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Сабақтын тақырыбы: "Nature of Almaty"

Сабақтын мақсаты: Cын тұрғысынан ойлау әдістері арқылы тақырыппен таныстыру,

жаңа сөздерді меңгерту, презентация арқылы оқушыларды

Алматының көрікті жерлерімен таныстыру.

Оқушылар үшін оқу нәтижелері: Алматы қаласы және оның табиғаты туралы толық

мағлұмат алады,топпен жұмыс жасау арқылы түрлі әдіс-

тәсілдерді меңгереді.

Сабақтың түрі: Дәстүрлі сабақ.

Сабақта қолданылатын көрнекіліктер: Слайдтар, Алматының көрікті

жерлері суреттері, үлестірмелі карточкалар.

Оқыту әдістері: СТО әдістері, бағалау әдістері

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ және орыс тілі, география.

Procedure of the lesson:

I. The organization moment: T- Good morning, comrades. I am glad to see you. Let's start our


II. Checking up the home task: Ex. 4, page 95 read and translate the topic about Snow leopard

III. Brainstorming activity:

  1. Answer the questions

- What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

-What is the population of KZ?

-What large cities of KZ do you know?

-What countries does it border on?

-Do you know about Almaty?

-What sightseeing of Almaty do you know?

  1. Guess the word

M is at the middle

A is used twice

L is between Aand M

T is between the second Aand Y

Y is at the end


IV. The main part of the lesson:

T: -What do you think, what about are we going to speak about today?

Today we have a new theme- "Nature of Almaty"

The city Almaty has got a unique history. I want you to listen to a brief story about it. But, before

listening to a story, pay attention to the helpful words.


1. Pre- listening activity T- before you read the text, lets read the new words from the text

(vocabulary for help is given on the interactive board.)

1. Turuc and Mongolian nomads - Түрік Мангол көшпенділері

2. Nomadic - көшпенді

3. Picturesque - әдемі, көркем

4. Fortres s - бекініс

2. Listening activity (PCV reads the texts)

"A brief story about the history of Almaty"

The first settlement of Turkic and Mongolian nomads was found in 1854 and called Almaty .A little later the fortify Zailiyskoye was found in that place . Then the fortress renamed into Vernoye and existed from 1867till1921. In the middle of the 19-th century many Russian settlers arrived to Verny. The fortress grew in it's size and developed quickly thanks to migration. In 1921the town Verny was renamed into Almaty .

Comprehension check: (the teacher asks question)

1. How was the first settlements called ?

2. When did the fortress developed quickly

3. When did Verny become the center of Seven Rivers region?

4. When was Verny renamed in Almaty?

V. Slides Demonstration. Reading and translating the text.

(the teacher invites students to make an excursion over Almaty and see its sightseeing and

nature surroundings .

The 1-st slide ."The skating rink Medeu"

The 2-nd slide "Shimbulak"

The 3-rd slide. "Koktobe"

The 4-th slide "Peak khan Tangri"

The 5-th slide "Peak Talgar"

The 6-th slide "Charyn Canyon"

The 7-th slide "The Ili River"

The 8-th slide "Ulken Almaty lake"

VI. Making the task:

True or False?

1. Medeu was built in 1972 years.

2. The Premier Medeu hotel is located far from the rink.

3. Mountain ski resort Shymbulak is situated at 2200-2500 meters in the Shymbulak George .

4. Peak Talgar is 3000- meter high. (4973)

5. Charyn Canyon is as large as Grand Colorado Canyon.

6. Khan Tangri is 6995 meters high.

7. The Ili river is a good sport for hunting.

8. Ulken Almaty Lake is located at 2510 meters above sea level, 50 kilometers west of Almaty

VII. Grammar theme: Degrees of Comparison of adjectives:

(Сын есімнің шырайларын кестенін көмегімен қайталау)

Grammar theme:

Degrees of Comparison of adjectives:

(Сын есімнің шырайларын

кестенін көмегімен қайталау)

-Write down adjectives from the text and write comparative and superlative degrees.

Famous, beautiful, picturesque, good, sunny, small, high.

</ VIII. Writing the test.

(Giving the students tests to summarize their knowledge of the theme.)


Circle the correct answer .

1. When was built Medeu ?

a) In 1986

b) In 1972

c) In 19702.

2. What buildings are located near the rink Medeu ?

a) The Central State Museum

b)The President's Residence

c) "The Premier Medeu" hotel

3. Medeo is…..

a)The world's highest skating rink

b)The city's biggest shopping center

c) A village near Almaty

4. What is the Shimbulak?

a) The city of Kazakhstan

b) Mountain ski resort

c) The region

5. The first ascent of Talgar Peak was performed

a) In 1893

b)In 1950

c) In 1935

6. What sport is Shymbulak is famous for ?


b) Hiking

c) Skiing

7. What activity attracts tourists to Charyn Canyon?

a) Swimming

b) Running

c) Hiking

8. The Ili river is a good for

a) Fishing

b) For hunting

c) For funning

Self assessment

(the teacher shows the correct answers on the interactive board ,students exchange their papers,

compare the results key and put the marks )

Keys: 1- b 2- c 3- a 4- b 5- c 6- c 7- c 8- a

IX. Conclusion: T- Today we reviewed everything what you had learned before.

X. Giving home task:

T: -Your home task is to prepare a project of any Almaty sight and to prove that it is the best place to


XI. Giving mark.


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