- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: День благодарение! (3 класс)
Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: День благодарение! (3 класс)
Тема: День благодарения.
Цели: - формировать познавательную активность учащихся;
- развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учащихся, их чувств и эмоций;
- воспитывать готовность сотрудничать при выполнении конкретных задач;
- формировать и практиковать культурно-страноведческую компетенцию учащихся.
Оборудование: карточки, мяч, аудиозапись, колонка.
Тип урока: урок КВН.
Ход урока:
Организационный момент
Приветствие и сообщение темы и целей урока.
- Hello, boys and girls! Hello, our quests! Hello everybody. We gathered here to find the most cheerful and quick-witted team. Out game is devoted to Thanksgiving Day, which is usually celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Look, we have two teams "Indians" and "Pilgrims".
Thanksgiving Day
The fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a national holiday, so most people don't go to work. People are with their families and friends to give thanks for the good things in their lives. The families come together for a special dinner. They eat turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies and berries. After dinner the family relax, talk, and watch a football game on TV.
Thanksgiving started over 380 years ago with Pilgrims. In autumn of 1620 one hundred Pilgrims came to America from England. They came on a boat, the Mayflower. They came for new lives.
The first winter the Pilgrims were hungry, sick and cold. Many people died. But the Native Americans, the Indians, helped the Pilgrims. They taught the Pilgrims to plant corn and build houses. In autumn of 1621, the Pilgrims and the Indians had the first Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims thanked the Indians for their help and for their new land.
The shops, the classrooms and the houses are decorated with turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, flowers and vegetables.
II. Основная часть
1. Приветствие.
- The team "Pilgrims" is welcome. (Приветствие 1 команды.)
- We are Pilgrims. We sailed to America from Plymouth, England, in September, in 1620. The name of our ship is May flower.
- Thank you very much, Pilgrims. And now let's greet Indians. (Приветствие 2 команды.)
- We are Indians. Together we have the Thanksgiving Day and Thanksgiving Dinner. We eat turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberries. We have pumpkin pies for dessert. After dinner, we relax and talk. Sometimes we watch a football match on TV.
- Thanks a lot, Indians.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
- Look at blackboard and repeat after me phonetic exercise.
A little pot is soon hot.
3. Конкурс капитанов.
- And I suppose that these two reams should have captains. Let's meet them. The next competition will be "The captain's visiting card". And we will start with the captain of Pilgrims.
- Hello, everybody! My name is Tom. I am 9 years old. My hobby is sinning. I study at school, my favourite subject is Music. I like play computers game, read book and watch TV.
- Hello, everybody! My name is Bob. I am 8 years old. My hobby is football. I study at school, my favourite subject is PE. I like play on the piano, watch movie and dancing.
- Every member of the team pulls out (вытаскивает) the card with the task and do it. The team can help him or her.
Name 5 fruit
Name 5 vegetables
Физминутка: «Hot potato»
5. Игра для капитанов.
- They will be given the cards with the words in which the letters are mixed. The captains will write the right word and translate it.
Слова для капитанов:
(Turkey) - индейка
(Potatoes) - картофель
(Carrots) - морковь
(Pumpkin pie) - тыквенный пирог
While the captains are working, let's listen to the song, performed by Pilgrims and Indians.
- And our last competition is to make a picture. The team will be given some details; they should put them together to make the picture.
III. Итог урока
Подсчитывание балов и выставление оценок.
2. Исполнение песни. Наша заключительная песня: "Urkey dinner" (команды поют вместе).
</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Turkey dinner,
turkey dinner
Gather round, gather round
Who will get the drumstick?
Yummy, yummy drumstick
All sit down. All sit down.
Cornbread muffins, chestnut stuffing,
Pudding pie, one foot high.
All of us were thinner
Until we came to dinner!
Me oh my! Me oh my!
Обед из индюшки, Обед из индюшки
Собираемся вокруг, собираемся вокруг
Кто получит ножку?
Вкусненькую ножку
Все садимся, все садимся
Кукурузные кексы, начинка из каштанов,
Мясной пирог высотой один фут (30 см)
Все мы были тоньше
Пока не приступили к обеду
Ой-ёй-ёй! Ой-ёй-ёй!
- The lesson is over! Thank you for lesson. Goodbye, children!