- Учителю
- Иговая деятельность на уроках английского языка - методическая копилка учителя
Иговая деятельность на уроках английского языка - методическая копилка учителя
по английскому языку
Яговкиной Н.Р.
Красноярск 2011
Перечень материалов методической копилки:
- игры - 32;
- физминутки - 15;
- фонетические зарядки - 15;
- речевые разминки по темам - 15;
- песни - 15;
- стихи - 15;
- загадки - 30;
- ребусы - 10;
- кроссворды - 12;
- шарады - 10;
- word squares - 10;
- сценарии праздников, вечеров, КВН - 5.
1."Marco Polo"
Один из детей - водящий - поворачивается спиной. Остальные дети становятся полукругом. Водящий говорит: "Marco!" , а любой из играющих должен ответить: "Polo!" (голос можно изменять). Водящий задаёт вопрос: "Is it Sasha/ Masha?" и, если угадывает имя игрока, ответившего ему, то этот игрок становится новым Водящим.
2."Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?"
Все дети садятся в круг. Перед началом игры каждому из детей даётся произвольно выбранный номер (либо любая лексическая единица по изучаемой теме), обычно используются просто имена. Водящий либо учитель задаёт ритм игры либо хлопками, либо хлопками и притоптываниями. Начинается игра в медленном темпе с постепенным ускорением. Водящий/ учитель начинает игру, произнося фразу: "Who stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?" несколько раз подряд в одном и том же ритме хлопков.
Затем водящий говорит: "Number Two (or Masha) stole the cookie from the cookie jar." Этот человек отвечает: "Who, me?" Все подтверждают: "Yes you!" Играющий не соглашается: "Couldn't be!" Тогда все спрашивают: "Then who?" Игрок отвечает: "Number Five (or Sasha) stole the cookie from the cookie jar." И игра продолжается дальше. Цель игры - не сбиваться с ритма и произносить реплики без остановок.
3."What is missing"
На ковре раскладываются карточки со словами, дети их называют. Учитель даёт команду: "Close your eyes!" и убирает 1-2 карточки. Затем даёт команду: "Open your eyes!" и задаёт вопрос: "What is missing?" Дети вспоминают пропавшие слова.
4."Who Started the Motion?"
Все дети сидят в кругу. Один из детей выходит за дверь - он "Guesser" (тот, кто будет угадывать). Другой ребёнок - "Guard"(охрана) встаёт у дверей - он должен будет сказать "Guesser", когда тому вернуться. Среди оставшихся детей в секрете выбирается Водящий. Затем дети встают и начинают двигаться по кругу (либо просто сидят в кругу), не глядя друг на друга, чтобы не выдать Водящего. Заходит "Guesser". Водящий незаметно хлопает в ;адоши, топает ногой, щёлкает языком или пальцами, а "Guesser", наблюдая за всеми детьми, должен определить, кто из них является Водящим. Даётся три попытки на отгадывание. После этого Водящий даёт команду всем детям остановиться (либо встать).
5."Red Rover"
Дети делятся на две команды. Взявшись за руки, они образуют две цепочки, которые находятся друг напротив друга. Одна из команд начинает игру - дети хором кричат: "Red Rover, Red Rover send (the person's name) right over," ребёнок, чьё имя было названо, пытается с разбегу прорваться сквозь цепь противников. Если ему это удаётся, его команда имеет шанс попробовать ещё раз. Если нет - другая команда начинает игру. Побеждает команда, в которой цепь противника прорвали наибольшее количество игроков.
6."Duck, duck, goose"
Дети сидят в кругу. Водящий ходит по кругу (снаружи круга), дотрагиваясь до головы каждого из игроков, и произносит: "Duck, duck, duck…" Затем, дотрагиваясь до головы одного из играющих, Водящий говорит: "Goose!" и бежит вдоль круга. Ребёнок, которого выбрали, старается догнать и осалить Водящего до того, как Водящий сядет на освободившееся место. Если "Goose" не успевает этого сделать - он становится новым Водящим. Если успевает - прежний Водящий продолжает игру и выбирает нового "Goose". Слова "Duck, duck, goose" можно заменить любыми другими словам (например, лексическими единицами по изучаемой теме, которые сложнее всего поддаются запоминанию).
7."Eat - Don't eat"
"Съедобное - несъедобное". Водящий бросает мяч одному из игроков, и если водящий называет съедобное - мячик надо поймать, если несъедобное - нет.
8."Hunt the slipper"
Дети садятся на пол в круг. Все, кроме одного - customer (заказчика), становятся cobblers (сапожниками). Заказчик, стоя в кругу, отдаёт один из своих ботинок и говорит:
"Cobbler, cobbler; mend my shoe.
Get it done by half-past two."
Затем он отворачивается либо отходит в угол и громко считает до десяти: one, two, three, etc. после этого заказчик возвращается и спрашивает:
"'Cobbler, cobbler, where is my shoe?"
Сапожники отвечают: "It's not ready!" Заказчик говорит: "I must have it!" Сапожники отвечают: "Then you must find it!" Заказчик должен найти свой ботинок. Сапожники же, предают ботинок за спиной из рук в руки, от соседа к соседу, стараясь, чтобы customer не обнаружил, где в данный момент находится его ботинок. Если customer видит ботинок и называет имя игрока, у которого он находится - тот становится новым customer. Во время игры ботинок не должен задерживаться у какого-то одного игрока, он должен постоянно передаваться по кругу.
9."Red Light, Green Light"
Один из детей выбирается Водящим. Он становится светофором - "stoplight". Все остальные дети - машины. «Машинки» выстраиваются у стартовой линии на достаточном расстоянии от Водящего. Водящий кричит: "Green light!" и поворачивается к остальным детям спиной. «Машинки» едут к «светофору». В это время Водящий кричит: "Red light!" и поворачивается к детям лицом. «Машинки» должны немедленно остановиться и замереть, если кто-нибудь двигается - возвращается на старт. Игра продолжается до тех пор, пока кто-нибудь из детей не дотронется до «светофора». Тот, кто дотронулся до Водящего, становится новым "Stoplight", а прежний присоединяется к остальным детям.
10."Tit Tat Toe"
На листе бумаги нарисовать большой круг, внутри нарисовать маленький круг, от которого в разные стороны нарисовать линии так, чтобы получились сектора. Каждому сектору присвоить номер. В центре маленького круга написать 100. Первый игрок берёт в руки указку и с закрытыми глазами перемещает её по кругу, начав с сектора 1 и произнося:
"Tit, tat, toe, my first go,
Three jolly butcher boys all in a row.
Stick one up, stick one down,
Stick one in the old man's crown."
На последних словах игрок останавливает указку и открывает глаза. Записывается результат (номер сектора, на который направлена указка). Следующий игрок берёт указку и продолжает игру. Если указка попала на линию - результат 0, если игрок попал указкой в сектор 100 - он победитель! Играть можно по командам, суммируя результаты её членов. ( Вместо цифр можно разместить карточки со словами. Если игрок называет слово - очко его команде ).
Игра проводится с карточками. Р1 называет первую карточку, Р2 - первую и вторую, Р3 - первую, вторую и третью.
Например: P1: Rabbit; P2: rabbit - rose; P3: rabbit - rose - road.
12."Pass the card"
Дети рассаживаются полукругом и передают друг другу карточку, называя её. Предварительно слово называет учитель. Для усложнения задания дети могут произносить: "I have a…"/ "I have a… and a…".
13."What words do you know?"
Учитель называет звук/ букву и показывает детям сколько слов они должны вспомнить. Затем учитель задаёт вопрос: "What words for this sound/ letter do you know?", а дети вспоминают и называют слова на заданный звук/ букву
(Игру можно проводить по командам).
Игра проводится с кубиками. На каждой стороне кубика слово на определённый звук. Дети, кидая кубик, называют выпадающие слова
(Можно играть по командам, используя два/три кубика.)
15."Words road"
На ковре раскладываются карточки друг за другом, с небольшими промежутками. Ребёнок идёт по "дорожке", называя все слова.
Используются все слова на определённый звук. Из них составляется рассказ. Когда в истории встречается слово на звук - его показывают детям на карточке, и они называют его хором.
Например: Жил-был (Rabbit). И была у него чудесная (rope). Наш (Rabbit) просто обожал скакать через свою (rope) по длинной (road). А вдоль (road) росли необыкновенно красивые (roses). Каждое утро, если не было (rain), наш (Rabbit) собирал прекрасные (roses) и относил своим друзьям! Etc.
17."What do you…?"
Дети усаживаются в круг и перед каждым из них кладётся карточка со словом (одежда/ еда). Один из детей становится водящим и под счёт "one, two,three" идёт по кругу. На последний счёт водящий останавливается и задаёт вопрос игроку, который находится ближе всего к нему: "What are you wearing?"/ "What do you like?" Играющий называет свою карточку: "I am wearing my …."/"I like…." И сам становится водящим.
18."Let's change!"
Дети усаживаются в круг и перед каждым из них кладётся карточка со словом (одежда/ еда). Учитель предлагает детям назвать свои карточки: "What are you wearing?" и дети по кругу - по очереди отвечают на вопрос. Затем учитель называет игроков по парам и предлагает им поменяться местами: "Lena and Dima, change your places! Sergey and Sveta, change your places!" После этого учитель снова предлагает детям назвать свои карточки.
19."Find the house"
На ковре раскладываются карточки (5-6) со словами на 2-3 звука, а на доске размещают карточки с соответствующими звуками (домики). Дети, поднимая карточку со словом, называют его и кладут в соответствующий "домик", т.е. под карточку со звуком, на который это слово начинается.
20."Colour letters"
На простыне рисуют звуки/ буквы разными цветами. Учитель даёт команду: "Find yellow", ребёнок встаёт на букву указанного цвета и называет её (Для усложнения, кроме буквы ребёнок может называть слова, которые с неё начинаются).
Учитель называет слово, а дети отвечают противоположным по значению.
(Можно играть по командам: одна команда называет слово, а другая подбирает противоположное по значению).
Например:Big -small Thick/ fat - thin
Brave - cowardly Clean - dirty
Strong - weak Wet - dry
Fast - slow Hard - soft
Beautiful - ugly High - low
Long - short Low - loud
Young - old Furry - bald
New - old Happy - sad
Smooth - rough Hungry - full
Good - bad
* * *
Водящий называет букву и кидает мяч играющему. Тот должен назвать любое слово на эту букву.
Возможен вариант, когда мяч передаётся по кругу из рук в руки и водящим становится каждый играющий.
* * *
Учитель произносит звук, а затем называет слова. Если в слове присутствует заданный звук - дети хлопают в ладоши, если они его не слышат - нет.
Для усложнения задания называются слова на заданный звук, в которых звук находится либо в начале, либо в середине, либо в конце слова.
Например: "T"
"Tiger" - дети хлопают в ладоши.
"Antelope" - дети топают ногами.
"Cat" - дети щёлкают язычком.
22."Is it true or not?"
Игру можно проводить с мячом. Водящий кидает мяч любому из игроков и называет словосочетание, задавая вопрос: "Is it true or not?" Игрок ловит мяч и отвечает: "Yes, it's true", либо "No, it's not true". Затем он становится водящим и кидает мяч следующему игроку.
Например:Yellow lemon
Pink pig
Orange bear
Brown monkey
White snow
Red crocodile
Purple mouse
Green grapes
Gray elephant
Purple cucumber
Blue apple
Black sun
23."What doesn't belong?"
Игра проводится с карточками. Учитель помещает на доску/ на пол группами карточки (по 3-4) со словами. Дети по очереди называют карточку, которая не подходит в ту или иную группу, а учитель её убирает. Затем каждая из групп называется одним обобщающим словом. (Для усложнения задания игру можно проводить без карточек - устно.)
Cow - horse - window - pig
What doesn't belong?
The window is doesn't belong!
Cow - horse - pig are domestic animals.
24."It will be a …"
Игру можно проводить как с карточками, так и без них. В первом случае учитель помещает на доску карточку, а дети подбирают соответствующую пару.
Например: Egg - chicken Break - house
Boy - man Fabric - dress
Girl - woman Night - day
Seed - flower Inchworm - butterfly
Flour - bread Puppy - dog
Snow - snowman Kitten - cat
Paper - book Berries - jam
25."Do you see?"
Игра проводится на доске либо на полу. Водящий (либо учитель) помещает на доску изображение предмета (например, по теме "мебель" - стол) и задаёт вопрос: "Do you see a table?" Остальные дети отвечают, глядя на доску: "Yes, I do. (I see a table)". Водящий задаёт следующий вопрос, не помещая изображение предмета на доску: "Do you see a chair?" Дети опять отвечают хором: "No, I don't.(I don't see a chair)". Водящий рядом с имеющимся изображением стола помещает изображение стула и задаёт вопросы: "Do you see a table?" Дети отвечают: "Yes, I do. (I see a table)". "Do you see a chair?" Дети отвечают: "Yes, I do. ( I see a chair)". Далее водящий опять, не помещая изображение предмета на доску, задаёт вопрос: "Do you see a sofa?" Дети отвечают глядя на доску: "No, I don't. (I don't see a sofa)"Ю По этой схеме игра продолжается до тех пор, пока на доске не появятся изображения 5-6 предметов. Затем её можно начать заново, выбрав нового водящего. Игра может проводиться по любой лексической теме.
26."It smells like..."
Игра проводится по командам. Необходимо заполнить пластмассовые коробочки из-под фотоплёнки следующими запахами (в коробочку можно вложить ватный тампон, пропитанный запахом): Лук - onion Кофе - coffee grounds Мята - peppermint extract
Ваниль - vanilla extract Духи - perfume Ластик/ резинка - rubber
Уксус - vinegar Банан - banana chunk Перец - pepper
Корица - cinnamon Лимон - lemon oil Чеснок - garlic
Участники команд по одному пытаются угадать запах. Выигрывает команда, назвавшая большее количество запахов.
27."Board race"
На доску прикрепить карточки в ряд. Детей разделить на две команды. Водящий называет одну из карточек, прикреплённых на доске. Первые два ребёнка из каждой команды подбегают к доске и дотрагиваются до карточки. Если карточка показана верно - команда получает очко. Etc.
28."What can you see?"
Подготовить карточку с небольшим отверстием в середине. Накрыть этой карточкой картинку с словом и, водя отверстием по картинке, предоставить детям возможность ответить на вопрос: "What is it?"
29."Chinese whispers"
Расположить на доске карточки. Детей поделить на две команды. Первые участники команд подходят к водящему, и тот шепотом произносит инструкцию: "Give me the doll, please/ Put the car on the table/ Etc." дети возвращаются к своим командам и шепотом передают инструкцию следующему в цепочке игроку. Когда инструкция доходит до последнего игрока команды, он должен как можно быстрее её выполнить. Если всё выполнено верно - команда получает очко.
30."Mine it"
Выбрать одного из детей водящим. Водящему показывается одна из карточек, которую он должен запомнить. Карточки поместить на доску. Остальные дети задают водящему вопрос: "Is it a…?" На что водящий отвечает: "No, it's not a…" - если карточка не угадана и "Yes, it's a…" - если карточка угадана верно!
31."Crouching game"
Поставить детей в две-три линии (в зависимости от количества детей, линий может быть и четыре-пять). Каждой команде даётся определённая карточка/ слово. Учитель произносит в хаотичном порядке слова, и если это слово одной из команд - эта команда должна присесть. Когда же слова не принадлежит ни одной из команд - они остаются стоять.
32."Repeat if true"
На доске расположить 5-6 карточек. Указывая на одну из карточек, учитель называет её и описывает 2-3 предложениями. Если учитель произносит всё правильно - дети повторяют, если нет - молчат (правильно - поднимают руки вверх/ хлопают в ладоши/ говорят: "Yes" Etc.).
1.* * *
My father is a sportsman
My father likes sports
My mother is a runner
My mother likes to run
My brother is a swimmer
My brother likes to swim
And I am a skier
I like to ski
2.* * *
You take your little hands
And go clap, clap, clap.
Clap, clap, clap your hands
You take your little toes
And go tap, tap, tap
Tap, tap, tap your toes
You take your little eyes
And go blink, blink, blink
Blink, blink, blink blink your eyes.
3.* * *
I fly like a pilot
I run like a sportsman
I dance and sing
I paint and swim
I jump like a clown
I'm the best in my town.
Hop a little. Jump a little.
One, two, three.
Run a little. Skip a little.
Tap one knee.
Bend a little.
Stretch a little.
Nod your hesd.
Sleep a little.
Sleep a little.
In your bed.
5."Clap hands"
Stand up and look around,
Shake your head
And turn around;
Stamp your feet
Upon the ground.
Clap hands
And then sit down.
Stand up and look around.
Make a bow
And turn around;
Stamp your feet
Upon the ground
Clap hands.
And then sit down.
6."Can you swim like a fish?"
Can you run like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a kangaroo?
He can, she can.
You can, they can.
And I can too!
Can you sing like a bird?
Can you walk like a cat?
Can you climb like a monkey in the zoo?
He can, she can.
You can, they can.
And I can too!
7."Movement rhymes"
A kangaroo down at the Zoo goes jump, jump, jump.
A rubber ball against a wall goes bump, bump, bump.
A little mouse around the house goes creep, creep, creep.
A little baby in his bed is fast asleep.
8."I fly like a bird"
I fly like a bird.
I swim like a fish.
I leap like a kangaroo.
I trot like a horse.
I run like a hare.
1 climb like a monkey in the Zoo.
1 slide like a snake.
I skip like a girl.
I hop like a frog and then
I clap my hands high.
I clap my hands low
And begin it all over again.
9."Loud and soft"
Clap, clap, clap, clap.
Clap your hands and twist them round.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
Tap them gently on the ground.
Stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp.
Stamp your feet with all your might.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
Tap your toes so soft and light.
Rock, rock, rock, rock.
Now it's time to go to bed.
Hush, hush, hush. hush.
Shut your eyes, your sleepy head.
When I lift my two feet.
I can jump, jump, jump.
My feet hit the ground
With a bump, bump, bump.
11."I have two ears"
I have two ears, one mouth, one nose.
One neck, one chin and ten small toes.
My two feet like to skip and hop.
Run and jump and never stop.
Here's my left hand, here's my right.
I clap them hard with all my might.
Stand up! Hands up!
Hands on the knees!
Hands on the hips!
Put them behind
If you please!
Put your hands high up in the air.
At your sides, on your hair.
Put your hands as before.
And clap: one, two, three, four!
13."Can you?"
Can you hop like a rabbit? Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck? Can you run like a dog?
Can you fly like a bird? Can you swim like a fish?
And be still, like a good child. And still as you wish!
14."Up and down"
Nod your head.
Bend your knees.
Grow as tall
As New Year trees.
On your knees
Slowly fall.
Curl yourself into a ball.
Raise your head.
Jump up high.
Wave your hand
And say "Good-bye"
15.* * *
I can skip and play football, hockey, tennis, basketball
I can jump and I can run, I can have a lot of fun.
Фонетические зарядки
1.* * *
The two-twenty-two train tore through the tunnel.
2.* * *
Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
3.* * *
Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.
4.* * *
Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager
imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?
5.* * *
The king would sing, about a ring that would go ding.
6.* * *
Black bug bit a big black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black bug bit?
7.* * *
The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
8.* * *
If a white chalk chalks on a black blackboard,
Will a black chalk chalk on a white blackboard?
9.* * *
Kindly kittens knitting mittens keep kazooing in the king's kitchen.
10.* * *
Six silver swans swam silently seaward.
11.* * *
Betty and Bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar.
12.* * *
King Kong kissed Queen Kate.
13.* * *
Cheap ship trip.
14.* * *
The two-twenty-two train tore through the tunnel.
15.* * *
We surely shall see the sun shine soon.
Речевые разминки по темам
1. About yourself and house
W hat is your first name?
What is your surname?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
Where were you born?
What is your date of birth?
What is your address?
What is your telephone number?
Is your family large?
Are you an only child?
What are your parents?
Who do you most take after, your mother or your father?
Can you describe yourself?
Can you describe your parents?
What are your household duties?
What do you think makes one's home cosy?
Have you got a room of your own?
Can you describe it?
2. About weekend
Do you always plan your day beforehand?
What do you usually do in the evenings?
How do you spend your weekends?
Are you a stay-at-home or do you prefer to go out when you have some time to spare?
Are you fond of having friends in?
Do you often have parties?
What is your hobby?
About friend
Who is your best friend?
Can you describe him/her?
How long have you been friends?
Do you have much in common or are you different?
How do you spend your free time together?
What qualities do you most admire in people?
What characteristics annoy you most in people?
What does the word "lazy" mean?
How would you describe a person who helps other people'?
What do we call a person who expects good things to happen?
What do we call a person who expects bad things to happen?
About school
When did you leave school?
What kind of school was it?
What subjects were you good at?
What subjects did you like?
What subjects did you dislike?
What subjects were you bad at?
Who was your favourite teacher? Why?
Did you spend a lot of time at school?
What out-of-class activities did you take part in?
Were there any hobby clubs or societies in your school?
Did you take part in any of them?
What time did you usually come home from school?
Did you have to wear a uniform? Could you choose the subjects you studied?
About English classes
Did you like your English classes?
What did you do during your English lessons?
When did you begin studying English?
Had you studied English before you came to school?
How long have you been learning English?
Were all your English teachers good?
What marks did you usually get in English?
Do you find English grammar easy or difficult to study'?
What about English pronunciation?
How many vowels are there in the English alphabet?
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
What English-speaking countries do you know?
Have you been to any of them?
Which variant of the English language do you like more: British or American?
About studying languages
Did you study any other languages at school?
How long does it take a person to learn to speak a foreign language, in your opinion?
Do you find languages easy or difficult to learn?
What other languages besides English would you like to learn?
What languages belong to the family of Romance languages?
What languages belong to the family of Slavic languages?
What family does the English language belong to?
What language is spoken in France? Germany? China?
What language is spoken in Holland? Switzerland? Brazil?
Why is it important to know foreign languages?
About professions
What are your future plans?
Why did you decide to study at our University?
What professions do you know?
Which of them require the knowledge of foreign languages?
What is an interpreter?
Which are the most prestigious professions today?
Science and technology constantly create new jobs. Can you name any of them?
Will people work less in the future? Why do you think so?
Experts say that we'll have to change jobs more often in the future? Do you know why?
Are you optimistic about the future?
About reading and writes
Are you fond of reading?
What famous English writers do you know?
What famous American writers do you know?
Who are your favourite English (American) authors?
Who are your favourite Russian writers?
Do you like poetry?
Which do you prefer to read, poetry or prose?
Have у on ever written any poetry?
What is the basic difference between poetry and prose?
Who are your favourite Russian poets?
Do you read much?
I low much do you read in English?
Is it difficult for you to read English books in the original?
What kinds of books do you know?
If you could choose between reading a book or seeing the same story on TV. Which would you prefer?
Do you believe that one day computers will replace books?
What are the advantages of the Internet?
Do you choose different sorts of books for different occasions (holidays, journeys, bed)?
What's the difference between a biography and autobiography?
What's the difference between fiction and non-fiction books?
Who are your favourite modern authors?
What kind of books do they write?
Which book did you particularly enjoy reading recently?
What did you like about the book?
What was it about?
Are there any books you'd like to reread?
Why do so many people like to read crime stories?
About magazines and newspapers
Do you read newspapers?
What newspapers do you read?
What are your favourite magazines?
Where can you buy newspapers and magazines?
What newspapers and magazines do you subscribe to?
Which sections of a newspaper are you especially interested in?
Do you read reviews of new books, films and plays?
What is an editorial?
What's the difference between an editor and a reporter?
Do you like to read stories about the private lives of pop stars and actors?
Do you read any newspapers in English?
What British newspapers do you know?
10. About music
Do you like opera?
What are your favourite operas?
What are your favourite ballets?
Which do you prefer: ballet, opera or musical concerts?
Who are your favourite composers?
Do you enjoy listening to classical music?
Which do you prefer: pop music or classical music?
What's the difference between a concert and a rehearsal?
What's the difference between a composer and a musician?
Does loud music annoy you?
Who are your favourite pop singers and groups?
Does music help you to escape from the problems of everyday life?
How often do you go to discos?
Do you play any musical instruments?
Did you take music lessons? For how long?
I lave you ever been to a concert you didn't like?
11. About museums
How often do you visit art galleries or tine arts museums?
How many times have you been to the Tretyakov Gallery?
When did you last go to the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts?
What museums have you been to this year?
Have you been to any exhibitions lately?
Who are your favourite Russian painters?
What famous English and American painters do you know?
Where did you see their pictures?
What is the capital of the USA?
Who was the first president of the USA?
Who is the US President now?
What great Americans do you know?
Who discovered America?
What large cities in the USA do you know?
Which city is more American: Washington or New York?
What places of interest in Washington do you know?
12. About Russian Federation
When did the Russian Federation become an independent state?
What parts of Russia have you been to?
What is Russia rich in?
When was Moscow founded and who by?
Can you describe the centre of Moscow?
What historical monuments in Moscow do you know?
What world-famous museums in Moscow do you know?
What do you know about Red Square?
What is your favourite place in Moscow?
What are the most interesting tourist sights in your city?
13. About travelling
What kinds of public transport do you know? Which do you prefer?
Are you fond of travelling?
If you were free to travel wherever you wanted, what countries would you visit?
Why do you think so many people like travelling?
Which is the most convenient way of travelling?
Which is the quickest way of travelling?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by air?
Have you ever been abroad?
What's the difference between a voyage and a journey?
What great travellers of the past do you know?
Would you like to travel in space?
14. About sport
Do you find time for sports?
What kinds of sports do you know?
What is you favourite kind of sports?
What sports do you enjoy watching?
What do you do to keep fit?
Have you got any bad habits?
Does anyone in your family smoke1?
What do you know about the history of the Olympic Games?
What kinds of sports are popular in Britain?
What's the difference between an amateur and a professional?
15. About holidays
What are the most important national holidays in Russia?
What do we celebrate on the 9 of May?
When do we celebrate Independence Day?
What religious holidays do you know?
What is you favourite holiday?
What are the most important public holidays in Great Britain?
What are the most important public holidays in the United States?
Are Christmas and Easter celebrated at the same time in all Christian countries?
How is New Year celebrated in your family?
1."Old MacDonald had a zoo"
E - I - E - I - O
And in his zoo he had a puma
E - I - E - I - O
With a grrr grrr here and a grrr grrr there
Here a grrr, there a grrr
Old MacDonald had a zoo
E - I - E - I - O
Old MacDonald had a zoo
E - I - E - I - O
And in his zoo he had a parrot
E - I - E - I - O
With a squawk, squawk here and a squawk, squawk there
Here a squawk, there a squawk
Old MacDonald had a zoo
E - I - E - I - O
2."My Computer Mouse"
I've got a mouse
I play with every day
He runs across the mat
And his tail is long and grey
He doesn't like cheese
He likes playing games
He's not afraid of cats
He hasn't got a name
He's my computer mouse
He's my double click, single click
Run around the mat computer mouse
Left click, right click, double click. OK!
I've got a keyboard
I use it every day
He's got a lot of letters
We've got a lot to say
We write a lot of emails
'Cause we've got lots of friends
When we've written them
I ask my mouse to click on send
He's my computer mouse
He's my double click, single click
Run around the mat computer mouse
Left click, right click, double click. OK!
He clicks on my screen
I turn my speakers on
He opens up the programmes
On my CD Rom
Then we turn up the sound
And we turn off the lights
And we play lots of games
And chat with friends all night.
3."Pets - An Interesting Pet"
I like cats and I like rabbits
So I went into the pet shop and I asked them what they had
And they said, "Oh yes, we've got just the thing for you!"
Now I'm the only one in my street with a cross between the two!
It's an interesting pet!
I always seem to get an interesting pet!
A cat and a rabbit, together they make a "cabbit"
It's an interesting pet and I've got two!
I like ducks and I like chickens
So I went into the pet shop and I asked them what they had
And they said, "Oh yes, we've got just the thing for you!"
Now I'm the only one in my street with a cross between the two!
It's an interesting pet!
I always seem to get an interesting pet!
A duck and a chicken, together they make a "dicken"
It's an interesting pet and I've got three!
Cats, rabbits, ducks and chickens, I like mice and hamsters too!
Two cabbits, three dickens, four mamsters - yes it's true!
An interesting pet!
I always seem to get an interesting pet!
A mouse and a hamster, together they make a "mamster"
It's an interesting pet and I've got four!
4."My bonny is over the ocean"
1. My bonny is over the ocean,
My bonny is over the sea,
My bonny is over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me, to me,
Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me.
2. Well wind, you blow over the ocean,
Well wind you blow over the sea,
Well wind you blow over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me, to me,
Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my bonny to me.
5."The Alphabet Song"
Stand up and look at me!
I play football every day!
I like cake, oh, oh, oh!
Hey people. Listen to me -
The alphabet is in my head!
6."What's your name? "
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
(clap, clap)
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
(clap, clap)
My name is Richard.
My name is Richard.
My name is Will
My name is Will
Nice to meet you
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
(clap, clap)
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
(clap, clap)
My name is Will.
My name is Will.
My name is Aygo
My name is Aygo
Nice to meet you
(Repeat chorus)
My name is Aygo.
My name is Aygo.
My name is Richard
My name is Richard
Nice to meet you
(Repeat chorus)
My name is Richard.
My name is Richard.
My name is Mr Monkey
My name is Mr Monkey
Nice to meet you
(Repeat chorus)
7."Spring is green"
Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.
8."Once I caught a fish alive"
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eght, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.
Why did I let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it byte?
This little finger on the right.
9."I bought a pretty cat"
I bought a pretty cat
My cat pleased me
I fed my cat under that old tree
My cat says 'Fiddle-I-fee!'
I bought a pretty duck
My duck pleased me
I fed my duck under that old tree
My duck says quack, quack
My cat says Fiddle-I-fee!
I bought a pretty goose
My goose pleased me
I fed my goose under that old tree
My goose says gaggle, gaggle
My duck says quack, quack
My cat says Fiddle-I-fee!
I bought a pretty hen
My hen pleased me
I fed my hen under that old tree
My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack
My goose says gaggle, gaggle
My duck says quack, quack
My cat says Fiddle-I-fee!
I bought a pretty pig
My pig pleased me
I fed my pig under that old tree
My pig says oink, oink,
My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack
My goose says gaggle, gaggle
My duck says quack, quack
My cat says Fiddle-I-fee!
I bought a pretty cow
My cow pleased me
I fed my cow under that old tree
My cow says moo, moo
My pig says oink, oink
My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack
My goose says gaggle, gaggle
My duck says quack, quack
My cat says Fiddle-I-fee!
I bought a pretty horse
My horse pleased me
I fed my horse under that old tree
My horse says neigh, neigh
My cow says moo, moo
My pig says oink, oink
My hen says shimmy shack, shimmy shack
My goose says gaggle, gaggle
My duck says quack, quack
My cat says Fiddle-I-fee!
10."How are you? "
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
I'm hungry,
I'm tired,
I'm cold,
I'm sad
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
I'm happy
I'm great
I'm good
I'm OK
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
11."Yankee Doodle"
Yankee Doodle came to town,
Riding on a pony;
He stuck a feather in his cap,
And called it macaroni.
Yankee Doodle keep it up,
Yankee Doodle dandy;
Mind the music and the step,
And with the girls be handy.
12."Itsy Bitsy Spider"
The itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up the waterspout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up the spout again.
13."Hickory, dickory, dock"
1. Hickory, dickory, dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory,dock
2. Dickery, dickery, dare
The pig flew up in the air.
The man in brown
Soon brought him down,
Dickery, dickery, dare.
3. Higletty, pigglety, pop!
The dog has eaten the mop;
The pig's in a hurry,
The cat's in a flurry,
Higletty, pigglety, pop!
14."Holly Jolly Christmas"
Have a holly, jolly Christmas;
It's the best time of the year
I don't know if there'll be snow
but have a cup of cheer
Have a holly, jolly Christmas;
And when you walk down the street
Say Hello to friends you know
and everyone you meet.
Oh Ho the mistletoe
hung where you can see;
Somebody waits for you;
Kiss her once for me
Have a holly jolly Christmas
and in case you didn't hear
Oh by golly have a holly jolly Christmas this year.
15."Jingle Bells"
Dashing through the snow
On a one-horse open sleigh
Over the fields we go
Laughing all the way;
Bells on bob-tail ring
making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Jingle bells
jingle bells
jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
A day or two ago
I thought I'd take a ride
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side;
The horse was lean and lank;
Misfortune seemed his lot;
He got into a drifted bank
And we got up sot
Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way!
What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
A day or two ago
the story I must tell
I went out on the snow
And on my back I fell;
A gent was riding by
In a one-horse open sleigh
He laughed as there
I sprawling lie
But quickly drove away
Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way!
What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
Now the ground is white
Go it while you're young
Take the girls tonight
And sing this sleighing song;
Just get a bob-tailed bay
two-forty as his speed
Hitch him to an open sleigh
And crack! you'll take the lead
Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way!
What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.
The windows are blue at night.
But in the morning they are white.
And snowflakes are falling
Come out they are calling.
2."New Year"
Come, children, gather round my knee,
Something is about to be.
Tonight's December thirty-first,
Something is about to burst.
Hark, it's midnight, children dear,
Huck, here comes another year!
I'm a little snowman, short and fat.
Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.
When the jolly sunshine comes to stay
Then I slowly melt away!
The north wind blow.
The north wind doth blow,
And we shall have snow,
And what will poor robin do then,
Poor thing?
He'll sit in a barn,
And keep himself warm,
And hide his head under his wing, poor thing.
4."Blue sea…"
Blue sea, green tree.
Brown hand, yellow sand.
Rose red, grey head.
Snow white, black night.
Red and yellow, blue and green,
Blue and green, blue and green,
Red and yellow, blue and green,
Black and white and brown.
Orange, purple, pink and grey,
Pink and grey, pink and grey,
Orange, purple, pink and grey,
Black and white and brown.
6."What is green?"
Please, tell me, what is green?
Grass is green, so long and clean.
"What is red?", asked little Fred.
"The ball is red", says his brother Ted.
What is grey? Can you say?
Yes, I can - the mouse is grey!
What is white? I want to know.
Milk is white and so is snow!
7."I have many pencils"
I have many pencils,
Red and green and blue.
I shall draw a picture
And give it to you!
I have many pencils,
My brother has a pen.
We can draw on paper
Funny little man.
8."Little Girl"
Little girl, little girl,
Where have you been?
I've been to see grandmother
Over the green.
What did she give you?
Milk in a can.
What did you say for it?
Thank you, Grandam.
9."Baa, Baa, Black Sheep"
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes sir,
Three bags full;
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
10."Days in the Month"
Thirty days has September,
April, June and November;
February has twenty-eight alone.
All the rest have thirty-one,
But leap year coming once in four
Gives February one day more.
11."My Sister's Always on the Phone"
My sister's always on the phone.
I never see her study.
She doesn't do her homework,
Which is why her grades are cruddy.
My sister's always on the phone,
But I don't think that's cool.
My sister is so popular
She's flunking out of school.
12."If you're wearing red today"
If you're wearing red today,
Red today, red today,
If you're wearing red today,
Stand up and say "Hoo-ray!"
Repeat: for other colors.
13."The frog is green"
The frog is green, green, green
And so is the tree,
One, two, three, one, two, three.
Red, red, red the rose,
Blue, blue, blue the dress.
Grey, grey, grey the rat
And so is the cat!
In winter-time
When the days are chill,
A robin sits on my window-sill.
I putout bread
For him to eat,
And cake-crumbs too
As a little treat.
He picks them up
So prettily,
Then sings a "Thank you"
Song for me.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
Where have you been?
I've been to London
To look at the Queen.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
What did you there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair.
1. How many 9's between 1 and 100? (20)
2. What is always coming, but never arrives? (Tomorrow)
3. What starts with T, ends with T and is full of T? (A teapot)
4. If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you do not have it. What is it? (A secret)
5. Give me food and I will live
Give me water and I will die, What am I? (Fire)
6. It happens once in a minute, twice in a week, and once in a year? What is it? (The letter E)
7. Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it? (Sugar)
8. Two brothers we are,
Greate burdens we bear,
On which we are bitterly pressed;
The truth is to say,
We are full all the day,
And empty when we go to rest. (Shoes)
9. I am not inside a house. But no house is complete without me. What am I? (A window)
10. Where can you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses? (On a map)
11. What is black and white and pink all over? (An embarrassed zebra)
12. What clothes does a house wear? (Address)
13. Why do birds fly south in winter? (It's too far to walk)
14. Why did the chicken cross the road? (To get to the other side)
15. Why did the bird cross the road? (It was the chicken's day off)
16. What is a bird after it is 5 yeas old? (Six years old)
17. What has lots of eyes but never sees? (A potato)
18. What is always in bed but never sleeps? (A river)
19. What gets bigger the more you take away from it? (A hole)
20. What black and white all over? (A newspaper)
21. What kind of apple isn't an apple? (A pineapple)
22. Where were lemons first found? (In a tree)
23. When is the best time to have lunch? (After breakfast)
24. When should you strike a match? (Only when it becomes violent)
25. What makes a man bald-headed? (Lack of hair)
26. What always ends everything? (The letter "g")
27. What is it that one needs most in the long run? (Your breath)
28. What animal keeps the best time? (A watchdog)
29. Why should you always carry a watch when crossing a desert? (Because it has a spring in it)
30. A man went on a trip on Friday, stayed for 2 days and returned on Friday. How is that possible? (Friday is a horse)
Конец формы
Click on each box to enter letters in the crossword puzzle, then press the Check Answers button. If you are stuck, press the Hint button to get a letter.
4. Takes you out on the water
5. Big and spacious to carry things
6. Most common vehicle on the road
1. It's got wings to propel it
2. Rides on two wheels
3. Brings kids to school every day
Начало формы
Past Tense 1
What is the past tense of these verbs?Конец формы Click on each box to enter letters in the crossword puzzle, then press the Check Answers button. If you are stuck, press the Hint button to get a letter.
1. think
4. cut
5. stand
8. sit
9. begin
2. hit
3. get
4. come
6. drive
7. run
8. see
Начало формы
Конец формы
Click on each box to enter letters in the crossword puzzle, then press the Check Answers button. If you are stuck, press the Hint button to get a letter.
2. an animal which lays eggs
4. used for milk and cheese
6. found in races
9. a baby cat
1. an animal with no feet
2. a popular house pet
3. "man's best friend"
5. relative of a bull
7. produces wool
8. an animal which flies
Начало формы
Конец формы
Click on each box to enter letters in the crossword puzzle, then press the Check Answers button. If you are stuck, press the Hint button to get a letter.
2. Used to compare more than 2 elements -
4. Used to compare 2 elements +
5. Has a better taste
8. The most recent style or development
10. Of the highest quality
1. Used to compare more than 2 elements +
2. Used to compare 2 elements -
3. Opposite of 'most dangerous'
6. When you are getting VERY unhappy
7. The opposite of shortest
9. Similar
Начало формы
Конец формы
Click on each box to enter letters in the crossword puzzle, then press the Check Answers button. If you are stuck, press the Hint button to get a letter.
1. Many people drink it in the morning with milk or cream.
4. British people drink it at 5 o' clock.
5. Juicy, round fruit with a stone-like seed.
7. You make wine from this fruit.
8. You make lemonade from this fruit.
1. You serve it at birthday parties.
2. You can find them in an aquarium.
3. Hens lay it.
5. Meat from a pig.
6. Eve gave one to Adam.
Начало формы
1. big, outside usually green, inside usually red
5. yellow, monkeys like them
8. grown in Hawaii
9. small, often red
2. yellow, sour
3. also a color
4. purple or green
6. also a computer company
7. Georgia (USA) is famous for these
Начало формы
3. He must be very popular, ___ everyone in school knows him.
5. John wanted to stay, ___ his sister persuaded him to go.
6. ___ the rain, we went to the beach.
7. ___ I got home, my sister had already left.
8. It's too late to go out; ___, it's beginning to rain.
1. She wanted to go to the party; ___, she was not invited.
2. ___ it was cold, he went out without a sweater.
4. We can't buy it ___ we don't have enough money.
5. John had to go to the doctor ___ he was not feeling well.
Начало формы
1. Some are used to make hot sauce. Some aren't hot at all.
5. You can bake, mash or fry it.
8. Soy ___ is widely cultivated for its nutritious seeds.
9. You often cry when you cut it.
2. You make a Jack-o'-Lantern with this vegetable.
3. It's a green leaf used in salads and hamburgers.
4. It's a high-fiber, stringy stalk, used in soups or salads.
6. You cook it to prepare red sauce.
7. Many people eat ___ flakes for breakfast.
Classroom Objects
1. Use it to add numbers
3. Write with this
5. You can write with this, too.
8. You read this.
9. White and blank
1. A useful tool for almost anything
2. You measure with this.
4. It writes on the blackboard.
6. A view of the world.
7. Where you sit to write.
Начало формы
Parts of a House
3. you enter the house here
4. it is made of glass
5. you sleep here
9. it is at the top of the house
10. it gives you warmth
1. it is under your feet
2. it is below the rooms
5. you can wash yourself in it
6. open it to go to another room
7. it is outside the entrance
8. it separates rooms
Uncountable Nouns
3. frozen water
5. liquid from fruit
8. you drink it in a pub
9. you breathe it
10. very expensive metal
1. made of milk
2. sweet; children love it
3. you write with it
4. often put on bread
6. if you drink too much of it, you can't sleep
7. used for sandwiches
Начало формы
1. It's the color of gold.
6. ___ and gold are precious metals.
7. It's also the name of a fruit.
10. The sun is shining and the sky is ___ today.
11. Tomatoes are ___.
12. Do you like the ___ Panther cartoon?
2. He wants peace. He is carrying a ___ flag.
3. If you mix red and blue, you get this color.
4. ___ sugar is healthier than refined sugar.
5. It's going to rain. The sky is ___ today.
8. The apple is not ripe. It's still ___.
9. It's the opposite of white.
1.My first is the two letters which begin the alphabet,
My second is the Past Tense of the verb "to send",
My whole is the antonym of "present"...
2.My first is what we say when we agree,
My second is the first syllable of the word "terribly",
My third is the antonym of "night",
My whole is the day before today...
3.My first is what we do when your hands are dirty,
My second is the suffix of Participle I,
My third is the letter that comes after "s",
My fourth is a preposition,
My whole is the capital of a state...
4.My first is the indefinite article,
My second is the synonym of "wide",
My whole means "in a foreign country"...
5.My first is a verb which helps to make tenses,
My second is not high but its antonym,
My whole is the antonym of "above"...
6.My first is the indefinite article,
My second means "to go to the other side of the street",
My whole is a preposition...
7.My first is a negative prefix,
My second is a preposition,
My third we use when speaking about music,
My whole is unhappiness...
8.My first is a preposition,
My second is a synonym of "receive",
My whole is the antonym of "remember"...
9.My first boys wear on their heads.
My second is a personal pronoun in the third person, singular.
My third is a suffix of an adjective.
My whole is the chief city…
10.My first is two letters giving the sound [a:].
My second is a possessive pronoun in the first person, singular.
My whole is that which makes a country strong…
Word squares
Сценарии праздников, вечеров, КВН
«World's Day»
Цели проведения праздника: повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка; обогащение лексического банка учащихся по теме «Экология»; раскрытие творческих способностей детей; формирование экологического мировоззрения.
Ведущие: Good afternoon! Welcome to our holiday which is dedicated to World Earth's Day that people all over the world celebrate today, on the 22nd of April. (Добрый день! Добро пожаловать на наш праздник, посвященный Всемирному Дню Земли, который люди всей планеты отмечают сегодня, 22 апреля.)
Затем сильный грохот прерывает приветствие ведущих.
Ведущие:What is going on here?! Every living thing is perishing! (Что здесь происходит?! Всё живое гибнет!)
Тем временем на сцене группа учеников импровизированно собирает разлившуюся нефть. Звучит тревожная музыка.
Ведущие: Now listen to a little history about this holiday… In spring 1979 the oil was spilled into the Pacific Ocean at the seashore of the USA not far from Santa-Barbara (it is not far from Los-Angeles). Hundreds of inhabitants of this city went out to the seashore to gather the oil in order to save every living thing of destruction. And then they decided that it was necessary to dedicate one holiday to the Earth at least. In that way since 1979 Americans began to celebrate Earth's Day on the 22nd of April every year. In 1994 Earth's Day became the world holiday. (A сейчас послушайте небольшую историю об этом дне… Весной 1979 года в Тихом океане у берегов Санта-Барбары, что неподалёку от Лос-Анджелеса, разлилась нефть. Сотни жителей этого города вышли тогда на побережье собирать нефть во имя спасения всего живого от гибели. И после этого они решили, что необходимо хотя бы один праздник посвятить Земле. Так с 1979 американцы стали каждый год отмечать 22 апреля День Земли. В 1994 году День Земли стал всемирным праздником. Затем двое учащихся исполняют песню «Спасите тигра» на английском языке. В проигрыше музыки читается перевод песни на русский язык (данная песня имеется на кассете, входящей в УМК New Discoveries 2 (Longman)).
Save the tiger. Спасите тигра.
Save the tiger. Спасите тигра, кита и панду.
Save the whale and the panda.
Save the tiger.
Save the whale and the gorilla.
Save the elephant in Africa. Спасите африканского слона
The eagle in America. и американского орла.
Save the wildlife of the world. Спасите дикую жизнь на планете!
Save the tiger.
Ведущие: Земля - планета, где мы родились. А что мы знаем о ее прошлом? Всегда была ли Земля обитаемой? Если нет, то когда возниклР первая жизнь? Кто были первые обитатели планеты? Послушайте небольшую историю, и вы получите ответы на все эти вопросы. It is known that the age of our planet is 4,6 milliard years. Scientists say that life on the Earth began about 4 milliard years ago. Now try to imagine that those 4 milliard years would be shortened to one year. So one day of that year would be corresponded to 11 million years. And now try to answer the question: 'When did life begin on our planet?' It is interesting that the first inhabitants of the Earth were bacteriums which arose on the 1st of January. The greater part of that year there were no living beings on Earth except them. The first typical to future plants and animals cells arose on the 1st of September. After that evolution began to proceed more quickly. The first invertebrate animals arose in September and October. The first fishes arose in November. Then the first amphibian arose. Dinosaurs arose in December. They existed on Earth until the middle of December. At the end of December the first birds and mammals arose.
At last the first man arose on the 31st of December at 4 o'clock in the evening or 3 million years ago! The scientific and technological revolution took place in 18th century and lasts only 2 seconds. But people had already had time to reduce the nature of our planet to ecological disaster for the last 2 seconds!
As the result of economic activities of man both the air, the water and the soil are polluted. The pollution of the environment is the most serious problem today and if we want to survive and live any longer, we must solve it until its too late. (Известно, что возраст нашей планеты 4,6 млрд лет. Ученые говорят, что жизнь на Земле возникла 4 млрд лет назад. А сейчас постарайтесь представить, что эти 4 млрд лет сократились до 1 года. Тогда 1 день этого года соответствовал бы 11 млн лет. Теперь постарайтесь ответить на вопрос: «Когда на Земле зародилась жизнь?» Интересно, что первыми обитателями Земли были бактерии, которые возникли n января и большую часть года оставались единственными жителями планеты. Первые клетки, характерные для будущих растений и животных, появились 1 сентября. После этого революция стала протекать быстрее. В сентябре и октябре появились первые беспозвоночные животные. В ноябре появились первые рыбы, затем первые амфибии. В декабре появились динозавры, господствовавшие на планете до середины декабря. В конце декабря появились первые птицы и млекопитающие. Наконец, первый человек появился 31 декабря в 4 часа вечера, или 3 млн лет назад! Научно-техническая революция началась в XVIII веке и длится всего 2 секунды. Но люди за последние 2 секунды уже успели довести природу планеты до экологической катастрофы! В результате хозяйственной деятельности человек загрязняет воду, воздух и почву. Загрязнение окружающей среды сейчас является самой серьезной проблемой, и если человечество хочет выжить и жить дальше, мы должны решить эту проблему, пока еще не слишком поздно.)
Затем ученик читает стихотворение.
Помните ли вы, что вы живете
На одной из крошечных планет,
Что из дальних далей к вам приходит
Звезд уже погасших бледный свет…
Льют дожди, и падают снежинки,
Распускается весной листва,
Только человек не понимает,-
Может все разрушить НАВСЕГДА!
В городах за дымом и угаром
О природе можно позабыть…
Ненадолго, так как невозможно
Без воды и воздуха прожить!
Верите ли вы, что вы живете
На одной из крошечных планет,
Что она сквозь дали излучает
Нежный и живой волшебный свет…
Льют дожди, и падают снежинки,
И сверкают цветы на лугу…
Я не знаю, что писать мне о природе,
Потому что ею я живу…
Ведущие: Наша планета прекрасна и уникальна! Красота природы Земли всегда вдохновляла художников, музыкантов, писателей и поэтов. О природе сложено много стихов. Сейчас мы послушаем стихи о природе на английском языке. На севере Ладожского озера есть святой остров Валаам. Его суровая северная природа очень живописна. Природе Валаама посвящены следующие два стихотворения.
The face of Valaam
Is grey and green,
Is tender and stern…
The icy distances,
The warm-grey steeps
And the scarlet clouds…
The song of the bird,
The chime from afar
Is near and deep…
The moss-grown firs
Are far and wide…
The weight is light…
The face of Valaam
Is in your heart…
Серый - зеленый,
Нежный - суровый…
Льдистые дали,
Сизые кручи -
Алые тучи…
Песенка птичья,
Звон издалёка
Близко - глубоко…
Мшистые ели -
Слева и справа,
Вправо и влево…
Легкое бремя…
На сердце прямо -
Лик Валаама…
Numerous rocks Numerous churches
And the moss-grown firs… With numerous bells…
Numerous bays It's Valaam -
On the Ladoga shores… The sacred place.
Ведущие: Некоторые люди предпочитают шумную городскую жизнь, а некоторые - спокойную, размеренную жизнь на природе. Следующее стихотворение как раз об этом…
He loves the ocean.
He loves the sky.
She loves to travel.
She loves to fly.
He likes the country.
He loves the clouds.
She likes the city.
She loves the crowds.
She loves the telephone.
She loves to talk.
He loves the mountains.
He loves to walk.
She loves to travel.
She loves to fly.
He loves the ocean.
He loves the sky.
Ведущие: Следующее стихотворение о человеке, который очень любит природу. Но, к сожалению, не все люди умеют замечать прекрасное и любоваться природой.
I meant to do my work today -
But a brown bird sang in the apple tree,
And a butterfly flitted across the field,
And all the leaves were calling me,
And the wind went sighing over the land
Tossing the grasses to and fro,
And a rainbow held out its shining hand -
So what could I do but laugh and go?
Я думал, что сделаю сегодня
Все дела,
Но коричневая птичка
Пела на яблоне,
И бабочка порхала над полем,
И каждый листочек меня звал,
И ветер вздыхал над землей,
Раскачивая травы,
И радуга протягивала мне
Свою сверкающую руку…
И что я сделать мог?..
Лишь улыбнуться и пойти…
В конце праздника можно провести викторину.
«Thanksgiving Day»
На корабле, который вырезан из картона, стоит группа ребят. Название корабля «Mayflower». Один в середине гребет ручкой, изображая, что все плывут на корабле.
Первый ученик читает стихотворение:
My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing:
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring.
Звучит песня «My Bonnie is Over the Ocean»
My Bonnie is over the ocean.
My Bonnie is over the sea.
My Bonnie is over the ocean.
Oh, Bring back my Bonnie to me.
Bring back.
Bring back.
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Last night as I lay on my pillow
Last night as I lay on my bed
Last night as I lay on my pillow
I dreamed that my Bonnie was dead.
Ведущий рассказывает о Дне Благодарения: There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day. The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The pilgrims sailed to America from Plymouth, England, in September, 1620. They came to America for religious freedom. They were among the first European settlers in America. The name of their ship was the "Mayflower." They landed at Plymouth Rock, in what s now the state of Massachusetts in December, 1620.
There were people living in America before the pilgrims arrived. These people were the Native American Indians. The Indians began settling in America about 25,000 years ago. They hunted, fished, and farmed to survive. There were many groups, or tribes, and each had its own customs and beliefs.
The pilgrims' first winter in the New World was difficult. They had arrived too late to grow many crops. Without fresh food, half of the pilgrims died. The following spring the Indians taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant, and survive in America. The crops did well, and in the fall of 1621 the pilgrims had a great harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast. They prepared a dinner of turkey, corn, beans, and pumpkins. They invited their Indian friends to share this feast. The Indians brought food to the feast, too (they even brought popcorn!). Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Tuskey is still the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert.
Корабль убираем. Выходит группа ребят с буквами и читает стихотворение:
T for time to be together,
Turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away,
Home, and health, and holiday.
A for autumn's frosty art,
And abundance the heart
N for neighbors, and November,
Nice things, new things to remember.
K for kitchen, kettles' croon,
Kith and kin expected soon.
As for sizzles, sights, and sounds,
And something special that abounds.
That spells THANKS - for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.
Стихотворение «Harvest» (звуки колокольчика)
The boughs do shake and the bells do ring,
So merrily comes our harvest in,
Our harvest in, our harvest in,
So merrily comes our harvest in.
We've ploughed, we've sowed.
We've reaped, we've mowed.
We've got our harvest in.
Танец под музыку в стиле «Country».
Стол и стулья. Телевизор (держит 1 ученик). Все смотрят парад. Девочка читает стихотворение про парад.
«The Thanksgiving Day Parade»
Thanksgiving Day is here today,
The great parade is under way,
And though it's drizzling quite a bit,
I'm sure that I'll see all of it.
Great ballons are floating by,
Cartoon creatures stories high,
Mickey Mouse and Mother Goose,
Snoopy and mammoth moose.
The band are marching, here they come,
Pipers pipe and drummers drum,
Hear the tubas and the flutes,
See the clowns in silly suits.
It's pouring now, but not on me,
I'm just as dry as I can be,
I watch and watch, but don't get wet,
I'm watching on our TV set.
Все помогают бабушке накрывать на стол.
Стихотворение «It's happy Thanksgiving»:
It's happy Thanksgiving,
Thanksgiving! Horray!
We're going to dinner
At Grandma's today.
I love it at Grandma's
It's cozy and snug,
I love giving Grandma
A Thanksgiving hug.
I help make the gravy.
I pour and stir,
It smells so delicious,
I love helping her.
We laugh and we talk,
Oh! She makes such a fuss
As she bustles about
Cooking dinner for us.
When we sit at the table
And Daddy says grace,
There's a beautiful smile
On my grandmother's face.
Though the weather is windy
And chilly and gray,
Our family is happy
This Thanksgiving day.
Все сидят за столом.
Стихотворение «Apple Pie».
Apple pie, pumpkin pie,
Turkey on the dish!
We can see, we can eat
Everything we
Wish, wish, wish, wish.
Grandma's here,
Grandpa's here,
Cousins bright and gay
Aunts and uncles
Share with us this good Thanksgiving
Day, day, day, day.
Thank you, God,
Thank you, God,
For good things to eat
Thank you also
For this day
Then we with friendly hearts
Do meet, meet, meet.
Один ученик выходит из-за стола и показывает, как он сильно наелся.
Стихотворение «I Ate Too Much»
I ate too much turkey,
I ate too much corn,
I ate too much pudding and pie,
I'm stuffed up with muffins
And much to much stuff in',
I'm probably going to die.
I piled up my plate
And I ate and I ate,
But I wish I had known when to stop,
For I'm so crammed with yams,
Sauces, gravies, and jams
That my buttons are starting to pop.
I'm full of tomatoes
And french fried potatoes,
My stomach is swollen and sore,
But there's still some dessert,
So I guess it won't hurt
If I eat just a little bit more.
Дед снимает тапочки, раздевается, кричит перед телевизором, где показывают футбол.
Стихотворение про футбол (один ученик держит телевизор).
Our turkey dinner's hardly gone
When Daddy says," The game is on."
He tunes it in, takes off his shoes,
And turns to watch his heroes lose.
He sits and screams, we sit and grin,
He gets so mad when they don't win.
Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same
Without my father's football game.
Заключение. Все уходят. Остаются 3 ученика.
Стихотворение «Thanksgiving» (в руках фрукты и овощи).
Thank You
For all my hands can hold
Apples red
And melons gold,
Yellow corn
Both ripe and sweet,
Peas and beans
So good to eat!
Thank You
For all my eyes can see
Lovely sunlight,
Field and tree,
White cloud-boats
In sea-deep sky,
Soaring bird
And butterfly.
Thank You
For all my ears can hear -
Birds' song echoing
Far and near,
Songs of little
Stream, big sea,
Cricket, bullfrog,
Duck and bee!
«Встречайте Рождество» (для учащихся 2-х и 4-х классов)
Цель: познакомить учащихся с традициями празднования Рождества; развивать навыки презентации проектной деятельности, закрепить лексику по теме «Рождество», воспитывать интерес к традициям страны изучаемого языка, создать праздничное настроение в канун Рождества, показать учащимся практическую значимость изучения иностранного языка, познакомить с новым способом презентации проектов.
Записи английских детских Рождественских песен;
Интерактивная доска;
Детские презентации, посвященные Рождеству;
Раздаточные схемы Рождественских традиций;
Декорации и маски для сказки «Три поросенка»;
Рождественские открытки для родителей и четвероклассников;
Письма Рождественскому Деду.
Подготовительная работа: Учащиеся 4 классов готовят проект «Рождественские традиции», и в качестве презентации выступают перед учащимися 2 классов со своими работами. Учащиеся 2 классов готовят сказку, изготавливают и подписывают открытки, пишут письма Рождественскому Деду, разучивают рождественские песни и стихи. Учитель готовит сценарий и игры к празднику. Роль Рождественского Деда играет папа одного ученика, который хорошо знает английский язык.
Ход праздника: Под мелодию "Jingle Bells" ведущие выходят в центр зала и приветствуют гостей и участников.
Christmas is here,
Christmas is here.
Merry Christmas, Mothers!
Merry Christmas, Fathers!
Merry Christmas, Children!
Все вместе с колокольчиками исполняют песню "We wish you a Merry Christmas!".
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year!
Teacher: Today is 25th of December. Today is Christmas day! It is the greatest holiday in Britain.
(На доску прикрепляется плакат "Christmas")
In Britain people have many interesting Christmas traditions.
(На доску прикрепляется второй плакат " Christmas traditions")
Listen to the short stories about trees, presents and other Christmas traditions!
(Участники проекта выходят к интерактивной доске и рассказывают об одной из Рождественских традиции, одновременно прикрепляя информационный листок к школьной доске. В результате на доске должен выстроиться коллаж «Рождественские традиции»)
People began to celebrate Christmas many, many years ago. They began to decorate the evergreen tree and give presents to each other. They placed a large shining star at the top of the Christmas tree and many bright shining balls from top to bottom.
Teacher: Look! We have a nice Christmas tree too! How many beatiful toys!
(Дети исполняют песню)
«Christmas Tree»
Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!
How lovely are your branches!
Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!
How lovely are your branches!
Lovely and green they always grow,
Through summer sun and winter snow.
Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!
How lovely your branches!
(Продолжается презентация «Рождественских традиций»)
In the evening of ihe 24th of December children hang their Christmas stocking on their beds or put them under the Christmas tree. Father Christmas puts presents into them. A Christmas stocking is not a real stocking. It is big and beautifully decorated.
Christmas pudding was first made many, many years ago. Now it is the highlight of Christmas dinner. Children often put holly on the pudding. Traditionally a coin is placed into the pudding. It brings good luck to a person who finds it.
Holly is an evergreen plant with sharp pointed leaves and red berries. You know already that people put holly on Christmas pudding. They also use holly to decorate their homes. It is a very old tradition. Long ago people began to put holly in their homes during the dark cold winters. They liked to look at holly and think about the spring and the sun. Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with small leaves and small white berries. On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of mistletoe in every house. Under this bunch boys kiss girls.
Teacher: Oh, it's a very interesting traditions. And do you know any poems about Christmas or winter?
Children: Yes, we do.
(Дети читают стихи)
Christmas is coming,
The geese are getting fat.
Please, put a penny
If the old man's got a penny,
Then a ha' penny will do.
If you haven't got a ha' penny,
Then God bless you!
Come to the garden
And play in the snow,
Make a white snowman
And help him to grow,
"What a nice snowman!"
The children will say.
"What a fine game for a cold winter day!"
Winter! Winter! Winter!
The snow is falling.
The wind is blowing.
The ground is white.
All and all night!
Little snowflakes, come and play,
We have nothing to do today.
(Выходят Снежинки, танцуют и поют)
Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.
Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.
Snowflakes fall into my hand.
Snowflakes brighten up our land!
(Продолжается презентация и постепенно заполняется коллаж «Рождественские традиции»)
Christmas Day is on the 25th of December. British people celebrate this holiday with big dinner. Children have much fun. They play under Christmas trees, find presents in their Christmas stockings, eat Christmas puddings, watch pantomimes.
Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day. It is on the 26th of December. Traditionally people put their Christmas presents into boxes. That is why the day on which they give and receive these boxes is called Boxing Day.
Every English family sends and receives many Christmas cards. Traditionally there is a robin on almost every card (and you know already that a robin is a Christmas bird). Sometimes there is a bunch of holly on the Christmas card. You can read on the card: «Merry Christmas! »
Before Christmas children make small flags. On these flags they paint British, American, French, German, Finnish and other flags. They hang Christmas flags on the Christmas tree or decorate the room with them.
Christmas hats are made of coloured paper. Children and grown-ups like to wear them at Christmas.
You know already that Father Christmas comes into children's homes on Christmas Eve. He has a white beard and white and red clothes. He is always merry. They say he comes from the North Pole. He brings presents for children.
Teacher: Do you like Christmas traditions? What is your favourite tradition? (Второклассники выходят к доске и по коллажу называют ту традицию, которая понравилась).
Can you match pictures and Christmas traditions?
(Ребята выходят по очереди и на интерактивной доске соединяют картинку и слова. Затем все традиции прочитывают хором)
Teacher: Let's say "Thank you!" for children! Do you want to make presentations like these? (Второклассники благодарят старших ребят, дарят сделанные заранее открытки, и выражают желание попробовать сделать презентацию. Четвероклассники дарят на память малышам схемы-памятки «Рождественские традиции).
Teacher: Who is the main man at Christmas day?
Children: Father Christmas!
Teacher: Let's call him.
Children: Father Christmas! You are welcome!
Входит Father Christmas.
Father Christmas: Here I am! Good morning, children! Glad to see you! And you? Let's play the game "Nose, nose, nose, mouth…"
(Дети стоят кругом. Рождественский Дед в центре. Он говорит: "Nose, nose, nose, mouth". Произнося первые три слова, он держится за нос, а при четвертом вместо рта дотрагивается до другой части головы или тела. Игроки должны делать все как говорит, а не делает ведущий. Выигрывает самый внимательный.)
Father Christmas: Oh, you are very merry and friendly! How beautiful is here! Children! I have got some questions for you!
- Are there any naughty boys among you?
- Are there any lazy girls among you?
- Do you learn well at school?
- Do you play together well?
- Do you eat cheese, meat, porridge?
- Do you listen to your teachers?
- Do you help your parents?
(Дети хором отвечают на вопросы).Father Christmas: I see, that you are very good children. You have a very nice tree! I see here many interesting things: animals, toys, sweets! Help me, please, name them!
(Дети называют предметы, висящие на елке: golden balls, candles, Christmas crackers, bells, snowflakes, stars, garlands, chocolate, candies, apples, cookies, nuts and etc.).
Father Christmas:
But there are not lights!
Let's light the fir-tree!
Please, say together with me: 1, 2, 3…
Fir-tree in lights be!
(Повторяют три раза, елка загорается).
Our Fir-tree is lighting, let's have fun!
(Дети поют песенку).
«The twelve days of Christmas»
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
A partridge in a pear tree.
On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.
On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Five gold rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves…
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Six geese, five gold rings, four calling birds, three French hens….
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Seven swans, six geese, five gold rings, four calling birds, three French hens….
On the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Eight maids, seven swans, six geese, five gold rings, four calling birds…
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Nine ladies, eight maids, seven swans, six geese, five gold rings….
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Ten lords, nine ladies, eight maids, seven swans, six geese…
On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Eleven pipers, ten lords…..
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Twelve drummers, eleven pipers, ten lords…..
Father Christmas:
Children! I have got some riddles for you. Guess, who are they?
1. They are three brothers.
They are pink.
They are very funny. (Three pigs)
2. They live together:
A cock, a car, a frog, a mouse… (House in the wood)
3. He is round, he has got many friends:
Pussy-the-dog… (Puff-the-Ball)
Father Christmas: Oh, do you know everything? I think that riddle will be difficult for you!
4. She is a beautiful girl.
She has got two sisters, a father and a stepmother! (Cinderella)
Children: We have got a riddle for you, Father Christmas! (Ребенок загадывает загадку)
In winter it is white,
In summer it is grey,
It likes carrots and cabbage.
Who is it?
(Рождественский Дед старается угадать, называя разных животных)
Father Christmas:
I am very tired, children! I want to have a rest!
Father Christmas! We have some presents for you!
(Дети инсценируют сказку "Three pigs")
Father Christmas! We have some letters for you!
Father Christmas:
Oh, can you read your letters for me?
(Желающие читают свои письма Рождественскому Деду)
Father Christmas:
Thank you very much for your presents. Invite your parents. I want to play and sing with you. (Дети, родители вместе с Рождественским Дедом играют и поют)
If you are happy
1. If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (clap-clap).
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (clap-clap).
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (clap-clap).
3. Stamp your feet.
4. Snap your fingers.
5. Nod your head.
6. Say "OK".
7. Do all six!
Father Christmas:
Thank you, thank you for presents, for dances, songs and games. I have presents for you, too. (Раздает подарки)
Father Christmas:
A merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
I shall meet with you next year!
A merry Christmas for me,
A merry Christmas for you,
A merry Christmas for everyone.
That's what I wish - I do.
Good bye, dear children!
Good bye, Father Christmas!
Our celebration is over. Let's give Christmas cards your parents and sing a song!
(Дети дарят открытки родителям и поют песню с колокольчиками)
We wish you a merry Christmas!
We wish you a merry Christmas And a happy New Year!
КВН " Are you worried about Nature?" ( "Волнует ли тебя состояние природы?") (для учащихся 7-х классов)
Цели: социокультурный аспект: знакомство учащихся с экологическими проблемами, экологическими знаками, различными экологическими организациями в мире, национальными заповедниками и парками России, цели и задачи охраны окружающей среды в нашей стране.
Развивающий аспект: развитие у учащихся способности к анализу, эмоциональности и воображения, к трансформации и комбинированию речевых единиц. Формированию выводов из прочитанного, извлечение информации об основных проблемах экологии в мире из прочитанных текстов, развитие чувства обеспокоенности экологической ситуацией.
Учебный аспект: развитие речевых умений и навыков учащихся; устные высказывания по теме « In your culture» (о национальных парках и заповедниках в России), развитие умения читать и понимать на слух с целью извлечения общей и детальной информации.
Речевой аспект: материал цикла 4 УМК Кузовлев В.П. «English-7» - « How do you treat the Earth?»
Организационный момент:
1. Приветствие, подготовительный этап, озвучение темы и целей мероприятия.
2. Представление команд.
3. Задание 1.
4. Задание 2.
(берут карточки с картинками и называют проблемы окружающей среды, которые там изображены)
(Ключ: 1 - B, 5 - A, 2 - F, 6 - E, 3 - D, 7 - G, 4 - C)
5. Задание 3.
6. Задание 4.
Ключи: 1. Butterfly 8. Sheep 2. Squirrel 9. Fox 3. Pig 10. Lion 4. Tiger 11. Hippo 5. Cow 12. Monkey 6. Rabbit 13. Parrot 7. Bird 14. Giraffe 15. Elephant
7. Задание 5.
8. Задание 6.
- Good morning! I'm glad to see you. Dear boys and girls,=we are going to speak about Nature, ecological problems, how to save our planet. I think our life is very important. We live on the planet and there are a lot of people who think about the future of the planet. Some people take care of animals, others take care of birds, others are in charge of the forests. And we must be worried about nature too. Let me introduce our jury. So let's start.
- So we have three teams. We have one team with 5 members in it. And you have a captain. Now you introduce the team's name. Each team gets one point for the best introduction.
- Let's start the 1 round. So, look at the blackboard and match the English and Russian sentences. One point is awarded for every correct answer.
The end of the first round. Keep your country tidy!
Keep off the grass.
Put your litter in the bin!
Keep dogs under control.
Respect the life and work of the countryside. Береги природу!
Не сорить!
Перерабатываете отходы!
Уважай жизнь природы!
По газонам не ходить!
Выгул собак запрещен.
- Let's start the 2 round. One point is awarded for every correct answer. Are you ready?
Take your cards and say what some global environmental problems you know. And now match the symbols with the names of the problems.
Dear friends, find English equivalents to the Russian sentences, which I'd like to say to you!
1. Наши фабрики выбрасывают много грязи в воздух. Мы загрязняем атмосферу.
2. Газы из аэрозолей и холодильников могут уничтожить озоновый слой. Мы можем найти альтернативу этим газам.
3. Мы тратим слишком много энергии и сжигаем много газа, угля и нефти. Это является причиной глобального потепления.
4. Наша питьевая вода полна химикатов. Моря загрязнены, потому что мы продолжаем спускать в них химикаты и мусор.
5. Мы выкидываем много стекла, бумаги, металла и пластика. Мы не должны этого делать. Мы можем перерабатывать эти вещи.
6. Бумагу изготавливают из дерева. Если мы используем много бумаги, мы убиваем много деревьев. Триста тысяч квадратных километров лесов исчезают каждый год.
7. Животные в опасности. Мы загрязняем атмосферу и беспокоим живую природу. Многие животные исчезают.
- Let's start the 3 round.
Take the card and make a story about national parks in Russian. What can you tell your foreign friends about national parks and nature reserves in Russian? About 12 sentences. 5 points are awarded for every correct answer.
FACTS: 23 national parks, Valday (17.05.1990; Novgorodskaya region; animals: bears, wolves, foxes, otters; lakes: Valday, Seliger), Losiny Ostrov (1983; north-east of Moscov; 48 kinds of animals: deer, foxes; 200 kinds of birds). 84 nature reserves, Barguzinsky (the first one; 29.12.1916; Lake Baikal; sable (соболь); 2480 square km).
That's right. Let's start our 4 round. Take your cross word and find. 15 animals on the board? They are written across, down and backwards
One point is awarded for every correct answer.
Can you find 15 animals on the board? They are written across, down and backwards.
Let's start the 5 round. Listen carefully. Now, read the text «Giants in danger» and choose the correct answer. I give you 5 minutes.
Giants in danger
Elephants need a lot of water. Grown-ups drink as much as 50 gallons (189 liters) a day. The animals use water in other ways as well. After they have had enough to drink, they fill their trunks (хоботы) and spray their bodies. The showers cool the elephants. Leaving the water hole, the elephants join small family groups resting under the trees. Elephants rest only during the hottest part of the day and for a few hours each night. The rest of the time, they eat. In fact, elephants spend about 16 hours a day eating.
Today, many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough to eat or to drink and because they do not have enough space to live in.
Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year. Some kill them for meat. But most kill elephants for their ivory tusks (бивни).
Most of elephants have gone to national parks. There are too many animals there. As a result, the elephants do not have enough grass and leaves to eat.
All these problems have greatly reduced (сократили) the number of elephants in Africa. Specialists think that only two million elephants live on the planet today.
Maybe some day you will help to find a way to save them. (206 words)
(The National Geographic World. Dec. 1984)
2. Choose the correct answer.
1) Elephants need water:
a) to drink only.
b) to drink and to shower their bodies.
c) to drink and to swim in it.
2) Elephants eat:
a) three times a day.
b) one time a day.
c) more than ten hours a day.
3) Elephants are killed:
a) for their meat
b) for their skin
c) for ivory tusks.
4) A lot of water
a) use by elephants.
b) is used by elephants.
5) Elephants
a) are cooled by the showers.
b) cool by the showers.
6) Elephants
a) eat a lot.
b) are eaten a lot.
So, now I want to know what you have learned about nature. I want to ask you some questions and you try to answer. One point is awarded for every correct answer.
1. What is a national park?
- National park are protected areas where the nature is not disturbed.
2. What are the two aims of national parks?
- The first aim of national parks is to protect the countryside. The second aim is to allow people to enjoy the countryside as home to trees, flowers, animals and birds.
3. What was the first national park in the world?
- The first national park in the world was Yellowstone, which was founded in 1872.
4. How many national parks are there in Britain and in the USA. There are 13 national parks in the USA and 10 in England and Wales.
5. What are some of these parks?
- Some of the parks are the Great Smoky Mountains, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Parks and Everglades, the Lake District.
6. What kinds of people visit them?
- Naturalists and tourists visit national parks.
7. What are the three R`s?
- reduce
- reuse
- recycle
8. How many national parks and nature reserves are there in Russia?
There are 23 national parks and 84nature reserves in Russia.
9. What environment groups (organization) do you know?
- the Friends of the Earth - Друзья Земли
- the Forest Service - Служба леса
- Greenpeace - Гринпис
- the RSPCA - the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - королевское общество защиты животных .
- the RSPB - the Royal Society for the Prevention of Birds - королевское общество защиты птиц.
- the World Wildlife Fund - фонд дикой природы.
- So it is the end of the game. You worked well and find now listen to our jury, please.
Thank you for your job, during this game you have learned how to help our planet and how to save it for our future generations.
КВН "Enjoy English" (для учащихся 5-х классов)
К данному мероприятию готовится красочный плакат "Enjoy English".2 команды заранее придумывают себе название, девиз и эмблему на английском языке. А также заранее готовится домашнее задание: 1) стихи для фонетического конкурса ; 2) песня; 3) инсценировка отрывка сказки на английском языке.
Целями данного мероприятия являются:
Образовательная цель: расширение эрудиции учащихся, их общего кругозора;
Развивающая цель: развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей учащихся, их чувств и эмоций.
Воспитательная цель: формирование интереса у учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, формирование познавательной активности учащихся.
План мероприятия:
Вступительное слово ведущих.
Знакомство команд.
Фонетическая разминка.
" Цепочка".
Составление слов из слогов.
Кто лучше знает алфавит?
Английские числа.
Конкурс капитанов.
Конкурс для зрителей.
Исполнение песен.
Инсценировка отрывка сказки.
Подведение итогов мероприятия.
Ход мероприятия:
1. Вступительное слово ведущих:
а) приветствие;
б) сообщение правил игры;
в) представление команд ( название, девиз, эмблема).
2. Знакомство команд ( The question duel).
Капитаны команд поочередно задают друг другу вопросы. Их задача получить как можно больше сведений о своем собеседнике.
Ведущий: The members of the teams will ask questions to each other. And we shall see who will be the most skillful in this. So, let's start!
What is your name?
What is your surname?
How old are you?
Where are you from?
What toys have you got?
What's your address?
What's your telephone number?
What is your hobby?
What is your favorite sport?
How are you?
Have you got a mother?
How old is she?
What is her name?
Do you like to play football, chess …?
Do you like reading?
What are your favorite subjects?
3. Фонетическая разминка (The phonetic Chamber).
Члены команд читают стихотворения на английском языке.
Ведущий: Next, it will be the phonetic chamber. The members of the teams will recite the English poems. You are welcome, children!
4. " Цепочка" ( The words' chains ).
Учащиеся по конечной букве существительного должны написать новое существительное и т.д.
Rabbit, etc.
Ведущий: Children, you have to write the chains of English words on the blackboard for only 1 minute. Let's see whose word chain will be longer.
5. Составление слов из слогов (Making up the words).
По одному участнику от каждой команды получают конверты. Начало слова на одной карточке, окончание - на другой.
Ведущий: Try to make up the words from the syllables out of the envelopes. Take the envelopes and start working.
6. Кто лучше знает алфавит? (Who knows the ABC better?)
Двое участников от каждой команды участвуют в конкурсе. Каждый из них пишет по одной букве. 5 баллов ставится той команде, которая быстрее и без ошибок напишет алфавит.
Ведущий: Children, you should write the English ABC on the blackboard as quick as possible. And correctly, of course! Are you ready? Then, start!
7. Найди и назови числа (Find and name the numbers).
На доске-2 таблицы с цифрами. Нужно быстро посчитать, правильно показывая указкой цифры. Кто быстрее?
Ведущий: Name the English numbers correctly, showing them on the blackboard.
8. Конкурс капитанов (The captains' competition).
Участвуют капитаны. Необходимо рассказать о себе. Кто больше скажет предложений?
Ведущий: And now our captains are invited to take part in this competition. They have to tell us about themselves in English. Are you ready? Let's begin.
9. Конкурс для зрителей (Riddles for spectators).
Ведущий: Please, guess the riddles:
My color is green, I am from Africa. Have you ever me seen? (A crocodile)
I like to jump
I like to climb
I like bananas,
It's fun. (A monkey)
I don't know the ABC,
But I am writing as you see. (A pen)
What changes a pear into a pearl? (The letter "l")
If a blue stone falls into the Red Sea, what will happen? (The stone will be wet)
10. Исполнение песен (Singing the songs).
Каждая команда исполняет заранее подготовленные песни.
Ведущий: Let us listen to the songs performed by our teams.
11. Инсценировка отрывка сказки (Acting out a fairy-tale).
Учащиеся каждой команды инсценируют отрывки из сказок.
12. Подведение итогов мероприятия (The results of the competition).