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  • Дидактический материал по английскому языку на тему Придаточные предложения условия (11 класс)

Дидактический материал по английскому языку на тему Придаточные предложения условия (11 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала

1. If I have problems at school and miss classes, I should …..

2. If my parents don't understand me and don't listen to me, I should ….

3. If I have arguments with my friends, we should …..

4. If your parents don't allow you go out with your friends late, you should …..

5. If your parents make fuss about silly things, you should …..

6. If parents don't approve their children's friends, they should …..

7. If your brother or sister doesn't observe the low of co-existence, you should ….

8. If children ignore their parents, they should …..

9. If parents have too many responsibilities at home, their children should …..

10. If children don't obey their parents, the parents can …..

11. If we have nobody to talk to, we can …..

12. If someone bullies your friend, you should …

Situation: Parents don't like the career choice of their daughter. They want her to become a famous scientist, but their daughter dreams to be a great actress.

Task: Role-play the situation and the solution.






Situation: Parents don't like friends of their son. They think these boys have bad influence on their son.

Task: Role-play the situation and the solution.








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