• Учителю
  • Разработка урока по английскому языку .Тема: “My Home”. (2 класс)

Разработка урока по английскому языку .Тема: “My Home”. (2 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала

Visiting Gnomes.

Class: 2В

"Spotlight 2", Module 2 "My Home". Revision.

  1. Communicative objectives:

Pupils will be able

  • to ask and answer questions about furniture and rooms in the house

  • to describe their own rooms

  • to read a mall text based on the material they have already learned

  • to write a small text based on the given example

  1. Educational objectives:

Pupils will be able

  • to work in small groups

  • to work with different recourses

  • to motivate themselves to further studies

  1. Regulative objectives:

</ Pupils will be able to

  • to think about the aims of the lesson

  • to show their initiative in the common work

  • to react in a proper way to the teacher's mark

  1. Skill development:

Pupils will practice:

  • reading texts on the topic

  • writing about the room

  • talking about health, furniture and rooms in the house

  • speaking good English


1.Н.И.Быкова, Дж. Джули, М.Д.Поспелова, В.Эванс.

Английский язык. 2 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений.

Москва, «Просвещение», 2012

2.Презентация « В гости к гномам»

3. Опоры для работы в группе:

А.Спроси, что это: What's this?

Скажи, что это: It's a…….

Б.Спроси, какого цвета: What colour is it?

Скажи, какого цвета: It's ………

В.Спроси, где находится: Where's the….?

Скажи, где находится: He's in the……

1.Let's sing a song "Good morning"

2. Ask each other how you are today.

Pupils sing a song.

Pupils ask each other and answer the questions.

How are you? - (Fine), thanks.

3 min.


Presentation of the lesson's aims

1.Guess the riddles ( they are in Russian)

2. Think, what all the riddles have in common and tell us what we'll do today.

3. We have a guest today. He's a little gnome. He wants to know about houses, too. Say "Hello" to him.

Pupils guess the riddles and speak about the lesson's aims:

to speak about furniture and rooms in the house.

Pupils say "Hello" to the gnome.

3 min.


Phonetic drills

Let's train our tongues. Look at the slide and repeat after me all together.

Listen to the story about Mr. Tongue.Любимое место нашего язычка на потолочке, где он часто играет с разными звуками: [t]: tennis, a tiger; [d]: a dog, Однажды язычок вышел во двор, где он услышал разные звуки: как рычала собака [r-r-r]: run, river, read; а гуси гоготали [g-g-g]: garden. Рядом два жука сердито переговаривались [dʒ-dʒ]: jump. И тут язычок услышал, как подул ветер [w-w-w], и хлопнула дверь его домика [p-b-p-b]. Язычок прокашлялся [k-k], проговорил [æ, ᐱ] и побежал домой.

Pupils repeat the words to the topic after the teacher paying attention to some sounds.

2 min.


Revision of the words "Furniture"

Our gnome wants to know the names of the furniture. Answer his questions, please.

Pupils answer the "gnome's questions" they see on the slide. (one pupil is a gnome )

3 min.


Revision of the words "Colours"

Our gnome likes flowers. Look what roses he's got! Answer his questions, please.

Now you'll work in groups. Read the gnome's poem.

Pupils answer the questions about the colour of the roses.

Pupils read the poem in groups, and then 1 pupil from each group reads it aloud.

5 min.


Revision of the words "My house"

Our gnome invites us to his house. Look! It has got some rooms. Read what they are. Put the numbers of the rooms in your pictures. Work in groups.

Now look at the slide. Check your work.

Let's play with the gnome now. Look, where's the gnome?

Ask your friends now.

Pupils read the names of the rooms and put their numbers in the pictures.

Pupils check their work.

Pupils look at the slide and ask their classmates where the gnome is.

2 min.

1 min.

2 min.



Let's have a rest now.

Pupils sing the song "Head and shoulders" and do exercises.

2 min.


Revision of the ABC

The gnomes like to sing the ABC-song. Let's sing it together.

Now the gnomes want you to have some fun with the letters.

Pupils sing the ABC-song using the tune of "V trave sidel kuznechik"

Pupils look at the slide and spell the words (group by group).

Pupils divide the word-snake into words (in groups), then read the words aloud.

1 min.

2 min.

2 min.


Reading the text

Look at the next slide. You see the gnome's room .Read the text about it in your group. Correct it, if necessary.

Pupils read the text, looking at the picture. They correct the text in groups. Then one pupil reads the text aloud.

10 min.


The conclusion of the lesson

Our gnome has learned much today. Say "Good bye" to him.

Now let's finish our lesson. What's the result of it for you?Нарисовать шарик

Your marks for today are…

Your homework is: to draw a picture of your room and to describe it.

Pupils say "Good bye" to the gnome.

Pupils say about the results of the lesson.

Pupils give their day-books for the teacher to put the marks.

5 min.


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