + гласная : deal [di:l] количество, suit [sju:t] костюм.

II тип слога - закрытый слог, т.е. слог, оканчивающийся на согласную букву (кроме одиночной r).

Это означает, что за ударной гласной следуют:

- одна или несколько согласных в конце слова: man [mæn] человек, мужчина, test [test]испытание;

- или две и более согласных в середине слова ( буква x передает два звука и приравнивается к двум согласным: boxer ['bɒksə] боксер): silver ['silvə] серебро, public ['pʌblik] народ.

III тип слога - графически имеет вид закрытого слога. От слога II типа его отличает то, что за ударной гласной следует буква r, которая сама не читается, но влияет на чтение предшествующей ударной гласной буквы. Например:

start [sta:t] старт, начало, forth [fɔ:θ]

дальше, впредь, purpose ['pɜ:pəs] намерение, цель.

IV тип слога - графически имеет вид открытого слога. От слога I типа его отличает то,что за ударной гласной следует буква r (читаемая или не читаемая). Ее присутствие влияет на чтение предшествующей ударной гласной.Например:

care [kеə] забота, заботиться, parents ['pеərents] родители, dear [diə] милый, дорогой, series ['siriəz] серия, ряд.

Примечание: Двойная буква rr в корне слова не влияет на чтение предыдущей гласной,а лишь указывает на закрытый тип слога (гласная читается как краткий звук), например:

Алфавитное название буквы

Алфавитное чтение

Краткое чтение

В конце слова гласная + r

В конце слова

гласная +r +e

(+ согласная)

В конце слова гласная

В конце слова согласная

I тип

II тип

III тип

III тип

А а [ ei ]

[ ei ] take

[ æ ] cat

[ a: ] car

[ еə ] care

O o [ ou ]

[ ou ] rose

[ o ] dog

[ o: ] for

[ o: ] more

U u [ ju: ]

[ ju: ] use

[ Λ ] cup

[ ə: ] fur

[ uə ] sure

E e [ i: ]

[ i: ] Pete

[ e ] pet

[ ə: ] her

[ iə ] here

I i / Y y [ ai / wai ]

[ ai ] Mike

[ i ] pig

[ aiə ] tyre

[ ai ] fly

[ i ] system

Тренировочные упражнения






plane [plein]

bag [bæg]

car [ka:]

care [kеə]

Прочитайте вслух слова:

pale, plate, name, take, table, made, behave, gate, tale, bat, pan, man, mad, apple, cattle,

bad, fat, arm, alarm, car, dark, far, hard, art, farther, bare, care, dare, fare, hare, pare,

prepare, square, ware.






nose [nəuz]

box [bɔks]

sort [sɔ:t]

store [stɔ:]

Прочитайте вслух слова:

go, no, rose, nose, stone, bone, phone, pole, hole, sole, noble, joke, not, rock, cock,

long, God, hot, dog, ox, fond, clock, fog, doctor, or, forty, horse, morning, orchard,

corner, sport, fork, sort, ore, bore, more, before, adore, ignore, tore, wore, restore.






tube [tju:b]

bus [bʌs]

turn [tɜ:n]

pure [pjʊə]

Прочитайте вслух слова:

blue, use, amuse, accuse, tulip, duke, Tuesday, tube, mute, student, but, sun, bus, cut,

rub, fun, hunt, just, jump, burn, burst, hurt, church, fur, turn, curl, Thursday, purse, purpose, pure, cure, endure, mature, secure, demure, caricature.





Pete [pi:t]

pet [pet]

her [hɜ:]

here [hiə]e

Прочитайте вслух слова:

me, he, these, even, complete, be, Egypt, pet, met, pen, men, chess, well, ten, intend, egg,

bed, red, net, her, serve, perfect, perch, verse, berth, here, severe, sincere, mere, interfere.





pine [pain]

big [big]

girl [gɜ:l]

fire [faiə]i

Прочитайте вслух слова:

ice, pine, nine, five, mile, time, fine, rise, drive, big, fill, kiss, win, mint, mix, sing, ill, sit, is, lip, six, girl, shirt, skirt, birch, fir, first, circle, bird, dirty, fire, hire, tired, admire, wire, desire, retire.






bye [bai]

Syd [sid]

myrtle [mɜ:tl]

tyre [taiə]

Прочитайте вслух слова:

bye, my, fly, buy, try, rye, dye, lye, deny, rely, supply, type, myth, Syd, physics, crystal,

rhythm, symbol, system, myrtle, myrrh, tyre, lyre, pyre.

Чтение сочетаний гласных

ai [ei] ay

aim pay

rain day

main say

train stay

au [ɔ:] aw

author law

autumn awful


air [eə] air




ee [i:] ea

tree eat

meet clean

see tea

green please

tree sea

street read


но :

ea [e] bread


ear [iə] eer

ear beer

clear deer


ei [ei] ey

eight grey

weight they

eu ew iew


feud new view

oo [u:] too




oo [ʊ] перед -k book

-d good

- t foot

-l wool

oa [əʊ] boat



oi [ɔɪ] oy

coin boy

oil toy

point joy


ou [aʊ] house



[u:] soup




[ Λ ] country



[ɔ:] source



ow [aʊ] cow



[əʊ] yellow




Тренировочные упражнения


lie type fight classify

tie why bright apply

nine try night occupy

time cry sight

ice right


table train stay weight hey

take main day eight grey

place aim pay vein May

plate rain spray o'key

name maid


spoil coin enjoy joy

point oil destroy toy



ground down

count how

mouse cow



over goal window

open boat yellow

stone soap show

rose coat show



air square

hair hare

chair share

pair care


clear dear here

deer beer merly


poor tour sure

[ai] [ei]

slice design bake break

mile buy becon afraid

silence reming waiter plain

fight cry plane lay

bye knight tray they

[ɔɪ] [aʊ]

boil voice clown owl

noise loyal bow blouse

soil exploit trousers mouth

joy choice pound town

[əʊ] [eə]

hotel smoke their

only loaf wear

spoke tone pear

[iə] [ʊə]

hear tour

cereal moor

fear poor


1. Буква "a" читается как:

[ɔ:] перед сочетанием "l"+ согласная

(перед "k"+ согласная "l" не читается)

salt [sɔ:lt]

wall [wɔ:l]

chalk [t∫ɔ:k]

[a:] перед "f", "n", "s", "t"+ согласная

staff [sta:f]

dance [da:ns]

past [pa:st]

path [pa:θ]

[a:] перед сочетаниями "lm", "lf". В этих сочетаниях согласная "l" не читается.

half [ha:f]

2. Буква "i" читается как [ai] перед сочетаниями "ld', "nd':

mild [maild]

kind [kaind]

3. Буква "o" читается как:

[əʊ] перед сочетаниями "ld", "lt", "st":

old [əʊld]

holt [həʊlt]

post [pəʊst]

[Λ] перед "m", "n", "th", "v":

come [cΛm]

month [mΛnθ]

another [ən ׳Λðə]

glove [glΛv]

[əʊ] в конце слова:

potato [pə׳teitəʊ]

hero [׳hiərəʊ]

3. Сочетания "ough", "augh" читаются как [ɔ:]:

thought [θɔ:t]

daughter [׳dɔ:tə]

4. Сочетание "igh" читается как [ai]

high [hai]

fight [fait]

Тренировочные упражнения

[ɔ:] also, false, salt, alter, bald, almost, already, always, walnut, all, ball, call, fall, gall, tall, wall, balk, calk, chalk, stalk, talk, walk

[a:] ask, answer, pass, grass, plant, bath, path, father, rather, fasten, can't, after, class, chance

[ai] child, mild, wild, bind, blind, behind, find, kind, mind

[əʊ] old, cold, bold, told, sold, gold, fold, hold, scold, bolt, colt, dolt, molten, host, most,

post, poster

[Λ] some, come, comfort, company, stomach, become, compass, none, money, monkey,

son, ton, sponge, monk, month, Monday, London, front, won, among, done, tongue,

monger, onion, dove, glove, love, above, cover, govern, oven, mother, brother, nothing, other, another.



[ k ]

black, stick


[ ŋ ] в конце слова

sing, bring, ring, reading


[ ∫ ]

she, shop, fish


[ f ]

phone, photograph

[ v ]



[ ð ] в начале местоимений, служебных слов и между гласными

this, that, the

[ θ ] в начале знаменательных слов и в конце слова

thank, thick

[ t ]



[ w ] в начале слова перед всеми гласными, кроме о

when, white, why

[ h ] перед о



[ n ]

know, knife


[ r ]

write, wrong


[ f ]


[ - ]



[ n ]



[ s ]


[ ∫ ]



[ sk ]


[ s ] перед е ,і



[ t∫ ]


[ k ]


[ ∫ ]



[ t∫ ]



[ kw ] перед гласными


Тренировочные упражнения

[ k ] black, pick, chicken, rocket, knock, duck, deck, stomach, Christmas, Christ,

chemistry, mechanical

[ ŋ ] thing, ring, song, belong, length, hang

[ ∫ ] ship, sheep, shallow, shop, shy, shoe, shrub, wash, cash, fashion, Russian,

pressure, mission, issue, expression, moustache, machine, chassis, chalet

[ f ] phone, photo, phonetics, pheasant, phrase, philosophy, symphony, telegraph

[ ð ] this, that, they, these, without, weather, gather, mother, bathe, breathe, rather

[ θ ] thick, thin, width, length, thank, think, tooth, bath, healthy,

[ w ] whale, wheel, wheat, which, whether, where, why, whey, what, when, white

[ h ] who, whom, whose, whole, whoop, whodunit

[ n ] knife, knee, knit, knot, knock, knob, know, knowledge, knight

[ r ] write, wrong, wrist, wring, wrap, wreath, wreck, wry, wrinkle, wrestle

[ n ] sign, design, benign, align, malign, campaign, champagne, foreign

[ s ] scent, descent, scene, miscellaneous, scissors, science, fascinate, oscillate

[ t∫ ] chiken, chair, which, achieve, cheap, church, match, watch, fetch, butcher,

catch, witch, itch

[ kw ] quake, quality, queen, quiz, equal, require, inquire, equipment, liquid, quite

Тренировочные упражнения для чтения


dee - deed - deep

be - been - beet

me - meed - meet

fee - feed - feet


ten - pen

den - men

Ted - bed

Net - vent


Let - tell

Led - bell

Leep - peel

Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

Bee, dene, bet, dent, beet, end, men, Bede, peep, dell, bend, den, mete






[i: - i]

Pete - pit

Bede - bid

teen - tin


time - tie

pine - pie

life - lie

my - mine - type

by - live - life

Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

mine, type, bid, did, fine, pit, five, vine, me, meet, lend, mete, eve, seem, pep, beef, ebb, see, send, pie, type, tin, fine, pin, lip, pile, line, sit, fit, set, best, sin, fist, miss, pens, less, lends, Bess, seems, size, zest, send

Прочтите вслух следующие слова, обращая внимание на произнесение окончания множественного числа:

Pens, sets, beds, tips, bees, pits, lips, lies, bibs, nets, seeds, tests, lids


am Ann

man flat

map bad

lamp plan

[æ - e]

man - men

tan - ten

pan - pen

bad - bed


main - may

pain - pay

name - nay

date - day

[e - ei]

men - mane

pen - pane

let - late

met - mate

Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

Pale, date, ban, tape, fate, mad, say, same, fat, day, Sam, lane, land, tame, Spine, faint, aim, leave, Bede, beat, deed, lean, mean, seat, nice

Line, pin, pine, dene, fine, man, dent, Ann, nice, same, Sam, bet, bed, dine, did, May, fit, style, vet, bay, sat, till, file, faint, ease, pet, tin, veal, slip, stay


can cake

came make

keep peak


gap bag

gave beg

give big

[k - ɡ]

back - bag

lack - lag

sick - big


she fish

shy dash

sheep dish










[Ɵ - Ә]

theme - thee

thin - then

faith - bathe

Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

cap, can, ice, came, nice, cat, neck, mice, fast, fact, space, peck, pace, kin, keen, pact, face, gate, gem, gas, age, gym, page, egg, gin, game, beg, gag, jam, Jim, Jack, Jane, sky, shame, dish, she, ship, shape, shave, fish, shine, chest, chin, match, catch, fetch, chick, chill, this, that, these, that, them, theme, faith, thick, thin

Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных. Прочтите вслух во множественном числе:

A match, a page, a patch, a dish, a cage, a mass, a bench


he hay

his hat

him hand


red read

rain risk

rest rent


start - tart

arm - cart

large - lark

farm - park


bang - ring

sang - sing

fang - thing

[Ƞ - n]

bang - ban

fang - fan

thing - thin

[Ƞ - Ƞk]

bang - bank

sang - sank

sing - sink

thing - think






Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

risk, red, ripe, read, rest, rally, hand, hay, hip, hate, heap, help, hide, yes, yell, easy, daddy, yet, yelp, my, by, myth, next, text, exam, sex, six, sixty, ring, thing, fang, bring, sing, gang, sling, drink, link, clink, pink, prank, shelf, shy, sheet, dash, fish, chain, chick, change, catch, patch, mine, cage, fill, mile, Spain, miss, ice, page, back, space, click, game, gem, let, lest, gay, set, lay, say, lack, icy

Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных. Прочтите вслух во множественном числе:

A baby, a lady, a bag, a tie, a test, a bed, a city, a day, a man, a page, a match, an army, a cage, a party












go - tone

no - note

so - smoke










[ou - Ɔ]

go - got

note - not

hope - hop

coke - cock

[Ɔ: - Ɔ - ou]

sport - spot - spoke

torn - top - tone

lord - lot - lone

cord - cot - cope

North - not - note

Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

note, lot, lone, nod, code, cot, tone, cope, dot, sock, hot, pope, doll, hop, bone, tool, moon, look, doom, took, fool, cool, shook, loop, cook, choose, hook, sport, torn, corn, gorge, cork, or, fork, lead, steel, meat, bet, lest, tip, tiny, type, myth, mice, stay, plain, star, farm, cart, cell, cod, sing, cling, bank, rank, spin


up - cup

us - bus

un - bun

'ugly - 'hurry

[Ʌ - a: ]

cut - cart

duck - dart

much - March

buck - bark

[Ʌ - æ]

hum - ham

fun - fan

bun - ban

cup - cap






[w -v]

wet - vet

wine - vine

west - vest

very well


boy - voice

coy - coin

toy - point

[r после согл.]

green price

dream three

brave tree

Fred street






Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

Cup, cube, but, nut, mute, butter, rung, huge, wake, weak, wig, waver, wine, wink, way, weed, wit, coin, boy, point, join, toy, noisy, joy, now, how, yellow, bow, Moscow, town, vow, window, gown, down, out, ounce, foul, noun, scout, count, seller, actor


fur - firm - first

sir - burn - burst

her - turn - thirst

[Ə: - Ɔ:]

burn - born

turn - torn

cur - corn

[Ə:- e]

burn - Ben

turn - ten

bird - bed

[Ə: - ou]

burn - bone

turn - tone

cur - cone

[wƆ - wƆ:]

wasp - war

want - warm

what - ward

Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

term, first, bird, third, stern, turn, Byrd, furs, curl, curt, serf, curb, herb, want, wash, was, watch, watt, whale, wharf, wheat, ward, when, whether, which, whiff, whip, warn, whole, warp, why, cat, bunch, pinch, rice, will, chest, sister, frost, lick, sly, pace, lunch, rib, from, luck, cry, chat, shy, chill, sky, hale, rose, spine, till, spider, vine, till, sniff, maze, pan, reader






air care

pair Mary

fair parents


















[wə: - wƆ: - wou]

were - war - woe

word - ward - wove

work - warn - woke

worm - warm - won't

Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

leer, beer, peer, veer, teem, fee, wee, bee, feel, air, fair, hair, stairs, pair, plane, Spane, faint, care, fare, mare, stare, bare, rare, pure, cure, during, fire, mire, tire, shire, here, sere, mere, our, flour, sour, world, worm, worship, word, worthy, fate, fat, far, fare, Peter, pet, pert, here, style, gyps, Byrd, tire, file, fill, first, fired, tube, tub, turn, cure, bone, lot, form, store

Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

quite, quick, quest, quiz, quaver, quits, small, fall, tall, call, all, chalk, walk, talk, stalk, calk, new, few, stew, pew, hew, pewter, hewn, news, write, wrest, wrung, wrist, wring, wreck, wrap, wry, wrong, English, angry, angle, high, nigh, right, night, bright, might, light, fight

she, meek, reel, grim, happy, pony, sack, lad, darn, got, lard, pond, mule, bloom, butter, ugly, rudder, sink, mill, fuss, hobby, fly, cube, seep, pep, send, stove, made, Sam, pane, sand, plate, mean, heat, pine, sty, teach, close, clock, shelf, cock, tape, tone, bud, fun, fume, laid, bay, tube, far, hard, term, bird, skirt, thirsty, icy, free, party, peg, gent, peck, skin, single

Прочтите вслух следующие слова, объясните правила чтения:

knife, know, knock, knave, knee, knit, knew, knot, rule, blue, flute, rude, ruby, allude

speech, crack, drone, stuff, traffic, gate, gust, bigger, log, egg, germ, high, jig, just, kite, bring, quest, quick, race, cane, cinders, cut, care, mere, tire, cure, stir, burn, arm, lore, port

Тексты для домашнего чтения


</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Текст № 1

Прочитай рассказ и ответь на вопросы.


It is a grey rabbit. Its name is Bunny. It likes its name. It lives in forest. It is five. Bunny is not big but it is strong and brave. Bunny is nice and funny. It can run and jump. It can't swim and skate. It likes nice ducks, fat hens and cockerels.


to live in the forest - жить в лесу

strong - сильный

brave - смелый

funny - смешной

skate - кататься на коньках

swim - плавать

jump - прыгать

1. Is Bunny a rabbit?

2. Is Bunny a black cat?

3. Is it eight?

4. Is it slim?

5. Can Bunny swim?

Текст № 2

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A lot of animals live in the world. Some animals live on farms: cows, pigs, ducks, horses. Other animals live in houses. They are called pets: dogs, cats, parrots, turtles, hamsters. Some animals live in zoos and safari parks: bears, lions, tigers, monkeys, crocodiles, hares. A lot of animals live in London Zoo. Zoo keepers feed them.


world - мир some -некоторые

farm - ферма other -другие

are called - называются zoo - зоопарк

a lot of - много zoo keeper - хранитель

turtle - черепаха parrot - попугай

Answer the questions:

1. What animals live on farms?

2. What animals live in houses?

3. What animals live in Zoos and safari parks?

4. Who feeds animals in Zoos?

Текст № 3

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On the farm.

Tim is a farmer. He has six pets. He has five black dogs and one grey horse. His horse lives on the farm. It is very strong. It is nice too. It can run and jump well. Tim's dogs are not big. They are not strong but they are very brave. They like to go to the forest with Tim.


a farmer - фермер

to live on the farm - жить на ферме

to go to the forest - ходить в лес


1. Заполни пропуски словами из рассказа.

Tim is ____________.

He has ____ dogs and ______ horse.

His horse is very ________.

It can run and _______.

Tim's dogs are not big and strong but they _________.

2. Прочитай предложения и исправь, если это необходимо.

Tim is a doctor.

He has three white dogs and one gray elephant.

His horse lives in the house.

Tim has big cats.

His cats like to go to the park.

Текст № 4

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Nick's cat.

Nick has a cat. Nick's cat's name is Pussy. Nick's cat is big and nice. It is black and white. It eats meat and fish. Nick's cat drinks milk. Pussy can run and jump. Nick teaches Pussy to swim but it can't swim. Nick teaches Pussy to sing but it can't sing. I think it is not clever!


nice - красивый

eat - кушать

meat - мясо

drink - пить

teach - учить

clever - умный


Ex. 1Сопоставь вопрос и ответ.

Has Nick a cat? Yes, he has

Has Nick a dog? Yes, it is

Is Pussy a cat? No, it can't

Can Pussy run? No, it can't

Can Pussy swim? Yes, it can

Ex. 2 Переведите слова и словосочетания, используя текст.

Кот, большой и красивый, пить молоко, кушать мясо, учить плавать, учить петь,


3. Ответь на вопрос.

Have you got a cat?Please, describe your pet! Write some sentences about it.

Текст № 5

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Farm animals This is a dog. The dog is small. The dog is black. It says, «Woof-woof». This is a cat. The cat is small. It is red. The cat says, «Mew-mew». This is a pig. The pig is big. It is pink. The pig says, «Oink-oink». This is a hen. The hen is little. The hen is red. It says, «Cluck-cluck». This is a cow. The cow is big. It is brown. The cow says, «Moo-moo». This is a duck. The duck is little. It says, «Quack-quack». This is a sheep. The sheep is white. It is big. It says, «Bah-bah».

Ex.1 Подчеркни слова, которые есть в тексте.

The dog, the cat, the pig, the hen, the cow, the duck, the wolf, a farmer

Ex.2 Впиши буквы.

C_w, h_n, d_g, p_g, c_t.

Ex.3 Дополни предложения, подбирая слова big или little

The pig and the cow are ______. The cat and the dog are _______. The hen and the duck are _______.

Ex.4 Переведи на английский.

Ферма - _______, Розовый - _______, Белый - _______, Маленький -

Ex.5 Oтгадай загадки.

1.It is big. It is brown. It says "Moo-moo". This is a _________.

2.It is little. It is yellow. It can swim. This is a _________.

3.It is big. It is pink. It says "Oink-oink". This is a _________.

Текст № 6

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Mike is my friend. He is 10 years old. He has many friends, they are animals. He likes animals very much and he has many pets at home. Mike has 2 cats: a black cat and a white cat and three kittens. They all live in a big box. The box is near the door.

They like to eat milk and fish. The black cat`s name is Dolly. Dolly is a big, kind and clever animal. In the morning Dolly awakes Mike. It sits near Mike`s bed and mews. Mike gets up and goes to school. He comes home from school at 2 o`clock. And in the afternoon he goes to the park to play with his cats. They run and play with a ball. The ball is red.

Mike is happy to have good friends.

Ex.1 Answer the questions.

1. What is my friend`s name?

2. Does he have many friends?

3. What animals does he have at home?

4. How many kittens does he have?

5. Where do the cats live?

6. What do the kittens like to eat?

7. What colour is Dolly?

8. Is Dolly angry or kind?

9. What does Dolly do in the morning?

10. Where does Mike go in the morning?

11. Does he come home at 2 or at 5 o`clock?

12. Where does he go in the afternoon?

13. What do cats and Mike do in the park?

14. What colour is the ball?

15. Why is Mike happy?

Ex.2 True or False.

1. Mike is ten.

2. He has no friends.

3. He has not got pets at home.

4. Mike has three cats.

5. Three kittens live in a big bag.

6. The bag is near the door.

7. They like to eat meat.

8. Dolly is a kitten.

9. Dolly is white.

10. Mikes awakes Dolly in the morning.

11. Dolly goes to school.

12. Mike comes home from school at 2.

13. In the afternoon he goes to the park with his cats.

14. The cats run and play with a green ball.

15. Mike is happy to have good friends.

Ex.3 Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Mike am my friend.

2. He is 10 year old.

3. He like animals very much.

4. He have many pets at home.

5. They all live in big box.

6. They like eat milk and fish.

7. The black cat`s name are Dolly.

8. Dolly is big, kind and clever animal.

9. In the morning Dolly awake Mike.

10. Mike gets up and go school.

11. He comes home school at 2 o`clock.

12. And in the afternoon he go the park to play with his cats.

13. They run and play ball.

14. Mike is happy have good friends.

Ex.4 Translate into English.

1.много питомцев

2.белый кот

3.пить молоко


5.играть с мячом

Ex.5 Translate into Russian.

1. near the door

2. eat fish

3. clever animals

4. get up


Текст № 7

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I like playing sports

I'm Marat. I'm ten. I like sports and games. I can play tennis and football. I can't ride a horse and swim. But I'd like to swim. I enjoy walking and cycling in my spare time. My friend enjoys roller blading (skating) and playing hockey.


I'd like -я бы хотел enjoy - наслаждаться, получать удовольствие

Answer the questions:

1. What sports can Marat play?

2. Who can't ride a horse?

3. Who would like to swim?

4. What does Marat enjoy in his spare time?

5. What does Marat's friend enjoy in his spare time?

Famous people

Текст № 8

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William Shakespeare

On April 23, 1564 William Shakespeare was born in Stratford - upon - Avon. His mother was the daughter of a farmer. His father was a glove - maker. William attended a grammar school in Stratford and had quite a good education. There he learned to love reading.

While he was a teenager, he married a woman some years older than himself. He had three children: the eldest is the daughter and then twins - a son and another girl. In 1587 William went to work in London leaving his family at home. Some people say that the reason was his love of poetry and theatre.

In London Shakespeare began to write plays and become an important member of a well - known acting company. Most of his plays were performed in the new Globe Theatre built on the bank of the river Thames. In 1613 he stopped writing and went to live in Stratford when he died in 1616. His plays are well - known and still acted not only in England but in the whole world.

Ex.1 Write down the words and phrases used in the text

worker, farmer 2 children, 3 children

listening, reading 4. cinema, theatre

Ex.2 Complete the sentences according to the text

1. Shakespeare was born…

a) on April 22 b) on April 23 c) on August 23

2. Shakespeare's father was…

a) a glove - maker b) a clock - maker c) a shoe - maker

3. At school William learned to love…

a) dancing b) reading c) singing

4. Shakespeare went to work in…

a) New York b) Cardiff c) London

Ex.3 Write down if the sentences are true to the text or false

Shakespeare had twin daughters.

In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London.

The Globe Theatre was built on the bank of the river Clyde.

Shakespeare's plays are staged only in Britain

Ex.4 Answer the questions on the text

Where was W. Shakespeare born?

What school did W. Shakespeare attend in Stratford?

What did Shakespeare do in London?

Where and when did Shakespeare die?

Ex.5 Put the sentences in the order they are used in the text

Most of his plays were staged in the Globe Theatre.

He married a woman some years older than himself.

William had quite a good education.

My school

Текст № 9

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A village school

The Greens are a British family. Mr. Green is a builder and Mrs. Green is a housewife. There are three children in the family: a son and two daughters. Mike is thirteen years old, Sandy is twelve and Kate is ten. All the three children are pupils. Mike is at the boys' school; his sisters are at a school for girls. Mike is a tall boy. He is clever. He is a very good pupil.

Sandy has dark hair and hazel eyes. She is a pretty girl, she is clever and a good pupil. Her sister Kate is a nice girl with long fair hair and large blue eyes. She is good at music.

The Greens are in Australia now. Mr. Green's uncle is a farmer. His house and farm in Australia are in a village. The Greens are in their uncle's house now.

The house is big. It is on a hill. It is summer now. In Australia January, February, March and April are summer months.

The school in the village is small. In fact, it is a one-room school. There is only one teacher for all the pupils. The garden around the school is very beautiful. The Greens are fond of the farm and the school in the village.

Ex. 1 Choose the correct answer.

1.What is Mr. Green?

a) He is a teacher. b) He is a doctor. c) He is a builder.

2. How old is Mike? a) He is twelve. b) He is thirteen. c) He is ten years old.

3. Where is the uncle's house? a) on a hill b) in a big city c) on the bank of a river

4. What is the village school like? a) It is big. b) It is small. c) It is very old.

Ex. 2 Continue the sentences.

1.All the three children in the Greens family are

a) students. b) pupils. c) farmers.

2. Now the Greens are in

a) Africa. b) America. c) Australia.

3. In Australia January, February, March and April are

a) winter months. b) spring months. c) summer months.

4. All the pupils in the village school have

a) one teacher. b) many teachers. c) two teachers.

Ex. 3 Say if the sentences are true or false.

Mike is a small boy.

Sandy is not a good pupil.

Mr. Green's uncle is a builder.

The Greens are happy in Australia.

There is no garden round the school.

Ex. 4 Answer the questions.

Where are the Greens from?

How many children are there in the family?

What are summer months in Australia?

What are summer months in your country?

How many rooms are there at school?

Ex. 5 Describe your school (use 5 sentences)

The Great Britain

Текст № 10

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Лондон и его достопримечательности

London, is the capital of Great Britain. It's a very big city. London is situated on the river Thames. The Thames is the deepest river in Britain. There are 27 bridges over the Thames. Tower Bridge is one of the oldest and most beautiful bridges in London. It is more than 100 years. About 9 ml people live in London.

London is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is also a very old city. London is 2000 years old. London consists of 3 main parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City is the Heart of London, it's business centre. There are many banks and offices there. The West End is the richest part of London. The main interesting places are situated there. And the East End is a working part of London.

The political centre is Westminster. Westminster Abbey is there. It is the traditional place of coronation for English monarchs. Many people are buried in the church.

There are many sights in London. Trafalgar Square is the most popular place for people to meet. In the middle of the square there is Nelson's Column, which is 51 m. high.

The Queen of England lives in Buckingham palace. It is the most famous place in London.There are 600 rooms in it. It has an indoor swimming pool and a cinema.

One of the greatest English churches, St. Paul's Cathedral, is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. It is a royal church.

The most interesting museum is the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King's Zoo. Now it's a museum. There are always black ravens in the Tower of London. People believe that London will be rich while the ravens live there.

Ex. 1 Answer the questions:

1.What is the capital of Great Britain?

2.How many bridges are over the Thames?

3.How many people live in London?

4.What parts does London consist of?

5.What is the richest part of London?

6.What sights do you know in London?

Ex. 2 Is it true or false?

1.Big Ben is really a big clock.

2.The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government.

3.The Tower of London is the London home of the queen.

4.In the center of Trafalgar Square you can see the statue of Christopher Wren.

5.There are a lot of parks and gardens in London.

6.London is more than two thousand years old.

Ex. 3 Match the words:

Big Cathedral

Trafalgar Palace

The British London

The National Museum

Buckingham Abbey

Westminster Ben

The Houses Square

The Tower Gallery

St. Paul's Parliament

Ex. 4 Choose the right answer

1. London is the capital of


Great Britain


2. St. Paul 's Cathedral is

a church

a fortress

a museum

3The coronation of Kings and Queens takes place in:

a. Westminster Abbey

b. The Bloody Tower

c. Trafalgar Square

4.The country`s leaders speak in:

a. Big Ben

b. Buckingham Palace

c. The Houses of Parliament

5. The queen lives in

Buckingham Palace

The Tower of London

Westminster Abby

6. London is situated on the river




7. The Tower of London now is


a museum

the Zoo

8. The Heart of London is


the West End

the City

10. Big Ben is


the clock

a tower

Ex. 5 Put the missing letters and say the meaning of the words.

Br…dge F…rtr…ss T…wer

S…ghts C…pit…l P…lace

Pr…son G…ll…ry To…rist

Ex. 6 Составьте как можно больше слов, состоящих из букв слова


Текст № 11

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Christmas is a very important holiday of the year for most British families. They celebrate it on the 25th of December. It combines the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ with the traditional festivities of winter. Most families decorate their houses with holly. They usually have a Christmas tree glittering with coloured lights and decorations.

Family members wrap up their presents and leave them under the Christmas tree. Children leave their stockings on the fireplace. They hope that Santa Claus will come down the chimney and bring them presents.

There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It is a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square.

The traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and pudding. In England people make Christmas pudding before Christmas. Everyone in family stirs the pudding and makes a wish. It is a traditional meal, which people cook for Christmas party. When the pudding is hot they put a penny in it, and sometimes a little silver horseshoe and a button. If you find a button in your piece of pudding you will be rich, a horseshoe means happiness and good luck.

Ex. 1 Аnswer the questions.

1.Who gives the city of London a Christmas tree every year?

2.Where does the Christmas tree stand?

3.What is the traditional Christmas dinner?

4.What do people put into the pudding?

5.What does it mean if you find a button (a horseshoe) in your piece of pudding?

Ex. 2 Say if it is true or false.

Usually people put their presents into boxes.

A Christmas stocking is a real stocking.

People place a large shining ball at the top of the Christmas tree.

When you pull a cracker it makes a bang.

Traditionally there is a dove on almost every card.

People put holly on Christmas pudding.

My family

Текст № 12

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My name is Sasha. I'm 10. I have a family. My family is not large. I have a mother, a father, a sister. My mother's name is Olga. She is 35. She is a teacher. My father's name is Misha. He is 45. He is a doctor. I have not a brother but I have a sister. Her name is Irene. She is a baby. She doesn't go to school. I like my family.

Ex. 1 Right or wrong

1. Sasha has a large family. -

2. Her mother is a doctor. -

3. She hasn't a sister. -

4. Her sister Mary doesn't go to school. -

Ex.2 Подпиши картинки:

Ex. 3 Найди слова

Ex. 4 Реши кроссворд

Ex. 5 Составление рассказа о своей семье по образцу (5 предложений)

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