- Учителю
- Викторина по английскому языку для 5 класса The English party “The wonderful world of the English language”
Викторина по английскому языку для 5 класса The English party “The wonderful world of the English language”
The English party
" The wonderful world of the English language" (The 5th form)
- to practise communicative skills in pair and group work,
- to revise pupils' vocabulary through games,
- to develop pupils' reading, writing, listening skills
Equipment: cards, pictures, tables, a tape recorder
1. Greeting.
T: Good morning! I'm glad to see you.
We'll play English games. I hope you'll enjoy our English party.
2. The main part.
T: We've got two teams in our competition. Our first station is called "Acquaintance ". First of all I would like the captains of our teams to introduce themselves. Tell us about your hobbies, friends, favourite activities. Тhe next station is " Riddles". If the team guesses and says the right answer, it will take one point.
- When I eat, I live. When I drink, I die. What am I?
- All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard,
Who am I?
- The little old woman has twelve children: some are short, some are long,
some are cold, some are hot. What is it?
- No feet, but jumps.
- There are eight on spider
and six on a bee,
Four on an elephant
But only two on me.
- My face is black,
As black as night.
On it with chalk
All pupils write. -There is a little green house.
And in the little green house
There is a little brown house.
And in the little brown house
There is a little yellow house
And in the little yellow house
There is a little white house
There is a little heart.
- You can see it -
But it can't see you.
You can hear it,
But it can't hear you.
- I give light
To all nigh
The longer I'm lit
The shorter I get.
- I always run but never walk,
I often murmer, never talk
I have a mouth but never eat. Who am I?
- The more you have of me, the less you see. Who am I?
- I have four legs but no tail. I eat bugs. You can see me in the pond. Who am I?
- I'm a green house. There is a white house inside me. Inside the white house there is a red house. In the red house there are a lot of babies. Who am I?
- I live in the ocean.
I move slowly.
I eat clams.
I have five arms.
I am a...
- I live in the ocean.
I swim wherever I want.
I sing to my family.
I can breathe through a hole in the top of my head.
I am a..
- I live in the ocean.
I like to eat crabs.
I can change colors.
My eight legs are called tentacles.
I am an...
- I have a tail.
I can fly.
I can whistle and I can talk.
I am a...
- I am small and shy.
I have eight legs.
I eat bugs.
I catch them in my web.
I am a...
- I am orange. My top is green. I am a vegetable.
- What has teeth but cannot eat?
- It can speak any language but never went to school. What is it?
- Look at my face and you see somebody.
Look at my back and you see nobody.
- What tables have no legs?
T: The next station is " Grammar Pantomime''. Your task is to show the actions which you are doing. The second team should guess them and make up sentences in Present Continuous:
Group 1
You are cooking dishes at the present moment.
You are feeding a pet.
You are watching a football match.
Group 2
You are walking a pet.
You are doing lessons at the present moment.
You are listening to music.
T: The third station is "Songs". Listen to some songs and choose the correct alternatives, use the words in the box.
T: The last station is "Captains" . The captains guess the riddles prepared by
other teams.
3. Summing-up.
T: What account have we got? My congratulations. I think that friendship has won.