- Учителю
- План урока по английскому языку в 6 классе с использованием сингапурской методики
План урока по английскому языку в 6 классе с использованием сингапурской методики
План урока по английскому языку в 6 классе с использованием сингапурской методики по учебнику "Spotlight"
Учитеь: Мифтахова А.Р.
Тема урока: Развитие грамматических навыков "Модальный глагол can".
Цель урока: 1. Образовательная.
-тренировать лексические навыки по теме "Дорожные знаки";
-тренировать грамматические навыки по теме "Модальный глагол can" в значении физической и умственной способности и в значении запрещения/разрешения;
-тренировать навыки аудирования, чтения.
2. Развивающая.
-развивать внимание, память, критическое мышление, языковую догадку.
3. Воспитательная
-мотивировать учащихся на изучение правил дорожного движения
-воспитывать умения слушать других, работать в группах и парах.
1. Приветсвие.
-Stand up, please! Good afternoon dear boys and girls!
- I'm very glad to see you
-Sit down, please
-How are you?
-How do we get to school ?
-What traffic sings do you see on the way?
-What would happen if there weren't traffic signs? ГДВ
-Children, please look at the board!
-What is our lesson about?
-Excellent, pupils. You are right! Today we are going to speak about traffic signs
-Are you ready?
2.Let's remember the verbs of traffic using structures Round Table.
Match the means of transport to the verbs.
-Everyone writes his own sentence on one sheet.
-Starts partner number 1
3. Analyze your own possibilities in the structure Timed-Pair-Shair.
-Look at the pictures and say your shoulder partner what can/ can't you do?
-You have 30 seconds
-Are you ready
-What say your shoulder partner? What can/ can't he/ he do?
Пригодятся ли вам эти умения в дальнейшем?
Для чего? (Чтобы быть коммуникабельными, здоровыми)
4. Remember traffic signs using structure Number up.
Magic number is 5
Starts number 2
-You have 2 minutes
-Time is over
-Who count to 20? 30? 40?
5.Let's explain the signs by using structure Placemat Consensus.
number 2 draw a lines, on the middle of the sheet write "traffic signs"
Look at Ex3 What do these traffic signs tell us? Circle the correct word.
Even one writes his answer on his part.
-Think-You have 1 minute do write.
- Поделитесь
своими мнениями (2 минуты)
Если вся команда приходит к консенсусу-большой палец вверх- участник под №3 записывает эту идею в центральный квадрат.
6. Аудирование
We explored the signs and we can move-before you is map, explore the map, look at the names of the streets
-Listen to the dialogue between Jane and her driving instructor. They are at point x. Mark the route they take and say where Jane parks the car in the end.
-Are you ready?
7. Чтение
Now, read the dialogue Ex 5
You have 1 minutes
-Where is Jane?
-Where's the driving school
-Can Jane turn right into Apple Street?
-Can Jane park in front of the hospital?
-Draw.the route with a red. pen/
-If they match?
We got to the Park, we can relax and the results of our study of traffic sings
-If you understand the topic, paint green lights
-If you need to repeat paint yellow lights
-If you have mastered the subject paint red light.
Write your name and return your cards. I'll check, and I'll say the marks on the next lesson.
8. Home work:
What would you like to do at home? to write or draw?
If you would like to write Ex 6 p. 29.
If you would like to draw Ex 10 p. 29.
-You worked very well today! Thank you very much!
-Stand up, please? The lesson is over, good bye!