- Учителю
- Открытый урок по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса по теме Выбор учебного заведения после школы.
Открытый урок по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса по теме Выбор учебного заведения после школы.
Открытый урок для учащихся 11 класса «История Новгородского Государственного Университета» и центра «Антоново» в рамках изучения темы: «Выбор учебного заведения после школы» (Section 2 - What happens after school?)
Цели и задачи урока:
дать визуальное представление о некоторых достопримечательностях Великого Новгорода;
ввести новый лексический материал и отработать его употребление в речи;
познакомить учащихся с историей университета родного города;
развивать навыки аудирования, говорения и поискового чтения;
формировать социокультурную компетенцию через восприятие достопримечательностей Великого Новгорода;
сформировать понимание историко-культурной связи поколений и преемственности образования XVII-XIX веков с системой высшего образования XXI века;
Оборудование: мультимедийный экран, проектор, компьютер.
Ход урока.
1) Организационный момент урока:
- Good morning, folks! I'm glad to see you again.
- How are you doing? Hope you're fine!
- Where do we live? Do you know how the name of our city is translated into English?
- What is Novgorod famous for?
- Would you like to be a guide for your foreign friend?
2) Сообщение темы урока, учебных целей и задач:
- Dear children, please, can you guess the topic of our lesson?
- Yes, of course, the topic of our lesson is "The history of Novgorod University"
- Welcome to our excursion!
3) Речевая зарядка
Imagine, you are an American student.
- How can you get from your hometown in the US to Novgorod? You are right.
- When we want to go to Russia we must get there by plane, because this country is very far from the USA. Let's go to Velikiy Novgorod!
- Listen to me and repeat.
Up, down, up, down,
Which is the way
to our ancient town?
Where? Where?
Up in the air!
Close your eyes -
And you are there!
4) Введение и отработка новой лексики.
Let's learn new words:
Repeat after me:
Monk - монах
To canonize - канонизировать
Architecture ensemble - архитектурный ансамбль
Priest - священник,
To lay down a foundation - положить начало,
Bishop - епископ,
Representation of the Lord - Сретение Господне,
Refectory - трапезная,
Literacy - письменность,
Seminary - семинария,
To graduate from - закончить (учебное заведение),
Saint - святой,
One of the most worshipped - один из самых почитаемых,
Orthodox Church - Православная Церковь,
Pedagogical - педагогический,
Initiator - инициатор,
Initiative - инициатива,
To name after - называть в честь,
Humanities - гуманитарные науки,
Successor - преемник,
Enlightenment - просвещение
Please, write down these new words - they will help you to create your own project - excursion which you will present at the next lesson.
5) You will get copies of this text - it will help you to know more about the history of Novgorod State University.
Now you'll read the text working in groups - the 1st group takes the first part and retell to the 2nd group which does the same task but vice versa:
Written sources and archaeological finds speak about the existence of the ancient written and bookish tradition in Novgorod the Great. The huge amount of birch-bark scrolls (more than 1000) shows the mass character of literacy of the population of the Novgorod land.
In the year 2000, the most ancient Slavic book with fragments of
texts from «Psalter» was found in the Troitsk excavations in the
layers between X-XI centuries. In 1030, prince Yaroslav-the-Wise
opened the school for "the book learning" in Novgorod. It was the
first educational institution.
In XI-XVII centuries, Novgorod the Great remained the large center of literacy and knowledge. Here religious and secular writings significant for the whole Russia were created; a well-known Novgorod chronicle tradition was established here. As for the education system, it had two-level character in those centuries: elementary education to the reading and writing, the letter and the account; the subsequent training to grammar, rhetoric, philosophy, geography, a sacred history, foreign languages, economy and law. In 1706, during the epoch of reforms of Peter I, the first higher educational institution headed by brothers Lihudy was opened in Novgorod.
</</font>In 1740, on the basis of this school Novgorod Theological Seminary with the program of training comparable in complexity and density with the program of Kiev Theological Academy was established. Many prominent church figures and Russian scientists graduated from the seminary.
In 1919, within the precincts of the theological seminary closed by the Soviet authorities the first higher educational institution of modern type - Institute of the Public Education - was opened, later it turned into Novgorod State Teachers Training College. Then, in 1964, the branch of Leningrad Electro-technical Institute (since 1973, Novgorod Polytechnic Institute) was opened in Novgorod. In 1969 the Novgorod study by correspondence branch of Leningrad Agricultural Institute appeared (since 1986 it is Novgorod Agricultural Institute).
On June, 30th, 1993 on the basis of the above-mentioned educational institutions Novgorod State University was established. Vladimir Vasiljevich Soroka who became the first Rector of a new university was the author of the idea and the generator of its embodiment. The purpose of NovSU creation was to integrate the experience in training of specialists and to build a unified education system in the region.
(After reading the text students retell it to each group. 3 students may be asked to represent their groups.)
6) - Now we'll watch the presentation based on information tables from the spiritual and enlightenment center «Antonovo».
(демонстрация презентации со звуковым сопровождением - чтением английского текста диктором):
Правой клавишей мышки выберите «Объект Presentation -> Show
По окончании просмотра и прослушивания презентации учащимся раздаются перемешанные карточки с таблицами из презентации - отдельно на русском и на английском. Ученики работают в парах. Объявляется конкурс - кто быстрее сопоставит карточки.
Карточки с русским переводом откладываются. На выбор можно попросить нескольких учеников прочитать карточки на английском, а партнёров - сразу же самостоятельно перевести на русский.
Карточки ученики забирают себе.
- Now, you've got a very precious and rare document which helps you to conduct a tour for your foreign friend. Keep it!
7) Подведение итогов урока.
Домашнее задание.
- I believe our lesson was very interesting today.
- What new information have you learnt today?
- You've learned a lot of interesting about university education in Novgorod.
- How many new words have you learned? (Можно устроить короткое соревнование с проставлением баллов за каждый правильный ответ - спрашивать преимущественно «молчунов» - их ответы следует учесть при выставлении отметки за работу на уроке. Это рекомендуется делать с целью повышения мотивации у отстающих учащихся).
- You read and spoke well. Thank you, my friends. Your marks are :
- Write down your homework: Please, read the web page and do ex. 34 on page 55 in your textbooks.
Also, make your own presentation on the history of Novgorod State University.
Learn the new words, please. See you the day after tomorrow.
Список литературы, источники:
Английский язык с удовольствием - Enjoy English - Учебник для 11 класса, 2012 г., А.З. Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис, Н.Д. Снежко
Сайт НовГУ: www.novsu.ru