- Учителю
- Конспект урока по теме Ученые. Ломоносов М.В для 8 класса
Конспект урока по теме Ученые. Ломоносов М.В для 8 класса
Науменко Татьяна Владимировна
Конспект урока"Career. Scientists. Lomonosov M.V."
Тема урока : "Карьера. Ученые. Ломоносов М.В."
УМК: «English 8» для 8 класса школ с углубленным изучением АЯ, лицеев и гимназий / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева.- М.: Просвещение, 2014г.
Класс: 8 класс с углубленной (дополнительной) подготовкой по английскому языку.
Продолжительность урока: 45 минут
Место в плане: начало курса.
- обучение чтению с полным пониманием текста;
- развитие навыков монологической речи;
- тренировка навыков пересказа текста.
- воспитание культуры общения;
- расширение эрудиции учащихся, их лингвистического, филологического и общего кругозора;
- развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, ценностных ориентаций, чувств и эмоций учащихся, готовности к коммуникации.
-технологии сотрудничества;
- технология коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре.
- жк-телевизор, компьютер.
I. Речевая разминка. Организационный момент.
(сообщение целей урока):
Время: 3 минуты
Teacher:-Hello, boys and girls!
-Hello, teacher!
Teacher:-Sit down, please! Ira, how are you today?
-Thank you, I am fine. And you?
Teacher:-I am OK, thanks. Andrew, how do you feel today?
-I feel good, thank you.
Teacher: -Julia, tell me, please, who is absent today.
-Nobody is absent today.
Teacher: - That's good! Arina, tell me, please, who is on duty today.
Olga is on duty today.
Teacher:-What day of the week is it today, Vasya?
It is Tuesday.
Teacher: - What is the date, today?
It is the 12th of October.
Teacher: - What is our topic, Ann?
- It is "Career".
Teacher:-Thank you very much. Today we continue studying different professions. At home you read the text about M.V.Lomonosov. What profession, in your opinion, will we discuss today?
I think we will speak about scientists.
Teacher:- Why do you think so?
- I think so because M.Lomonosov was a great Russian scientist.
Teacher:-You are completely right! Now listen to me, I'll explain the plan for today:
-We are going to read and speak about M.V. Lomonosov today;
-We are going to do some tasks, based on the text;
-We are going to listen to the teacher and to each other today;
-We are going to write down our homework today. Is it clear what we are going to do today?
-Yes, it is.
Teacher: -If it is clear, so tell me, please, what we are going to do today.
("Feed-back" - дети показывают учителю, что они поняли, чем они будут заниматься на уроке, повторяя установки учителя).
II. Работа с текстом
1. Проверка понимания прочитанного:
Время:1,5 минуты
Teacher: -Now we will work with the text about this great scientist. First of all, let's find out how you understand the text that you read at home. Let's answer the question before the text: M.Lomonosov was a great scientist, but he had many other professions. What were they?
-He was an artist, a poet, a historian.
-He was also a physicist, a chemist and an astronomer.
-That's right. He was a great person, a great scientist.
2. Отработка произношения новых слов в устной речи:
Teacher: -Now let's work with the new words. First I'll read them out for you. Listen to me and be attentive (учитель даёт правильный образец прочтения новых слов, которые написаны перед текстом и выведены на экран телевизора):
To conceal - скрывать, утаивать
A nobleman - дворянин, аристократ
To be appointed to - быть назначенным на (должность)
To found - основать
To enrich - обогащать
To forestall - опережать
Eventually - в конце концов, в конечном итоге
To be memorialized - увековечить память
Teacher: -Now listen to me and repeat after me (дети хором повторяют за учителем слова).
Время: 2,5 минуты
Teacher: -Now listen to Andrew and repeat after him. Andrew, read the words out, please!
-Андрей читает новые слова, весь класс повторяет за ним.
Teacher: -Sasha, read out the new words one more time. Children, listen to Sasha attentively.
- Саша читает, на этот раз класс просто слушает, без повторения.
Teacher:- Olga, read out the same words from the end. Boys and girls, listen to her, please!
- Ольга читает слова с конца, класс слушает, без повторения.
Teacher: -Very good. Now find in the text the sentences with these words, read them out and translate the sentences into Russian. Work in pairs, please. Do it orally. I give you 3 minutes to do this task.(задание на карточке)
(В это время учитель даёт индивидуальное задание с этими же словами на карточке слабоуспевающему ученику):
ventually the scientist managed a. В его семье не было аристократов.
to found a university.
His name was memorialized in b. Его идеи опередили науку того
many famous place names. времени.
Nobody in his family was a nobleman. c. В конце концов, ученому удалось
The boy wanted to conceal his основать университет.
poor background. d. Его имя было увековечено во
His ideas forestall the science of многих названиях известных мест.
that time. e. Мальчик хотел скрыть своё бедное происхождение.
1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. e; 5. b.
Teacher: -Now it's time to check up your variants:
Lomonosov wanted to have an education , so he chose to conceal his poor background. - Ломоносов хотел иметь образование, поэтому он решил утаить своё бедное (простое) происхождение.
He pretended that he was the son of a nobleman to enter the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow. - Он притворился, что он - сын дворянина для того, чтобы поступить в Академию в Москве.
In 1742, he was appointed to a physics position at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. - В 1742 он был назначен на должность преподавателя физики в Академии Наук в Санкт-Петербурге.
M. Lomonosv founded the first chemical laboratory in 1748. - М. Ломоносов основал первую лабораторию в 1748.
His discoveries enriched many branches of knowledge. - Его открытия обогатили многие отрасли науки (знаний).
Lomonosov's ideas forestalled the science of that time. - Идеи Ломоносова опередили науку того времени.
He eventually succeeded in founding what now Moscow State University is in 1755. - В конце концов, ему удалось основать в 1755 то, что сейчас является МГУ.
Lomonosov is memorialized in many place names. - Имя Ломоносова увековечено во многих названиях мест.
Время на ответы 2 минуты
3. Работа над содержанием текста:
Teacher: -Now let's do our next task. The task is to agree or to disagree with the statements. First, open your exercise-books and do this task in writing. Put only a "+" if the statement is right and a "-" if the statement is wrong. You should work individually. I give you 2 minutes for this task.
(задание на карточке)
Lomonosov was the son of a nobleman.
Lomonosov was always a brilliant student.
He was appointed to a physics position in 1743.
He founded a university in St. Petersburg.
The first Russian grammar was written by Lomonosov as well.
Lomonosov got only 1 medal from the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Teacher: -Your time is over. Now look at the screen and check up your variants. (самопроверка по ответам, которые выводятся на экран):
Teacher: -Who has no mistakes? Raise your hand, please!
-Дети поднимают руку, если у них не было ошибок.
Teacher: -Very good. Now look at the task again. Work in pairs and correct the wrong statements. Do it orally. I give you 3 minutes for this task.
-Дети устно работают в паре. Исправляют неверные утверждения по тексту.
Teacher: - Your time is over. Now let's check up your variants all together. One of you reads out the statement, pupil #2 gives the right variant.
Время на ответы 2 минуты
It's wrong. Lomonosov was the son of a fisherman.
3. It's wrong. He was appointed to a physics position in 1742.
4. It's wrong. He tried, but failed to found a university in St. Petersburg.
6. It's wrong. Lomonosov got 2 medals from the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Teacher: -Thank you very much. Your next task is to answer the questions to the text. Please, work in pairs. Do it orally. I give you 4 minutes for this task.
(задание на карточке)
When and where was Lomonosov born?
He was always eager to study, wasn't he?
How did Lomonosov manage to enter the Academy in Moscow?
When did he become the first Russian professor of chemistry in the Academy in Moscow?
Who was also made a member of the Swedish Academy of Science in 1760?
At what age did Lomonosov die?
Was Lomonosov a great patriot who loved his Motherland and wanted to make it a prosperous country?
Teacher: -Your time is over. Now let's check up your variants. One of you reads the question, pupil #2 gives the answer.
Время на ответы 3 минуты
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born on the 19th of November in 1711 near Kholmogory in the Far North in Russia (Archangelskaya region).
Yes, he was always eager to study.
He chose to conceal his poor background. He pretended that he was a son of a nobleman to enter the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow.
Lomonosov became the first Russian professor of chemistry at the Academy in 1745.
He died at the age of 54.
Yes, he was a great patriot deeply loving his Motherland who had a great desire to make it a prosperous country.
Teacher: -I think you are tired. It's time to relax a little bit. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. (Включается тихая спокойная музыка для расслабления)
Время: 2 минуты
4. Подготовка к пересказу текста
Teacher: -Let's come back to our text again. Your next task is to arrange the sentences in a logical order. It was your home task. I give you 1 minute to compare your variants in pairs:
(задание, было выдано домой вместе с рассказом)
At the age of 19 the young man left his house and went on foot to Moscow to get education at the Academy.
In 1755, he managed to found what now Moscow State University is.
His discoveries and ideas enriched many branches of knowledge, forestalled the science of that time.
Lomonosov was a member of many Academies and got medals from them.
He was the son of a fisherman, and he often worked with his father.
He was a great patriot who loved his Motherland and wanted to make it a prosperous country.
In 1765, Lomonosov caught a cold and died at the age of 54.
As he proved to be a brilliant student, so in 1735, he was sent to the Gymnasium of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.
Lomonosov also wrote poetry, and the first Russian grammar was written by him as well.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born on the 19th of November in 1711 near Kholmogory in Archangelskaya region.
Teacher: -Your time is over. Let's check up the task. Look at the screen, please, and compare your variants with mine.(самопроверка, ответы выводятся на экран)
Keys to the task "Arrange the sentences in a logical order":
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born on the 19th of November in 1711 near Kholmogory in Archangelskaya region (10).
He was the son of a fisherman, and he often worked with his father (5).
At the age of 19 the young man left his house and went on foot to Moscow to get education at the Academy(1).
As he proved to be a brilliant student, so in 1735, he was sent to the Gymnasium of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg (8).
His discoveries and ideas enriched many branches of knowledge, forestalled the science of that time (3).
Lomonosov also wrote poetry, and the first Russian grammar was written by him as well (9).
In 1755, he managed to found what now Moscow State University is.
Lomonosov was a member of many Academies and got medals from them (4).
In 1765, Lomonosov caught a cold and died at the age of 54 (7).
He was a great patriot who loved his Motherland and wanted to make it a prosperous country (6).
Teacher: -Who has no mistakes? Raise your hand, please!
-Дети поднимают руку, если у них не было ошибок.
5. Пересказ текста в группах.
Teacher: -Good! Your last task for today is to retell the text in small groups. The first row is group #1, the second row is group #2, the third row is group #3.. Please, use these sentences (ex.VI) as a plan for your retelling.
I give you 6-7 minutes to do this task. Be sure that everyone in your group will speak.
(дети работают в малых группах, учитель ходит между рядами и контролирует процесс, помогает)
Teacher: - Your time is over. Let's check up your retelling.
Время на проверку 6 минут
6. Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов урока (рефлексия).
Teacher: -Everything is just perfect. Our lesson is almost over. It's time to write down your homework. Look at the screen, please. So, your homework is to prepare a good retelling of the text using the plan .
Время: 1 минута
Teacher: -The marks for your work at the lesson: (Не забудьте назвать 2 оценки ученику, выполнявшему индивидуальное задание). Now let's remember what we have done today: (ученики, используя Present Perfect, повторяют те установки учителя, которые были озвучены в начале урока):
-We have spoken about M.V. Lomonosov today;
-We have read about M.V. Lomonosov today;
-We have listened to the teacher and to each other today;
-We have written down our homework today.
Время: 2 минуты
Teacher: -Thank you for your work today. Good-bye!