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  • План урока английского языка на тему 'The Present Continuous tense' (5 класс)

План урока английского языка на тему 'The Present Continuous tense' (5 класс)

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала


Subject: English

Grade: the 5 -th form


Theme: The Present Continuous tense

Grammar: The Present Continuous tense

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: students must be able to know and used the grammar rule of Present Continuous tense.

Developing: students must be able to develop their skills reading, speaking and improve pronunciation

Bringing-up: students must be able to like other people

The type of the lesson: combined

Visual aids: slides, video, cards, pictures

The procedure of the lesson:

1. Организационный момент.

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- What season is it now?

- Who is absent today?

- Thank you sit down, please.

2. Now let's start our lesson.

2. Checking up home work

3. Фонетическая зарядка. Тренировка произношения носового звука:

Sleeping, singing, talking, eating, wearing, watching, playing, making, reading, writing.

smiling, going, drawing, writing, diving, walking

The song: Are you sleeping?

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,

Brother John? Brother John?

The morning bell is ringing,

The morning bell is ringing,

Ding, ding, dong. Ding, ding, dong.

3. Present simple to be (повторение)

1. Вставьте глагол to be в форме Present Simple.

1. She … a student. She … a good student.

2. My friend … an engineer. He … at work.

3. I ___not write this exercises.

4. Where … you from? - I … from Moscow.

5. My mother … not a teacher.

6. … this your book? - This book … not mine. My book … in my bag.

Введение нового грамматического материала (смотрим видео урок)

Look at the blackboard, please!

(Происходит презентация нового грамматического материала с помощью компьютерной программы Power Point, ученики читают название новой грамматической темы) Презентация (cлайд №1) (cлайд №2)

- Tell me please the difference between these sentences (слайд №3)

She sings a song every day.

She is singing a song now.

(Ученики высказывают своё мнение и пытаются перевести данные предложения. Далее определяется время, в котором написаны эти предложения. The Present Continuous Tense новое время, поэтому при определении учащиеся действуют методом исключения)

- Answer my question, please. When do we use the Present Continuous Tense? (После ответов учащихся идёт объяснение учителем)

- We use the Present Continuous:

to talk about actions and situations in progress now;

to talk about actions and situations in progress around now

And now let's revise the forms of the verb to be. You have the house where the verb to be lives. You should put the clowns into their flats. Begin, please.

Учитель выдает cut-outs с заданием. Заселите местоимения в домик.

Time Expressions used with the Present Continuous (слайд№4)

now at the moment at present

5.Make up sentences: (слайд№6)

Первичная тренировка употребления Present Continuous.

Поместить на доску картинки, изображающие различные действия людей. Предложить учащимся поставить глаголы в Present Continuous.

Look at the board. There are some pictures and sentences, describing them. Open the brackets and put the verb into Present Continuous.

6.Find out mistakes: (слайд№7)

(Найдите ошибки)

1. I is swimming.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Green is watching TV.

3. They are makeing a cake.

4. My friend is runing to school.

5. We are go to the cinema.

6. My brother is listenning to the radio.

7. Look at the pictures and make up sentences: (слайд№10)

Drinking, boy, Coke, the, is . The, eating, cat, the, fish, is .

In, are, bed, sleeping, they. Talking are they .

Упражнения для закрепления

1Tara ___________ (talk) by phone.

2. Joe ___________ (play) on the computer.

3. Who ___________(watch) TV?

4. Tina ___________ (do) grammar exercises.

5. I ___________ (eat) a pizza.

6. We ___________ (sit) in the classroom.

7. I ___________ (not write) an email.

8. Amy ___________ (not go) to school today.

9. We ___________ (not have) fun today.

10. My team ___________ (not win) the match.

Игры на закрепление грамматического материала.

а).Teacher, "Stand up, Grisha! What are you doing?"

Grisha, "I am standing."

Teacher, "Sasha, What is Grisha doing?"

Sasha, "Grisha is standing"….

Teacher, "Stand up, Sasha and Oleg! Go, please! Olga, what are Sasha and Oleg doing?"

Olga," They are going"…

12. Подведение итогов урока и оценивание результатов работы учащихся

Учащиеся получают оценки за: применение грамматического материала в монологической речи; активную работу с грамматикой; выполнение практического задания.

T. Well done. Children, thank you very much for your answers. You have done many tasks. You know a lot about Present Continuous. I liked your answers. And now write down your task for the next lesson. That's all for today. Good-bye.

Today at the lesson:

I know about…

I have learnt that…

Now I can…

It was interesting to…

It was difficult to…

I was good at…


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