- Учителю
- Сценарий празднования Дня Св. Валентина (9-11 классы)
Сценарий празднования Дня Св. Валентина (9-11 классы)
Февраль 2015 г.
Участники: учащиеся 10-х классов
дать информацию об истории этого праздника;
вызвать интерес к "вечным" проблемам: любовь, счастье, взаимопонимание;
настроить учащихся на размышления о будущей семейной жизни;
формировать правильное понимание великого чувства любви, взаимоуважению любящих людей друг к другу.
вызвать особенное, лирическое настроение души.
За неделю, предшествующую 14 февраля в рекриации на 3 этаже была организованна выставка стенгазет и плакатов на тему праздника и валентинок, изготовленных 10-классниками. (положение о конкурсе прилагается)
The Script of the St. Valentine`s Party
Зал украшен шарами. На доске плакаты в форме сердца. Звучит музыка. Е. Дога. Вальс.
Все входящие достают половинки сердец из коробок (красные - для девочек, синие - для мальчиков)
The Host
- Dear teachers and friends, we are glad to see you at our St.Valentine`s party!
You have had a chance to see the posters and St. Valentine`s cards made by our ten-formers at our exposition on the second floor. Now we will ask the jury to choose the best one.
(The assistant of the host sees the jury to their places)
The next item of our party is the Quiz. Of course it is devoted to St. Valentine`s Day. And now we ask the participants from all forms to take their places. (приложение)
(The assistant helps the participants to take their places and gives questions).
And for you dear friends we have a surprise. Some of you were given halves of hearts. The boys were given blue and the girls red ones. And now we are going to choose the Queen and the King of the party!!!!
Now please, look at your hearts and try to find two halves of one heart. Do it in the following way:
Please boys, read your proverbs out loud and the girls will try to find the corresponding ending.
Congratulations!!!!! We declare you the Queen and the King of the Party!!!!!
And you are awarded "A Romantic Cup of Coffee at our school bar.
(The assistant gives them the invitation).
And now everything is ready and we announce the decision of our jury:
The jury made a decision to award the prizes in following nominations:
- The award is given to 10 for «Сreativity of design» (креативность оформления)
- The award is given to 10 for «Information value» (информативность)
- The award is given to 10 for « Unconventional decision" (нестандартное решение)
- The award is given to 10 for " Highly artistic design" (высокохудожественное оформление)
- The award is given to 10 for « Will to win» (волю к победе).
- The best St. Valentine was considered this one. Whom does it belong to? -----
- Oh, we congratulate you? -You are the winner!
(The assistant gives the prizes).
- And now let us find out the results of the quiz.
Well our jury announced 10 the WINNER of the quiz. Congratulations!!!
(The assistant gives the prize)
Well, dear friends. Our party is over. I hope that you liked it. Good-bye.