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- Внеклассное мероприятие Kipling’s 150th Anniversary
Внеклассное мероприятие Kipling’s 150th Anniversary
Внеклассное мероприятие по ИЯ, посвященное 150-летию
со дня рождения известного английского писателя Р. Киплинга.
Р. Киплинг (1865-1936)
План- конспект внеклассного мероприятия по ИЯ ( Quiz-Викторина посвящена годовщине известному английскому писателю Rudyard Kipling для 6 классов). Тема: " Rudyard Kipling and his books".
Цель: развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи. Задачи: 1) развитие умений отвечать на вопросы; 2) развитие умений выражать собственные мысли на английском языке; 3) развитие коммуникативных способностей учащихся в условиях игровой ситуации 4) воспитание толерантного отношения к культуре изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: мультимедиа (презентация , музыкальное оформление), портрет выдающегося английского писателя), видеозаписи на английском языке по теме, смайлики, костюмы, оформленная доска.
Ход игры:
(Участвуют команды двух параллельных классов, участвуют 3 команды , в каждой по 8 человек. )
Предварительное задание для обучающихся:
Приветствие, представление команды (речевой этикет)(3 ми,) .
Представление сценки из одного из произведений Р. Киплинга(3 мин,.).
Представление биографии Р.Киплинга (15 мин .,) .
Примерное содержание викторины:
Приветствие. Introduction. Greetings of teachers and pupils. Good afternoon, dear participants, jury and guests!
II.Создание эмоционального и психологического настроя .(Сценка из рассказа Киплинга по которой они должны определить тему викторины)
A dialogue from a fairy-tale "The cat who walked by itself".
Once upon a time there lived a woman with her small child. It was in the forest near a cave. The woman cooked meals and her baby often cried.
Mum, I want you to play with me.
To stop crying she gave her many some stones to play.
A baby:
I don't like them.
But she continued to cry. Suddenly a cat appeared.
A cat:
I can help you. Your child will not to cry. I can make her laugh.
A woman:
Well, help me please!
The cat began to play with her child. He touched the child with his soft paws. The child became merry, she smiled and laughed.
A baby:
What a funny cat!
A woman:
Oh, my God! Thank you very much for your help!
A cat:
You have praised me and since I always can spend time in your cave and leave it when I want……
Teacher: Have you guessed what story it is? Who is the writer of this story? What is the topic of our lesson? Yes, you are right! Why should we know this writer?
Целеполагание .The topic and the aims of the quiz:
So, we are going to speak about R. Kipling. Today our quiz is devoted to his birth's anniversary. R. Kipling is a famous English writer. He wrote many stories about animals for children.
What stories have you read?
What cartoons have you watched?
Знакомство с новой информации . Speaking. Pupils speak about biography of R. Kipling.
Teacher: Well, listen to our pupils about some facts of Kipling's life.
Listen to them attentively because you will have a quiz about R. Kipling and this information is useful for it.
2 slide:
Rudyard Kipling is a famous English writer. The anniversary of his birth is celebrated in England this year.
3 slide:
Rudyard Kipling was born on December 30, 1865 in Bombay (India). It's his house where he spent his childhood. It was the time of unalloyed happiness.
4 slide:
His father was a great specialist in history of the Indian Art and a director of the museum.
His mother came from a famous London family. His both grandfathers were priests.
5 slide:
At the age of 5 he went to England for studying with his sister. He studied at private boarding school 6 years.
6 slide:
At the age of 12 he attended a special private school to be able to enter prestigious military academy then. It was a military-type institution. Many years later, Kipling wrote ten positive stories about this school.
7 slide: 1
In October, 1882 Kipling came back to India and began to work as a journalist. In free time he wrote short stories and poems.
In 1889 Kipling traveled all over the world, wrote notes.
7 slide: 2
In October he arrived at London and became a celebrity at once.
He got the Nobel Prize on Literature in 1907.
The quiz
Teacher: You are divided into two groups. Make up a name for your team! Let's work in team! Answer the first question. If you know the answer raise your hand. The first pupil will give the answer. For each right answer - 1 point.
1.When was he born? 31 December, 1865
2.What does his name mean? (обозначает) Read the text and find the answer! (Work in team!) the name of the lake in England where his parents met once day
"It was one hundred and fifty years ago. A small boy was born in a very hot Indian city Bombay. He was named after a lake in England where his parents met once day. He knew two languages: English and Indian. He also knew customs and traditions of Indians, these wise people. When he grew up he became an author of many famous books. He travelled a lot. Rudyard was in America , Japan, Canada, France, South Africa. "The Jungle Book" is one of the famous books, which everybody knows in the world. Tales of Rudyard Kipling were translated into Russian by Korney Chukovsky and poems - by Samuil Marshak.
3. Where did he spend his childhood? In Bombay
4.Choose the right variant. Нe has an elder sister.He h
as an
5.Guess a fairy-tale!
Why has a whale such throat?
A tiger on the sunflower.
How did the rhino get its folds on the skin?
6. Jungle book riddles.
-Why did parent elephants beat a Baby elephant? (for curiosity)
- Who was the first servant of a man? (a cat)
- What motto was written on the family mongooses' coat of arms?
(We have the same blood)
Физкультминутка! A song :What do the animals say?"
7.What do the animals say?
1-g 9-d 17-s
2-f 10-c 18-q
3-h 11-e 19-r
4-j 12-k 20-p
5-i 13-l
6-a 14-b
7- 15-n
8-m 16-o
8. Riddles (Sheets of paper)
V. Обобщение и подведение итогов. To sum up.( Командам занявшем 1,2,3 места получают дипломы - буклеты в виде книги с названиями произведений Киплинга) . Обучающимся, которые участвовали в проведении викторины и тех кто был самым активным в игре выберут из каждой команды сами участники, они получат отметки. Жюри подводит итоги игры. Команды награждаются призами.
VI. Reflexion.
VII. Conclusion. Учитель благодарит всех участников, желает им дальнейших успехов.
Our meeting is over. I think it was very interesting. We've learnt lots of new things about R.Kipling. To sum up I'd recommend you to read his books. Let's say, "See you" each other.
- Good - bye!
- All the best.