- Учителю
- План урока английского языка 8 класс Australia
План урока английского языка 8 класс Australia
Lesson № 1 Date: 04.04.2016
The theme of the lesson: Australia Form:8a
The aims of the lesson:
Educational: to learn new words speak about Australia
Developing: to listening, speaking, reading and writing
Bringing-up: to bring-up to be friendly
Org moment.
I.Warming up.
- Good morning, pupils!
- Good morning, teacher!
- I am glad to see you!
- What date is it today?
- What day of the week is it today?
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
II. Checking up home task.
IІІ. New words
To lie- находиться To be situated-быть расположенным
Mainland- материк Latin- латинский
Commonwealth of Australia-Австралийский Союз Federation- федерация
State- штат Territory- территория
Capital-столица Government- правительство
Tie-связь Commonwealth of Nations-Британское Содружество наций
IV. Grammar: Modal verb Could+Perfect Infinitive
Глагол ьная группа " could" + перфектный инфинитив может употреблятся в значении аналогичном «can» но выражает менее категоричную форму: " I don't believe he could have done it. He is too weak"-Что-то мне не веритсяб что он мог сделать это. Он слишком слаб. Если содержание всего высказывания относиться к прошлому, а также если глагол главной части сложного предложения указывает на действие в прошлом, то для соглаования времен в придаточной части употребляется форма прошедшого времени модального глагола «can»
т.е " could". "We could have gone, but we didn't"-Мы могли уйти, но не ушли.
V. The work with the text.
Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth large country and the smallest continent. Australia lies between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is situated about 11000 km southwest of North America and about 8200km southeast of mainland Asia. The name of the country comes from Latin word '' australis''which mean southern. The country's official name is Commonwealth of Australia.The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. Australia has six states -New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Each state has its government Australia has two territories-the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. The capital of the country is Canberra. Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Great Britain. The nation is administered under written constitution. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also queen of Australia and country's head of state. But the queen has little power in the Australian government. She serves mainly as a symbol of ling historical tie between Great Britain and Australia. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations which is an association formed by Britain and some of its former colonies.
VI. Conclusion of the lesson:
VII. Home task: presentation
The lesson is over! Good- bye see you!