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  • Конспект урока с презентацией по английскому языку на тему: «Как быть здоровым?» «How to be healthy?» (3 класс)

Конспект урока с презентацией по английскому языку на тему: «Как быть здоровым?» «How to be healthy?» (3 класс)

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Краткое описание: Данная презентация предназначена для проведения урока английского языка в 3 классе по УМК "Enjoy English 3 ", автор Биболетова  М.З.. Тема урока:   «Как быть здоровым?» «How to be healthy?»Цели урока: обобщить и закрепить изученный материал по теме: «Еда», научить детей использовать новую
предварительный просмотр материала

Lesson 22. Enjoy English 3. Биболетова М.З.

Theme: How to be healthy.

Цель урока: обобщить и закрепить изученный материал по теме: Еда

Образовательные задачи: учить читать про себя и полностью понимать текст, построенный на знакомом материале, учить давать рекомендации, употребляя модальный глагол must: You must… You mustn't….

Воспитательные задачи: воспитывать в детях заботу о своем здоровье, различать полезную пищу и вредную.

Развивающие задачи: развивать умения и навыки устной речи

Оборудование: компьютер, картинки на тему «Еда», проекты детей по теме: «Здоровая пища и вредная пища», анкеты.

План урока:

1.Орг. момент.

2.Фонетическая зарядка. Стихотворение.

3. Опрос домашнего задания. Проекты детей по теме « Еда»

4.Письмо. Перепутанные буквы.

5.Робин. Работа с картинкой о Робине.

6. Объяснение материала: модальный глагол must mustn't .

7.Анкета о здоровье. Гость урока доктор Хелс.

8. Чтение статьи доктора Хелса. Упр 6 стр 38. Работа по тексту.

9. Работа по тексту.


11. Пословицы.

12. Подведение итогов урока. Оценки учащихся.

Ход урока:

1. Warming up


Let's start our lesson.

What date is it today?

Today is the 18th of November.

What day of the week is it today?

Today is Tuesday.

2. Phonetic exercises. Sounds. ( ee,ea,sh,th,oo)

Listening. Poem

I like fish,

I like eggs,

I like cheese and meat.

I like cake and biscuits. (Biscuits - печенье)

In fact, I like to eat.

What is this poem about? ( about food)

What food is fish, eggs, cheese, meat? ( healthy food)

What food is cake and biscuits? (unhealthy food)

So, our lesson is about healthy and unhealthy food. The lesson is about our health. So, the theme of our lesson is " How to be healthy?"

3. Hometask. Projects of people about healthy and unhealthy food. Полезная и вредная пища.

Проекты детей.At home you can stick the picture of the food or draw it and tell me is it healthy or unhealthy food.

Example:The apple is a healthy food.

4.Writing. Look at the blackboard! You can see scrambled words. You need to put them in order.Write them down, please!

1. lkmi - milk

2. eetsw - sweet

3. rnco - corn

4. nabana - banana

5. keca - cake

Good job!

5. Work with picture. Questions.Answers.

What is his name? ( His name is Robin.)

What does he like to do? ( He likes to eat very much!)

What healthy food does he like to eat? What unhealthy food does he like to eat?

6. New grammar theme: Modal verb " Must"

Must -должен mustn't - не должен.

Now you can use it in your English!

You must eat healthy food and you mustn't eat unhealthy food.

7. Questionary about health. The guest of our lesson is Doctor Health.


Do you eat apples? 5 "yes"-You are healthy. Do you eat carrots and cabbage? 3"yes"- Don't be lazy! Do you run and play in the park? 1 "yes"- Go to the doctor.

Do you clean teeth in the morning?

Do you sleep well?

Are you lazy?

Are you healthy?

8. Reading of the article of doctor Health "Would You Like to Be Healthy?" ex. 6 p. 38.

9.Work with the text.

What must you eat for breakfast to be healthy? What is healthy food?

What must you do to be healthy?

Do you eat carrots, apples, cabbage every day?

Do you drink milk every day?

Do you drink juice every day?

Do you eat many sweets?

Do you eat fast food? Do you eat hot dogs?

Do you drink coca-cola?

Must you run in the morning?

Must you wash your face and hands in the morning?

Must you clean your teeth in the morning?

Must you swim, skip and jump?

Must you play football or tennis?

Must you do sports?

Translate into English:

1)Ешь морковь, яблоки и капусту.

2)Пей сок каждый день.

3)Ты должен чистить зубы каждый день.

4)Не ленись!

5)Будь здоровым и счастливым.

6)Гуляй со своими друзьями.

7)Не ешь много бутербродов, конфет и тортов.

8)Ты должен кататься на коньках и лыжах.

Improve sentences:

1) You mustn't wash your face in the morning.

2) You must eat many sweets.

3) You mustn't clean your teeth every day.

4) You must be lazy!

5) You mustn't eat many carrots and apples.

6) You mustn't skip and jump.


A hundred shirts and all without buttons. What is it? (a cabbage)

An orange girl sits in the darkness and her hair is in the sunlight.

What is it? (a carrot)

11.Proverbs :

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Be healthy, wealthy and wise!

Ешь по одному яблоку в день и доктор не понадобиться.

Будь здоровым, богатым и мудрым!

12. During our lesson we know about the verb "must" and about our health.

Hometask : ex 3 p 26. Workbook. Explaining of the task.

Marks of the students. What do you think what are your marks? You are so clever today! You are so clever and active!




1) Do you eat apples?

2) Do you eat carrots and cabbage?

3) Do you run and play in the park?

4) Do you clean teeth in the morning?

5) Do you sleep well?


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