- Учителю
- Урок по теме Что мы делаем в свободное время ? 6 класс по ФГОС
Урок по теме Что мы делаем в свободное время ? 6 класс по ФГОС
Сценарий урока
Предмет: английский язык
Тема: Что мы делаем в свободное время?
Тип урока: урок открытия нового знания
Класс: 6 «А» класс
Цель: обучение работе с текстом по выделению необходимой информации о занятиях в свободное время.
Речевая компетенция: развивать навыки чтения с полным пониманием текста и навыки говорения.
Языковая компетенция: употреблять в речи лексические единицы по теме.
Компенсаторная компетенция: развивать языковые догадки и воображение, творческое мышление, память.
Учебно-познавательная компетенция: развивать навыки работы с текстом.
Развивающий аспект: развивать психические функции, связанных с речевой деятельностью (внимание, способность к анализу и синтезу, логическое мышление, способность к выявлению языковых закономерностей, языковая догадка, зрительная и слуховая память, фонематический слух).
Учебный аспект: овладевать некоторыми видами речевой деятельности: говорением, чтением.
Воспитательный аспект: повышать интерес к изучению английского языка, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умение внимательно слушать собеседника.
Этапы работы
Содержание этапа
Организационный этап
Организационный момент
(1 минуты)
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность обучающихся
Универсальные учебные действия
Good morning, boys and girls. I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please.
Good morning teacher. We are glad to see you too.
Коммуникативные: вступление в англоязычную речь
Регулятивные: использование речи для активизации действий
Этап целеполагания
Целеполагание и мотивация (5 минут)
Игра «Смайлики»
Who knows the rules of this game?
(учащиеся должны предлагать буквы, из которых может состоять тема урока, каждый неправильный ответ означает «грустный смайлик»)
На доске: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Who can tell me, what is the topic of our lesson?(Slide 1)
Do you know any of pastimes? Do you want to know about some of them?
What will we do at the lesson?
(Цель урока: научиться искать в тексте необходимую информацию.
Учащиеся угадывают по буквам тему урока.
( Мы будем читать тексты о занятиях в свободное время. \ Составлять рассказы или заполнять таблицы.)
Учащиеся сами формулируют цель и задачи урока
Познавательные: формулирование учебных целей и задач
Регулятивные: целеполагание - как постановка учебной задачи на основе соотнесения того, что уже известно учащимся, и того, что еще неизвестно;
умение планировать деятельность в соответствии с задачей и целями урока
Личностные: мотивация учебной деятельности
Коммуникативные: взаимодействие с учителем
Этап введения нового материала и закрепление
Введение нового лексического материала
(3 минуты)
Now, let's do some tasks. В течение урока вы будете получать баллы и в конце урока сможете оценить свою работу. The first task, I'll give you cards. Work in groups. What should we do there?
You are right. You should match the English words with its translation.
How much time do you need to do the task?
Well, let's check. (slide 2)
Look at the slide and put pluses to the right answers.
Well done! Let's continue to study the new information of the pastimes.
Учащиеся соотносят английские слова с переводом.
Учащиеся проверяют слова на карточках с ответом на слайде и ставят плюсы в правильных ответах.
Логические универсальные действия: сериация.
Познавательные: актуализация новых лексических единиц
Коммуникативные: поддержание беседы с учителем
Личностные: формирование навыков сотрудничества
Этап формирования
Работа с текстом в группах (чтение текста, выделение интересных фактов)
(15 минут)
I'll give you tables and texts. What should you do there?
Work in groups. I'll give you some texts about computer games. Read these texts and complete the table. Find the advantages and disadvantages of them .
Учащиеся работают с текстами и заполняют таблицы.
Учащиеся заполнили таблицы, по имеющейся информации в тексте, а затем рассказывают о преимуществах и недостатках занятий в свободное время.
Познавательные: анализ и выделение интересных фактов из текста.
умение с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации.
Регулятивные: осуществление самоконтроля и контроля одноклассников.
Личностные: формирование чувства доброжелательности.
(1,5 минуты)
Do you want to have rest? Ok, let's have a small break! Физминутка Repeat after me!
Физминутка проводится в перерыве между работой с текстами.
Этап формирования навыков чтения иговорения
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность обучающихся
Универсальные учебные действия
Выделение необходимой информации (просмотр презентации) (8,5 минут)
Excellent! You have known very much today. Let's check the tables and put pluses to each right answer.(slides)Name the advantages and disadvantages of your pastimes
Ученики каждой группы проверяют таблицы с ответами на слайде и называют преимущества и недостатки, подсчитывают баллы.
Коммуникативные: проявление активности во взаимодействии для решения познавательных задач
Регулятивные: выполнение учебных действий.
Заключительный этап урока
(8 минут)
Вспоминаем, какова была цель урока? Как мы достигли этой цели? Для чего нам пригодятся знания, которые вы сегодня приобрели?
What have we discussed today?
We discussed about advantages and disadvantages of different pastimes, so we can say that we should spend our free time properly. What kind of pastimes do you like or don't like?So you will have a chance to think about it at home.
Отвечают на вопросы учителя. Делают выводы.
Познавательные: оценивание результата деятельности
Коммуникативные: формулирование собственного мнения
Личностные: понимание важности урока
Домашнее задание
(1 минута)
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность обучающихся
Универсальные учебные действия
Open you school dairies and we will write your homework: answer this question: What kind of pastime do you like or don't like?(slide 11)
Записывают домашнее задание: ответить на вопрос.
Познавательные: осуществление анализа информации
Коммуникативные: формулирование затруднений
(2 мин)
Now, let's count your scores and put marks to each group.
Thank you for your work. Everything was OK. (slide 12)
And last question: What is your emotional mood?
Good bye, students!
На оценочном листе учащиеся выставляют оценку за работу.
Затем оценивают своё эмоциональное настроение.
Прощаются на английском языке.
Познавательные: оценивание результата деятельности
Коммуникативные: формулирование собственного мнения
Личностные: понимание важности урока
Сценарий урока
Предмет: английский язык
Тема: Что мы делаем в свободное время?
Тип урока: урок открытия нового знания
Класс: 6 «А» класс
Цель: обучение работе с текстом по выделению необходимой информации о занятиях в свободное время.
Речевая компетенция: развивать навыки чтения с полным пониманием текста и навыки говорения.
Языковая компетенция: употреблять в речи лексические единицы по теме.
Компенсаторная компетенция: развивать языковые догадки и воображение, творческое мышление, память.
Учебно-познавательная компетенция: развивать навыки работы с текстом.
Развивающий аспект: развивать психические функции, связанных с речевой деятельностью (внимание, способность к анализу и синтезу, логическое мышление, способность к выявлению языковых закономерностей, языковая догадка, зрительная и слуховая память, фонематический слух).
Учебный аспект: овладевать некоторыми видами речевой деятельности: говорением, чтением.
Воспитательный аспект: повышать интерес к изучению английского языка, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умение внимательно слушать собеседника.
Организационный момент(1 мин)
Good morning, boys and girls. I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please.
Целеполагание и мотивация (5 мин)
Игра «Смайлики»
Who knows the rules of this game?
(учащиеся должны предлагать буквы, из которых может состоять тема урока, каждый неправильный ответ означает «грустный смайлик»)
На доске: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Who can tell me, what is the topic of our lesson?(Slide 1)
Do you know any of pastimes? Do you want to know about some of them?
What will we do at the lesson?
(Цель урока: научиться искать в тексте необходимую информацию.)
Введение нового лексического материала (3 мин)
Now, let's do some tasks. В течение урока вы будете получать баллы и в конце урока сможете оценить свою работу. The first task, I'll give you cards. Work in groups. What should we do there?
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
You are right. You should match the English words with its translation.
How much time do you need to do the task?
Well, let's check. (slide 2)
Look at the slide, check, and read, put pluses to the right answers.
Well done! Let's continue to study the new information of the pastimes. I'll give you tables and texts. What should you do there?
Работа с текстом (15 мин)
Work in groups. I'll give you some texts about computer games. Read the text and complete the table. Find the advantages and disadvantages of it.
Do you want to have a rest? OK, let's have a small break! Физминутка (1.5 мин)
Выделение необходимой информации и проверка таблицы (9 мин)
Excellent! You have known very much today. Let's check the tables and put pluses to each right answer. Name your advantages and disadvantages. (slide 3)
Рефлексия (7 мин)
Вспоминаем, какова была цель урока? Как мы достигли этой цели? Для чего нам пригодятся знания, которые вы сегодня приобрели? Что нового узнали сегодня? And last question: Ответьте на вопросы на листочках индивидуально. (слайд 4)
What have we discussed today?
What kinds of pastimes do you like or don't like? So you'll have a chance to think about it at home.
Домашнее задание (1 мин)
Open you school dairies and we will write your homework: answer this question: What kinds of pastimes do you like or don't like? Why? (slide 5)
Оценивание (2 мин)
Now, let's count your scores and put marks to each group. Collect your marking schemes.
Thank you for your work. Everything was OK.
Good bye, students!
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 1. Match the English words with its translations.
doing sports a. спать
watching TV b. путешествия
sleeping c. заниматься спортом
reading d. коллекционирование чего-либо
collecting things e. играть в игры
gardening f. просмотр телевизора
travelling g. готовить
playing games h. садоводство
cooking i. играть на музыкальных инструментах
playing musical instruments j. чтение
Card 2. Complete the table.
Card 2. Complete the table.
Card 2. Complete the table.
Card 2. Complete the table.
Card 2. Complete the table.
Card 2. Complete the table.
Card 2. Complete the table.
Card 2. Complete the table.
Computer Games
Computers have become a major part of our everyday life. People simply can't live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games. Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining more and more popularity both among kids and adults. There are two points of view on this question.
Some people claim that such games are harmful and pointless. They destroy our life balance. First of all, computer games are unhealthy for the eye sight. If we look at the monitor for a long time, it gets worse. Secondly, sitting glued to the same place can make us fatter. Another argument against computer games is that they contain lots of violent scenes. Thus, playing them can make our behavior more aggressive. And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing our friends and relatives. To keep the balance it is better to have some active hobbies too, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band.
There are some people who support computer games. They say that this activity has many benefits. For example, it can develop a good memory because while we play, we try to remember different details. Other than that, it develops logical thinking and even language skills. Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with other players. And, of course, for many people it is one of the best ways of entertainment. At the end, I'd like to say that so many men so many minds. As for me, I sometimes enjoy playing my favourite games, but I try to spend less time in front of the computer.
Computer Games
Computers have become a major part of our everyday life. People simply can't live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games. Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining more and more popularity both among kids and adults. There are two points of view on this question.
Some people claim that such games are harmful and pointless. They destroy our life balance. First of all, computer games are unhealthy for the eye sight. If we look at the monitor for a long time, it gets worse. Secondly, sitting glued to the same place can make us fatter. Another argument against computer games is that they contain lots of violent scenes. Thus, playing them can make our behavior more aggressive. And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing our friends and relatives. To keep the balance it is better to have some active hobbies too, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band.
There are some people who support computer games. They say that this activity has many benefits. For example, it can develop a good memory because while we play, we try to remember different details. Other than that, it develops logical thinking and even language skills. Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with other players. And, of course, for many people it is one of the best ways of entertainment. At the end, I'd like to say that so many men so many minds. As for me, I sometimes enjoy playing my favourite games, but I try to spend less time in front of the computer.
Computer Games
Computers have become a major part of our everyday life. People simply can't live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games. Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining more and more popularity both among kids and adults. There are two points of view on this question.
Some people claim that such games are harmful and pointless. They destroy our life balance. First of all, computer games are unhealthy for the eye sight. If we look at the monitor for a long time, it gets worse. Secondly, sitting glued to the same place can make us fatter. Another argument against computer games is that they contain lots of violent scenes. Thus, playing them can make our behavior more aggressive. And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing our friends and relatives. To keep the balance it is better to have some active hobbies too, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band.
There are some people who support computer games. They say that this activity has many benefits. For example, it can develop a good memory because while we play, we try to remember different details. Other than that, it develops logical thinking and even language skills. Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with other players. And, of course, for many people it is one of the best ways of entertainment. At the end, I'd like to say that so many men so many minds. As for me, I sometimes enjoy playing my favourite games, but I try to spend less time in front of the computer.
Computer Games
Computers have become a major part of our everyday life. People simply can't live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games. Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining more and more popularity both among kids and adults. There are two points of view on this question.
Some people claim that such games are harmful and pointless. They destroy our life balance. First of all, computer games are unhealthy for the eye sight. If we look at the monitor for a long time, it gets worse. Secondly, sitting glued to the same place can make us fatter. Another argument against computer games is that they contain lots of violent scenes. Thus, playing them can make our behavior more aggressive. And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing our friends and relatives. To keep the balance it is better to have some active hobbies too, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band.
There are some people who support computer games. They say that this activity has many benefits. For example, it can develop a good memory because while we play, we try to remember different details. Other than that, it develops logical thinking and even language skills. Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with other players. And, of course, for many people it is one of the best ways of entertainment. At the end, I'd like to say that so many men so many minds. As for me, I sometimes enjoy playing my favourite games, but I try to spend less time in front of the computer.
Computer Games
Computers have become a major part of our everyday life. People simply can't live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games. Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining more and more popularity both among kids and adults. There are two points of view on this question.
Some people claim that such games are harmful and pointless. They destroy our life balance. First of all, computer games are unhealthy for the eye sight. If we look at the monitor for a long time, it gets worse. Secondly, sitting glued to the same place can make us fatter. Another argument against computer games is that they contain lots of violent scenes. Thus, playing them can make our behavior more aggressive. And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing our friends and relatives. To keep the balance it is better to have some active hobbies too, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band.
There are some people who support computer games. They say that this activity has many benefits. For example, it can develop a good memory because while we play, we try to remember different details. Other than that, it develops logical thinking and even language skills. Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with other players. And, of course, for many people it is one of the best ways of entertainment. At the end, I'd like to say that so many men so many minds. As for me, I sometimes enjoy playing my favourite games, but I try to spend less time in front of the computer.
Computer Games
Computers have become a major part of our everyday life. People simply can't live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games. Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining more and more popularity both among kids and adults. There are two points of view on this question.
Some people claim that such games are harmful and pointless. They destroy our life balance. First of all, computer games are unhealthy for the eye sight. If we look at the monitor for a long time, it gets worse. Secondly, sitting glued to the same place can make us fatter. Another argument against computer games is that they contain lots of violent scenes. Thus, playing them can make our behavior more aggressive. And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing our friends and relatives. To keep the balance it is better to have some active hobbies too, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band.
There are some people who support computer games. They say that this activity has many benefits. For example, it can develop a good memory because while we play, we try to remember different details. Other than that, it develops logical thinking and even language skills. Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with other players. And, of course, for many people it is one of the best ways of entertainment. At the end, I'd like to say that so many men so many minds. As for me, I sometimes enjoy playing my favourite games, but I try to spend less time in front of the computer.
Computer Games
Computers have become a major part of our everyday life. People simply can't live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games. Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining more and more popularity both among kids and adults. There are two points of view on this question.
Some people claim that such games are harmful and pointless. They destroy our life balance. First of all, computer games are unhealthy for the eye sight. If we look at the monitor for a long time, it gets worse. Secondly, sitting glued to the same place can make us fatter. Another argument against computer games is that they contain lots of violent scenes. Thus, playing them can make our behavior more aggressive. And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing our friends and relatives. To keep the balance it is better to have some active hobbies too, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band.
There are some people who support computer games. They say that this activity has many benefits. For example, it can develop a good memory because while we play, we try to remember different details. Other than that, it develops logical thinking and even language skills. Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with other players. And, of course, for many people it is one of the best ways of entertainment. At the end, I'd like to say that so many men so many minds. As for me, I sometimes enjoy playing my favourite games, but I try to spend less time in front of the computer.
Computer Games
Computers have become a major part of our everyday life. People simply can't live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games. Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining more and more popularity both among kids and adults. There are two points of view on this question.
Some people claim that such games are harmful and pointless. They destroy our life balance. First of all, computer games are unhealthy for the eye sight. If we look at the monitor for a long time, it gets worse. Secondly, sitting glued to the same place can make us fatter. Another argument against computer games is that they contain lots of violent scenes. Thus, playing them can make our behavior more aggressive. And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing our friends and relatives. To keep the balance it is better to have some active hobbies too, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band.
There are some people who support computer games. They say that this activity has many benefits. For example, it can develop a good memory because while we play, we try to remember different details. Other than that, it develops logical thinking and even language skills. Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with other players. And, of course, for many people it is one of the best ways of entertainment. At the end, I'd like to say that so many men so many minds. As for me, I sometimes enjoy playing my favourite games, but I try to spend less time in front of the computer.
Computer Games
Computers have become a major part of our everyday life. People simply can't live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games. Speaking about computer games, I should say that they are gaining more and more popularity both among kids and adults. There are two points of view on this question.
Some people claim that such games are harmful and pointless. They destroy our life balance. First of all, computer games are unhealthy for the eye sight. If we look at the monitor for a long time, it gets worse. Secondly, sitting glued to the same place can make us fatter. Another argument against computer games is that they contain lots of violent scenes. Thus, playing them can make our behavior more aggressive. And, finally, computer games steal our time. We start rarely seeing our friends and relatives. To keep the balance it is better to have some active hobbies too, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band.
There are some people who support computer games. They say that this activity has many benefits. For example, it can develop a good memory because while we play, we try to remember different details. Other than that, it develops logical thinking and even language skills. Spending lots of time online can lead to virtual friendship with other players. And, of course, for many people it is one of the best ways of entertainment. At the end, I'd like to say that so many men so many minds. As for me, I sometimes enjoy playing my favourite games, but I try to spend less time in front of the computer.
Group ______. Marking scheme.
Task 1
Task 2
Total scores
16 - 14 баллов «5»
13 - 11 баллов «4»
9 - 7 баллов «3»
Group ______. Marking scheme.
Task 1
Task 2
Total scores
16 - 14 баллов «5»
13 - 11 баллов «4»
9 - 7 баллов «3»
Group ______. Marking scheme.
Task 1
Task 2
Total scores
16 - 14 баллов «5»
13 - 11 баллов «4»
9 - 7 баллов «3»