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- Учебное пособие специальности 040401 Социальный работник
Учебное пособие специальности 040401 Социальный работник
Министерство общего и профессионального образования Ростовской области
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«Белокалитвинский гуманитарно-индустриальный техникум»
учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК
040401 Социальная работа
Белая Калитва
Е.В. Гаврикова
Разработал преподаватель ГБПОУ РО «БГИТ» Колесникова А.А.
Пособие состоит из семи тем. Каждая тема состоит из текста, предтекстовых упражнений, списка новых слов и выражений, упражнений к тексту.
Цель пособия - развить навыки устной и письменной речи, помочь студентам, изучающим английский язык овладеть разговорной речью по темам профессиональной направленности. Лексика пособия определяется тематикой.
В начале текста, даются предтекстовые задания, список новых слов и выражений для активного усвоения. В конце каждого текста представлены упражнения и вопросы, с помощью которых можно осуществить контроль понимания прочитанного и уровень языковой подготовки студентов.
Знание предложенных текстов поможет при общении с носителями языка вести беседу профессиональной направленности, расширит кругозор и облегчит подготовку к сообщению по определённой теме.
1.Social Work Profession
Words and word combinations
social work - социальный работник
is emerging - возникает, появляется
enhancement - повышение, увеличение, улучшение
well-being - благополучие, достаток
alleviation - смягчение, облегчение
poverty - бедность, нищета, нужда
oppression - гнёт, подавленность, угнетение
curative aspect - целебный подход
rehabilitative aspects -восстановительный подход
prevention - предотвращение, предупреждение
interaction - взаимодействие
ex. 1. Before you read, talk about these questions.
What do you know about social work?
Why is it important?
Social Work Profession
Social work is emerging as an important profession in the modern world. It is committed to the enhancement of human well-being and to the alleviation of poverty and oppression.
The basic functions of social work are restoration, provision of resources, and prevention. Restoration of impaired social functioning may be subdivided into curative and rehabilitative aspects. Its curative aspects are to eliminate factors that have caused breakdown of functioning, and its rehabilitative aspects, to recognize and rebuild interactional patterns.
Provision of resources, social and individual, for morе effective social functioning may be subdivided into developmental and educational. The developmental aspects аrе designed to further the effectiveness of existing social resources оr to bring to full flower реrsonal capacity for more effective social interaction. The educational spectrum is designed to acquaint the public with specific conditions and needs for new оr changing social resources.
The third function, prevention of social dysfunction, involves early discovery, соntrol, and elimination of conditions and situations that potentially could hamper effective social functioning. The two main divisions аrе: prevention of problems in the аrea of interaction between individuals and groups, and the second, the prevention of social ills. Prevention of social ills ordinarily falls within the аrea of community organization.
ex. 2. Read the text. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Social work isn't emerging as an important profession in the modern world.
Restoration, provision of resources and prevention are the basic functions of social work.
The third function is provision.
ex. 3. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks. (eliminate, restoration, elimination, social work, prevention, provision, acquaint, alleviation).
It is committed to the __________ of poverty and oppression.
The basic functions of _________ are _________, __________ of resources, and __________.
Curative aspects are to ___________ factors.
It is designed to _________ the public with specific conditions and needs.
It involves _________ of conditions.
ex. 4. Match the words and their translation.
1 social work a появляется
2 interaction b предупреждение
3 is emerging c бедность
4 oppression d благополучие
5 prevention e смягчение
6 well-being f угнетение
7 poverty g целебный подход
8 alleviation h социальная работа
9 curative aspect i увеличение
10 enhancement j взаимодействие
ex. 5. Answer the questions.
What are the main divisions?
Is it committed to the enhancement of human well-being, isn't it?
What resources may be subdivided into developmental and educational?
What are the developmental aspects designed to?
What is the educational spectrum designed to?
2.Social Work as a Science
Words and word combinations
societal - общественный
enhance - увеличить
sociology - социология
assessment - мнение, оценка
eclectic - эклектический, лечащий травами
intervention - вторжение
ex. 1. Before you read, talk about these questions.
What do you know about social work?
Why is it important?
Social Work as a Science
Social work is "the applied science of helping people achieve аn effective level of psychosocial functioning and effecting societal changes to enhance the well-being of аll people."
Social work knowledge has been largely borrowed from the social sciences, particularly psychology and sociology, though anthropology, political science, economics, and history as well as the natural sciences of biology and physiology contribute as well.
Social work knowledge is what is known about people and their social systems. It is relative to the situation in which it was developed. It is descriptive of the phenomena of persons in situations, and it explains the functioning of individuals and their social systems. It is used to gain understanding of persons in situations and of larger social systems and to guide the actions of social workers as they seek to enhance individuals' social functioning. It includes knowledge of human development, human diversity, and social systems theory. It is knowledge that directs the response to need and includes knowledge about assessment, relationships, the social work process, and intervention.
Thus, the knowledge base developed for social work is eclectic, interdisciplinary, and tentative at best, complex, and often subjective. Social work continues to search for the acceptance of common concepts and common frames of reference and to test hypotheses about the nature of practice in the effort to become more scientific. By its very nature, this knowledge base is problematic.
ex. 2. Read the text. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Social work knowledge is what is known about animals and their social groups.
It includes knowledge of human development, human diversity, and social systems theory.
The knowledge base developed for social work is eclectic, interdisciplinary, and tentative at best, complex, and often subjective.
ex. 3. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks. (eclectic, gain, acceptance, particularly, functioning).
Social work knowledge has been largely borrowed from the social sciences, _________ psychology and sociology
It is used to _________ understanding of persons in situations.
The knowledge base developed for social work is __________.
Social work continues to search for the __________ of common concepts.
It explains the ___________ of individuals and their social systems.
ex. 4. Match the words and their translation.
1 social worker a мнение
2 enhance b эклектический
3 well-being c социология
4 sociology d благополучие
5 eclectic e вторжение
6 assessment f социальный работник
7 intervention g увеличить
8 gain h извлекать пользу
9 diversity i многообразие
10 hypotheses j гипотезы
ex. 5. Answer the questions.
What has social work been largely borrowed from?
What knowledge does it include?
What it is used for?
What hypotheses do you know about it?
Has social work knowledge been largely borrowed from the social sciences?
3.Mary Richmond
Words and word combinations
framework - структура
assessment - оценка
construct - концепция, положение
it was assumed - предполагалось
moral inadequacy - неадекватность
thorough - достаточный, всесторонний
ex. 1. Before you read, talk about these questions.
Who is Mary Richmond?
Why did she do?
Mary Richmond
The first major statement of social work practice theory was Mary Richmond's Social Diagnosis. She developed the original framework for the assessment construct. The term "diagnosis" was borrowed from medical terminology and became known as the medical model.
Richmond's work reflects a period when social sciences were highly influential on social work practice. Emphasis was on a broad study. It was assumed that a cause-effect relationship existed. The social worker was to look for the cause of the problem. The cause was generally assumed to be either moral inadequacy or lack of appropriate use of social resources.
The heart of the social work was the process of careful, thorough, systematic investigation of the evidence surrounding those in need of service. Then, putting that evidence together, the social worker gained an accurate picture of the situation. This was scientific philanthropy, a study of the social situation.
The description of the information to be gathered was comprehensive and specific. The sources to be used included not only the client but the family, other relatives, schools, medical sources, employers, neighbors, and pertinent documents.
The guiding principles were sociological in nature. Richmond defined diagnosis as the attempt to make a definition of the situation and the personality as exact as possible, that is, in relation to other human beings upon whom the client in any way depends or who depends on him, and in relation also to the social institutions of his community.
ex. 2. Read the text. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
The first major statement of social work practice theory was Mary Richmond's Social Diagnosis.
The cause wasn't generally assumed to be either moral inadequacy or lack of appropriate use of social resources.
Richmond defined diagnosis as the attempt to make a definition of the situation.
ex. 3. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks. (human beings, framework, comprehensive, gained, diagnosis).
The term ________ was borrowed from medical terminology.
In relation to other _________ upon whom the client in any way depends.
The description of the information to be gathered was __________ and specific.
Richmond developed the original _________ for the assessment construct.
The social worker _________ an accurate picture of the situation.
ex. 4. Match the words and their translation.
1 gained a предполагалось
2 framework b всесторонний
3 assessment c социальные ресурсы
4 it was assumed d полученный
5 moral inadequacy e концепция
6 thorough f диагностика социального общества
7 construct g оценка
8 social resources h всеобъемлющий
9 Social Diagnosis i структура
10 comprehensive j неадекватность
ex. 5. Answer the questions.
Was the first major statement of social work practice theory Mary Richmond's Social Diagnosis?
What did she develop?
What does her work reflect?
What was the heart of the social work?
Were the guiding principles or rules sociological in nature?
4.Social Education in the USA
Words and word combinations
Аssociates Degree in Social Work - степень помощника социальной работы
Baccalaureate Degree in Social Work - степень бакалавра социальной работы
Master's Degree in Social Work - степень мастера социальной работы
Doctoral Degree in Social Work - степень доктора социальной работы
practitioner - практик
integrate - совмещать, интегрировать
сurriculum - учебный план
ex. 1. Before you read, talk about these questions.
What do you know about social education in the USA?
What has it main purposes?
Social Education in the USA
The profession of social work is committed to enhance human well-being and to minimize poverty and oppression. It has four main purposes: 1) the maintenance of the functioning of individuals, families, groups and organizations, 2) the planning of social policies, services and programs, 3) the promotion of social and economic justice, 4) the development of professional knowledge.
Associates Degree in Social Work is a two-year study at colleges. On graduating students are not considered as social workers, but as assistants.
Baccalaureate Degree in Social Work prepares students for general social work practice. It includes liberal arts and professional foundation content. Such education is fulfilled in colleges and universities.
Master's Degree in Social Work prepares students for advanced social work practice. Social workers are trained as a practitioner. Students must integrate the knowledge, values and skills of this profession.
Curriculum includes only social work-based courses. They are two-year programs.
Doctoral Degree in Social Work is the highest level of social work education. It is an advanced preparation for research or teaching. Such education may be policy-, practice- or research-oriented. It prepares graduates for academic and teaching at the college or university level.
ex. 2. Read the text. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Baccalaureate Degree in Social Work includes liberal arts and professional foundation content.
The profession of social work isn't committed to enhance human well-being and to minimize poverty and oppression.
Curriculum includes only social work-based courses.
ex. 3. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks. (purposes, graduating, professional, level, social work).
The profession of _________ is committed to enhance human well-being and to minimize poverty and oppression.
On ________ students are not considered as social workers, but as assistants.
It prepares graduates for academic and teaching at the college or university___.
It includes liberal arts and __________ foundation content.
It has four main ________.
ex. 4. Match the words and their translation.
1 сurriculum a степень доктора социальной работы
2 practitioner b совмещать
3 integrate c степень бакалавра социальной работы
4 Doctorl Degree in Social Work d угнетение
5 Master's Degree in Social Work e учебный план
6 Baccalaureate Degree in Social Work f бедность
7 Аssociates Degree in Social Work g социально-экономическое правосудие
8 poverty h степень помощника социальной работы
9 oppression i степень мастера социальной работы
10 social and economic justice j практик
ex. 5. Answer the questions.
What do the profession of social work do?
Does it include liberal arts and professional foundation content?
It prepares graduates for academic and teaching at the college or university level, doesn't it?
What does Baccalaureate Degree in Social Work prepare for?
Is the planning of social policies one of the main purpose?
5.What is the family?
Words and word combinations
marriage - брак
adoption - усыновление
blood - родство
husband - муж
wife (wives) - жена (жены)
authority - власть
spouses - супруги
equal - равный
reproduction - воспроизводство
protection - защита
socialization - социализация
regulation of sexual behaviour - половое воспитание
affection and companionship - признание и сотрудничество
providing of social status - предоставление социального статуса
ex. 1. Remember the Family fulfills the following functions.
- reproduction
- protection
- socialization
- regulation of sexual behaviour
- affection and companionship
- providing of social status.
What is the Family?
A family is a set of persons related by some relationship (marriage, adoption, blood).
Sociologists distinguish 2 types of the family: a nuclear family (that is a married couple and their unmarried children) and an extended family (that is a family in which relatives other than parents and children). Speaking about different types of the family sociologists distinguish monogamy and polygamy.
Monogamy is a form of marriage in which one woman and one man are married to each other. Polygamy is a form of marriage in which one person has several husbands or wives simultaneously.
Societies vary in the way that power within the family is distinguished. We can distinguish a patriarchy (in which males dominate and women have low statuses) and a matriarchy (in which women have greater authority than men). And the third type of authority pattern is called the egalitarian family in which spouses are equal. This type has begun to replace the patriarchal family as the social norm.
ex. 2. Read the text. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
A family is a set of persons related by some relationship (marriage, adoption, blood).
Polygamy is a form of marriage in which one person has several husbands or wives simultaneously.
Societies vary in the way that power within the group is distinguished.
ex. 3. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks. (distinguished, egalitarian, polygamy, family, monogamy).
Sociologists distinguish 2 types of the ______.
Societies vary in the way that power within the family is _______.
_________ is a form of marriage in which one woman and one man are married to each other.
_________ is a form of marriage in which one person has several husbands or wives simultaneously.
The third type of authority pattern is called the ______ family in which spouses are equal
ex. 4. Match the words and their translation.
1 adoption a защита
2 spouses b половое воспитание
3 reproduction c брак
4 protection d предоставление социального статуса
5 socialization e признание и сотрудничество
6 regulation of sexual behaviour f супруги
7 marriage g родство
8 affection and companionship h воспроизводство
9 providing of social status i социализация
10 blood j усыновление
ex. 5. Answer the questions.
Is a family a set of persons related by some relationship?
What is monogamy?
What is polygamy?
What types of the family do you know?
What is a nuclear family?
6.Deviance and Crime
Words and word combinations
deviance - правонарушение
gambler - азартный игрок
mental illnesses - душевные заболевания
typical representative - типичный представитель
prosecution - уголовное наказание
criminal laws - уголовные законы
index crime - бытовое преступление
murder - убийство
rape - изнасилование
robbery - грабеж
theft - кража
professional crime - профессиональное преступление
burglary - кража со взломом
safecracking - взлом сейфа
pick pocketing - карманная кража
shoplifting - налет на магазин, кража
organized crime - организованное преступление
criminal enterprise - криминальная группировка
white-collar crime - преступление чиновника
income tax evasion - укрытие доходов от налогов
stock manipulation - биржевая манипуляция
bribery - взяточничество
victimless crime - преступление без жертвы
gambling - шулерство
prostitution - проституция
public drunkenness - пьянство в общественных местах
drug taking - употребление наркотиков
ex. 1. Before you read, talk about these questions.
What do you know about deviance?
What do you know about crime?
Deviance and Crime
Deviance is behaviuor that violates the standards of a group or society. Alcoholics, gamblers, persons with mental illnesses are the typical representatives of deviants. Each of us violates common social norms in certain situations.
Deviance is an action, which is not a subject to prosecution. Standards of deviance vary from one group, society, and culture to another. In our society it is generally acceptable to sing along at a rock or folk concert, but not at the opera.
The highest form of deviation is crime, which is a violation of criminal laws. Sociologists distinguish five types of crime.
Index crime is the most common case such as murder, rape, robbery, theft and so on.
Professional crime involves people who make a career of illegal activities. The examples are burglary, safecracking, pick pocketing and shoplifting.
Organized crime refers to the work of a group that regulates relations between various criminal enterprises.
White-collar crime includes crimes, which are committed by "respectable" people. For example, these are income tax evasion, stock manipulation, bribery and so on.
Victimless crime includes gambling, prostitution, public drunkenness and drug taking.
ex. 2. Read the text. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Deviance is behaviuor that violates the standards of a group or society.
Organized crime includes crimes, which are committed by "respectable" people.
Index crime includes gambling, prostitution, public drunkenness and drug taking.
ex. 3. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks. (professional crime, victimless crime, representatives, distinguish, deviance).
Gamblers, persons with mental illnesses are the typical ___________ of deviants.
_____________ involves people who make a career of illegal activities.
_________ is behaviuor that violates the standards of a group or society.
Sociologists ________ five types of crime.
___________ includes gambling, prostitution, public drunkenness and drug taking.
ex. 4. Match the words and their translation.
1 deviance a уголовные законы
2 gambler b укрытие доходов от налогов
3 prosecution c пьянство в общественных местах
4 criminal laws d криминальная группировка
5 rape e уголовное наказание
6 bribery f взлом сейфа
7 income tax evasion g азартный игрок
8 public drunkenness h изнасилование
9 criminal enterprise i взяточничество
10 safecracking j правонарушение
ex. 5. Answer the questions.
Is deviance behaviuor that violates the standards of a group or society?
What examples of professional crime do you know?
What is organized crime?
What does white-collar crime include?
What is professional crime?
</ 7.Juvenile Delinquency
Words and word combinations
juvenile - детский
adult - взрослый
delinquent - правонарушитель
commit crime - совершить преступление
offence - проступок
parental control - родительский контроль
community treatment - общественное лечение
residential treatment - стационарное лечение
nonresidential treatment - амбулаторное лечение
institutionalization - институализация
ex. 1. Before you read, talk about these questions.
What do you know about juvenile delinquency?
What do you know about parental control?
Juvenile delinquency
Since ancient times the legal system have distinguished between juvenile and adult delinquents. The first institution for juveniles, the House of Refuge, was founded in New York City in 1824.
Nowadays the public appears much more aware of juvenile crime than in the past. Common offences include vandalism, shoplifting, underage drinking, and using marijuana.
Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile crime focus either on the individual or on society as the major influence. Theories centering on the individual suggest that children commit crime because they were not sufficiently panelized for previous offences. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children become delinquents in response to their low socioeconomic status. The major factors that have influence on the rate of juvenile crime are the lack of adequate parental control, fewer job opportunities for the youth, frustration or failure in school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol.
The juvenile justice system tries to treat and rehabilitate youngsters who become involved in delinquency. It can be community treatment, residential treatment, nonresidential treatment, and institutionalization. Community treatment involves placing the child on probation under the supervision of an officer of the juvenile court. Residential treatment takes place in a group home with psychological and vocational counseling. Nonresidential community treatment allows the child to live at home and receive treatment from mental health clinics. Institutionalization is the most severe form of treatment because the child is denied freedom to come and go in the community.
ex. 2. Read the text. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile crime focus either on the individual or on society as the major influence.
Residential treatment takes place in a group home with psychological and vocational counseling.
Since ancient times the legal system have distinguished between juvenile and adult delinquents.
ex. 3. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks. (nonresidential, focusing, shoplifting, juvenile court, juveniles,).
The first institution for _______, the House of Refuge, was founded in New York City in 1824.
Common offences include vandalism, ___________, underage drinking, and using marijuana.
Community treatment involves placing the child on probation under the supervision of an officer of the ___________.
__________ community treatment allows the child to live at home and receive treatment from mental health clinics.
Theories _________ on the role of society suggest that children become delinquents in response to their low socioeconomic status.
ex. 4. Match the words and their translation.
1 commit crime a детский
2 adult b совершить преступление
3 parental control c проступок
4 residential treatment d амбулаторное лечение
5 community treatment e стационарное лечение
6 institutionalization f взрослый
7 delinquent g общественное лечение
8 nonresidential treatment h институализация
9 offence i родительский контроль
10 juvenile j правонарушитель
ex. 5. Answer the questions.
When was the first institution for juveniles founded?
Does common offence include vandalism, shoplifting, underage drinking, and using marijuana?
What theories concerning the causes of juvenile crime do you know?
Does the juvenile justice system try to treat and rehabilitate youngsters who become involved in delinquency?
Community treatment involves placing the child on probation under the supervision of an officer of the juvenile court, doesn't it?