- Учителю
- Конспект урока английского языка по теме ' The place I live in' (4 класс)
Конспект урока английского языка по теме ' The place I live in' (4 класс)
Урок по теме
«The place I live in»
4 класс
Учебник М.З. Биболетова
Провела учитель английского языка
Емельянова Елена Николаевна
Задачи урока
Закрепить введённую лексику по теме.
Совершенствование техники чтения, умения читать текст, содержащий новые слова и полностью понимать текст, построенный на знакомом языковом материале.
Совершенствовать речевые навыки на основе прочитанного текста.
Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.
Учить выражать отношение к обсуждаемому материалу в монологической речи.
Дальнейшее развитие умения аудирования с полным пониманием услышанного.
Культивировать у учащихся позитивное отношение к иной культуре.
Учить правилам этикета (приём гостей).
Дальнейшее развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью, и речевых способностей.
Обучать самостоятельно делать выводы, решать проблемы по изучаемой теме.
Улучшение зрительной и слуховой памяти, внимания, воображения.
Костюм мышки
Мультимедийный проектор и экран
Аудиокассета с музыкой зарядки "Clap your hands"
Карточки с буквами
Интерактивная доска с кроссвордом
I. Речевая зарядка. Развитие умения говорить, овладение диалогом-расспросом.
T: Hello, children! Look, we have a guest today.
(A mouse comes into the classroom.)
M: -Hello, I'm a mouse. My name is Mousy. I'm ten. I'm kind, clever and curious. Answer my questions, please.
(The student asks her classmates the questions and they answer them.)
-What is your name?
-How old are you?
-What can you do?
-Do you like winter? Why?
-Do you like summer? Why?
-Do you live in a house or in a flat?
-Is there a bathroom in your house?
-Is there a pantry in your house?
-Is there a living-room in your house?
-Is there a TV set in your living-room?
-Is there a sofa in your living-room?
-Is there a mouse in your bedroom?"
T: (Vlad) hasn't got a mouse in his kitchen. But the other boy has got it and other scary things in his house. Let's read the poem and know what these things are and compare his house with yours.
(A poem appears on the screen)
II. Развитие умения читать с извлечением нужной информации. Овладение средствами выразительного чтения
I'm not afraid. (Slide №1)
There is a beetle in the bathroom. (Slide №2)
There is a spider in the hall. (Slide №3)
There is a mouse in the bedroom. (Slide №4)
But I'm not afraid at all. (Slide №5)
T: Is there a beetle in your bathroom?
Is there a spider in your hall?
Is there a mouse in your bedroom?
Are you afraid of beetles? (Slide №6)
Are you afraid of spiders? (Slide №7)
Are you afraid of mice? (Slide №8)
You are brave. (So am I)
III. Предъявление темы урока. Развитие умения читать с полным пониманием текст, построенный на знакомом языковом материале.
T. Is it good or bad to have beetles, spiders and mice in the house? It's better to have other things in it. What is there in the house? Put down the names of the things in the house in the circles. (Children get cards with Word Web)
So, let's talk about houses. The topic of our lesson is "Home Sweet Home". (Slide №9) Read some other poems describing rooms in the house and then looking at the pictures under them say if they have mistakes.
I'll tell you the truth: there is only one mistake in the first poem. (Slide №10)
There's a computer on the table.
There are bookshelves next to the door.
There are three vases on the bookshelf.
There is a carpet on the floor.
(Children read, translate and correct the mistake)
T: Yes, you are right. Now read the poem without mistakes.
There are mistakes in each line in the second poem. (Slide №11)
There is a vase under the table.
There are two pictures on the bed.
There is a big cat behind the sofa.
There is a lamp on the TV set.
(Children read, translate and correct the mistakes)
IV. Зарядка
T: Oh, you've got a very good sight and knowledge of English words. Are you tired of sitting still? Let's do morning exercises.
(Students do morning exercises. Instead of underlined word the use the words in brackets)
Shake your hands (legs, knees, ears, arms, body, head, nose)
V. Совершенствование техники чтения, преодоление трудностей в чтении.
T: Have you got your own room? What have you got in it? A girl named Jill will tell you about her room. Before reading her story let's read letter combinations and words which are difficult for you. I'll read poems about these letters. I hope they will help you not to make mistakes. The first one is about two letters "O".
Как-то в тёплый летний вечер
Две "О" (оу) катились друг другу навстречу.
С размаху, столкнувшись боками, упали.
И вместе от боли «у-у» закричали.
Бока с досадой потирают
И грустно ссадины считают.
Друг перед другом извинились,
Затем навеки подружились.
И теперь, когда встречаются,
Им этот случай вспоминается.
Звук «у-у» вместе издают
Как будто песенку поют.
Это правило ты знай,
В чтеньи смело применяй.
Вместе "О"(оу) начнёшь читать,
«у-у» скажи, получишь «5».
(Slides №12,13 on the screen. Students read words and sentences)
T: The second poem is about letters "E" and "A".
Е(и-и) и A(эй) поспорили,
Сгоряча повздорили.
Буквы алфавита возле них стоят,
Выслушать внимательно спорщиков хотят,
Чтоб рассудить по совести обе стороны.
Но слышат одно мнение «и-и».
А(эй) тихонько говорит.
Е(и-и) же во всю мощь кричит.
Букву А(эй) перебивает,
Права голоса лишает.
Звук «и-и» громко издает,
Вставить слова не даёт.
Чтоб помочь тебе, мой свет,
Дам тебе один совет:
«Когда Е(и-и) и А(эй) читаешь,
Только Е(и-и) ты называешь».
Звук подольше потяни -
И скажи тихонько - «и-и».
(Slides №14, 15 on the screen. Students read words and sentences)
T: Children, now we are ready to read Jill's story - one by one. Then read it all together.
(Students read the story)
VI. Развитие лексических навыков говорения. Практика монологической речи.
T: Is Jill's story interesting? Did you understand everything? I want to check.
(The teacher points to a thing in slide № 16, children read out the sentence)
T: Make your own sentences. What can you tell about these things? (a book and a ball, two chairs)
(Students make up their own sentences)
VII. Развитие навыков письменной речи
(A student in a mouse costume whispers something in teacher's ear)
T: Oh, children, Mousy told me a secret about her favourite place in the house. If you do this crossword you'll know about it too.
(students come up to the interactive board and write words on it)
A room to keep things
Warm cloth on the floor
A thing to lit the room
A thing to sit in it
A thing to put something on it
A musical instrument
A thing on the wall
Something to warm
T: What is Mousy's favourite place?
Students: It is an armchair.
VIII. Зарядка
Т: My body hurts. And what about your bodies? Let's sing and move.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Sing, sing, sing a song,
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Wash, wash, wash your hands,
Wash, wash, wash your face,
Clean, clean, clean your teeth,
Go, go, go to bed,
Go to bed together.
IX. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.
T: Our lesson will be over soon. Do you like the lesson? What do you like? You worked hard. Marks you merited are:
Your homework is to draw your own room and write a story about it using ex.24 p. 28 as an example.
Let's say "Good bye" to our guest called Mousy.
What else should we say to her? I've got cards with letters. Make up a phrase using given letters. Use them and colourful magnets.
What is the first letter of the word «стол»? -T
What is the first letter of the word «зал, холл»? -H
What is the first letter of the word «кресло»? - A
What is the first letter of the word «рядом с»? -N
What is the first letter of the word «кухня»? -K
What is the last letter of the word «кладовая»? -Y
What is the first letter of the word «на»? -O
What is the first letter of the word «под»? -U
Thank you (on the blackboard)
Children (to the teacher): Thank you for the lesson.
T: Thank you for the lesson too. Good bye.