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- Lesson plan: Formal and informal letters.
Lesson plan: Formal and informal letters.
The plan of the lesson
Lesson theme: Communication workshop. Formal and informal letters.
Date: the 28th of September.
Grade: the 9th A form.
Materials for the lesson: Studentbooks, posters of different kinds of letters, cards with tasks, different letters, presentation.
Целью данного урока является обучение иноязычному письму. Среди четырех основных видов речевой деятельности (говорение, аудирование, чтение и письмо), обеспечивающих общеязыковую подготовку и формирование языковой личности обучающихся, письмо является надежным способом межкультурного взаимодействия людей друг с другом, а также важнейшим условием совершенствования устной формы общения (говорения).
Цель урока: обучение написанию делового письма - запросу информации.
Практические задачи урока:
Учить находить дифференциальные признаки писем личного и делового характеров
Учить создавать собственные творческие тексты аналогичного жанра (деловое письмо-запрос информации) на иностранном языке.
Обогащать словарный запас учащихся, обращая внимание на владение специфической лексикой для написания делового письма данного вида.
Совершенствовать умение аудировать и читать с извлечением информации
Совершенствовать устную форму общения.
Развивать языковое (абстрактное) мышление учащихся.
Развивать учащихся интеллектуально.
Способствовать развитию личности учащихся.
Формировать знания о культуре, языке, реалиях страны изучаемого языка.
Воспитывать положительное отношение к культуре англоязычных стран
The Aim: 1.Organizing new lexical skills by theme "Letter".
2. Teaching pupils to communicate with each other.
The tasks of the lesson: The pupils will be able to:
to learn different kinds of letters.
to understand difference between formal and informal letters.
1-INTRODUCTION: (2 min)- Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad
to see all of you!
Answer my questions:
- What date is it today?
- What day of week is it today?
- Who is absent?
- What is the weather like today?
Look at the blackboard. How do you think about what is the theme of our lesson? O'k you are right the theme of our lesson is " Formal and informal letter".
1.I have a surprise to you. It's a video letter. You should watch and listen to this letter and choose the best answer to these questions. T: I think everything is quite clear to you. Do you agree with me? Have you recognized this man? Of course, you have. Answer the questions.
Choose the best variant:
1. Who is addressing you?
а. A teacher
b. A former student of our lyceum
c. A president of the USA
2. About what he speaks?
а. University
b. celebrating Nowruz
c. state
3. Whom he devoted his sends best wishes In his video
a. to the people and leaders of the Islamic Republic
b. to his state
c. to Kazakhstan
2.- Well, today we'll speak about letters. Let's watch a presentation.
Tell me please what association have you with the word "Letter".
3.Let's make a word web. Look at the blackboard these two letters will help your to make a word web.
Now I'll divide class into 2 groups and give you card's, you should to put them in order how they should be in letters.
1. Адрес отправителя (sender's address).
2. Дата (date).
3. Адрес получателя (inside address).
4. Обращение (salutation).
5. Зачин, или первая фраза (opening sentence).
6. Текст письма (body of the letter).
7. Заключительная фраза (closing sentence).
8. Заключительная формула вежливости (complimentary close).
9. Подпись отправителя (signature).
10. Постскриптум, т.е. приписка к оконченному письму (P.S. или Postscript).
Look at the blackboard. You can see two letters. Let's compare two letters. What can you say about the organization, the content, speak about two letters using the table.
At page 22 ex 2. Differences between Formal and Informal letters.
Contractions in informal letters:
Now it's your turn to your writing letters. You should write each
other by your mobiles a letters to each other using these SMS
English. Then Then your should analyze letters and fill in the
Appropriate salutation
Clear paragraphs
Closing remark
Signing off
Relevant information
Linking words
All questions are asked
In formal
Let's check your answers.
We have to make only 5 points:
1. What are we talking today about?(1 word)
2. Give me 2 adjectives characterizing letter.
3. Give me 3 verbs.
4. Give me a sentence (only 4 words), describing the sport.
5. Give me only one word, a synonym which will complete a cinquain.
That's right. You have worked very well and shown what you can do and what you know about lettersYour homework for the next lesson: at page 23 ex 1-3. Thank you for this lesson. It is over and I give you the following marks.
Teacher: Kasmakassova T. R.