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- Конспект урока в 10 классе по УМК Spotlight 10 по модулю 2а Деньги
Конспект урока в 10 классе по УМК Spotlight 10 по модулю 2а Деньги
Урок в 10 классе (физ.мат и хим.)
Тема: Britain's young consumers
Цель: Выяснить, как британские подростки зарабатывают и на что они тратят деньги.
Обучающие - Закрепление лексики на тему «деньги» в речи и на письме, изучение новой лексики и её активное применение.
Развивающие - Развитие навыков самостоятельной работы и работы в группах. Развитие умения построения монологических высказываний. Развитие навыков работы с аудио и видео материалом. Развитие творческого мышления.
Воспитательные - Воспитание интереса к жизни подростков за рубежом, воспитание бережливого отношения к деньгам.
Тип урока: Изучение нового материала
Лексика: стр.28 №2,5
Грамматика: Present tenses
Ход урока:
-Good morning boys and girls. Today is a very special day. That's why I wish you to be brave and active during our lesson.
-What's the date today? ok. Write down it.
Explanations: Pupils divided into 5 groups according to their favourite color. Each group has it's name. 1-dollars; 2-cents; 3-rubles; 4-euro; 5-pounds. When each group wants to answer you should lift your tablet.
Announcement of the theme:
Today our theme is Britain's young consumers. Open your books on page 28. Please, look at the pictures and at our theme and try to guess: What's the aim of our lesson?
(The aim is to get information about British teenagers: how they earn money and how they spend it).
a) Now we will improve our pronunciation reading tongue-twisters in groups.
The Manager of the Menagerie
Imagined he was a manager of an imaginary Menagerie'.
She stops at the shops where I shop,
and if she shops at the shops where I shop
I won't stop at the shop where she shops!
What noise annoys a noisy oyster?
A noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster.
Ted was in bed. Fred felt unwell.
Unique New York,
You need New York,
You know you need unique New York
Thanks. Well done!
b) Now we should to pay attention to the new words from the text. Repeat after me, then, read them one by one. Remember that you need write down new words for you.
c) Before reading task: Look at the whiteboard. Do you agree with the words of wisdom that
The art is not in making money, but in keeping it.
-Who are you: spender or saver?
-What do you spend money on?
Основная часть.
Reading task: You have 2 minutes to read this text. Then we will answer the questions.
1. Who is the retailer's dream?
2.What kind of things is the best seller now?
3. What kind of things is on the second place?
4.What modern technology is rapidly replacing traditional pastimes?
5.Where do modern teenagers go to nowadays?
6.What do their parents do for it?
7.How do teenagers making ends meet?
Ok. Well done. Now you will work in groups and read little texts. You should prepare your answers according to the plan:
How does this teenager earn money?
How much does he or she earn?
How does the teenager spend money?
Now we will create a pie chart about teenagers. What teenagers spend money on?
(Ученики создают диаграмму, используя мимио доску)
ex.5. Work with verbs.
1.pay 2.lend 3.borrow 4.save 5.waste 6.cost 7.earn
Watching video 1:
1.What's the problem between wife and husband?
2.What does she spend money on?
3.What can you say about husband?
4.What words from our lesson do you watch?
Watching video 2:
1. Who are they?
2. What do they spend money on?
Game: X/O (Translate sentences into English)
1.Я стараюсь соответствовать модным трендам.
2.Я трачу деньги на косметику и одежду.
3.Я стараюсь копить деньги и быть бережливым.
4.Я не могу копить, потому что я много трачу.
5.Иногда я едва свожу концы с концами, потому что я не умею копить.
6.Я не получаю карманные деньги, я их зарабатываю.
7.Я зарабатываю деньги, выполняя домашние обязанности.
8.Я покупаю ту одежду, которая мне нравится.
Conclusion: Well, today you are very hardworking and active. Thank you for your great work.
We have discussed actual theme, have found out on what things British and Russian teenagers spend money.
Hometask: p.29 ex.7 (prepare a short talk about you according to the plan)