- Учителю
- Разработка урока английского языка
Разработка урока английского языка
Урок английского языка в 4 классе
Тема: «Времена года», учитель Полякова Е.В.
Учимся рассказывать о погоде
Цели: активизация лексики по темам «Спорт» и «Времена года» в устной и письменной речи; введение новой лексики по теме «Погода»; совершенствование навыков изучающего чтения.
Оборудование: картинки по теме «Погода. Времена года»; мяч.
Ход урока
l. Организационный момент
- Good morning, boys and girls. (Good morning Elena Vadimovna)
-I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)
-How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)
-I am fine, thank you. Dima, how is your mother? (She is fine, thanks)
-Olga, is your brother OK ? (Yes, he is. He is OK)
-Who is absent today? (All pupils are present)
-Who is on duty today? (Sasha is on duty today)
-OK. Let us start our work.
ll. Фонетическая зарядка
На доске заранее написаны слова. Ученики читают слова за учителем хором и в парах. Учитель предлагает ученикам найти лишнее слово в каждом столбике.
Слова на доске
Spring Swim Friend
Winter Dive Basketball
Summer Ride Volleyball
Tennis Run Badminton
Autumn Snowman hockey
Ученики выполняют упр. 6, с.7 из учебника. Читают слова за диктором хором и индивидуально.
lll. Речевая разминка
-It is time to play with a ball/ Make a circle, please.
Игра с мячом «Вопросы и ответы»
Учитель кидает мяч ученику и задает вопрос. Ученик ловят мяч и отвечают. Затем учащийся задает вопрос своему товарищу и кидает мяч ему.
-Olya, do you like to swim? (Yes, I do. I like to swim.)
-Lena, can you play tennis? (No, I cannot. I cannot play tennis)
-Max, what do you like to do in winter? (I like to ski in winter)
-Mila, do you like to swim in summer? (Yes, I do. I like to swim in summer) Ets.
lV. Введение новой лексики по теме «Погода»
English people like to speak about the weather. Can you describe the weather? Open your textbooks, page 7, exercise 7, look at the pictures and guess the words.
Учитель знакомит учеников со словами по теме «Погода», используя картинки в упр. Учебник. После ознакомления со словами учитель предлагает детям угадать номер заранее пронумерованной картинки на доске, которую описывает учитель.
Примерный рассказ:
The weather is cold and snowy. It is not sunny and hot. It is windy and cloudy. It is winter.
Можно задать вопросы с использованием новых слов.
-Do you like sunny weather? (Yes, I do. I like sunny weather)
-Do you like cold weather? (No, I do not. I do not like cold weather) Ets.
V.Первичное закрепление лексики по теме «Погода»
-And now you will have some time to write the pairs of words in your Workbooks. It is ex.5 page4. Who will read the words? Do you agree with Nick? Why do you think so? How can you prove it?
Детям дается 3 мин. На выполнение упр.5 с.4 из рабочей тетради. Один ученик делает работу на доске, остальные в тетрадях. Проверка упражнения и выполнение упр.6 с.4.
Vl. Физкультминутка
Are you tired, children? Let us have a rest.
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips! Squat and down!
Hands up! To the sides!
Bend left, bend right!
One, two, three…Hop!
One two, three…Stop!
Дети разучивают наизусть.
Vll. Совершенствование навыков чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного
-It is time to read the story «Two ducks and the Frog». I d like you to open your textbooks, page 7. Ex.8. Read the story to yourself and answer the questions in the task.
Дети читают рассказ про себя, отвечают на вопрос задания данного упражнения, а затем читают вслух и выполняют упр.9, с.8 из учебника.
Vlll. Тренировка навыков устной речи на материале текста.
Вопросно-ответная работа.
-Do you like the story about the ducks and the Frog? Are you ready to answer the questions? You can see the questions in ex.10 p.8 in your textbooks.
Ученики по очереди отвечают на вопросы, используя содержание текста. Затем дети выполняют задание «Кто сказал эти слова?»
-Who says...
-You must not speak!
-My friends, take me to Africa with you, please!
-I am not a clock!
-Do not open your mouth!
-What have the ducks got?
-It is time to fly to Africa.
-What is it?
lX. Подведение итогов
-That is all for today. Давайте вспомним стих, который мы выучили на уроке.
Сегодня мы расскажем его о вашем друге.
He likes to jump he likes to play,
He likes to study every day.
He likes to climb, he likes to run.
He likes to play, it is fun.
-Thank you for your work. Goodbye, children.
Домашнее задание: учебник: упр.1,2 стр.18
РТ: упр.3 стр.3
Тесты по английскому языку, 4 класс.
Учитель Полякова Е.В.
Тема: «Seasons. Weather»
Тест № 1
l. Подберите правильный вариант
1. hot a. sunny
2. warm b. cold
3. rainy c .early
4. late d. bad
5. good e. cool
ll. Выберите правильный вариант.
1.There are many clouds in the sky. It is ( ) today.
a. hot b. windy c. cloudy d. sunny
2.What is the weather like today? - ( )
a. It is hot b. I like it c. It is difficult d. it is Tuesday
3. What kind of weather do you like? - ( )
a. I like spring b. I like to walk in the park
c. I like to skate in winter d. I like warm weather
4. It is winter. The weather is ( )
a. hot b. cold c. strong d. snow
5. It was ( ) in summer last year.
a. June b. frosty c. rainy d. busy
Тест № 2
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы
Sam and his friends went to the forest last Saturday. It was the first day of winter holidays.
The weather was fine^ it was not very cold, only 5 degrees below zero, the sun was shining brightly, there was no wind. Only in the evening grey clouds covered the sky and it began to snow. The snow made the end of the day more wonderful.
Sam and his friends were not at school because ( )
they were ill c. holidays had began
they did not go there d .it was Sunday
It was ( )
Summer c. spring
Autumn d. winter
The weather was ( )
windy c. sunny
rainy d. foggy
Sam and his friends walked in ( )
the street c. the park
the wood d. the garden
It began to snow ( )
at night c. in the afternoon
in the morning d. in the evening
Тест № 3
Завершите разделительные вопросы, выбрав правильный вариант.
It is a nice day today, ( ) ? a. did not it
It looks like rain, ( ) ? b. is not it
It snowed yesterday, ( ) ? c. is it
It was not cold, ( ) ? d. does not it
It was hot yesterday, ( ) ? e. was not it
There are 4 seasons in the year, ( ) ? f. are not they
The days are becoming shorter in g. were not the
Autumn, ( ) ?
Her hands were cold, ( ) ? h. are not we
We are going to have snow, ( ) ? i. can not it
The wind can bring rain, ( ) ? j. are not there
Тест № 4
Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящее вопросительное слово
а) How many
b) Why
c) When
d) Who
e) What
1. ( ) is the weather like today? - It is fine.
2. ( ) seasons are there in a year? - Four.
3. ( ) do you like summer? - Because it is hot in summer.
4. ( ) likes winter? - My father does. He likes to ski.
5. ( ) are the nights short and the days long? - In summer.
Полякова Елена Вадимовна
Учитель английского языка «МОУ СОШ №103»
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