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  • Интегрированный урок по английскому языку и астрономии в 7 классе

Интегрированный урок по английскому языку и астрономии в 7 классе

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Цель урока: активизация лексики по теме « Космос и Солнечная система», стимулирование познавательного интереса обучающихся, формирование целостной картины мира.



-Расширение знаний и представлений учащихся о строении Солнечной системы

-Формирование лекϲико-грамматических навыков и навыков устной речи по изучаемой теме


-Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по двум видам речевой деятельности: чтению и говорению.

-Развивать логическое мышление, память, познавательный интерес обучающихся, умения работать в группе.

-Развитие оперативной памяти и способности к функционально-адекватному восприятию изученного материала;


-Воспитание дисциплинированности.

-Воспитание потребности в практическом использовании знаний по английскому языку и астрономии.

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие - 1 мин.

Good morning, my friends! I am so glad to see you today and to tell you that we`ll have an unusual lesson today! My name is Ekaterina Nikolaevna and today I'll be your English teacher.

How are you today? (I'm fine, great, brilliant….)

  1. Сообщение цели урока - 5 мин.

T: -Children, look at the video (lead-in video)- what's the theme of our lesson. I am sure you guess about it very easily. (Space and Solar system) -

2 part of video- Boys and girls, how many planets are there in the Solar system? (9) ok.

Put all their names in the correct order : 1-2-3…..

(Учащиеся располагают планеты в правильном порядке) Вот их имена по порядку, по мере удаления от Солнца: Меркурий, Венера, Земля, Марс, Юпитер, Сатурн, Уран, Нептун.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка . ( Введение необходимой лексики по теме.)

Now look at the blackboard. Listen to me, carefully. Repeat after me.

  • Solar System [soule system] солнечная система

  • Earth [ә:Ө] Земля

  • Mercury ['mә:kjuri] Меркурий

  • Venus ['vi:nәs] Венера

  • Jupiter ['dзu:pitә] Юпитер

  • Uranous ['juәrәnәs] Уран

  • Neptune ['neptju:n] Нептун

  • Pluto ['plu:tou] Плутон

  • Mars [ma:s] Марс


What planet do we live on?

What are there on our planet?

What satellite of the Earth do you know?

Reading: Now we should read texts and then answer the questions. You can underline information in your text with pen.

The Earth and the Solar System (Разбираем все вместе)

We, humans, live on the Earth. And our planet Earth is surrounded by space. The sky is what we see of space. There are billions of stars and probably billions of other planets moving through space. Our planet is moving through space too. We live on the surface of our planet Earth.

Gravity keeps us here on the Earth. Gravity is an invisible force that pulls things and people toward the center of the Earth. All the other planets, stars and moons have gravity too. Without gravity we would float away into space.

The Sun lights up the Earth. The Earth turns around each day. The half of the Earth turned away from the Sun is dark. On that half of the Earth it is night. The half of the Earth turned toward the Sun is light. On that half it is daytime. We, humans beings, have always wanted to know what is out in space. We have created telescopes and spaceships to find out. Astronomers use giant telescopes to study the moon, stars and planets. Astronauts travel in spaceships explore parts of space that are too far away for people to visit. The Sun is really a star. Stars are fiery balls of burning gas. We cannot go to the Sun because it is much too hot. The Sun is a million times bigger than the Earth. It's much closer to the Earth than the other stars. That is why the Sun looks so bright to us. The Sun gives light and heat. We, human beings, would not be alive if there were on sun. Plants and animals could not live either.

  1. What is it space?

  2. What is it gravity? What will be without it?

  3. What is it Earth?

  4. What is it the Sun? Give description of it!

  5. What can you do with the help of telescope?

  6. What is it a star?

  7. What does the Sun give to the Earth?


humans - люди lights up-освещать without -без

surround -окружен turn away-развернута от

move -двигаться turn towards-повернута к

surface -поверхность explore-исследовать

keep-сохранять, держать fiery-огненный

invisible force-невидимая сила heat-тепло

float away-улететь alive-живы

Группа 1- terrestrial planets - - Mercury / Venus, Earth and Mars

1/Mercury is a planet closed to the Sun. It is so hot, that nothing can live here. Mercury has rocks and craters like the Moon's. The innermost planet is rarely seen because of the Sun's glare. With less than half Earth's gravity, Mercury retains only a wisp of an atmosphere (presumed to be helium). The lack of a significant atmosphere allows temperatures to fluctuate from 750 degrees Fahrenheit during the day to minus 320 Fahrenheit at night.

Like the other terrestrial planets - Venus, Earth and Mars - Mercury is made mostly of rock and metal. This small world is covered by craters and looks somewhat like our Moon. Mercury has been known since ancient times: the name Hermes, given by the Greeks, later translated to Mercurius by the Romans.

1.Give description of Mercury!

2. What material does Mercury made of? What can you see on this planet?

3. What was the early name of Mercury? Who gave it?

2/Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is the closest planet to the Earth and about the same size as the Earth. You can easily see Venus in the sky without a telescope. But even the strongest telescope cannot see the surface as it is covered by thick clouds. These cloud are made of acid instead of water. The second planet from the sun bakes under twice as much solar radiation as Earth and reaches temperatures of 895 degrees Fahrenheit (480 degrees Celsius). Pressure from the dense atmosphere of sulfuric acid gas is about 95 times greater than Earth's and would crush a human. The thick cloud cover around Venus rotates much faster than the planet itself - once every four days. The surface of Venus is mostly a rocky desert. Like Mercury, Earth and Mars, Venus is composed of mostly rock and metal.

The Greeks believed Venus was two separate objects - one in the morning sky and another in the evening. After the moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky. Because it is often brighter than any other object in the sky - except for the sun and moon - Venus has generated many UFO reports. While all of the planets orbit in an ellipse, Venus' orbit is the closest to a perfect circle. It is the only planet in the solar system whose day (241 Earth days) is longer than its year (225 Earth days).

4. Give description of Venus!

5. What material does Venus made of?

6. How long is Venus day ?

7. What can you say about Venus orbit? Venus surface?


terrestrial -земной thick clouds-густые облака

rocks - горы acid-кислота

wisp -обрывок degrees-градусы

The lack-недостаток Pressure-давление

is made-сделан из sulfuric acid gas-серная кислота

covered -покрыт rotates-вращается

Группа 2 - The moon and 4th terrestrial planet -Mars

The Moon is our nearest neighbor in space. The Moon is smaller than the Earth. It moves around the Earth in a path, called an orbit. Astronauts have visited the Moon. A spaceship takes a half days to go from the Earth to the Moon. Though a satellite of Earth, the Moon is bigger than Pluto. There are various theories about how the Moon was created, but recent evidence indicates it formed when a huge collision tore a chunk of the Earth away. Because it takes 27.3 days both to rotate on its axis and to orbit Earth, the Moon always shows us the same face. We see the Moon because of reflected sunlight. How much of it we see depends on its position in relation to Earth and the Sun.

The 27.3-day number is what scientists call a sidereal month, and it is how long it takes the Moon to orbit the Earth in relation to a fixed star. Another measurement, called a synodic month, is measured between in relation to the Sun and equals 29.5 days. Full moons and new moon are measured by the synodic month.

Earth's gravity keeps the Moon in orbit, while the Moon's gravity creates tides on our oceans. Like the four inner planets, the Moon is rocky. It's pockmarked with craters formed by asteroid impacts millions of years ago. Because there is no weather, the craters have not eroded. The Moon has almost no atmosphere, so a layer of dust - or a footprint - can sit undisturbed for centuries. Daytime temperatures on the sunny side of the Moon reach 273 degrees F; on the dark side it gets as cold as -243.

1. What is it the Moon? What size is it?

2. How many days does spaceship go from the Earth to the Moon?

3. How was the Moon created?

4. Why does the Moon show us the same face?

5. Why can we see the Moon?

6. What is it a sidereal month?

7. What is it a synodic month?

8. Give description of the Moon!

4/Mars is about half as big as the Earth. You can also see Mars in the sky without a telescope. For many years people have imagine that there are intelligent humanlike beings on Mars, but there is no breathable are on Mars, so Earthlike beings cannot live there. The fourth planet from the sun has always interested people. It's the dusty red planet still commands our attention (and a lot of space missions). The surface of Mars is more interesting than most planets.

Like Mercury, Venus and Earth, Mars is mostly rock and metal. Mountains and craters scar the rugged terrain. The dust, an iron oxide, gives the planet its reddish cast. A thin atmosphere and an elliptical orbit combine to create temperature fluctuations ranging from minus 207 degrees Fahrenheit to a comfortable 80 degrees Fahrenheit on summer days (if you are at the equator). Researchers have recently monitored huge storms swirling on Mars. The storms are very similar to hurricanes on Earth.

Mars was most likely warm and wet about 3.7 billion years ago. But as the planet cooled, the water froze.

  1. Give description of Mars! What's it number?

  2. What color is it?

  3. What material does Mars made of?

  4. What kind of temperatures are there?

  5. Is there any life? Is there any water?

move around -двигаться вокруг, froze-замерз, rugged-шероховатый, dust-пыль

path -путь, swirl -образовывать вихрь, iron oxide-окись железа, reddish cast-красноватая почва

range-диапазон, дальность, ранжировать , hurricanes-ураганы, The surface- поверхность

no breathable -воздухонепроницаемый, a satellite -спутник, was created-был создан

Группа 3 -Gigantic planets: Jupiter and. Saturn

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Jupiter was believed by Mesopotamians to be a wandering star placed in the heavens by a god to watch over the night sky. The fifth planet from the sun is a huge ball of gas so massive it could hold all the other planets put together. Jupiter's most familiar feature is swirling mass of clouds that are higher and cooler than surrounding ones. Called the Great Red Spot, it has been likened to a great hurricane and is caused by tremendous winds that develop above the rapidly spinning planet. Winds blow around this disturbance at about 250 miles per hour.

The Red Spot is twice the size of Earth and has been raging for at least 300 years. It is one of several storms on Jupiter. At Jupiter's center is a core of rock many times the mass of Earth.

Jupiter's rapid rotation causes it to bulge, making the diameter 7 percent greater at the equator than at the poles. Jupiter has thin, barely perceptible rings and at least 16 satellites. The four largest - Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto - are called the Galilean moons. They orbit in the same plane and are all visible in a telescope.

  1. What's the number of this planet?

  2. What did Mesopotamians think about Jupiter?

  3. What's the second name of Jupiter?

  4. What can you see on this planet?

  5. Give description of this planet!

  6. Name the satellites! How many satellites has this planet got?


wandering star -блуждающая звезда, heavens -небеса, huge -огромный, hold-держать

to bulge-выпирать, вспучивать, swirling mass of clouds-циркулирующая масса облаков, a core- ядро

hurricane -ураган, tremendous-огромный, rapid rotation -быстрое вращение, satellites-спутники

rapidly spinning planet-быстровращающаяся планета, disturbance-помехи, волнение, range- дальность,

Saturn is the second largest planet. It has at list 20 Moons. Much like its neighbor Jupiter, the sixth planet from the sun has a rocky core and a gaseous surface. But Saturn is chiefly known for its intricate series of rings that encircle it. The mile-thick rings are made of countless orbiting ice particles, from less than an inch to several feet in size. Saturn has more rings than we can count. But though you can't see all of them from Earth, you can spot three of them with a good telescope.

The two outermost rings are separated by a dark band called the Cassini Division, named for the astronomer who discovered it in 1675. The Cassini division isn't empty, but it has less material in it. The middle ring is the brightest, and just inside it is a fuzzy one that can be difficult to spot. Giovanni Domenico Cassini later discovered a gap between the rings, which gained his name, and he also proposed that the rings were not solid objects, but rather made of small particles.

Saturn has 18 known satellites, made mostly of ice and rock. The largest, Titan, orbits Saturn every 16 days.

  1. What's the number of this planet?

  2. Give description of this planet!

  3. How many rings has Saturn got? How many can you see?

  4. What can you say about rings?

  5. What can you say about satellites of this planet? What are they made of?

  6. What scientists discovered rings?


Moon-луна , neighbor-сосед, gaseous surface -газообразная поверхность, spot -заметить,

intricate -запутанный, encircle-окружают, mile-thick rings-расстояние в милях, gap-пробел

countless-бесчисленные, outermost rings are separated by a dark band -внешние кольца разделены тёмной зоной

Группа 4 - Gigantic planets: Uranus and Neptune

Uranus - the seventh planet from the Sun is much like its gaseous neighbors, with a cloudy surface, rapid winds, and a small rocky core. Uranus was thought to be a star until William Herschel discovered in 1781 that it orbited the Sun.

Perhaps because of a collision with a large object long ago, Uranus orbits at an extreme tilt of 98 degrees - sort of on its side. This causes one pole to point toward the sun for decades, giving the planet strange seasons.

Uranus has numerous satellites and a faint set of rings. If all the possible satellites being studied are confirmed, Uranus would have 16 regular and five irregular moons, making it the most populated planetary satellite system known.

1.What's the number of this planet?

2. Give description of this planet!

3. Who discovered this planet and when?

4. What can you say about orbits?

5.How many satellites has Uranus got? How many of them are regular and irregular?


gaseous neighbors-газообразные соседи, cloudy surface -облачная поверхность,

rapid winds-быстрые ветры, core -ядро, orbited -вращается вокруг по орбите,

tilt- наклон, numerous satellites-многочисленные спутники

Neptune -the eighth planet from the Sun - well, some of the time it's eighth, but more on that later - has a rocky core surrounded by ice, hydrogen, helium and methane. Like the other gas planets, Neptune has rapidly swirling winds, but it is thought to contain a deep ocean of water. Its quick rotation fuels fierce winds and myriad storm systems.

The planet has a faint set of rings and 8 known moons. Because of Pluto's strange orbit, Neptune is sometimes the most distant planet from the Sun.Since 1979, Neptune was the ninth planet from the Sun. On February 11, 1999, it crossed Pluto's path and once again become the eighth planet from the Sun, where will remain for 228 years.

Neptune was discovered in 1846 after mathematical calculations of Uranus' movements predicted the existence of another large body.

  1. What's the number of this planet?

  2. Give description of this planet!

  3. Is there any water?


ice-лёд, hydrogen- водород , helium- гелий, methane -метан, swirling winds-циркулирующие ветры

rotation fuels-частота вращения,

Интегрированный урок по английскому языку и астрономии в 7 классе

Post-reading: Work with scale adjectives and absolute

1)match and translate

(very) (absolutely)

big awful

cold boiling

happy enormous

hot excellent

interesting exhausted

nice fascinating

not very good freezing

small delighted

tired tiny

2) Use in the speech (song about planets) (работа с видео- слушаем- -сами показываем-выстраиваем систему)

I am the Sun. I'm a burning ball of fire. I'm very big indeed. Life on earth depends on me. I am the Sun.

I am Mercury. I'm the closest planet to the Sun. I'm a ball of iron -- I have no moons. I am Mercury.

I am Venus. I'm the same size as the Earth but I spin the other way and much more slowly. I have no water -- I am Venus.

I am the Earth. The place where we all live. There is land and lots of sea so I look blue. I have a moon. I am the Earth.

I am Mars. I'm a rocky, red planet. My mountains are the highest in our solar system. I have 2 moons. I am Mars.

I am Jupiter. I'm a gas giant. I'm the biggest and I spin the fastest. I have the biggest moon. I am Jupiter.

I am Saturn. I'm a gas giant. My rings are made of ice. Titan is my biggest moon. I am Saturn.

I am Uranus. I'm an icy gas giant. I'm the coldest planet in our solar system. And I have rings made of dust. I am Uranus.

I am Neptune. I'm an icy gas giant. I'm the farthest planet from the sun. I have many storms. I am Neptune.

We are The Solar System. -------------------------------------------------------------------


What new words have you learnt today?

What new information have you known today?

Is this lesson interesting for you?

Do you like it?

English Teacher

  1. Reddish sky above .The vast canyon .The fourth planet .The huge volcano .Named for the god of war. (MARS)

  2. Small, covered in deep craters. Hot during the day .Cold at night. The fastest planet.(MERCURY )

  3. Most windy .Rings and moons. Takes 160 to go round the sun.( NEPTUNE)

  4. The farthest planet .Strange orbit. Sometimes it is closer to the sun.( PLUTO )

  5. Larger than Earth. Lighter than water. Has flatten poles. Float in a gigantic swimming pool.(SATURN)

  6. The largest planet. Stormy. Spins fast.( JUPITER )

  7. Spins at an angle .Pale blue-green cloudy atmosphere.15 moons and two rings.42 years of sunlight.42 years of darkness.(URANUS)

  8. all space, including all the stars and planets: THE UNIVERSE

  9. large balls of burning gas in space that can be seen at night as a point of light in the sky STARS


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