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  • Разработка урока по английскому языку для 5 класса

Разработка урока по английскому языку для 5 класса

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Тема: Все работы хорошиЦели:1. Образовательная: познакомить учащихся с современными профессиями, выявить наиболее значимые профессии для детей их возраста. 2. Развивающая: развитие внимания, мышления и памяти при изучении английских слов, тренировка слуховой памяти в про
предварительный просмотр материала

Тема: Все работы хороши.


1. Образовательная: познакомить учащихся с современными профессиями, выявить наиболее значимые профессии для детей их возраста.

2. Развивающая: развитие внимания, мышления и памяти при изучении английских слов, тренировка слуховой памяти в процессе аудирования, развитие умения работать с тестовыми заданиями.

3. Воспитательная: воспитание взаимопомощи и сотрудничества во время выполнения групповых заданий.


1. Активизация изученной лексики по теме «Профессии».

2. Контроль понимания аудирования (тест).

3. Формирование навыков говорения с использованием грамматического времени Present Simple и конструкции to be going to.

Оснащение: учебник «Английский с удовольствием. 5 класс» (авторы: М.З. Биболетова, Н.В. Добрынина и др.), компьютер, проектор, экран и раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

I Организационное начало урока

- Good morning children!

- Today there are guests at out lesson. Let's greet them! (Good morning dear guests!)

-How are you today?

- I am fine thank you!

- We shall continue our talk about professions.

II Речевая зарядка

- Look at the blackboard and listen to me.

What are you going to be?

What are you going to be?

What are you going to be?

I'll be a teacher,

That's the life for me.

What are you going to be?

What are you going to be?

I shall be a fireman,

That's the life for me.

- Who can translate this poem?

- Let's read all together!

-Who wants to read it?

III Тренировка лексических навыков по теме «Профессии».

- It's time to remember the words on the topic "Jobs". I shall show you the pictures and if I am right you will repeat my sentence, if I am not right you will correct it.

( показываю слайды)

It is a doctor. (It is a doctor)

It is a lawyer. (It is not a lawyer. It is a sportsman.)

It is a nurse.

It is a teacher.

It is driver.

It is a computer programmer.

It is a vet.

It is a singer.

IV Развитие навыков аудирования.

- Let's listen to a short story about a teacher and do the tasks.

Bill is a teacher at a school. He teaches English to students. In his classroom there are ten students, but in the whole school there are two hundred students. He is a very good teacher and all of his students enjoy learning English.

True, false or no information?

1. Bill is a teacher at a school.

a) true b) false c) no information

2. He teaches Russian to students.

a) true b) false c) no information

3. In his classroom there are ten students.

a) true b) false c) no information

4. He is a very good teacher.

a) true b )false c) no information

5. He likes to play football.

a) true b) false c) no information

V Физкультминутка

VI Тренировка навыков устной речи.

1. - Let's revise the adjectives. They help us to describe people. (слайд) repeat after me. Can you make sentences with these words. Thank you! Excellent!

Look at the blackboard again. You can pictures. Say what characteristics are necessary for the following jobs. (слайд)

1) a nurse

A nurse should be………

2) A librarian

3) A lawyer

4) An engineer

5) A bodyguard

6) A taxi driver

2. Children what are you going to be in ten years time?

F.e. In ten years I am going to be………….

……..should be………

VII Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

  1. It's interesting to know what professions are popular among your friends. You will work in groups of two and find out what the members of your group are going to be. Ask the questions and fill in the table. What question will you ask? (What are you going to be?)

The first group






The second group






- Have you finished? Answer my questions please!

What job is the most popular in your group?

Who is going to be a doctor? (a librarian, a nurse) in your group?

What job is not popular among your friends?

What job is chosen only by boys (by girls)?

2. Thank you! And now open your exercises books, write down the date. Complete the following sentences, please:

Interesting professions are …

Important professions are …

Dangerous professions are …

VIII Развитие навыков изучающего чтения

1) работа над текстом "Vets" p.49

-чтение и перевод текста по цепочке

- чтение вслух

2) agree/ disagree

- People keep lions and tigers as pets.

- Vets must love animals.

- Vets never treat zoo animals such as tigers and giraffes.

- The sick animal can bite, kick or scratch vets.

IX Подведение итогов

  • You worked very well today. ……,…….get "five". …….,…….get "four". You homework will be…….

  • Our lesson is over. Good- bye, boys and girls!


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