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  • Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему My flat

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему My flat

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предварительный просмотр материала

The plan of the lesson

Date: Form: 4 a Subject: Teacher: The theme of the lesson: "My flat" The grammar material:«There is», «there are»

The aim of the lesson

Оқушыларға ағылшын тілінде үй, пәтер тақырыбына байланысты сөздерді үйрету, «There is», «there are» құрылымы туралы түсінік беріп, өз үйі, бөлмесі туралы сөйлеуге үйрету ;

Оқушылардың ағылшын тілінде ойлау және сөйлеу қабілеттерін арттыру;

Оқушылардың ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын арттырып, шығармашылықтарын дамыту.

Type of the lesson: New lesson

Methods of the lesson: demonstration,practical exercises,questions-answer,game. Visual aids and equipment: cards,pictures,book,computer,presentation,video,disk.

Procedure of the lesson

1. Organization moment :

a)Speech drill

-Good morning, pupils.

I am glad to see you.

How are you?

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

What is the weather like today?

Who is absent today?

Thank you very much.

Sit down, please.

b). Phonetic drill:

[ w ] - wall, world, window, what, wardrobe

[ ʧ ] - chair, armchair, picture, kitchen

[ t ] - table, carpet, curtain, poster, tidy

[ d ] - dream, desk, do, does

[ ð] - this, that, there is, there are

[ θ ] - bath, bathroom, thank, things

2.The new lesson a).Introduction of new material :

Teacher: Today we shall know the names of rooms of a flat. Tell me, please, how do you understand the words "flat" and "house"?

Pupils: "flat" Пәтер, "house" үй.

Teacher: This is the plan of a flat. Let's learn to name rooms in English.

b).work with the new words: Teacher: Look at these pictures, read and repeat after me the new words

A corridor -дәліз

A living room - қонақ бөлме

A dining room - ас бөлмесі

A bedroom - жататын бөлме / ұйықтайтын бөлме

A study - оқу / жұмыс бөлмесі

A bathroom - жуынатын бөлме

A sofa - диван

A armchair - кресло

A carpet - кілем

A curtain - перде

A lamp - шам

A picture- сурет

A mirror - айна

A clock - сағат

A plant- бөлме гүлі

A table - үстел

A refrigerator - тоңазытқыш

A door - есік

A chair - орындық

A toilet table - әжетхана орындығы

A kitchen - асхана

Teacher: Write them in your vocabulary.

c).Work with the text: A letter from Miss Bell.

Hello, my friends!

My flat is not big. There is a living room, a bed room, a kitchen and a bathroom. I want to describe my kitchen. There is a fridge in the corner of the room. There is a table in the middle of the room. There are forks on the table. There are 4 chairs. There is a dish washer next to the fridge. There is a cupboard on the wall. I like to cook in my kitchen. Bye!

d)Work with the book:

Teacher: Write the names of the rooms of your flat

Pupils: A living room, a dining room, a bathroom, a bedroom, a corridor, a study.

Teacher: Look at the picture and continue the sentences.

There is a/an _________________ in the living room.

There are ____________________ in the living room.

Teacher: Write the sentences in your copy book.


There is a picture in the living room.

There are books in the living room. etc.

Teacher: Interview your partner.

Pupil 1: - Is there a sofa in your living room.

Pupil 2: - Yes, there is one sofa in my living room. etc.

3. Consolidation of new material:

Teacher: Today you were introduced the names of rooms. What new and interesting material do you know now?

Pupils: A living room, a dining room, a bathroom, a bedroom, a corridor, a study, there is, there are.

4. Evaluation :

5. Giving the home task:

To write an essay about the flat of your dream and draw a scheme of it.

- Goodbye, children!

- Goodbye!


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