- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Why are these days important? (lesson 2, Unit 3. 7 класс. Учебник Английский язык. автор В.П.Кузовлев)
Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Why are these days important? (lesson 2, Unit 3. 7 класс. Учебник Английский язык. автор В.П.Кузовлев)
В.П. Кузовлев «English 7», Unit 3 "Can people do without you?"
Цели урока:
личностные результаты
(воспитательный аспект):
формирование у учащихся потребности проявлять заботу и уважительное отношение к окружающим, воспитание потребности в здоровом образе жизни и полезном время препровождении, стремления активно участвовать в жизни класса, города, страны;
(социокультурный аспект):
знакомство с информацией о днях и праздниках, связанных с благотворительностью и помощью окружающим людям (Make a Difference Day, International Day of Volunteers,
International Day for the Elderly People);
метапредметные результаты (развивающий аспект):
развитие способности к логическому изложению, перефразированию, к вы-
явлению языковых закономерностей, к формулированию выводов, развитие умения использовать речевой образец в качестве опоры, развитие умения использовать памятки;
предметные результаты (учебный аспект):
формирование грамматических навыков говорения;
сопутствующие задачи:
совершенствование лексических навыков говорения, развитие умения читать с целью полного понимания прочитанного и с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
Речевой материал:
-лексический - to mind, a nursing home;
-грамматический - новый: форма глагола с окончанием -ing (Ving form); для повторения: предлоги места, времени и образа действия, числительные (the numeral), даты (dates), неопределённая форма глагола в функции обстоятельства цели (the infinitive of purpose), Present Simple (вопросительные формы).
Ход урока:
Greeting. Introduction to the lesson
Режим T - Cl
T. Good morning, dear friends. I'm glad to see you today. How are you today ?
Cl. I'm OK. I'm fine..........
T. Let's make a start. But I wonder who is on duty today?What is date today?
Who is absent today? What is wrong with them (her/him)?
Warming up.
T. All right, pupils. Let's get down to work.
What do you know about voluntary work ? What is charity?
There are some voluntary organizations in Britain, aren't there?
What voluntary organizations do you know?
What do the members of PTA do?
What do the members of RSPCA do?
What do the members of "Save the children" do?
Which activities do you find interesting/important/useful?
Режим T- Cl
1) Match the words with their definitionsa) a nursing home
a) a place where old people live
2) A charity
b) a child whose parents are dead
3) a vounteer
c) people who can not use a part of their body.
4) an orphan
d) an organization that helps poor people
5) disabled people
e) a person who helps without any money
6) needy people
f) people who have no place to live
7) Lonely people
g) money, that somebody gives to help a person or organization.
8) Homeless people
h) unhappy people because they are alone.
9) Sympathy
i) people people who have very little food or money.
10) Donation
j) the feeling you have when you understand why someone is sad and want to help him/her feel better
Key: 1. A nursing home - a) a place where old people live 2.A charity - d)an organization that helps poor people. 3. A volunteer - e) a person who helps without any money.4. An orphan - b) a child whose parents are dead.5. Disabled people - c) people who can not use a part of their body.6. Needy people - i) people who have very little food or money.7. Lonely people - h) unhappy people because they are alone.8. Homeless people - f) people who have no place to live.9. Sympathy - j) the feeling you have when you understand why someone is sad and want to help him/her feel better10. Donation - g) money, that somebody gives to help a person or organization.
2) Fill in the text. Use the words below.
RSPCA is the world's oldest …........... It helps …......... and protects …......... in the wild. It helps............. animals to find new homes. RSPCA doesn't …....... from the government. Please, donate money. Make …....... generously.
( homeless, animals, get money, donations, charity, pets)
Key: RSPCA is the world's oldest charity. It helps pets and protects animals in the wild. It helps homeless animals to find new homes. RSPCA doesn't get money from the government. Please, donate money. Make donations generously.
2) Oxfam is a British................ that helps people in …..countries. It raises some of its......... through sales. An Oxfam shops......... new and used......
( poor ,money ,organization, goods , sell)
Key: Oxfam is a British organization that helps people in poor countries. It raises some of its money through sales. An Oxfam shops sell new and used goods.
( poor ,money ,organization, sell)
T. Today we are going to talk about holidays and celebrations. There are a lot of holidays throughout the year. Some holidays are very popular, some are not so popular, but many children find them very important.
2. Речевая зарядка:
Т: Do you like celebrations?
-What is your favourite holiday?
T. What are these days? Look at the pictures in ex.1 1). (Ex. 1 p. 53. ). В упражнении происходит презентация нового грамматического явления. Текст упражнения предъявляется со слуховой опорой.
There are a lot of holidays throughout the year. In Britain and the USA there are some days that are not so popular, but many people find them very important.
1) What are these days? When do people celebrate them?
P1 - P2- P3...
People celebrate..............on the.................
3.Listening/Reading for details. Ex.1 2) p. 54
Pre - listening activities.
Turn over the page, please. Look at the picture in ex.1 2).
Most children think that these days are not just for celebrating but also for showing others that you can care for them.
4. Reading Ex.1.2 p. 54
T: What ways do these children speak about?
-What are the children speaking about?
- How do they celebrate these holidays? What are these celebrations for?
1) p. 54- 55 (V -ing form after the prepositions by, for )
В упражнении происходит первичная автоматизация навыка употребления формы глагола с окончанием -ing. Учащиеся подставляют глаголы с окончанием -ing в предложения. Примеры подстановки:
I look forward to taking part in a charity run.
I can help with organising a charity fair.
I don't mind being involved in fundraising.
I enjoy being involved in fundraising.
Donating money on charity is very important.
Supporting those in need is very important.
Providing poor people with money, food or clothes is a good contribution to charity.
Volunteering at the nearest nursing home is a good contribution to charity.
Cleaning the local park is a good idea.
I can help with cleaning the local park.
Picking up litter in the school playground is not fun, but necessary.
I enjoy planting trees and flowers. I'm good at planting trees and flowers.
I can help with making a poster about different charity projects.
(В менее подготовленном классе дать предложения учащимся на перевод, обращая внимание на форму глагола с окончанием -ing )
2) Т: p. 55 Ex.2. (1.1., 1.2) What do people do on Labour Day?
T. There are two holidays in the year when British and American children congratulate their parents. Guess what holidays are these? How do the British children make these days special for their parents?
3) Ex.3 p. 56
P1-P2 - P3 ….
Children in Britain ….....on ….....Day.
American children...........on...........Day.
4) T. Complete the sentences using the V-ing (учащимся раздаются карточки)
1) Russians celebrate 8 March by …...........
2) Christmas is the best time for.........
3) We can help homeless people by ….......
4) Every family has some time for.........
5) Evening is a perfect time for..........
6) ….........rooms is the best present for your mother.
7) You can help disabled people by …..........
Режим P1- P2- P3-…
5) T: What about Russian children? Do you have similar holidays in Russia? What are these holidays?
6) Work in pairs. Ask questions about Mother's Day in your family.
Be ready to tell us about these celebrations in your families.
Работа в парах (используют выражения упр. 3.1 стр 56)
P1. Do you ...on Mother's Day?
P2. Yes, I do. I usually ...on. Mother's Day./ No, I don't. I don't …. on. Mother's Day.
Cook dinner
make a special card
give flowers
go to the cinema
play games together
clean up the flat
sing a song
write a poem
Watch an interesting film together
buy a special card
spend the day together
dance together
bake a cake
go to the cafe
give chocolate
express your love
IV. Summing up.
T. Tell us about celebrations in your family.
P1. My friend …..writes poems for her mother on Mother's Day. She makes a special card for her....etc........
P2. My classmate … gives flowers to ...on Mother's Day. …. etc
T. Well done! I wonder what you think of celebrations? Do you like celebrating holidays? Are they popular in our country?
P1-P2- P3 (ученики выражают свое мнение)
Возможные варианты:
I like holidays because they are interesting (useful, important,funny.....). I can ...(make a card, give flowers to..., clean up my room, help my mom....) . It' s important to ….
I don't like … because they aren't interesting (useful, important..). Besides, it is boring (silly,,not serious) to help...
There are some (many) mistakes there. (He/she has made some (many) mistakes in his/her project).
As for me I think that… In my opinion… I don't think that …
T: Thank you, for your work.
V. Home Assignment.
T. Your home task will be to do ex. 4 p. 56