- Учителю
- План урока 7 класс «Может посмотрим хороший фильм?»
План урока 7 класс «Может посмотрим хороший фильм?»
План урока 7 класс «Может посмотрим хороший фильм?»
Цель урока: учить монологическому высказыванию .
Образовательные задачи:
Актуализировать и совершенствовать имеющиеся у учащихся знания (произносительные и лексические) по теме "Кино".
Совершенствовать лексико-произносительные и грамматические навыки монологической речи.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Этапы урока
I. Организационный
T. Hello, children! Nice to see you! Well, my dear pupils. You see today we have guests so I hope you will work very well today.
I hope nothing spoiled your weekend and you had a lot of fun! Tell me how you spent your weekend( отвечает несколько человек)
Great! I see you spent your weekend well and had a lot of fun!
T. Look at the blackboard . You can see different pictures , different quotations by famous people.
Can you guess what the subject of our today's lesson is. What are we going to speak about?
T. Yes! You're right! Today we're going to speak about a very interesting kind of art, about CINEMA.
Also, today yo will learn how to write a film review like real critics.
So, the topic of our lesson is "Film review". What does "review" mean? ( я им на дом дам задание поискать значение этого слова)
So, what is the aim of the lesson?
( дети сами формулируют тему: to learn how to make a film review)
1. Фонетическая зарядка (проверка и совершенствование произносительных навыков)
Let's train your pronunciation. One of you will be a teacher. Read the words after your" new teacher" correctly ( один из учеников читает слова со слайда, весь класс за ним повторяет. Это будут названия жанров фильмов. Слова, которые они выучат за урок до этого)
Now read the definition and guess the genre of the film
a film that makes people laugh( c_ _ _ _ _)
a film about life in space or in the future( s..........f........)
a film about a love story( r............)
a film in which cartoons are brought to life(a...............)
a film about an imaginary world( f........)
a film about exciting experiences( a................)
T: What types of film do you prefer?
Now listen to the dialogue/
Where are the people?
What are they doing?
Проверка понимания
( отвечают на поставленные перед прослушиванием вопросы)
Работа в парах
T: How do you usually watch films: on TV, on DVD or at the cinema?
How often do you go to the cinema?
T; Imagine that you are going to the cinema tonight. Choose the film you and your friend would like to see. Use the phrases on your cards and act out the dialoguese.g A: Would you like to watch Titanic tonight?
B: I don't really like romantic films. How about The Mask?
A: That's a great idea!
Прослушивание диалогов( 1-2 пары)
Работа с текстом
T: Now open your work books. Go to page 44. Look at the picture
. What type of film is it?
Look through the text. What is it: an article, a story, a review?
Great! And it's a review
T: Do you read reviews before going to the cinema? Do reviews help us choose the film to see?
Today we are going to learn how to write a film review. But first of all answer the questions using the information from the text
T: as you see the review of the film is made according to the specific plan
Составление плана обзора фильма
T: Look at the film review in your WBs and arrange the plan in the correct order. Work in pai
The type of film
The place
The title
The director
Your opinion
The characters
The actors
1)The title
2)The type of film
3) The director
4) The actors
5) The place
6) The characters
7) Your opinion/ Recommendation)
T: Now let's choose the key sentences and phrases to each point of the plan
Слова на карточках: The main characters are…. The film is directed by……The title of the film is……t is a….. It is based on…..The film is packed with special effects. The main parts are played by….The action takes place ….he film is worth seeing. I like ( I'm fond of..) watching the film. I ( strongly) recommend this film to those who like…. It's fun for the whole family.)
(А на экране постепено заполняется эта таблица)I like ( I'm fond of..) watching the film.
I ( strongly) recommend this film to those who like….
The film is packed with special effects.
The film is worth seeing.
It's fun for the whole family.
Обучение письму
T: Now let's imagine you're film critics. You are going to watch the soundrack to one of the films and do the quiz while watching it. Read the test. Is everything clear? Now watch the soundtrect and do the quiz( пока смотрят , выбирают правильный ответ . После этого быстренько проверяем)
Now use the information from your cards and prepare the review of the film / Work in groups of four. . You have got 5 mi
Проверка выполненного задания
T: Your time is up. Let's listen to your reviews The first group , please, …..
T: Thanks a lot! All groups have done the task very well. And now let's remember how to make film review. What are the main points of the plan. Name them .
( далее вывожу на экран слайд с пунктами плана и один ученик ещё раз читает)
T: Look at the slide . Masha , please, read once more the main points of the plan.
At home you will write the review of the film you've seen recently according to this plan.
</<span>III Рефлексивный
T. Well, my dear pupils, time flies and we must end our lesson soon. And I want you to tell a feww words about today's lesson.
T.: What have you learned to make today?
What did you enjoy best?
Use the information from your cards and say what emotions you feel and why
( у каждого на парте карточки :Satisfaction
Because I........
was not bored
worked hard
didn't relax
answered properly
was active
was emotional
fulfilled the task
received a good ( bad) mark.....
( или для рефлексии дать вот такое задание
Underline the suitable word:
1. My work at the lesson was active/passive.
2. I am satisfied/ dissatisfied (доволен/недоволен) with my activity.
3. The lesson seemed long/short to me.
4. I feel tired/not tired after the lesson.
5. The material of the lesson was
interesting/boring/useful/useless/easy/hard/for me. (you can
underline some words).
6. I can speak about films. Yes/no.
7. I can say my own opinion on movies. Yes/no.
8. I can give arguments. Yes/no.)??????
Домашнее задание
T : At home write the review of your favourite film according to the plan.
*3. We've got some minutes and I want you to make up sinquain