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- Урок-дискуссия: «The Role of Television in Our Life.» (9 класс; по УМК Кузовлева В. П.)
Урок-дискуссия: «The Role of Television in Our Life.» (9 класс; по УМК Кузовлева В. П.)
Урок-дискуссия: «The Role of Television in Our Life. »
( 9 класс; по УМК Кузовлева В. П.)
Цели урока:
- развивать лексические навыки говорения по теме;
- расширение языковой и коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;
- воспитывать уважительное отношение к точке зрения своих одноклассников;
Задачи урока:
- совершенствовать навыки чтения и говорения;
- совершенствовать навыки монологической речи по теме ( презентации учащихся);
- развивать умение извлекать информацию из предложенного материала;
Оборудование урока:
Оформление: раздаточный материал для учащихся; презентация Power Point.
Технические средства: компьютер, интерактивная доска.
Организационный момент.
The topic of our lesson is " The Role of Television in Our Life". During the lesson we are going to practice speaking and reading on the topic, making notes. You'll present your projects.
Television is a reflection of the world.
Do you agree with this statement?
Television is one of the most wonderful discoveries made by a man. TV provides us with the latest news, informs us, shows different programmes, entertains. So nowadays we can't imagine our life without television.
Речевая зарядка.
During our lessons we talked about the role of mass media in our life, you described your favourite TV programmes and told about your favourite magazines and newspapers.
How many hours a day do you watch TV?
What kinds of programmes do you like watching?
What is your favourite programme? Why?
Are you interested in educational programmes?
Can you imagine your life without television? Why? Why not?
Фонетическая зарядка.
Make up the word combinations.
To have interesting a) as it is
To show life b) of various programmes
To miss c) of the world
To be a mixture d) a programme
The rest e) story lines
Make up your own sentences with these combinations.
Развитие лексических навыков, навыков чтения.
It's interesting to find out if you know English words well. Complete the text with the words.
Interested, favourite, hobby, advertisements, entertainment, shown, the news, fond, informative, commercial, radio, informed, television, magazines.
My friend's … is listening to the … . He likes to listen to the … radio stations.
My mother is … of reading … for women. She thinks they are very … . Besides, there are many … in them.
My father's … TV programme is … . It keeps him … about the rest of the world. This programme is … every three hours.
Развитие навыков говорения.
Brainstorming " What do people watch TV for?"
Look at the blackboard. Let's complete the table.
What do people watch television for?
Watching TV
( учащиеся отвечают на вопрос и записывают свои варианты на доске).
Are the statements true or false?
There are some statements here. Take one of them and say f it is true or false.
Watching TV is listed as the first most popular activity in British homes.
Television is a great way to learn.
Television sets in Britain have four channels: BBC1, BBC2, ITV and Channel 4.
Television is a wonderful way of escaping from boring life and problems.
Television doesn't keep us informed about the rest of the world.
Контроль выполнения задания: вставить слова в текст.
T - Cl: Are there any mistakes in the text?
6. Развитие навыков монологической речи. Презентации учащихся.
It's impossible to imagine our life without television. They say Russians are a nation of telly addicts.
It's time to listen to your opinions and to see your attitude to television and TV programmes. It was your hometask to prepare presentations.
1 group " Television: for and against".
2 group " Television programmes".
" Television: for and against".
TV plays an important role in our life. Television is very popular among young people. We can say that TV has changed the world.
Watching television has many advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, television keeps us informed about the rest of the world, makes us think and feel. Television entertains and gives us company when we need it. It offers different competitions and quizes. Quizes make people interested in reading. Television helps us to escape from stress and problems.
But on the other hand, television is harmful for our health ( especially for our eyes) if we watch it too long. There are many advertisements on TV. They make people buy things they don't need, don't talk about the products' defects, show life unrealistically.
Many programmes are silly and teach young people only to buy things and enjoy themselves. There are a lot of silly soap operas on TV. Many people just sit down in front of the " box" and watch them. Television makes us lazier. We read less. We think less. We even talk less.
Summing up the information you can see the tables.
Advantages of TV:
It keeps people well informed
It helps people to relax
It let us know much about the world, the famous people and news
It entertains people
Disadvantages of TV:
It takes a lot of time
It makes us lazy
It is bad for our health
Some programmes and films make the people violent
It has a lot of advertisement
We think that TV is a part of our life, the most popular mean of mass media. But we should not watch TV too long and try to choose only useful TV programmes.
"Television programmes".
Some people say that television is dangerous. We don't think so. It keeps us informed about what is happening in the world. We can also watch films and plays or learn something new. There are different kinds of programmes on TV such as feature films and documentaries, discussions and interviews, sports news and talk shows. They are shown at different time during the day and they are hosted by wel- known TV presenters.
My favourite TV programme is " While Everyone is at Home". It's an informative and entertaining programme. It's about lives of famous people. The programme is shown on Sundays at 10 am. It is both for kids and adults. On the programme people talk about their families, problems and hobbies. Sometimes they tell funny stories or sing live. The programme is hosted by a well-known TV presenter Timur Kizyakov. It combines live music and interviews with various people. I like it very much.
We had an interview with our classmates on some of the questions.
What kinds of programmes do you like best of all?
What is your favourite TV channel?
How much time do you spend watching TV?
…% said that their favourite programmes are…
… % said they watch…( like to watch…)
…% said that their favourite TV channel is…
…% of our classmates spend … hours watching TV.
…% watch TV … hours a day.
7 . Развитие навыков чтения. Соотнесение рубрик и текстов.
It's time to work with the texts. Match the headlines with the short texts. Prove your choice with the key words from each of the text.
Установите соответствие тем A- E текстам 1- 4. В задании одна тема лишняя.
Advertisements C. Weather forecast E. Sport news
Collecting things D. Types of mass media
The press, radio, television and Internet are various types of mass media that keep people on the topical issues of the day. The mass media play an important role in reflecting the life of the country. The mass media draw the public attention to the most serious political, economic, social and ecological problems.
Want to express your individuality? Don't want to overpay for it? Enjoy exploring the world of mobile phones? Visit our FREE web-site where we offer hundreds of popular ringtones and melodies for your mobile phone! Polyphonic and monophonic variants to suit all tastes and phones! Rock, pop, folk and more!
5 November will be a cold day. Weathermen expect the temperature to be about zero, and a hard cold wind will spoil all the pleasure of Sunday. The following week will also be cold and windy.
Our correspondent from Russia informs that the Russian team is inclined to win The Olympics getting no less than 40 gold medals. " Our sportsmen are well- trained and strong both in spirit and body. In many sports, such as swimming and athletics, our sportsmen show good results. We also hope our boxers will show good results", said a Russian sport official.
T- Cl: Exchange your works and check the answers.
8. Подведение итогов урока.
Let's make the conclusions of our lesson.
Please, finish these sentences:
TV keeps us…
Our life would be … without…
It's impossible to …
To my mind there are more… than …
( учащиеся делают вывод, достраивая начало предложений).
We should not watch TV too long and try to choose only useful TV programmes.
Выставление оценок, домашнее задание.
Television and Radio.
The mass media ( that is press, radio and television) play an important role in people's life. Mass media can inform, educate and entertain the people who use them. Millions of people spend their free time watching TV and listening to the radio. It is almost impossible to imagine our life without TV and radio. TV provides the people of all ages with different programmes. So you can make a choice among entertaining, sports, music, children's and political programmes. You can also watch some interviews with several famous people and the regular news reports on each channel. Everybody can find something interesting and useful on TV.
On the radio you can hear your favourite music, plays, news and various discussions or commentaries of the current events. TV and radio programmes usually attract a large audience. There are a lot of advertisement in mass media. Mass media bring millions of houses a lot of entertaining and news programmes. There are more than 100 TV channels and lots of radio stations in Russia.
The influence of television on our life is so great that some people say that nothing has changed our lives more than television.
To educate - образовывать
To imagine - представлять
Impossible - невозможно
To provide - предоставлять
A choice - выбор
Regular - регулярный
Various - разнообразный
Influence - влияние
Пересказать текст по клише.
The mass media play…
… can inform, educate and entertain…
People spend their free time…
It's impossible to imagine…
… can make a choice among … programmes
On the radio you can hear…
… usually attract…
Mass media brings a lot of…
There are more than… in Russia.
Television: for and against.
TV plays an important role in our life. It is very popular among young people. We can say thjat TV has changed the world.
Watching television has many advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, television keeps us informed about the rest of the world, makes us think and feel. Television entertains and gives us company when we need it. It offers different competitions and quizes. Quizes make people interested in reading. Television helps us to escape from stress and problems.
But on the other hand, television is harmful for our health ( especially for our eyes) if we watch it too long. There are a lot of advertisements on TV. They make people buy things they don't need, don't talk about the products' defects, show life unrealistically. Many programmes are silly and teach young people only to buy things and enjoy themselves. There are lots of silly soap operas on TV. A lot of people just sit down in front of the "box" and watch them. Television makes us lazier. We read less. We think less. We even talk less.
Summing up all this information you can see these tables.
Advantages of TV it keeps people well informed
It helps people to relax
It let us know much about the world, the famous people and news
It entertains people
Disadvantages of TV it takes a lot of time
It makes us lazy
It is bad for our health
Some programmes and films make the people violent
It has a lot of advertisements
We think that TV is a part of our life, the most popular mean of mass media. But we should not watch TV too long and try to choose only useful TV programmes.
Television Programmes.
Some people say that television is dangerous. We don't think so. It keeps us informed about what is happening in the world. We can also watch films and plays or learn something new. There are different kinds of programmes on TV such as feature films and documentaries, discussions and interviews, sports news and talk shows. They are shown at different time during the day and they are hosted by well-known TV presenters.
My favourite TV programme is " While everyone is at home". It is an informative and entertaining programme. It is about lives of famous people. The programme is shown on Sundays at 10 am. It is both for kids and adults. On the programme people talk about their families, problems and hobbies. Sometimes they tell funny stories and sing live. The programme is hosted by a well- known TV presenter Timur Kizyakov. It combines live music and interviews with various people. I like it very much.
We had an interview with our classmates on some of the questions.
What kinds of programmes do you like best of all?
What is your favourite TV channel?
How much time do you spend watching TV?
….%said that their favourite programme is…
… % said they watch ( like watching)…
…% said that their favourite TV channel is …
…% of our classmates spend … hours watching TV.
…% watch TV ….hours a day.