- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: 'Хотите пепси?'
Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: 'Хотите пепси?'
КГУ «Николаевская ОШ»
по английскому языку
в 5 классе
по теме: "Do you want some pepsy?"
«Хотите пепси?»
Учитель: Муталина Д.М.
2015 год
The plan of the lesson/ сабақтың жоспары/ план урока:
Date/ күні/ дата:
Grade/ сынып/ класс: 5 B
Subject/ сабақ/ предмет: English lesson
Theme/ сабақтың тақырыбы/ тема: "Do you want some Pepsy?"/ Хотите пепси?
Aim/ мақсат/ цель:
educational/ білімдік/ обучающая:
- изучить новый материал: "Do you want some Pepsy?"
- научить учащихся диалогической речи
- закрепить знания по пройденной теме: «Сколько мальчиков у вас в классе?»
2) developing/ дамытушылық/ развивающая:
- развивать познавательные процессы: внимание, восприятие, память, мышление, воображение, внимание, слух, логика;
- развивать устную речь учащихся по теме: "Do you want some Pepsy?"/ Хотите пепси?
- развивать орфографическую зоркость.
3) bringing- up/ тәрбиелік/ воспитательная:
- воспитывать доброе отношение друг к другу.
Resources/ көрнекті құралдар/ оборудование: ИКТ, наглядные материалы, карточки.
Type of the lesson/ сабақтың түрі/ тип урока:
закрепление ЗУН и изучение нового материала.
Kind of the lesson/ сабақ тәсілі/ вид урока: комбинированный урок.
Intersubject connection/ пән аралық байланыс/ межпредметная связь:
physical culture.
Literature/ әдебиет/ литература: Аяпова Т., Ұқбаев Д., Алматы «Атамұра» 2010 год.
Organization moment. Emotional setting.
Организационный момент. Эмоциональный настрой:
- Good morning dear pupils! Sit down please. Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? Who is absent today? How are you today? Today I am… Very good! Be active please. Let's start our lesson!
Goal-setting. Warm-up activity/ Целеполагание. Фонетическая зарядка:
- Today we will study the theme: "Do you want some Pepsy?"/ Хотите пепси? I will give you information of the new theme and you should read, translate, speak, do some exercises, but at 1st we will do phonetic drill.
- Do you like orange?
- Do you like chips?
- Do you like cake?
- Do you like carrot?
One's more. Great! Now we will check your home task.
III. Checking home work.
Let's check! What was your home task for today? Are you ready?
1. MC Milan's program: level 2, ex.4. Find the words.
Swimming, singing, tennis, watching TV, riding, writing, football.
2. Read the dialogue. P.102, ex.1.
- Hi, Colin.
- Hi, how are you?
- Not bad. How many boys in your class?
- Six.
3. Writing task. P.103, ex.10,11.
There are three boys with black hear.
There are four boys with brown hear.
Good job! That's enough.
IV. Presentation of the new theme/ изучение нового материала:
Work with new words:
- Now I'll read and you should listen than repeat. Three times.
Coke - [kouk] - кола
Lemonade - ['lemə'neid] - лимонад
Orange juice - ['orindg dgus] - апельсиновый сок
Tomato juice - [tə'ma:tou dgus] - томатный сок
Chips/ crisps - [∫ips/ krisps] - чипсы, хрустики
A cake - [keik] - пироженое, торт
A hamburger - [həmburgə] - гамбургер
Bread and cheese - [bred and t∫i:z] - хлеб и сыр O.k. Well-dons!
Biscuits - ['biskits] - печенья
2. Read the dialogue.
- Now you should read the dialogue. But at 1st listen to me.
- Do you want some lemonade?
- No, thanks.
- Do you want some coke?
- Yes, please.
3. Match the words.
Work with black-board.
- Now you should match the words.
I drink - я пью… I eat - я ем…
Coke Chips/ crisps
Lemonade A cake
Orange juice A hamburger
Tomato juice Bread and cheese
V. Physical training/ физминутка:
- Let's have a rest! Listen and repeat!
Clap clap clap your hands.
Move move move your arms.
Move your legs.
Tap your feet.
Move your body.
Dance everybody dance.
Move body move.
My body your body.
VI. Fixing of knowledge/ закрепление изученного материала:
1. Pair works. Работа в паре:
- Now listen and repeat. P.108, ex.4, 6.
- Do you want some lemonade?
- No, thanks.
- Do you want some coke?
- Yes, please, I love coke.
2. Work with interactive-board. Работа с интерактивной доской.
Revision the theme:"The time"/ повторение темы: "Время"
MC Milan's program: level 2, ex.7, 18.
- You should choose right variant and work with interactive pen.
It's 7 o' clock. It's 5 o' clock. It's 12 o' clock. It's 3 o' clock… And so one.
3. Talk to others friends. Поговорим с друзьями.
- Look at p.109, ex.8. This exercise you should do like ex.7. Listen to me.
- There is a football match tomorrow at 4:00 o'clock.
- Yes all right/ No I am busy.
4. The game Yes/ No.
- This game very interesting. You should be attentive. Just listen and show necessary your cards. When I say true - you should show - Yes if false - No.
I drink water - Yes;
I eat some lemonade - No;
I eat coke - No;
I drink orange juice - Yes;
I drink a hamburger - No.
VII. Conclusion of the lesson. Summary/ Обобщение. Итог:
What was the theme of our lesson? Какая была тема нашего сегодняшнего урока?
What was so interesting for you? Что вам больше всего понравилось?
What you remember? Что больше всего вы запомнили?
Which words was so difficult for you? Какие слова были для вас сложными? Nice of you. Open your diaries and write down your home task translate the text and learn the words. I'll give you cards. Read and translate the text.
Hello my dear friend! My name is Ann. I am 12. I want say you about me. I like swimming and tennis. I like go to disco. When I go walk I take water not coke or pepsy because it is unhealthy drink. Save yourself don't drink these drinks.
Your marks for lesson… The lesson is over! Thank you. Good bye!