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- Урок на тему My true friend
Урок на тему My true friend
Класс: 7
Тема: My true friend
Развитие навыков и умений устной речи: диалогической через составление диалога - интервью по опоре; монологической через составление резюме по итогам интервью; составление монологического высказывания о своем друге.
Развитие умения воспринимать текст на слух с пониманием общего содержания.
Учить учащихся высказывать свое мнение по предложенной теме, обосновывая его.
Развитие фонематического слуха, общемыслительных навыков и умений, способности к осуществлению продуктивных речевых действий, к переключению внимания в разных видах речевой деятельности, к планированию своего высказывания.
Формирование потребности объективного осмысления себя в качестве друга.
Речевой материал: sociable, helpful, funny, clever, kind, honest, tactful, reliable, to have a sense of humor, to have much in common, to discuss the problem, to forgive smb's faults, to share ideas, to keep the secrets, to be ready to help.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент. Warming - up.
Is it a good day today, isn't it? How are you? Are you in a good mood today? Are you ready to speak English?
I"ve forgotten our topic. The letters are mixed. Help me, please:
r,f,i,n,e,d r,u,t,e ym
Perfectly well, we'll speak about a true friend today.
II. Language work.
1. Look at the first worksheet. Some words and phrases can help us to associate during the lesson. Listen to… and repeat after him/her. Read the words and phrases.
to have a sense of humor
to have much in common
to discuss the problem
to forgive smb's faults
to share ideas
to keep the secrets
to be ready to help
- Is there unknown word here?
2. Make up the sentences with these words.
We've remembered the words and are ready to go on.
III. Work in groups. Answer the questions.
a) You have got some friends, haven't you? Have you got many friends? Why can't you have many friends, for example 20-50?
- Look at the blackboard: Настоящих друзей, как и любимых книг не должно быть много. Do you agree with it? Find the English equivalent, read it. Check yourself:
Books and friends
Must be few
But good.
b) Do you have a friend who is best? Is he a true one? Why?
- Look at the blackboard: Тот, кто говорит нам о наших недостатках и есть наш настоящий друг. Find the English equivalent, read it. Check yourself:
He is a friend
who shows us
our faults.
c) How do you understand these words: Если хочешь иметь друга - стань другом сам.
Find the English equivalent, read it. Check yourself:
The only way
to have a friend
is to be one.
IV. Listening.
You have said that the friends can discuss any problem. Open your books p.85 Look at the picture. How do you think these teens are friends? What kind of problem do they discuss?
We can check our suppositions.
Listen to the conversation of these teens and match the conversations and the pictures.
Listen to the conversation again. What is every conversation about?
V. Relaxation.
-Do you need a rest? Let's play!
I'll read some words. If the adjectives describe the true friend, you'll clap. If the adjectives don't describe the true friend, you'll stamp your feet. If the words are verbs, you'll do nothing.
Young, nice, responsible, to study, angry, reliable, honest, energetic, old, to learn, strong, to invite, happy, kind, curious, to start, nervous, friendly, hard - working, shy, non- talkative, to collect, hospitable, serious, romantic, sociable, independent, to believe, lucky, careful.
VI. Speaking.
a) Are you ready to go on?
- Imagine such situation: Your partner is a new student in your group. Interview each other and then tell us about him/her. Use the second worksheet.
Work in pairs. Interview your partner, ask him/her about:
Classmate's name
Classmate's age
Favorite subjects
Reason of being his/ her true/best friend
b) Every of you has got the true friend. There are your drawings on the blackboard. Look at them. Tell us about your best friend, but don't say his/her name. The other students have to guess the name.
VII. Writing.
- Answer the questions in written form. Guess the adjectives:
1. Somebody who can always be a good partner for everything
2. Somebody who says only the truth
3. Somebody who always makes jokes
4. Somebody who knows everything
5. Somebody who often forgives your faults
6 Somebody who is ready to help.
7. Somebody who is polite in any situation
8. somebody to whom you can confide
VIII. Our lesson is over. Make up the conclusion:
- What feathers of character should we have to be a true friend?
Улыбайся и друзья придут к тебе.
Read it:
A smile a day
Brings a friend your way.