- Учителю
- Урок в 8 классе: «Food and Shopping»
Урок в 8 классе: «Food and Shopping»
КЛАСС: 8 «А»
ТЕМА: «Food and Shopping»
Активизировать лексический материал по теме "Food and Shopping", расширять запас активной лексики по теме.
Развивать навыки говорения, аудирования, умение читать с разными стратегиями; развивать умение вести беседы на изучаемом языке, а так же делать монологическое высказывание; развивать внимание, память, умение работать в группах.
Воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка, мотивировать учащихся на дальнейшую работу по теме.
ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: раздаточный материал, тема урока, картинки, магнитафон.
Ход урока
Орг. момент
Сообщение темы урока.
Речевая разминка.
Основная часть.
Работа с текстом.
Введение и закрепление новых ЛЕ
Объяснение домашнего задания.
Подведение итогов.
Good morning, children!
I am glad to see you. How are you today?
Let's begin our lesson. This time we'll learn a new topic "Food and Shopping". We'll speak about traditional food in Japan and other countries, about the ways food can be cooked.
Look at the blackboard. Read the words.
a sandwich, biscuits, crisps, soup, salad, fruit, a hot meal
What do you usually eat at school?
Where do you get it from? (home, the shops, the school canteen)
What do you like to have for breakfast / lunch at school?
What do you think children eat at school in Great Britain? the USA? Japan?
Now look at the pictures and listen to the music.
- What do you think the 'obento' is?
- Which country is it from?
Now let's listen to the text "Obento - a tasty tradition!"
And answer the questions:
What is an 'obento'?
Where can you buy it?
What does it consist of?
Read the text and complete the sentences (ex.3 p.26)
Look through the words in bold and pay attention on pronunciation.
Repeat after me. Read after …..
Explain the words. Close the textbooks and try to remember the sentences with these words.
Tell three things you found interesting about obentos.
Is it healthy food? Give reasons.
Do you agree that cooking for their children is a good way for mothers to show them their love? In three minutes write a few sentences on the topic. Read your sentences.
Look at the pictures. Name the food you can see in them.
How can it be cooked?
Read the new words. Find the translation in your vocabulary.
Repeat after me.
How do you like your meat, eggs, potatoes and vegetables?
Find the odd word out. (ex. 5 p. 26)
Fill in the necessary words. (ex.6 p. 27)
Complete the following sentences with your own ideas. (ex.7 p. 27)
Think of a traditional dish in our country.
What is it called?
What is it made from?
How do you cook it?
What does it taste like?
At home you will write a short email to your English penfriend about the dish.