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  • Урок английского языка в 5 классе. Тема: Мир профессий.

Урок английского языка в 5 классе. Тема: Мир профессий.

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Краткое описание:                                     Урок английского языка в 5 классе.                                            Тема: Мир профессий.Тип урока: урок совершенствования продуктивных навыков.Формы: фронтальная, парная деятельность. Цели урока:Совершенствование практических
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Урок английского языка в 5 классе.

Тема: Мир профессий.

Тип урока: урок совершенствования продуктивных навыков.

Формы: фронтальная, парная деятельность.

Цели урока:

  1. Совершенствование практических навыков владения лексикой по теме.

  2. Развитие речевой и языковой компетенции обучающихся.

  3. Развитие ассоциативной памяти, внимания, умения работать в парах.

  4. Содействие социализации учащихся. Расширение представлений о мире профессий.


  1. Развитие умений связной монологической речи.

  2. Совершенствовать навыки чтения с целью основного понимания и понимания необходимой информации.

  3. Развивать речевое умение выражать согласие и ли несогласие, свое мнение.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент. Warming- up.

Good morning to everybody. Sit down. I'm glad to see you. How are you? / Are you well?

What is the date? Who's absent today?

T - P - What are you going to be? What are you going to be?

- I'll be a … . That's the life for me.

Ask each other what you are going to be. (P - P)

  1. Целеполагание.

The theme of the lesson is "The World of Professions".

Today we'll speak about people of different jobs and will make portraits of


(На доске - силуэт человека. По ходу урока учитель будет писать

вокруг него основные пункты создания портрета профессии:

-название профессии; - для кого она типична;

- чем занимается этот человек; - какие качества необходимы;

- униформа; - рабочие часы - характеристика профессии)

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Read the transcription. ( Учащиеся читают транскрипцию таких слов:

Driver, teacher, responsible, clever, desiner, typical, independent, polite, uniform, nurse, programmer, lawyer, interesting, farmer.

  1. Актуализация знаний учащихся.

Look at the pictures and say what do they do.

( He is a driver. A driver is a person who carries people by car.)

Карточка для слабых учеников

A … is a person who …


carries people by car


gives us the books we need

Computer programmer

treats our teeth


helps sick people in the hospital


works with computer, write computer programmes


grows fruits and vegetables


knows many laws and about social problems


treats sick people


helps people to buy food and clothes


doesn't work, takes care of the house and the baby

( на доске появляется первая составная портрета - чем занимается этот


There are many different jobs. What jobs are typical for men, for women? Which for both men and women?

( I think, the typical jobs for … are … .)

( на доске появляется следующая составная портрета - для кого типична


  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Развитие речевых умений (выражать свое мнение, расспрашивать о качествах необходимых для разных профессий)

1) At home you were to write what characteristics are necessary for different jobs.

Open your Activity books on p.24 and books on p. 49. Express your opinions to each other.

P - P P - Cl - I think, a guide should be sociable, talkative and clever.

( на доске появляется следующая составная портрета - какие качества


2) Work in pairs again. Find out what your partner thinks about different jobs.

(слабые учащиеся получают подсказку в виде слов)

P - P - What do you think of a job of a lawyer?

- I think it's an important and responsible job.

( на доске появляется следующая составная портрета - характеристика


  1. Физминутка.

  1. Совершенствование навыков чтения и развитие речевых навыков.

Take the card on your desk. Read the texts. Answer the questions.

( слабые - задание верно-неверно)

  1. Where does he work?

  2. How much does he work?

  3. Does he wear a special uniform?

  4. What is Michael Hopkins' occupation?

  5. How much does Sara Clifford work?

  6. Does she work with people?

  7. What is her occupation?

Agree or disagree. Correct the statements.

  1. A computer programmer works outdoors.

  2. A teacher should be clever and responsible.

  3. A farmer wears a special uniform.

  4. The job of a librarian is dangerous.

  5. A bodyguard works weekends.

  6. A nurse works in an office.

  7. A dentist doesn't wear a special uniform.

When we speak about any profession we can also speak about uniform and when/ how much he/she works.

( на доске появляются следующие составные портрета - униформа и

часы работы)

  1. Развитие умений связной монологической речи.

So we can see how to describe any profession/ job. You have some pictures on your desks. Choose one of them/ Work in pairs/ Make a portrait of this job.

(слабым учащимся дать опоры в виде фраз)

P - P P - Cl

  1. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

You worked very well today. I hope that now you know about different professions much more. Your hometask will be to make a riddle about any profession.

  1. Оценки.

1. Скажи, чем занимаются эти люди.

A … is a person who …


carries people by car


gives us the books we need

Computer programmer

treats our teeth


helps sick people in the hospital


works with computer, write computer programmes


grows fruits and vegetables


knows many laws and about social problems


treats sick people


helps people to buy food and clothes


doesn't work, takes care of the house and the baby

2. Скажи, что ты думаешь о разных профессиях.

- I think it's an important and responsible job.

Responsible dangerous interesting hard important

3. Прочитай текст. Определи, верны или неверны данные утверждения.

  1. M.Hopkins works in an office.

  2. He works all days of a week.

  3. He and his family grow animals.

  4. M. Hopkins wears a special uniform.

  5. He is a worker.

  6. Sara Clifford doesn't work weekends.

  7. She should be polite because she works with people.

  8. She is dentist.

  1. Вырази согласие или несогласие.

I agree that … I disagree with it.

  1. A computer programmer works outdoors.

  2. A teacher should be clever and responsible.

  3. A farmer wears a special uniform.

  4. The job of a librarian is dangerous.

  5. A bodyguard works weekends.

  6. A nurse works in an office.

  7. A dentist doesn't wear a special uniform.

  1. Составь портрет представителя какой-либо профессии.

He is …

… typical job for …

… a person who …

… should be …

… a special uniform…

The job is …

  1. Read the texts. Answer the questions.

  1. I'm Michael Hopkins. I'm from Scotland. I work out-of-doors almost the whole year. It's nice in summer but not in winter. My working day begins at 6 p.m. I work weekends. My wife and two sons help me. We have some animals. We take care of them: feed, treat, clean. I like my sheep. We also work in the fields. I don't wear a special uniform. Well, I really like my job. What am I?

  2. I'm Sara Clifford. I live in Bath. I work from 9.00 a.m. till 6 p.m. I don't work weekends and holidays. There are a lot of different books, newspapers and magazines at my work place. I work both with books and people. And I should always be friendly and polite. I help people to find necessary books and magazines. I love my job. I think it's very important.

  1. Where does he work?

  2. How much does he work?

  3. Does he wear a special uniform?

  4. What is Michael Hopkins' occupation?

  5. How much does Sara Clifford work?

  6. Does she work with people?

  7. What is her occupation?


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