- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'Getting Around London' (6 класс)
Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'Getting Around London' (6 класс)
УЧИТЕЛЬ: Никонова Е.И.
КЛАСС: 6 «А»
УМК: "SPOTLIGHT" Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дж., Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В.
ТЕМА: Getting Around in London
познакомить учащихся с видами общественного транспорта Лондона.
напомнить о правилах дорожного движения и безопасности на дороге.
формирование умения прогнозировать тему урока, содержание текста;
развитие умений ознакомительного и поискового чтения;
развитие устной монологической речи, умения передать содержание прочитанного, используя оценочные суждения;
развитие умения аудирования аутентичного текста;
развитие умений продуктивного письма: создание плаката.
Для учителя:
Развивать мотивацию учащихся к освоению английского языка как средства познания окружающего мира.
Нацелить учащихся на самостоятельный поиск информации о ПДД в России и организовать работу по созданию тематического плаката.
Для учащихся:
Найти (в литературе, Интернете) и оформить найденную информацию в форме плаката.
ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: учебник "SPOTLIGHT" Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дж.,
интерактивная доска, презентация, программа MIMIO,
звуковой файл, элементы униформы/личные предметы
Орг. момент
- Good morning, children. Glad to see you. Take your places.
Сообщение темы урока.
Today I want you to find out the topic of our lesson and now you'll see a few photos and hear some sounds. After watching and listening try to guess what we'll discuss today.
So, what do you think the topic of our lesson is?
So, you're right, it's "Getting around London".
Введение новых ЛЕ.
Here're some words which can be very helpful today.
Listen and repeat after me.
Read the words in chain. Alina, start reading.
Read the words on your own.
Закрепление новых ЛЕ.
Now let me see how well you've memorized the new words.
Match the words to the pictures.
Make up a word combination with one of these words.
Find the opposites and give the Russian equivalents.
Paraphrase the word combination to make up a sentence.
Well done!
Работа над текстом.
Now open your textbooks at p. 31, ex. 1.
Read the title and subheadings of the text and say what you think the text is about.
I've got a few questions about forms of transport a tourist can use in London, but to answer them you have to read the text. Let's do it aloud. Who'd like to read about underground?
You're welcome.
Работа над содержанием текста. (тест)
Now let's do the test. Chose the correct variant and give your reasons. (explain why you think so, prove your idea)
Работа над развитием устной монологической речи.
(игровой момент)
Now let's play a bit. I've got a magic bag. It's full of different things. I want one of you to come up here, take a thing, think of what you are or where you are and say a few words about one form of transport of London.
So, Polina, what (where) are you?
Tell us about red double-decker buses.
Well done! Good you are!
Работа над аудированием.
(звуковой файл)
Now look at ex.3 p. 31.
What kind of text is it?
What is this poster about?
Have some time and think what words are missing.
Now let's listen and complete the gaps.
Here's the key. Were your guesses correct?
Now look through the poster again and say
What side do they take to drive in Britain?
What is the speed limit in the city? And on the motorway? How many kilometers are they? (1 mile=1609 meters: about 50 km/hour; 113 km/h)
What do the traffic lights mean?
What are the safety rules to remember in Britain?
Работа над проектом.
And the last question of our today discussion is ……… (доска) what the rules for driving are in your country. Do you think they differ? (are the rules for driving different in The UK and Russia?)
I suggest that you work on a project which aim is to help foreign tourists to get around in Russia.
What can it be? A leaflet? A tourist guide? A poster?
What information can it have?
What about the title? Subheadings?
So as I see it it should be a similar poster giving some information about the rules for driving and also some safety rules.
How'd you like to work? Alone? In pairs? In groups?
OK, discuss in pairs what information should be mentioned, what each of you will do and come to the decision.
Итог урока.
Thank you for good work. Your marks are …..
Your home task is to work on the project.
It's ex. 4 p. 31 (доска)
Have a nice day. See you.