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  • Тест (New Millennium English 7 класс Unit 2 Ready, steady, go)

Тест (New Millennium English 7 класс Unit 2 Ready, steady, go)

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Unit 2 Ready, steady, go!

Group 1

  1. Vocabulary test

Translate into English

  1. Футбол

  2. Баскетбол

  3. Теннис

  4. Плавание

  5. Плавание под водой с маской или трубкой

  6. Парусный спорт

  7. Гимнастика

  8. Велосипедные гонки

  9. Лыжный спорт

  10. </ Карате

  1. Grammar and lexis

  1. You are talking to Maria. Write answers about yourself.

E.g. I'm tired. So am I.

  • I'm learning English.

  • I can swim.

  • I like dancing.

  • I've never been to China.

  • I haven't got a toothache.

  • I didn't watch TV last night.

  • I'm not working tomorrow.

  • I'm not hungry.

  1. Fill in the table. Use words from the box.

  1. Your friend has many problems. Think about what you would do if you were "in their shoes".

E.g. I don't have friends. - If I were you, I would play team games.

  • I have no boyfriend.

  • I can't get to sleep at night but I am sleepy in the afternoon.

  • My family doesn't understand me.

  • My neighbours (соседи) are too noisy.

  • My friends have no time for me.

  • I'm fat and ugly.

  • My children are naughty.


Unit 2 Ready, steady, go!

Group 2

  1. Vocabulary test

Translate into English

  1. Волейбол

  2. Хоккей

  3. Настольный теннис

  4. Прыжки в воду

  5. Гребля

  6. Легкая атлетика

  7. Аэробика

  8. Фигурное катание

  9. Дзюдо

  10. Боулинг

  1. Grammar and lexis

1. You are talking to Maria. Write answers about yourself.

E.g. I'm tired. So am I.

  • I'm happy.

  • I can't play the piano.

  • I like swimming.

  • I've never been to India.

  • I haven't got a headache.

  • I didn't listen to music last Monday.

  • I'm not studying tomorrow.

  • I'm hungry.

  1. Fill in the table. Use words from the box.

  1. Your friend has many problems. Think about what you would do if you were "in their shoes".

E.g. I don't have friends. - If I were you, I would play team games.

  • I have no boyfriend.

  • I can't get to sleep at night but I am sleepy in the afternoon.

  • My family doesn't understand me.

  • My neighbours (соседи) are too noisy.

  • My friends have no time for me.

  • I'm fat and ugly.

  • My children are naughty.


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