- Учителю
- Внеурочное мероприятие по английскому языку 'Времена года' (6-7 класс)
Внеурочное мероприятие по английскому языку 'Времена года' (6-7 класс)
Season party
(6-7 класс)
1. Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Whatever the weather».
2. Закрепление лексических навыков по теме.
3. Практика в устной речи, аудировании, письме.
Оборудование :жетоны в виде снежинок, листочков, грибочков и цветочков; карточки со знаками (+ и --): карточки со знаками «0», «1», «2», «3», распечатки заданий I, III,IV,V для 4 команд, презентация, песочные часы.
Сценарий мероприятия
I. Вступительное слово учителя(ведущего).
Teacher. Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we are going to speak about the seasons of the year. There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. What are your favourite seasons?
II. Cообщения учащихся.
The 1st pupil. My favourite season is autumn. It's a beautiful season. The leaves are red, yellow and green. It is warm in September. I can go for a walk. On the 1st of September I am glad to see my friends at school after summer holidays. In autumn there are a lot of vegetables and fruit. I like pears, grapes and watermelons. They are tasty.
The 2nd pupil. I don't like autumn. It's dull. I don't like when it rains. I like summer. Summer is a bright season. The trees are green. It's hot and I can swim, go sunbathing and play outdoors all day long. I don't go to school, we have the longest holidays in summer.
The 3rd pupil. And my favourite season is winter. Winter is beautiful. The trees are white with snow. There is a lot of snow in the streets and in the parks. My friends and I can play snowballs, we can make a snowman, go skating and skiing. I have a good time in winter.
The 4th pupil. I don't like winter. It's so cold, the sky is grey and it often snows. The days are short and the nights are long. I like spring. It's a beautiful season. The sun shines brightly, the sky is blue, birds sing songs. In May the trees and grass are green, there are many beautiful flowers in spring.
Teacher. Well, children, I think all seasons are good and beautiful. Everything is good in it's season. Today we are having a very funny competition. Four teams are taking part in it. They represent different seasons.
Seasons, you are welcome!
The 1st team is « Winter »
December. Chill December brings the sleet,
Blazing fire and Christmas treat.
January. January brings the snow
Make our feet and fingers glow.
February. February brings the rain,
Thaws the frozen lake again.
The 2nd team is « Spring »
March. March brings breezes loud and shrill,
Stirs the dancing daffodil.
April. April brings the primrose sweet.
Scatters daisies at our feet.
May. May brings flocks of pretty lambs,
Skipping by their fleecy dams.
The 3rd team is «Summer»
June. June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
Full the children's hand with posies.
July. Hot July brings cooling showers,
Apricots and pretty flowers.
August. August brings the sheaves of corn,
Then the harvest home is borne.
The 4th team is « Autumn »
September. Warm September brings the fruit,
Sportsmen then begin to shoot.
October. October brings the pheasant,
Then to gather nuts is pleasant.
November. Dull November brings the blast,
Then the leaves are whirling fast.
Teacher. Now I see that you know all the seasons of the year. And now let's compete.
Task I. Sign the picture.
Teacher. When we speak about seasons we always speak about weather. You can see different symbols of different kinds of weather. You have to write the correct word under each symbol. Each team gets one point for every correct answer.
(Sunny, raining, thunder, cloudy, snowy)
Task II. Agree or disagree.
Teacher. You have got 2 cards (+ and -). Now listen to the sentences and raise one of the cards. If you agree with the sentence, raise (+), if you disagree, raise (-).
1 .There are ten months in a year. (-)
2. There are thirty days in February. (-)
3. The winter months are December, January and February. (+)
4. The spring months are June, July and August. (-)
5. The summer months are June, July and August. (+)
6. The autumn months are September, October and November. (+)
7. We go to school in September. (+)
8. School begins on the first of September, school is over in May. (+)
Task III. Word square.
Teacher. I see that you know a lot about seasons. Now I'd like to see how you know the spelling of the months.
Your task is to find the twelve months of the year in this word square.
Игра со зрителями.
Teacher. While our teams are working let's play with you, my dear friends. I have some riddles for you.
1. We are very large though we seem small,
We float on high and never fall,
We shine like jewels in the night,
But in the day are hid from sight.
What are we? (The stars)
2. What fall, but never rises? (Rain)
3. Two bright sisters are always running and never meet. (The sun and the moon)
4. I'm born green, and die yellow in large and small gardens. (Grass)
5. A little old woman with twelve children, some short, some long, some cold, some hot. What is she? (A year)
6. A blue sheet which covers the whole world. What is it? (The sky)
7. What is without hands and without feet, without a head or a body, but can open a door? (Wind)
8 .It is white, it is cold. We can skate on it. What is it? (Ice)
9. In what month do children laugh less? (In February)
Task IV. Put the letters in the correct order.
Teacher. Clouds sometimes bring bad weather. Unscramble the words to find out what kind of weather each cloud is bringing.
1. A I N R ( rain)
2. W O N S (snow)
3. RMWA (warm)
4. OLDC (cold)
5. PINGRS (spring)
6. ERWTNI (winter)
7 .MEMRUS (summer)
8. DIWN (wind)
Task V. Rhymes.
Teacher. The wind is blowing. The wind brings us new weather and helps plants and trees scatter seeds. The leaves below have scattered by the wind, too. To find out which leaf belongs to which tree, find the words that rhyme and draw a line to connect them.
1. rain -
2. cloud -
3. sun -
4. fog -
5. snow -
(grow, hog, fun, proud, train)
Teacher. While our teams are doing the task, answer my questions, my dear friends.(игра со зрителями)
1. Which month has only 3 letters? (May)
2. Which four month end in the letters - ber? (September, October, November, December)
3. Which month comes after July? (August)
4 .If the last month of winter is February, which is the first month of spring? (March)
5. Which season is it now? ( ….)
Task VI.
Teacher. Now, my dear friends, is the last task of our competition. You can see different groups of words. Listen to my statements very attentively and if you agree - raise the card «0», if you disagree with me in the second word - raise the card «1», in the second word - the card «2», in the third word - the card «3».
1. Autumn, September, November
I think that all these words mean months. («1»)
2. Winter, Spring, April
I think that all these words mean seasons. («3»)
3. Cold, Hot, Warm
I think that all these words describe weather. («0»)
4. Yellow, White, Green
I think that leaves can have these colours in autumn. («2»)
5. Ski, Skate, Swim
I think we can do it in winter. («3»)
Teacher. We 've spoken a lot about different seasons of a year. I'm sure that you like fairy-tales very much. Do you?
In what fairy-tale can we meet all the month?
Yes, you are right. This fairy-tale is called «Twelve months». Our participants have prepared one scene from this fairy-tale. And the members of our jury will choose the best team.
Заснеженный лес. В глубине сцены - поляна; на поляне горит костёр. Падчерица подходит к лесу, кутаясь в рваный платок.
Stepdaughter. Well, it's the edge of the forest. It's so dark here. I can't see my hands before my face.(Оглядывается.) Oh! I see a light flickering some way off amid the trees.
Падчерица выбегает на поляну.
Около костра стоят 12 месяцев.
December. Who are you? What brought you here?
Stepdaughter. I have to pick a full basket of snowdrops.
Все оглядываются и смеются.
January. Snowdrops in January? Is it a joke, girl?
Stepdaughter. My stepmother sent me here for snowdrops and forbade me to return without them.
February. What are you going to do?
Stepdaughter. I will stay in the forest and wait till the month of April comes. I would rather freeze here then return without them.(Садиться и плачет)
Месяцы шепчутся.
January. Gladly would I grant you an hour, brother, but April can't come before February and March.
February. Let him take my place, I don't mind. We all know the girl. We meet her at the ice-hole with her pails or in the forest with her bundle of firewood.
July. And we, summer months, know her, too. She is a good girl.
September. Autumn months like her for her kind heart.
March. We must help her.
January. So be it! (Стучит 3 раза посохом)
Frost, O Frost, cold master of the ice,
Pray melt the frozen heart;
Untie the stiff bonds in a trice
And let the snowdrifts part.
Sturdy fir and lofty pine,
Shake free your crystal lace;
Frozen snows, at once recline,
January yields his place.
Now, it's your turn, brother February. (Январь передаёт посох Февралю)
February. Wind, tempest, storm and gale,
Blow with all your might.
Blizzard, furies, sleet and hail,
Rage into the night.
Plough your furrows through the snow,
Sweep across the lake.
Drive the ground wind high and low,
Twisting like a snake.
Now it is up to you brother March. (Передаёт посох)
March. Babble gaily, melting brook,
Ripple, glistening pool;
Ants awake and leave your nook,
Goner's the winter cruel.
Now it is up to you, brother April. (передаёт посох)
April. Birds, return and sing your song,
Disperse the forest gloom.
Bears and squirrels, come along,
Tender snowdrops, bloom.
Girl, you have only one hour. Take your basket and pick snowdrops.
Набрав подснежников, падчерица подходит к месяцам.
Stepdaughter. Thank you very much!
April. We've decided to give you our ring. If you want to see us, you'll have to throw our ring and say:
Roll, roll the ring
To the steps of spring,
To the summer porch,
To the autumn cottage,
With winter shine
To the New Year's fire!
Stepdaughter. Thank you! Good-bye!
All month. Good-bye, girl!(Девочка уходит)
Подведение итогов соревнований.
Our competent jury has counted the points. The most points has…. The team … is the winner!
Награждение (призы, отметки в журнал)