Тест №7 3 класс Spotlight

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МБ ОУ Кочкуровская СШ

Modular Test 7

3 class "Spotlight"

Составила учитель

английского языка

Салина Е. В.

Date: ______________________Name __________________________class 3 test 7


Look, read and say yes or no

Тест №7 3 класс Spotlight

  1. There are nine children in the picture. __________

  2. There is a girl in the sofa. _________

  3. Two boys are dancing.___________

  4. A girl is playing the piano. _________

  5. A boy is singing. ________

  6. Two girls are drinking Coke. ________


Read and match.

  1. paint a. soccer

  2. watch b. TV

  3. make c. a kite

  4. play d. a picture

  5. fly e. a sandcastle


Read and write the answer.

What are the children doing?

  1. Dave (eat) a hot dog. _____________________________________________

  2. Anna (wear) a dress. _____________________________________________

  3. Tim and Dan (play) basketball._____________________________________


  1. Sue and her sister (drink) Coke._____________________________________


  1. Mike (sleep). ___________________________________________________


Read and fill in: am, is or are.

  1. The baby ________ sleeping.

  2. I _________ wearing a dress.

  3. _________ you painting your faces.

  4. Mum and Dad __________ eating hot dogs.

  5. We _________ having a good time!


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