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  • Конспект открытого урока по теме: 'Англо-говорящие страны - Канада, Новая Зеландия, Австралия'

Конспект открытого урока по теме: 'Англо-говорящие страны - Канада, Новая Зеландия, Австралия'

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предварительный просмотр материала

Конспект открытого урока по теме: "The English - speaking countries: Canada, Australia, New Zealand"

Никитина Елена Борисовна, учитель английского языка

Задачи урока:

  1. Развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в монологичной речи, аудировании и чтении.

  2. Активизировать употребление лексики по теме, расширять словарный запас.

  3. Способствовать ознакомлению с иноязычной культурой и расширению кругозора учащихся средствами иностранного языка.


  1. Магнитофон.

  2. Раздаточный материал.

  3. Лист бумаги с кроссвордом.

Ход урока:

  1. Оргмомент. Приветствие. Тема урока.

  2. Фон. зарядка. Фонетическая отработка географических названий по теме: Canada, , Ottawa, Canberra, Wellington, the Commonwealth, the Mackenzie, the Yukon, the St. Lawrence River, Vancouver, Montreal, Halifax, the Governor-General, Quebec. (слова написаны на доске).

  3. Речевая зарядка: Т: Children, you know much about Canada. Imagine that I'm a reporter and have some information about this countriy, but I'm not sure if it is true. Your task is to agree or disagree with my statements. Режим Т-P1 P2 P3 …Pn

    1. All Great lakes are situated in Canada. (-)

    2. The north of Canada near the Arctic is tundra. (+)

    3. Canada is famous for its pigs. (-)

    4. The greater part of Canada is well-watered. (-)

    5. Canada consists of four large islands. (-)

    6. Canada consists of two states and six territories. (-)

    7. Machine-building became the first important industry in Canada. (+)

    8. Canada's natural resources are not rich. (+)

  4. T: Thank you for your answers. Now I am going to describe a country. You are to guess it. This country is a member of the Commonwealth. It has mountains, high plains and low plains. It has several climatic regions. The people living in that country are fond of baseball, football, volley-ball, ice-hockey, tennis and other games. (Canada)

  5. T: Let's make up a short story about Canada. But all sentences are separated. You are to read them in the right logical order. (Учащимся раздаются карточки на каждой из которых написано одно-два предложения. Учащиеся читают предложения друг за другом. Режим Р1 Р2 Р3…Рn).

    1. Canada has an area of nearly 10 million square kilometres.

    2. There are many islands in the north of Canada.

    3. Canada also has large rivers: the Mackenzie, the Yukon, and the St. Lawrence River.

    4. The central plains form the prairies.

    5. The population of Canada is over 24 mln people.

    6. Canada is rich in metal ores, oil and gas.

    7. The metal, machine-building, motor-car and ship-building industries are highly developed.

    8. Canada's main agricultural products are wheat, meat, some kinds of fruit and dairy products.

    9. Canada's largest ports are Vancouver, Montreal and Halifax.

    10. Formally the head of the state is the King or Queen of England, represented by the Governor-General.

    11. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Commons.

    12. In all the provinces there is a legislative assembly elected by the people for 5 years.

  6. T: Unlike other English-speaking countries Canada has two official languages. What is the French-speaking province of Canada? P1, will you tell us a few words about the province of Quebec.

P1 : Canada's beginnings were French; and even now French is the language spoken by about one fifth of Canadians. Canada has two official languages - English and French. The St. Lawrence Valley was the heart of the French colony in North America up to the middle of the 18th century.

The St. Lawrence River, from Montreal to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, may still be called a French river.

Quebec is the home of the French Canadian nation, and Quebec City is the capital of the province. Quebec is Canada's largest province. More than a quarter of all the population of Canada lives in this province. Montreal, the main St. Lawrence port, is the second largest French city in the world - after Paris.
French Canada still keeps some of its old traditions, but it is a mistake to say that Quebec is very different from the rest of Canada; every year the difference becomes less.

  1. T: After the discovery of Canada many kings and navigators began to dream of the riches in this new country. But as for Australia, it was first used as a colony for convicts. They worked hard to make this country better.

P2 , will you recite a poem about their hard labour and then the translation into Russian made by some pupils of your class?

Old Botany Bay (By Mary Gilmore)

I'm old
Botany Bay
Stiff in the joints,
Little to say;

I am he
Who paved the way
That you might walk
At your ease today;

I was the conscript
Sent to hell
To make in the desert
The living well;

I bore the heat,
I blazed the track
Furrowed and bloody
Upon my back.

I split the rock
I felled the tree:
The nation was
Because of me!

Old Botany Bay
Taking the sun
From day to day…
Shame on the mouth
That would deny
The knotted hands
That set us high!

Я старый Ботани Бэй,
Крепкий как сталь,
Не гнусь, хоть убей.

Это я мостил дороги,
Чтобы вы, потомки,
Не сломали ноги.

Я - каторжник,
Посланный в ад,
Чтобы сделать из пустыни
Цветущий сад.

Мой тяжкий труд,
Как в страшном сне
Оставил след кровавый
На моей спине.

Я скалы взрывал,
Деревья срубал,
И, если б не я,
Не было б и тебя.

Старый Ботани Бэй
Живуч, хоть бей иль не бей.
Позор тому,
Что вдруг забыл,
Кто эту жизнь
Ему добыл.

  1. T: From that time life has greatly changed in Canada. But nevertheless the living conditions in some parts of the country are still very difficult. Let's read the text about Canada.( Учащимся раздаются листы с напечатанными текстом и заданиями к нему)

  1. 1) Чтение текста по цепочке (Р1 Р2 Р3…Рn).

2) Выполнение заданий после текста (устно).

Canada ( ) is a country consisting of . Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the in the east to the in the west, and northward into the . Spanning over 9.9 million square kilometres, Canada is , and its with the is the longest land border in the world.

The land that is now Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of . Beginning in the late 15th century, and expeditions explored, and later settled, along the region's Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of in 1763 after the . In 1867, with the union of three colonies through , Canada was formed as a of four provinces. This began an and a process of increasing autonomy from the . This widening autonomy was highlighted by the and culminated in the , which severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the .

Canada is a federal state that is governed as a and a with Queen as its . It is a nation with both and as official languages at the federal level. One of the world's most highly-, Canada has a diversified economy that is reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon trade - particularly with the United States, with which Canada has had a .

It is a member of the , , , , , , , , , , and . With the globally, Canada has one of the highest in the world.

I. Заполните таблицу:

Facts about Canada

1.Area _____________
2. It is washed by ________________
3. Head of the state__________________
4. Languages____________

5. Canada was formed as __________
6. Canada located _____________
7. It consist of_________________

8. It is a member of______________

II. Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос: Canada is a federal state that is governed : (на доске)

  1. The British Parliament;

  2. Through Confederation;

  3. with Queen Elizabeth II;

  4. as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II.

III.Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова: usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever/never.

  1. Children in the outback____________ see a teacher.

  2. They__________ talk to the teacher by radio.

  3. The post__________ comes once a week.

  4. The letter - boxes are_________ 5 or 6 kilometres from the houses.

  5. Children__________ drive cars on the sheep stations.

  6. Children__________ drive cars in the towns.

  7. People___________ see a doctor.

  8. Some people ________ go to towns.

  9. The summer temperature is_______ over 30° C.

  10. It________ rains.

Ключи к заданиям:

I.Area: over 9.9 million square kilometres.
It is washed by the in the east to the in the west
Head of the state: Queen

Languages: and

Canada was formed as a of four provinces.

Canada located in the

It consist of .

It is a member of the , , , , , , , , , , and .

II. as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy

III 1) hardly ever; 2) usually; 3) usually; 4) sometimes; 5) often; 6) never; 7) hardly ever; 8) never; 9) usually; 10) hardly ever.

10. Read the texts about Canada and answer the questions.


Canada is the second largest country in the world. Only 48* Russia has a greater land area. Canada is situated in North America. Canada is slightly larger than the United States, but has only about a tenth as many people. About 28 million

people live in Canada. About 80% of the population live within 320 km of the southern border. Much of the rest of Canada is uninhabited or thinly populated because of severe natural conditions.

Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories. Canada is an independent nation. But according to the Constitution Act of 1982 British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is recognized as Queen of Canada.

This symbolizes the country's strong ties to Britain. Canada was ruled by Britain completely until 1867, when Canada gained control of its domestic affairs. Britain governed Canada's foreign affairs until 1931, when Canada gained full independence. Canada's people are varied. About 57% of all Canadians have some English ancestry and about 32% have some Frenchancestry. Both English and French are official languages of the country. French Canadians, most of whom live in the provinces of Quebec, have kept the language and customs of their ancestors. Other large ethnic groups are German, Irishand Scottish people. Native people - American Indians and Eskimos - make up about 2% of the country's population. 77% of Canada's people live in cities or towns. Toronto and Montreal are the largest urban areas. Ottawa is the capital of the country.

Today, maintaining a sense of community is one of the major problems in Canada because of differences among the provinces and territories. Many Canadians in western and eastern parts of the country feel that the federal government does not pay enough attention to their problems. 80% of Quebec's population are French Canadians. Many of them believe that their province should recieve a special recognition in the Canadian constitution.


1. Where is Canada situated?

2.How many people live in Canada?

3. Where do most Canadians live?

4. Who is the head of state in Canada?

5. When did Canada gain its independence?

6. What are the official languages in Canada?

7. What people live in Canada?

8. What is the main problem facing Canada today?


land area - площадь

population - население

border - граница

uninhabited - незаселенный

thinly populated - малонаселенный

severe - суровый

natural conditions - природные условия

federation - федерация

independent - независимый

Constitution Act - конституционный акт

British Monarch - английская королева

the United Kingdom - Соединенное Королевство

to recognize - признавать

ties - связи

to rule - править

domestic affairs - внутренние дела

to govern - управлять

foreign affairs - иностранные дела

ancestry - происхождение

official language - государственный язык

custom - обычай

ancestors - предки

Indians - индейцы

to make up - составлять

urban - городской

capital - столица

to maintain - сохранять

community - общность

government - правительство


to pay attention - уделять внимание

recognition - признание


Канада - это вторая по величине страна в мире. Только Россия имеет большую площадь. Канада находится в Северной Америке. Канада немного больше Соединенных Штатов, однако в ней живет в десять раз меньше людей. В Канаде - около 28 миллионов жителей. Около 80% населения живет в пределах 320 км от южной границы. Большая часть остальной территории Канады не заселена или мало заселена из-за суровых природных условий. Канада является федерацией 10 провинций и 2 территорий. Канада - это независимое государство. Но согласно Конституционному акту 1982 года английская королева Елизавета II признана главой государства Канады. Это символизирует прочные связи страны с Британией. Британия правила Канадой вплоть до 1867 года, когда Канада получила контроль над своими внутренними делами. Британия управляла иностранными делами Канады до 1931года, когда Канада получила полную независимость.Население Канады разнообразно. Около 57% канадцев имеют английское происхождение и около 32% жителей - канадцы французского происхождения. Как английский, так и французский являются государственными языками страны.

Французские канадцы, большинство из которых живет в провинции Квебек, сохранили язык и обычаи своих предков. Другими большими этническими группами являются немцы, ирландцы и шотландцы. Коренные народы, аме-риканские индейцы и эскимосы, составляют около 2% населения страны. 77% населения Канады живет в большихи малых городах. Торонто и Монреаль - самые большиегорода. Оттава - столица страны.Сегодня сохранение чувства общности является главной проблемой в Канаде из-за различий среди провинций и территорий. Многие канадцы в западных и восточных

областях страны считают, что федеральное правительство не уделяет достаточно внимания их проблемам. 80% населения Квебека - французские канадцы. Многие из них считают, что провинция должна получить специальное признание в канадской Конституции

History of Canada

Canada's history is an exciting story of development of a vast wilderness into a great nation. Most experts believe that the first people who lived on this land came from Asia about 15000 years ago. They came over a land bridge that once

connected Asia and North America. Their descendants are known today as Indians. The ancestors of the Eskimos came to Alaska after them probably about 5000 years ago. In 1497, John Cabot, an italian navigator in the service of England, found rich fishing grounds off Canada's southeast coast. His discovery led to the European exploration of Canada. France set up a colony in eastern Canada in the early

1600's. Great Britain gained control of the country in 1763, and thousands of British emigrants came to Canada. In 1867, the French and English-speaking Canadians helped to create a united colony called the Dominion of Canada. Two groups worked together to settle the country and to develop its great

mineral deposits and other natural resources. Canada gained its independence from Britain in 1931. During the middle of 20th century hard-working Canadians

turned their country into an economic giant. Today Canada is a leading producer of wheat, oats, and barley. Canada also ranks among the world's top manufacturing countries, and it is a major producer of electric power. Throughout its history, Canada has often been troubled by lack of unity among its people. French Canadians, most of whom live in the province of Quebec, have struggled to

preserve their own culture. They have long been angered by Canadian policies based on British traditions. Many of them support a movement to make Quebec a separate nation. People in Canada's nine other provinces also frequently favour localneeds over national interests.


1. Who were the first people to live in Canada?

2. How did they come to Canada?

3. What countries took part in exploration of Canada?

4. When did Canada gain it's independence?

5. Is Canada a developed country now?

6. What problems does Canada face today?


vast - обширный

wilderness - пустыня

land bridge - перешеек

descendant - потомок

Indians - индейцы

ancestor - предок

Escimos - эскимосы

navigator - мореплаватель

fishing grounds - рыбные места

exploration - исследование

to set up - основать

Dominion of Canada - доминион Канада

to settle - заселить

to develop - разработать

mineral deposits - залежи полезных ископаемых

natural resources - природные ресурсы

hard-working - прилежный

to turn into - превратить

wheat - пшеница

oats - овес

barley - ячмень

electric power - электроэнергия

lack - нехватка

to struggle - стремиться

to preserve - сохранить

to favour - предпочитать

История Канады

История Канады - увлекательная история превращения обширной пустыни в великое государство. Многие эксперты считают, что первые люди, которые жили на этой земле, пришли из Азии около 15 000 лет назад. Они пришли по перешейку, который некогда соединял Азию с Северной Америкой. Их потомки сейчас известны как индейцы. Предки эскимосов пришли на Аляску за ними, вероятно, около 5 000 лет назад. В 1497 году Джон Кэбот, итальянский мореплаватель, состоявший на службе Англии, обнаружил рыбные местау юго-западного побережья Канады. Его открытие привело к исследованию Канады европейцами. Франция основала колонию на востоке Канады в начале XVII века. Великобритания получила контроль над страной в 1763 году, и тысячи английских эмигрантов прибыли в Канаду. В 1867-м канадцы английского и французского происхождения помогли создать объединенную колонию, названную доминионом Канада. Обе группы работали вместе, чтобы заселить страну и разработать ее большие

залежи полезных ископаемых и другие природные ресурсы. Канада получила независимость от Британии в 1931году. В течение полувека прилежные канадцы превратили свою страну в экономического гиганта. Сегодня Канада - ведущий производитель пшеницы, овса и ячменя. Канада также находится среди ведущих стран-производителей и является главным поставщиком

электроэнергии. На протяжении своей истории Канада часто сталкивалась с проблемами единства среди ее населения. Французские канадцы, большинство которых живет в провинции Квебек, стремились сохранить свою собственную культуру. Они уже давно недовольны политикой Канады, основанной на британских традициях. Многие из них поддерживают движение, целью которого является сделать Квебек отдельным государством. Люди в остальных девяти провинциях Канады также часто предпочитают местные

9. T: You know, of course, that Canada is a country, which was separated from the mainland long ago. And that's why there are a lot of interesting facts in Canada. Have a look at the grid. The names of some Canadian facts are hidden here. You should find them. You may search for the words in different directions. You can find the names of five facts here.

( кроссворд на большом листе бумаги на магнитной доске).





































































































Контроль выполнения задания проводится устно.

14. T: And now I'd like you to do one more task concerning this country. You are to fill in the gaps (работа выполняется на карточках).

Задание и ключи:

1.___________is a country of lakes. (Canada)
2. ___________ became the first important industry in Canada. (Fishing)
3. The people who live on Baffin land are mostly Canadian _________. (Eskimos)
4. ________ is Canada's national sport. (Ice-hockey)
5. The capital of the country. (Ottawa)

  1. 1 тур. 1 вопрос - 10 баллов, 2 вопрос - 20 баллов, 3 вопрос - 30 баллов, 4 вопрос - 40 баллов.

    Географическое положение.

    Geografical position.

    Физическая география.

    Physical geography.

    Население, города, языки.





    Политическая система.

    Political system.

    1.What country are we going to speak about?

    What is the most important river of Canada?

    In what part of the country is the capital situated?

    What can we see on the rivers of Canada in spring

    Who is formally the head of the state?

    2.What is the largest bay which washes Canada?

    What ocean does the Mackenzie river flow into?

    What is the population of Canada?

    What are the main agricultural products?

    Who names the Governor-General?

    3.How many provinces does Canada consist of?

    What Great Lakes are situated in Canada?

    How many Indians live in Canada?

    Why is there little fish in the rivers and lakes of Canada?

    Who appoints the members of the Senate?

    4.When ws Baffin Land opened?

    3.380 km long is...

    What are the largest cities of Canada?

    What provinces are the centres of hydroelectric industry?

    Who is usually the Prime Minister?

  2. 2 тур. 1 вопрос - 10 баллов, 2 вопрос - 20 баллов, 3 вопрос - 30 баллов,4 вопрос - 40 баллов

    Geografical position.

    Physical geography.




    Political system.

    1.What continent is Canada sintuated on?

    What are the highest mountains?

    What are official languages of Canada?

    What is the name of the great waterway from Atlantic ocean?

    Who represents the Queen of England?

    2.What is the area of Canada?

    What ocean does the Yucon river flow into?

    Is he population of Canada more than 1 mln ?

    What industry has become the first important industry?

    Who is the real heard of the Canadian Government?

    3.What Bay is between the Baffin Land and Greenland?

    What river runs out of the Great Lakes?

    How many Eskimos live in Canada?

    What natural resources is Canada rich in?

    What kind of state is Canada?

    4. What is the traditional symbol of Canada?

    When was the idea of the system of canals expressed?

    What largest port is situated on the Pacific coast?

    What are the main branches of industry?

    What is there in all the provinces?

  3. 3 тур. 1 вопрос - 10 баллов, 2 вопрос - 20 баллов, 3 вопрос - 30 баллов, 4 вопрос - 40 баллов

    Geografical position.

    Physical geography




    Political system.

    1.What oceans is Canada washed by?

    What is the climate of Canada like?

    On what river is the capital of Canada situated?

    Is Canada a highly developed country?

    How many Houses does Canadian Parliament consist of?

    2.What country does Canada border on?

    What ocean does the St. Laurence river flow into?

    How many people of Canada speak French?

    What fruits are grown in Canada?

    Ministers are he members of the House of...

    3.What is the home of the French Canadian nation?

    What Great Lake does not lie in Canada?

    Of what origin are 40% of the people of Canada?

    What are Canada's largest fishing centres?

    Which House of the Parliament is elected by the people?

    4. Baffin Land is named after...

    When was the St. Laurence Seaway opened?

    What port is situated on the Island Nova Scotia?

    What provinces of Canada are rich in forests?

    Where do the legislative assemblies have their seats?

  4. Финал. 1 вопрос - 10 баллов, 2 вопрос - 20 баллов, 3 вопрос - 30 баллов, 4 вопрос - 40 баллов

Geografical position.

Physical geography




Political system.

1.What part of the continent does Canada occupy?

Where are the Rocky mountains situated?

What town is the second largest town in Canada after Paris?

Where is the greatest hydro-electric station situated?

For what period is the House of Commons elected by the people?

2.What is the largest island in Canada?

What river flows into the Great Slave Lake?

What city has the population more than 1 million people?

What branch of industry is still important on both Pacific and Atlantic coasts?

Where is the seat of the Federal Parliament and government?

3.On what island is Halifax situated?

What lakes (except the Great Lakes) are there in Canada?

30% of the population of Canada are of .....origin.

What branch of industry is developed in Ontario, Quebec,


Who heads the Canadian cabinet?

4.What strait leads from Baffin Bay to the Atlantic Ocean?

What explorer discovered the Great Slave Lake?

How many people live in the province of Quebec?

What are the most important industrial centres in Canada?

What parties are represented in the Parliament?

15. T: Unfortunately the time of our lesson is over. What new information have you learned today?
P1: I have learned that…
P2: …

T: You see that people in this country are a little different from each other. Perhaps it's because of the geographical position of the country and the mode of life of its people. But this country is beautiful. I hope you agree with me.

16. Подведение итогов урока.

17. Запись домашнего задания.


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