- Учителю
- Открытый урок в 7 классе по теме Экология
Открытый урок в 7 классе по теме Экология
Основы экологии. Флора и фауна России
Цели урока:
Активизация лексики по теме;
развитие умений устной неподготовленной речи;
развитие памяти, умения обобщать, делать выводы;
формирование экологической грамотности, чувства любви к природе и ответственности за её сохранение.
Задачи урока:
практиковать навыки устной речи у учащихся;
практиковать навыки чтения;
Повторить, обобщить и закрепить лексико-грамматический материал по теме «Экология»;
Совершенствовать навыков чтения и умения монологических высказываний.
развивать умение применения полученных умений и навыков в новых условиях,
развивать навыки монологической речи,
развивать навыки аудирования и чтения;
развивать умение работать в группе;
повышать интерес к английскому языку;
расширять кругозор учащихся.
воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению других людей, к природе;
прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка,
воспитывать умение работать в коллективе
презентации к уроку,
видеоролик о России,
видеоролик Майкла Джексона «Песня Земли»,
УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева «Rainbow English»
I Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.
Good morning my friends! Sit down, please! I am glad to see you! Today we have many guests and we are glad to see them too. Let's begin our lesson.
Teacher: The theme of today's lesson is "The ABC of Ecology". The problem of our lesson is the global situation in ecology and what we can do with it.We'll try to discuss some environmental problems. The motto of the lesson is "If you don't think of the future, you will have nothing".
Основная часть урока.
Просмотр видеоролика «Песня Земли» .
Now I want you to watch video and after you have watched it you'll answer the questions.( Students watch video under Jack Michael's song "Earth Song".)
Do you agree with me that the impression about this video is terrible. The world is getting so cruel !!!
Teacher: answer the questions, please!(Ответы на вопросы). Презентация.
( В скобках даны примерные ответы детей)
What is Ecology?
(Ecology is a science.)
What does it study?
(It studies how plants, animals and other living things live in relation to each other and to their environment.)
What does ecology teach us?
(It teaches us how to survive in the modern world.)
What information do ecologists collect about?
(They collect information about the population number, diet, form, size and behaviour.)
Why do people so often speak about ecology nowadays?
(Our planet is in danger. We have a lot of ecological problems: air pollution, water pollution, littering, some plants become rare and vanish, some animals become extinct. Nature is something that not be constructed by man.)
What do you think causes air pollution?
(Cars and factories, plants and power stations pollute the air and make it dangerous to breathe)
What do you think causes water pollution?
(Companies dump toxic waste into our rivers, seas and oceans. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste.)
Can we live without plants and animals?
(We can't live without plants and animals. They help to make the soil, they clean the water and air, and they give us all our food.)
Teacher: The world is our home and we must take care of it. What can we do to protect it?
(Примерные ответы детей)
We must plant trees.
We must feed birds in winter.
We must save water and energy.
We mustn't litter.
We must clean trees.
We mustn't kill animals.
We must recycle used materials: newspapers, glass bottles, cans. (Teacher: By the way, do you know what recycling is. Pupil: Recycling is when we make new products out of used products.)
We must pick up litter.
We mustn't pick flowers.
We must write on both sides of paper.
We must walk or ride a bike whenever possible.
We must repair leaking taps.
Schools must make environmental programs.
We must join the organizations that help nature.
Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations.(Перевести фразы на русский язык. Презентация)
Teacher: guess what the bird it is. (Угадай название птиц)
1) A large beautiful white or sometimes black bird bigger than a duck, with a long neck that lives on rivers and lakes. (swan)
2) It is easy to teach these birds that live in South Africa, Australia and South America some words that people use. (parrot)
4) A bird with a long narrow beak which can make holes in trees. (woodpecker)
5) A night bird with large eyes that eats mice and other small animals. (owl)
6) A bird larger than a sparrow but smaller than a crow. It is usually grey or dark-blue and grey, sometimes white or brown. Often lives in cities. (pigeon)
7) A small bird that can sing better than any other. It usually sings at night, but it can sing in daytime too. (nightingale)
Flora and fauna of Russia (Флора и фауна России. Презентация)
Просмотр видеоролика о России на английском языке
Чтение с полным пониманием и ответы на вопросы.
Учебник, стр. 49 упр.6
III. Заключительный этап урока.
Teacher: Today we have discussed a lot of ecological problems. I am sure that you are real friends of our planet. It's very important to save it for all forms of life.. A famous Russian writer Mihail Prishvin said: "To protect nature means to protect our motherland". I hope you will keep these words in your heart. All your answers were very good. I am pleased with your work. Thank you for the lesson.
Домашнее задание
Выставление отметок
Список использованной литературы
Английский язык, 8 класс, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2007.
Happy English - 2. Учебник английского языка для 7-9 классов. Т.Б.Клементьева, 2003.