- Учителю
- План урока для 9 класса по теме «Проблемы взаимоотношений родителей и детей в произведениях Шекспира».
План урока для 9 класса по теме «Проблемы взаимоотношений родителей и детей в произведениях Шекспира».
План урока для 9 класса по теме
«Проблемы взаимоотношений родителей и детей в произведениях Шекспира». Лагутина Е.И.
Цель урока:
совершенствование коммуникативных умений и навыков при решении поставленных задач по теме.
Задачи урока:
совершенствовать продуктивные коммуникативные речевые умения письменной и устной речи при написании эссе;
развивать умения поиска, систематизации, обработки информационного материала, логически излагать в письменной речи и устной;
активизировать умения и навыки с использованием Интернет-ресурсов;
повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка, оптимизируя процесс обучения с помощью использования мультимедийных средств обучения.
Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний и умений.
Форма урока - урок-дискуссия.
Место урока: заключительный урок по циклу 3 « Можем ли мы жить в мире?»
Объекты контроля: - письменная речь
- устная (монологическая подготовленная) речь
- устная (диалогическая неподготовленная) речь.
Оборудование урока: мультимедийный проектор для показа видео по теме, раздаточный дидактический материал (отрывки из произведений Шекспира на английском языке)
- продукты деятельности учащихся - подготовленный план для сочинения по теме.
- совершенствование коммуникативных умений и навыков по теме.
План урока
Организационный момент.
представление темы урока, постановка цели, задачи;
постановка проблемных вопросов, ответы на которые должны быть получены в ходе урока;
Презентация темы: «Стили общения родителей с детьми»
Деление на группы, выбор темы и вопроса по трем основным стилям общения родителей и детей и обсуждение условий дискуссии
. Просмотр видео «Отношения отцов и детей в произведениях «Ромео и Джульетта» и «Король Лир».
Дискуссия по группам:
Использование раздаточного материала - чтение диалогов и обсуждение в группах 15 минут;
групповая дискуссия;
формулировка, презентация своей позиции;
вопросы учащихся - экспертов к группе (3 вопроса);
Oбобщение основных моментов решения проблем с использованием раздаточного материала;
Домашнее задание - написать эссе по проблеме отношения родителей и детей.
Заключительный этап урока с проведением рефлексии. Подведение итогов и выставление оценок.
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент.
Teacher (T): Good morning everybody. I'm very glad to see you at our lesson. Do you remember the topic of our lesson? You are right it's "Family relations : are we happy together?" (1 слайд презентации учителя ). I think this theme is very important and actual for everybody. And I think you have read Shakespeare's plays "Romeo and Juliette", "King Lear" and collected information about family relations, problems and ways of their resolutions. Also we'll use PowerPoint presentation and video materials to support and to make it more impressive.
II. Актуализация знаний учащихся по теме .
а) Организация совместной деятельности обучающихся по заполнению карты памяти.
T: So the theme of the lesson is "Family relations: are we happy together?"
First let's make up a mind-map. What do you feel when you hear the word "FAMILY"?
Students (S): составляют карту, используя известную лексику.
T: Good you are! So many words and expressions you've remembered!
б) Ознакомление с правилами и культурой дискуссии: не допускать тона превосходства; грамотно и четко ставить вопросы; формулировать главные выводы. Выбор ведущего. Деление на группы.
T: You were divided into 3 groups:
the family with authoritarian style;
the family with authoritative style;
the family with permissive style;
You should investigate the ways of problem solutions for children and parents;
Our task was to answer the following questions: ( 3 слайд презентации учителя)
1. What are main parenting styles ?
2. What is parent's behavior and psychological well-being in the families?
3. How to cope with problems?
All the groups will present the results of their work today. Take the materials and get acquainted with the criteria of 3 aspects with maximum points for each:
for reading and dramatizing - 1 point,
for Interaction, discussion - 2 point,
presentation of the problem- 2 points,
You should listen attentively to each group and ask 3 or 4 questions to clarify the point of the content. At the end of the lesson you will sum up and make conclusions.
Pay attention: you have 10 or 15 minutes to read, discuss your theme and then to answer the questions.. If you are ready let's start.
III. Презентация темы с использованием мультимедийной презентации.
T: 1. The parent-child relationship is very important in everyday life and can vary according to religion, family roots, education, traditions, principles, parenting styles. It is a universal truth that parents and children love each other, but sometimes to maintain the relationship really becomes a challenge. The reasons can be several: lack of guidance, overprotection in parenting, misunderstanding, conflict of interests, parenting styles.
There are several types of parenting styles. Parenting has four main styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and detached
Authoritarian parents are rigid in their rules; they expect absolute obedience from the child without any questioning. They also expect the child to accept the family beliefs and principles without questions. Authoritarian parents are strict disciplinarians, often relying on physical punishment and the withdrawal of affection to shape their child's behavior. Children raised with this parenting style are often moody, unhappy, fearful, and irritable. They tend to be shy, withdrawn, and lack self-confidence.
Authoritative parents show respect for the opinions of each of their children by allowing them to be different. Although there are rules in the household, the parents allow discussion if the children do not understand or agree with the rules. These parents make it clear to the children that although they (the parents) have final authority, some compromise may take place. Authoritative parents are both responsive and demanding; they are firm, but they discipline with love and affection, rather than power. This style of parenting often results in children who have high self-esteem and are independent, inquisitive, happy, assertive, and interactive.
Permissive (indulgent) parents have little or no control over the behavior of their children. If any rules exist in the home, they are followed inconsistently. Underlying reasons for rules are given, but the children decide whether they will follow the rule and to what extent. They learn that they can get away with any behavior. Children of permissive parents may be disrespectful, disobedient, aggressive, irresponsible, and defiant.
IV. Now watch video episodes from the plays "Romeo and Juliette" and "King Lear" decide what parenting styles are in the families, please share your ideas.
V. Discussion in groups.
VI. Presentation of the ideas. Questions.
Возможные вопросы учащихся:
T: Your questions to the group:.
1. What is the parenting style in this family?
2. What are the most common reasons of s problems in the family?
3. How do the children and parents cope with difficulties?
4. Can they avoid conflicts?
5. What did they have to do to avoid them?
IV. Oбобщение полученной информации с использованием раздаточного материала.
Домашнее задание.
T: What can we do to avoid all our problems?
Let's make a plan for the essay. Your home task will be to work out the rules for children and parents and write an essay.
T: Now, please share your ideas.
(2-3 учащихся озвучивают свои идеи.)
V. Conclusion.
So our lesson has come to an end and the marks are given.
V. Reflection.
Could you please share your opinions about this kind of activity: if it was difficult, interesting, boring.
Were the themes interesting for you?
Thank you for your work. I appreciate it.
Adolescence -A period of life in which the biological and psychosocial transition from childhood to adulthood occurs.
Coping -In psychology, a term that refers to a person's patterns of response to stress.
Culture -A test in which a sample of body fluid is placed on materials specially formulated to grow microorganisms. A culture is used to learn what type of bacterium is causing infection.
Discipline -In health care, a specific area of preparation or training, i.e., social work, nursing, or nutrition.
Family -Two or more emotionally involved people living in close proximity and having reciprocal obligations with a sense of commonness, caring, and commitment.
Kohn, Alfie. Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishment to Reason and Love. Riveside, NJ: Simon & Schuster, 2005.
Post, B. Bryan, et al. For All Things a Season: An Essential Guide to a Peaceful Parent/Child Relationship. Mountain View, OK: M. Brynn Publishing, 2003.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vHjpUN7RDQ Act 3 Scene 5 | Romeo and Juliet | Royal Shakespeare Company
-en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HYPERLINK "en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romeo_and_Juliet"Romeo_and_Juliet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_womZ_BE0Q King Lear: Act 1, Scene 1
"Parenting." MedlinePlus. Available online at www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/parenting.htm(</<font color="#00000a">accessed December 18, 2004). Aliene S. Linwood, RN, DPA, FACHE