- Учителю
- Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по теме Participle
Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по теме Participle
Ермоленко Людмила Николаевна,
учитель английского языка
обобщить материал по теме «Причастие»;
закрепить лексические навыки;
тренировать монологическую и диалогическую речь;
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, грамматические задания на карточках для команд, жетоны, карточки со словосочетаниями на русском языке.
Работа с участниками: пригласить на мероприятие учащихся 8 класса, разделить на 2 команды.
Ход мероприятия
Звучит мелодия. Ученики входят в класс, занимают места за игровыми столами.
S-student (s)
T. Good - afternoon, boys and girls. I am glad to see you.
S. We are glad to see you too.
T. Today we have invited you to see you knowledge on grammar of the English language. We shall remember learnt English Participle. We shall see what form knows not only English Participle but other grammatical materials. Ok, let's begin, are you ready?
Say "Hello!"
And clap your hands!
Don't say "No!"
And, please, say "Yes!"
T. The first task is for the teams is the test. You will find out if you know English irregular verbs well. We need the third form of the irregular verb when we use Participle II. I will give you medal for right answers. Let's go!
Учитель называет глаголы, команды должны назвать Participle II, та команды, участники которой дадут большее количество правильных ответов в конце получат медаль. Чтобы зафиксировать количество ответов учитель отмечает их на доске.
fall - fallen
fly - flown
speak - spoken
learn - learnt
sing - sung
build - built
write - written
bring - broughtю
do - done
make - made
run - run
T. I see that you know the form of the English irregulars. Go on! It's time of the second task and it's time to translate some word combinations from Russian into English. Each team will take the card from my table and translate some word combination. I think that you can pass it easy. Relax, take it easy! Come on, come to me!
Представитель от каждой команды подходит к столу учителя по очереди, берет карточку и переводит с русского на английский язык словосочетание. Медаль за конкурс дается той команде, участники которой дали больше правильных ответов.
Опавшие листья (fallen leaves)
Сыгранный матч (played match)
Смеющиеся дети (laughing children)
Девочка, разговаривающая с учителем (the girl talking to the teacher)
Люди, живущие в деревне (people living in the village)
Люди, говорящие на английском языке (people speaking English)
Плачущий ребенок (crying baby)
Спетая песня (sung song)
Сделанная домашняя работа (done homework)
Построенный музей (built museum)
Изготовленная кукла (made doll)
Написанное письмо (written letter)
T. Well done, my darlings! I'm sure that you will be perfect translators. The next task for you is to use Participle in the correct form. Be careful and quick. We'll do it in turn, team by team.
На доску выведены предложения, задача участников выбрать правильный ответ.
Can you see the (laughed / laughing) girl?
This house (built / building) in the 18th century looks very well.
Nowadays every country has factories (polluted / polluting) water and air.
Are there any lands (covered / covering) with forests in your native country?
Do you like the match (played / playing) yesterday?
The Zoo (situated / situating) in the park, is very famous.
T. Now I want the captains to work for his team. Captain, come out to the front of the teams and take place there. Captains, look at the blackboard. You will put the sentences in the logical order and write them down on the sheets of paper. Every captain has a sentence to build up and translate. If you haven't any mistake you will be given 5 medals. And members of the teams also do this task together. OK. I'll give you 1 minute to do this task.
Капитаны выполняют задание у доски, а команды на своих местах.
Laughed, girls, the, the, news, excited, shouted, by, and. (The girls excited by the news shouted and laughed)
Not, made, China, like, the, he, things, does, in. (He does not like the things made in China)
T. Yeah, your captains are so clever that they could do this task for 0.5 minutes. And we have the last task for you. Let's go on!
Now I want you to translate some sentences from English into Russian. I shall read the sentences and you will translate them one by one. I'll give a medal for member of the team that can translate a sentence.
A teacher seeing a mistake in a pupil's dictation always corrects it. (Учитель, замечая ошибку в диктанте ученика, всегда исправляет ее)
A telegram sent from Moscow today will be in Vladivostok. (Телеграмма, оправленная из Москвы сегодня, будет во Владивостоке завтра)
Students speaking English good can help their classmates. (Ученики, говорящие на английском языке хорошо, могут помогать своим одноклассникам)
The woman taking the book from the bookcase is our new teacher. (Женщина, берущая книгу из книжного шкафа, наша новая учительница)
The speaking doll interested the child very much. (Говорящая кукла очень заинтересовала ребенка)
Nobody saw the things kept in the box. (Никто не видел вещей, хранившихся в той коробке)
T. It's so good that you can translate sentences without dictionary. Well done. Excellent.
Unfortunately, our grammar play is getting over. OK, now I want you to count your given medal loudly. The team ………..is winner. We see that they are clever. But I think that the…team of …….is also clever. My congratulations!
That's all for today. You have worked hardly and it makes us, teachers of English feel good and satisfactory. Thanks a lot for you participation in this competition. See you soon.