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  • разработка урока по английскому языку на тему 'Моя начальная школа' (8 класс)

разработка урока по английскому языку на тему 'Моя начальная школа' (8 класс)

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: В данной разработке урока применяются современные методы и подходы. Было дано опрежающее домашнее задание (учащиеся подготовили мини-диалоги), на уроке применяются карточки с разноуровневыми заданиями. Прослеживается интеграция с другими предметами (казахский, русский,
предварительный просмотр материала

План урока

Дата: 28.03.2012

Класс: 8 «Б»

Тема урока: «Моя начальная школа»


1. Образовательная: повторить и закрепить лексические единицы по теме (название школьных принадлежностей, название предметов), прочитать и перевести текст, повторить числительные от 0 - 20, закрепить изученный материал.

2. Развивающая: развивать диалогическую и монологическую речь учащихся, произношение английских букв и звуков, навыки чтения и письма, потренировать память, мышление, воображение, внимание.

3. Воспитательная: воспитывать любовь к своей школе.

4. Здоровьесберегающая: создать комфортные условия для организации и обеспечения образовательного процесса.

Тип урока: урок - путешествие

Оборудование, наглядные пособия: презентация Microsoft PowerPoint, картинки по теме, карточки с разноуровневыми заданиями.

Ход урока

Вид работы


Ответы детей




(СЛАЙД № 1)Good morning dear children! I'm glad to see you! Sit down, please!

Good morning, good morning, good morning to you …



Орг. момент

Let's begin our lesson with the short dialogues(СЛАЙД № 2)…

Very good let's continue.

1 dialogue (Валя, Люба)

2 dialogue (Валера, Андрей)

3 dialogue (Манижа, Таня)

4 dialogue (Лёша)



Изучение темы

(СЛАЙД № 3) The theme of our lesson is "Our school". And today we have an unusual lesson. Now we are going to travel on our school, but before we begin our trip, let's know what things will be necessary for us today.

Listen to me very attentively:

1. По-английски каждый день, ручку называем … (СЛАЙД № 4)

2. Я рисунок свой повесил

И убрал в пенал - что? …

3. Листы - белые-белые, Они не падают с веток.

На них я ошибки делаю

Среди полосок и клеток…

4. Вижу в классе много рук! Книга по-английски

5. Все новые слова, скорей записывай в меня 6. В школьной сумке я лежу. Как ты учишься, скажу…



This is an exercise-book. (notebook)


This is a vocabulary.

This is a mark book.




Make up sentences:

Today I will need …

Today I will need …

a pen, a pencil, an exercise-book, a book, a vocabulary, a diary.



Монолог о школе

Now, we are ready to begin our trip. Let's remember what we know about our school. (СЛАЙД № 5)

1. My name is …

2. I am …

3. I want to tell you about our school.

4. Our school is big.

5. It has got three floors.

6. Our school is near the forest.

7. We breathe fresh air.

8. It is useful for our health.



Кабинет начальных классов

Very good, thank you very much, sit down please.

Tanya has just said that our school has got three floors. Look at our school and let's remember how we say "первый этаж", "второй этаж", "третий этаж".

Let's begin our trip from the ground floor. There are several class-rooms for the pupils of primary school. (СЛАЙД № 6) In primary school pupils learn by heart a lot of poems. Let's remember what poems about school we know.

1. первый этаж - ground floor

2. второй этаж - first floor

3. третий этаж - second floor

The school

The school has door that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry let's go in

For soon the lesson will begin

Books and pencils I will need

When I start to write and read

Lot's to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school don't you?



Кабинет казахского языка

Very good, sit down thank you. Go to the first floor. This is the first class-room. What subject do we study in this class room? There is a task in this class-room.(СЛАЙД № 7)

Task: translate the proverbs into Russian and Kazakh languages.

1. Good health is above wealth… Let's demonstrate this proverb in the dialogue.

2. Live and learn…

3. It is never too late to learn…

- In this room we study Kazakh language.

1.Good health is above wealth.Здоровье дороже богатства.Денсаулық зор байлық.

(1 dialogue)

2. Live and learn. Век живи, век учись. Ғасыр бойы өмір сүр, өмір бойы үйрен.

(2 dialogue)

3.It is never too late to learn. Учиться никогда не поздно. Оқу ешқашан кеш болмайды.

(3 dialogue)



Кабинет английского языка

Very good, you have done the task, let's continue. What subject do we study in this class-room? Here we should translate the words which will be necessary for us today. (СЛАЙД № 8)

Task: translate the words

1. big - большой

2. floor - этаж

3. ground - первый (об этаже)

4. primary - начальный

5. classroom - класс

6. secondary - средний

7. learn - учить

8.widespread-широко распространенный

9. language - язык




At the English lesson we often play the game "X or O" (СЛАЙД № 9) Now let's play a little bit.

1. язык

2. средний

3. этаж

4. большой

5. классная комната

6. учить

7. начальный

8. первый

9. широко распространенный



Кабинет истории

Very good. Let's continue our trip. Look at the next class-room. What subject do we study at this class-room?

(СЛАЙД № 10) Task: tell about the history of our school.

(СЛАЙД № 11)

1. My name is…

2. I am …

3. I want to tell you about the history of our school.

4. It was built in 1964.

5. Now it is 48.

6. The first headmaster of our school was Shapovalov Nikolay Grigorevich.

7. Now the headmistress of our school is Seidakhmetova G. E.



Спорт зал


Ok, very well. Now go to the next class-room. What subject do we study in this class-room? Yes, you are right. Now let's have a rest and do some physical exercises. (СЛАЙД № 12) Look at the blackboard.

Here we study physical education.

Stand up clap clap

Arms up clap clap

Step step arms down

Clap clap ,please sit down



Кабинет русского языка

Very good. Let's continue. Go to the second floor. What subject do we study in this class-room? There is a task in this class-room.(СЛАЙД № 13)

Task: read and translate the text

Our school

Our school is big. It has got three floors. There are several classrooms for the pupils of the primary school on the ground floor. Classroom for the secondary forms are on the first and second floors. There are Kazakh, English and History classrooms on the first floor. We have Russian and geography classrooms on the second floor. We learn English because it is the most widespread language in the world.



Кабинет географии

Thank you. Let's continue our trip. Go to the next door. What subject do we study in this class-room? Yes, you are right.(СЛАЙД № 14, 15, 16)

Task: tell about the situation of our school.

(СЛАЙД № 15) We live in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is situated in the central Asia. Astana is the capital of our republic. (СЛАЙД № 16) Kazakh is the official language of the country. Our school is situated in the Kostanay region, Mendykara district, and Pervomay village. (Valya)



Кабинет математики

Very good. Sit down thank you. Let's continue our trip. Go to the next door. What subject do we study here? (СЛАЙД № 17)

Task: solve

What can you say about this numerals?

We study here Maths.

5 - 4 = 1

3 + 6 = 9

1 + 5 = 6

10 - 6 = 4

3 + 1 = 4

18 - 10 = 8

1964, 48 -?



Работа по разноуровневым заданиям

Now let's check how you've understood the material of our today's lesson. (СЛАЙД № 18)

I уровень

Найди перевод слов

1.pen a) математика

2.mark-book b) первый (этаж)

3.History c) средний

4.Maths d) дневник

5.ground(floor) e) ручка

6.secondary f) история

II уровень

Переведи пословицы:

1. Good health is above wealth.

2. Live and learn.

3. It is never too late learn.

III уровень

Вставь пропущенные слова в предложения по смыслу:

(situated, … , forest, floors, …)

1. Our school has got three … .

2. Our school is near the … .

3. It was built in … .

4. The first headmaster of our school was … .

5. Our school is … in the Kostanay region, Mendykara district, Pervomay village.





«3» 1 - 8 баллов

«4» 9 - 12 баллов

«5» 13 - 14 баллов



Подведение итогов урока

1. School accessories

2. School subjects

3. Floors (ground, first, second)

4. When was our school built?

5. Who was the first headmaster of our school?

6. How old is our school?

7. How many floors does it have?

8. What is near our school?

4. It was built in …

5. The first director of our school was …

6. It is … years old.

7. It has got three floors.

8. Forest is near our school.



Домашнее задание

(СЛАЙД № 19) Have you got any questions? Do you like our lesson? It is over. You may be free! Good-bye! See you! Thank you for your participation. (СЛАЙД № 20)

1. выучить монолог о нашей школе (Иноземцева В., Ноибова М., Терлецкий В., Семенкова Т., Григоренко А.)

2. упр. II стр. 145 (Кабиров А., Дьяченко Л.)



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