- Учителю
- 5 Сынып Food and drink
5 Сынып Food and drink
The plan of the lesson
The theme of the lesson: Food and drink
The aims of the lesson:
Саналытын және саналмайтын зат есімдерімен таныстыру, ажырата білуге үйрету. Сусын, жеміс-жидек, тағамдардың атауларымен таныстыру және оларды қолдана отырып сөйлем құрауға үйрету. Сөздерді ағылшын тілінде айту дағдыларын қалыптастыру.
2. Дамытушылық.
Электронды оқулықтар арқылы ағылшын тілінде сөйлем құру дағдыларын дамыту.
3. Тәрбиелік.
Сабақта жаттығулар арқылы көмек көрсетуге тәрбиелеу.
Visual aids: электронды оқулық, интербелсенді тақта, ноутбуктер, кітаптар.
Type of the lesson: New lesson.
Teacher's activities
Student's activities
1.Organization moment
2. Phonetic drill
3. Presentation of a new material
Lexical material
Consolidation of a new lexical material
Grammar material
Consolidation of a new lexical material
4. Conclusion
Giving the home task
Giving the marks
Good morning student's!
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
What is the date today?
What is the day of the week?
Now! Look at the blackboard! (интерактивті тақтада қысқа тақпақ жазылып тұрды)
Everybody listen to me!
Help you mother to lay the table
With a knife, and fork, and spoon.
Help you mother to lay the table
Every afternoon!
Now ! listen and repeat after me! ( 3 times)
And who wants to read?
I will show you some things , and you should answer to my questions
( there are apples, oranges, grapes etc.)
What is it?
Do you like to eat? Are big eater of an apple?
OK! Now tell what about will be our new theme?
Look at the blackboard!( there new words)
Listen to the speaker and repeat new words
1st part
Chicken, eggs, juice, cake, mineral water, milk, chocolate, fish, soup, butter, cheese, sausage, meat
Now repeat after me! (2 time)
2nd part
Listen to the speaker and repeat new words
Pear, banana, pineapple, plum, peach, watermelon, cucumber, grapes, lemon, orange, tangerine, carrot, tomato, beetroot, mushrooms, potato, onion, cabbage.
Now repeat after me! (2 time)
Teacher give to each student sheet of papers with new lexica
Look at the blackboard . Help Winnie and Piggy. They don't know fruit and vegetables.
Good of you!
So your next task . Look at your notebooks! ( there are task, to make up sentences)
Each of you should make up one sentence! I will give you one minute!
Now let's check you sentences. One by one read your sentences!
OK! Look at the blackboard! ( there are explaining of a new grammatical material)
Did you understand the explain?
What means Countable? When we can use it?
Countable- саналатын зат есімдермен қолданылады.
What means Uncountable? When we can use it?
Uncountable- саналмайтын зат есімдермен қолданылады.
How can you translate the many?
Many-көп деген мағынаны береді, ол тек қана саналатын зат есімдерімен қолданылады.
How can you translate the much?
Much-көп деген мағынаны береді, ол тек қана саналатын зат есімдерімен қолданылады.
So, let's do some exercises
Help Michel to fill the fridge , only uncountable things.
I will give you 1 minute
Put many/much into the blanks ( Teacher give sheet of papers with tasks to each student)
Test in notebooks. ( There are 10 questions)
Teacher check every student.
Your home task will be
to learn by heart new words.
To make up 5 sentences using many, and 5 sentences using much.
After the lesson I will give you these marks
Makpal is…
Aldiar is …
Zhania is …
Our lesson is over Good Bye!
Good morning Teacher!
S1: Iam
S1: All are present
S1: Today is the 19th of October
S1: Today is…
Ss listen to teacher.
Ss listen and repeat after teacher.
5 students read the poem one by one.
Ss answer to teacher's questions
S2: may be about fruits?
Ss Listen to the speaker and repeat new words
Ss repeat after teacher (2 time)
Ss Listen to the speaker and repeat new words
Ss repeat after teacher (2 time)
Ss one by one come to the blackboard and divide words into two groups.
Ss write their own sentences in notebooks.
Ss one by one read their sentences.
Ss listen to the speaker
Ss answer the questions
Ss do the exercise
Ss do the tests
Ss write the home tasks into the diaries.
№26 жалпы орта білім беретін қазақ мектебі
Ағылшын тілі пәнінен ашық сабақ әзірлемесі
Тақырыбы: «Food and drink»
Өткізген: Сабитова Ж.С.
Сынып: 6
2011-2012 оқу жылы