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  • Комплект упражнений по теме The articles

Комплект упражнений по теме The articles

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Тема «Артикль в английском предложении»


1) Put in a/an or the where necessary

1. I wrote to her but ... letter never arrived.

2. Britain is ... island.

3. What is ... name of this village?

4. Jane is ... very nice person. You must meet her.

5. Montreal is ... large city in ... Canada.

6. What is ... largest city in ... Canada?

7. "What time is it?" "I don't know. I haven't got ... watch."

8. When I went to ... Rome, I stayed with ... Italian friend of mine.

9. You look very tired. You need ... holiday.

10. Don't sit on ... floor. It's very dirty.

11. "Let's go to ... restaurant this evening." "That's ... good idea. Which restaurant shall we go?"

12. Can you turn on ... radio, please? I want to listen to some ... music.

13. Tom is in ... bathroom. He's having ... bath.

14. This is ... nice room, but I don't like ... colour of ... carpet.

15. We live in ... old house near ... station. It's ... two miles from ... center.

2) Поставьте a/an или the, где необходимо:

1. I turned off light, opened door and went out.

2. Excuse me, can I ask question, please?

3. Alan is best player in our football team.

4. How far is from here to airport?

5. Enjoy your holiday and don't forget to send me postcard!

6. Have you got ticket for concert tomorrow night?

7. What is name of director of film we saw last night?

8. Yesterday I bought jacket and shirt. Jacket was cheap but shirt was expensive.

9. Peter and Mary have two children, boy and girl. Boy is seven years old and girl is three.


Надо закончить предложения, используя артикли плюс данные слова или пары слов:

Bicycle, capital, cigarette, play, difficult language, kitchen, nice day, next train, roof, small hotel.

1. Rome is________________ of Italy.

2. When we were in London, we stayed at ___________.

3. Can you ride ___________?

4. What's that man doing on _________ of that house? Is he repairing something?

5. We went to the theatre last night but _________ wasn't very good.

6. Do you think English is _________________ for people to learn?

7. "Would you like ________?" "No, thanks. I don't smoke".

8. "Where is jack?" "He's in ________. He's cooking something."

9. Excuse me, what time is___________ to London?

10. It's ______________ today. Let's go out.

Упражнение 1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

1.This is … clock. 2. This is … Kiev. 3. … Kiev is … big city. 4. Mary is … girl. 5. She is … my sister. 6. This is … room. 7. Is … newspaper in … bag? 8. She is in … room. 9. Is … teacher in … classroom? 10. Is … your room large? 11. Is … pen in … bag? 12. Are you … students? 13. My friend has … children. 14. … sportsmen are always in good form. 15. … children we saw in … street are schoolboys. 16. She lives in … 1st street.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1.This is ... book. It is my ... book. 2. Is this your ... pencil? - No, it isn't my ... pencil, it is ray sister's ... pencil. 3. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... engineer. My sister's ... husband is ... doctor. 4. I have no ... handbag. 5. Is this ... watch? - No, it isn't ... watch, it's ... pen. 6. This ... pen is good, and that ... pen is bad. 7. I can see ... pencil on your ... table, but I can see no ... paper. 8. Give me ... chair, please. 9. They have ... dog and two ... cats. 10. I have ... spoon in my ... plate, but I have no ... soup in it.

Упражнение 8. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. We have ... large ... family. 2. My granny often tells us ... long ... interesting .. stories. 3. My ... father is ... engineer. He works at ... factory. ... factory is large. 4. My ... mother is ... doctor. She works at ... large ... hospital. She is at ... work now. 5. My ... aunt is ... teacher. She works at ... school. ... school is good. My ... aunt is not at ... school now. She is at ... home. She is drinking ... tea and eating ... jam. ... jam is sweet. I am at ... home, too. I am drinking ... tea and eating ... sandwich. ... sandwich is tasty. 6. My sister is at ... school. She is ... pupil. 7. My cousin has ... big ... black ... cat. My cousin's ... cat has two ... kittens. ... milk, too. cat likes ... milk. ... kittens like

Вставьте артикли: a, an, the, где необходимо.

  1. What's your name? My name is___Alison.

  2. Where are you from? I am from ____ USA, ___ Wisconsin.

  3. Where do you live? We live in ____ eastern part of ____ Minnesota. Our grandparents live in ____ Hudson.

  4. What street do you live in? I live in ____ Green Street.

  5. What school do you study at? I study at ____Hudson Middle school.

  6. Have you got ___ pen-pal in ____ England?

  7. What nationalities are your parents? My mother is ____ English. My father is ____ Swiss.

  8. Where and when were you born? I was born in _____ Moscow in ___ 1984.

  9. What's your mom? My mom is ____ housewife.

  10. What's your dad? My dad is ____ driver.

Вставьте артикль the, где необходимо.

  1. ___ Australia is ___ largest island in ____ world.

  2. ____ Mississippi is ____ longest river in ____ North America.

  3. ____ Pacific Ocean is ____ largest ocean in ____world.

  4. What is _________deepest lake in our country?

  5. Which river is deeper: ____ Thames or _______ Severn in Great Britain?

  6. ________ United States of America were formed in 1776.

Вставьте нужный артикль:

  1. _____ man is carrying _____ little child.

  2. There are some hats in _____ shop window.

  3. On _____ tray there is _____ pot of tea , _____ bowl of sugar, and _____ jug of milk.

  4. _____ women are sitting at _____ square table.

  5. _____ cups on _____ table are empty.

  6. Miss A. and Mr C. are in _____ middle of the room.

  7. _____ dog's name is Spot.

Прочитайте текст и вставьте артикли по смыслу.

  1. John Mills is ____ doctor.

  2. Grace Mills is ____ nurse.

  3. They work at ____ hospital.

  4. ____ hospital near ____ park.

  5. It's ____ big house.

  6. There are many rooms in ____ hospital.

  7. Grace's father is ____ farmer.

  8. He lives in ____ country.

  9. Sometimes ____ children visit their grandpa in ____ country.

Артикль / The Article

  • Определенный артикль

  • Неопределенный артикль

  • Упражнения

Правила. Общие сведения

  1. Определенный артикль

В английском языке перед существительным обычно стоит определенный (the) или неопределенный (a, an) артикль. Если перед существительным артикль не стоит, принято говорить, что оно употреблтся с "нулевым артиклем".

Определенный артикль THE употребляется:

  1. C географическими названиями:

    1. Частей света - the South, the North, the West, the East

    2. Некоторых стран - the United Kingdom (UK), the United States of America (USA), the South African Republic, the Netherlands.

    3. Океанов - the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean.

    4. Морей - the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea.

    5. Рек, озер, каналов - the Thames, the Hudson River, the Baikal, (но: Lake Baikal), the Zues Canal.

    6. Трех планет - the Sun, the Earth, the Moon.

  2. Перед существительными, которые обозначают вполне конкретный предмет:

The book is on the table.

Where is the book?

  1. Перед существительными, обозначающими вещество:

The snow is white.

Is the water cold in the jug?

  1. Перед существительным, обозначающим целый класс предметов:

The cat is a favourite kids' pet.

The lion is a wild animal.

  1. После слов one of, some of, many of, each of:

Many of the books were saved.

One of the girls is my friend.

Each of the students must come to school in time.

Артикль не употребляется с названиями/именами:

  1. Стран

    - England, Russia, Poland.

  2. Материков

    - Asia, Europe, Australia.

  3. Городов

    - Moscow, Hudson, London.

  4. Штатов

    - Wisconsin, Washington, California.

  5. Улиц

    - Queen Street, Tverskaya Street.

  6. Планет (кроме названных выше трех планет)

    - Mars, Pluto, Mercury.

  7. Дней недели

    - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

  8. Национальностей

    - English, French, American.

  9. Месяцев

    - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

  10. Именами людей

    - Alison, Marina, Jeff.


  1. Неопределенный артикль

Неопределенный артикль употребляется:

  1. Для обозначения какого-то (неопределенного) предмета, одного из....

    Give me a book, please (одну, все равно какую)

    I have a son and a daughter (одну дочь и одного сына)

    I am a teacher (один из многих)

  2. В значении "один" перед исчисляемыми существительными, обозначающими время:

    How many English lessons do you have a week?

    Wait a minute!

  3. В восклицательных предложениях после слова what , если далее следует исчислмое существительное в единственном числе:

    What a fine weather we are having today!

    What a pretty girl!

  4. Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, после слов such, quite, rather, most:

    This is such a bad mistake.

    He ia rather an old man.

  5. В сочетаниях a little, a few:

    Will you say a few words about your trip to London?

    I don't want much sugar. Just a little.


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