- Учителю
- План- конспект урока английского языка в 4 классе по теме: Моя счастливая семья.
План- конспект урока английского языка в 4 классе по теме: Моя счастливая семья.
План-конспект урока английского языка.
Тема: Моя счастливая семья.
Задачи: 1.Формирование навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма.
2.Научить учащихся задавать вопросы о предметах в единственном и во множественном числе и отвечать на них.
3.Научить учащихся вести беседу о членах семьи, описать предметы и назвать их цвет.
4.Воспитание чувства любви и уважения к членам своей семьи.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Оснащение: 1.Учебники, словари.
4.Магнитофон, СД.
Метод урока:
План: 1.Орг. момент.
2.Фонетическая зарядка.
3.Речевая зарядка.
- работа на доске.
- перевод слов (работа с рисунками).
- перевод предложений.
- проверка работы на доске.
5. Проверка домашнего задания.
-work -book ex2,3 at page 15.
6. Введение нового материала.
-введение лексики mother, father, grandmother, grandfather.
-работа с рисунками (фотографиями).
7. Физкультминутка.
-множественное число существительных.
8. Закрепление вновь введенного материала.
-do ex 3 at page 30 (ответы по рисункам).
-do ex 1 at page 32 (по вариантам, по 6 слов).
-do ex 2 at page 32 (в паре).
-do ex 3 at page 32 (песня "My happy family").
9. Обобщение.
-работа с карточками.
10. Домашнее задание.
Ход урока.
-Good-morning boys and girls. I am very glad to see you. Sit down,please.
-How are you?
-Are you fine?
-Who is away today?
2.- Please, repeat after me. All together.
Father, mother,
Sister, brother.
Hand in hand
With one another.
3.-By the way, have you got a family?
-Have you got a dad?
-Have you got a mum?
-Have you got a brother?
-Have you got a sister?
4.Arslan and Dasha, please come to the blackboard. And write down possessive pronouns.
I- It-
You- We-
He- You-
She- They-
Airat and Islam, please come to the blackboard, too. Complete the table, please.
Name, cake, flag, late, lamp, bag, table, grandma, baby, nanny.
(ei) name,…
(ae) lamp,…
-Children, please translate these words from Russian into English. I will show you, pictures.
-Well done, thank you. And now please translate these sentences from English into Russian.
It is a photo of my family.
Look! This is my brother.
What is his name?
His name is Tom.
He is from Great Britain.
-And now, let us check up your tasks which you have done near the blackboard.
-Arslan, you are welcome.
-Dasha, continue.
-Airat, let us check up your words.
-So, Islam it is your turn.
-Children, please make up word combinations using these pronouns and words.
My cake, …
-And now, let us check up your hometask. So, what was your hometask for today?
(-work-book ex.2,3 at page 15)
-OK. Well done, thank you. Children, look at the blackboard, please.
-There are some pictures and new words on it.
-So, please repeat after me. All together.
Grandmother, grandfather, mother, father.
-This is my grandmother. Her name is Gaisha.
-What can you say about your family?
-You are welcome. Come to the blackboard and tell us about your family. (Ученики показывают фотографии и рассказывают о своей семье).
-Children, let us have a rest. Please, stand up.
Hands apart
Hands up, clap
Hands down
Hands on the hips
Bend to the left
Bend to the right
Jump, go, fly, swim.
-Children, please look at the blackboard again.
-There are some pictures and new words on it.
-What is the difference between these words? Can you tell me?
A doll- dolls
A toy- toys
A boat- boats
A ballerina- ballerinas
A frog- frogs
A mask- masks
-What is it?
-It is a pen.
-What are they?
-they are pens.
-Множественное число существительных образуется при помощи окончания -s. Артикль а во множественном числе не употребляется.
-Let us do ex.3 at page 30.
They are yellow. What are they?
They are boats.
-Let us do ex. 1 at page 32. Say the words in plural.
I вариант II вариант
Chair- mask-
Duck- banana-
Bed- book-
Boat- boy-
Candle- girl-
Burger- puppet-
-Let us do ex. 2 at page 32.(Работа в парах.)
Say the sentences in the plural.
I am a boy.- We are boys.
-Children, let us sing a song "My happy family".
(ex 3 at page 32).
-So, children today we spoke about our happy families. Find out the plural case of nouns and new words. In order to write these new words rightly, let us do this work.(работа с карточками)
-Look, read and fill in.
-Do you finish?
-Please, collect your papers.
-Now, please open your diaries and let us write down your hometask. So, your hometask is ex 2,3 at page16-17.(workbook)
-And now, it is time to speak about your marks.
-Dasha, you get "five".
-Our lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye.