- Учителю
- Контрольная работа (несколько вариантов) для 6 класса (Афанасьева, Михеева)
Контрольная работа (несколько вариантов) для 6 класса (Афанасьева, Михеева)
Задай общий вопрос к данным предложениям и ответь на них кратко.
Образец: + I get up early. + She gets up early.
? Do I get up early? ? Does she get up early?
Yes, I do./ No, I don't. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
+ I play football.
? _____________________________
+ She lives in London.
? _____________________________
+ Mark rides a bike every day.
? ____________________________
+ We sing merry songs.
? _____________________________
+ Kitty reads a book.
? _____________________________
+ Ann and Ben swim in the river.
? _____________________________
________/ 6
Вставь наречия, указанные в скобках, в данные предложения.
1. Does Tim go to school by taxi? (Usually) - Does Tim usually go to school by taxi?
2. George eats meat. (Never) - ______________________________________________
3. You can see foxes in the country. (Sometimes) - ___________________________________________________
4. She is late for work. (Always) - ____________________________________________
5. We spend summer in France. (Usually) - ____________________________________________________
6. Tom and Tim are very busy on Mondays. (Often) - ______________________________________________________
7. My dog is very funny. (Sometimes) - ________________________________________
8. Kate doesn't go swimming. (Often) - ________________________________________
9. Simon does his English homework. (Never) - _____________________________________________________
________/ 8
Выбери нужную форму глагола в Present Simple. Ненужную зачеркни.
1.My working day (begin/begins) at seven o'clock. 2. I (get/gets) up and (do/does) my morning exercises. 3. At half past seven we (have/has) breakfast. 4. My friend (don't play /doesn't play) the piano. 5. David Barker (don't live/ doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. 6. These children (don't go/ doesn't go) to school. 7. He can (ride/ rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/ drives) a car. 8. Ann (don't have/ doesn't have) a dog. 9. He (swim/ swims) very well. 10. This house (is/are) old but very good.
_______/ 13
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
5. Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1) ['grænI] - _____________________
2) ['pɛərənt] - ___________________
3) ['mʌðə] - _____________________
4) ['dɔːtə] - ______________________
5) [sʌn] - _______________________
6) ['hʌzbənd] - ___________________
7) ['kʌzn] - ______________________
8) ['telɪvɪʒən] - ___________________
9) ['nevə] - ______________________
10) ['ʧɪldrən] - ___________________
11) ['ɔːlweɪz] - ___________________
12) ['juːʒəlɪ] - ____________________
13) [zuː] - _______________________
14) [wɔʧ] - ______________________
Зачеркни в каждом предложении ту форму глаголов, которую ты считаешь неверной.
David Вакег (don't live/doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. He (have/has) a big house. It (am/is/are) old but very good. His children (love/loves) their father a lot and (help/helps) David. David (am/is/ are) old but strong. He can (swim/swims). He (swim/ swims) very well. He can (ride/rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/drives) a car.
______/ 11
Закончи предложения, заменив русские наречия английскими.
1. I (часто) see my cousin in the morning.
2. Nick (никогда) listens to rock music.
3. Betty is (обычно) at school at nine.
4. Jane helps her mother a lot and (всегда) goes to the shops.
(Иногда) we go to the swimming bath.
_______/ 5
Вставь do или does.
1. _______ you sleep well? - Yes, I_______. 2. ______ your sister wash the plates? - Yes, she _______. 3. What _______ the teacher ask you to do? 4. _______ Kitty read English books? - Yes, she _______ . 5. He _______ not like porridge. 6. We ______ not go to school in summer. 7. _______ he swim well? - No, he _______not. 8. _______ you go to the swimming bath? 9. _______ Ann go to the cinema? - Yes, she _______. 10. _______ they play football on Sundays?
_______/ 15
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
________ / 35
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
Выбери нужную форму глагола в Present Simple. Ненужную зачеркни.
1.I (like/likes) old films. 2. He (like/likes) hot tea. 3. At half past seven we (have/has) breakfast. 4. My friend (don't play /doesn't play) the piano. 5. David Barker (don't live/ doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. 6. These children (don't go/ doesn't go) to school. 7. He can (ride/ rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/ drives) a car. 8. Ann (don't have/ doesn't have) a dog. 9. He (swim/ swims) very well. 10. This house (is/are) old but very good. 10. They (play/plays) football every day in summer.
_______/ 13
Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1) ['grænI] - _____________________
2) ['juːʒəlɪ] - ____________________
3) ['mʌðə] - _____________________
4) ['dɔːtə] - ______________________
5) ['telɪvɪʒən] - ___________________
6) ['hʌzbənd] - ___________________
7) ['kʌzn] - ______________________
8) [sʌn] - _______________________
9) ['nevə] - ______________________
10) ['ʧɪldrən] - ___________________
11) ['ɔːlweɪz] - ___________________
12) ['pɛərənt] - ___________________
13) [zuː] - _______________________
14) [wɔʧ] - ______________________
Вставь do или does.
1. _______ you sleep well? - Yes, I_______. 2. ______ your sister wash the plates? - Yes, she _______. 3. _______ Kitty read English books? 4. We ______ not go to school in summer. 5. _______ he swim well? - No, he _______not. 6. _______ they play football on Sundays?
_______/ 9
_______/ 40
Задай общий вопрос к данным предложениям и ответь на них кратко.
Образец: + I get up early. + She gets up early.
? Do I get up early? ? Does she get up early?
Yes, I do./ No, I don't. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
+ I visit my parents very often.
? _____________________________
+ She lives in London.
? _____________________________
+ He goes to school every day.
? ____________________________
+ I play football.
? _____________________________
+ His father works at an office.
? _____________________________
+ Ann and Ben swim in the river.
? _____________________________
________/ 6
Выбери нужную форму глагола в Present Simple. Ненужную зачеркни.
1.My sister (get/gets) up at eight o'clock. 2. She (am/is/are) a schoolgirl. 3. She (go/goes) to school in the afternoon. 4. She (do/does) her morning exercises every day. 5. For breakfast she (have/has) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. She (speak/speaks) English well. 7.I (like/likes) old films. 8. He (like/likes) hot tea. 9. At half past seven we (have/has) breakfast. 10. My friend (don't play /doesn't play) the piano. 11. David Barker (don't live/ doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. 12. These children (don't go/ doesn't go) to school. 13. He can (ride/ rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/ drives) a car. 14. Ann (don't have/ doesn't have) a dog. 15. He (swim/ swims) very well. 16. This house (is/are) old but very good. 17. They (play/plays) football every day in summer. 18. He (ride/rides) a bike.
Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1) [wɔʧ] - ______________________
2) ['pɛərənt] - ___________________
3) ['mʌðə] - _____________________
4) ['dɔːtə] - ______________________
5) [sʌn] - _______________________
6) ['hʌzbənd] - ___________________
7) ['kʌzn] - ______________________
8) ['telɪvɪʒən] - ___________________
9) [zuː] - _______________________
10) ['ʧɪldrən] - ___________________
11) ['ɔːlweɪz] - ___________________
12) ['juːʒəlɪ] - ____________________
Закончи предложения, заменив русские наречия английскими.
1. I (часто) see my cousin in the morning.
2. Nick (никогда) listens to rock music.
3. Betty is (обычно) at school at nine.
4. Jane helps her mother a lot and (всегда) goes to the shops.
5. (Иногда)____________________we go to the swimming bath.
6. They (всегда) ________________ play football on Sundays in summer.
_______/ 6
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
_______/ 50
Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1) ['juːʒəlɪ] - ____________________
2) ['pɛərənt] - ___________________
3) ['mʌðə] - _____________________
4) ['dɔːtə] - ______________________
5) ['ʧɪldrən] - ___________________
6) ['hʌzbənd] - ___________________
7) ['kʌzn] - ______________________
8) ['telɪvɪʒən] - ___________________
9) ['nevə] - ______________________
10) [sʌn] - _______________________
11) ['ɔːlweɪz] - ___________________
12) ['grænI] - _____________________
13) [zuː] - _______________________
14) [wɔʧ] - ______________________
Закончи предложения, заменив русские наречия английскими.
1. I (часто) see my cousin in the morning.
2. Nick (никогда) listens to rock music.
3. Betty is (обычно) at school at nine.
4. Jane helps her mother a lot and (всегда) goes to the shops.
5. (Иногда)____________________we go to the swimming bath.
6. They (всегда) ________________ play football on Sundays in summer.
_______/ 6
Зачеркни в каждом предложении ту форму глаголов, которую ты считаешь неверной.
David Вакег (don't live/doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. He (have/has) a big house. It (am/is/are) old but very good. His children (love/loves) their father a lot and (help/helps) David. David (am/is/ are) old but strong. He can (swim/swims). He (swim/ swims) very well. He can (ride/rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/drives) a car.
______/ 11
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
________/ 35
Зачеркни в каждом предложении ту форму глаголов, которую ты считаешь неверной.
John (don't live/doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. He (have/has) a big family: wife Ann, three children and pets. His house (am/is/are) old but very good. His children (love/loves) their father a lot and (help/helps) John. His wife (am/is/are) a teacher. She (teach/teaches) music. She can (sing/sings). She (sing/sings) very well. John can (ride/rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/drives) a car.
______/ 12
Закончи предложения, заменив русские наречия английскими.
1. She (часто) sings merry songs.
2. Nick (никогда) listens to rock music.
3. I am (обычно) at school at nine.
4. Jane helps her mother a lot and (всегда) goes to the shops.
5. (Иногда)____________________we go to the swimming bath.
6. They (всегда) ________________ play football on Sundays in summer.
_______/ 6
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
Вставь do или does.
1. _______ you sleep well? 2. ______ your sister wash the plates? - Yes, she _______. 3. _______ Kitty read English books? 4. _______ you go to the swimming bath? 5. _______ Ann go to the cinema? - Yes, she _______. 6. _______ they play football on Sundays?
_______/ 8
______/ 30
Закончи предложения, заменив русские наречия английскими.
1. I (часто) see my cousin in the morning.
2. Nick (никогда) listens to rock music.
3. Betty is (обычно) at school at nine.
4. Jane helps her mother a lot and (всегда) goes to the shops.
5.(Иногда) we go to the swimming bath.
_______/ 5
Вставь do или does.
1. _______ you sleep well? - Yes, I_______. 2. ______ your sister wash the plates? - Yes, she _______. 3. What _______ the teacher ask you to do? 4. _______ Kitty read English books? - Yes, she _______ . 5. He _______ not like porridge. 6. We ______ not go to school in summer. 7. _______ he swim well? - No, he _______not. 8. _______ you go to the swimming bath? 9. _______ Ann go to the cinema? - Yes, she _______. 10. _______ they play football on Sundays?
_______/ 15
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1) ['juːʒəlɪ] - ____________________
2) ['pɛərənt] - ___________________
3) ['mʌðə] - _____________________
4) ['dɔːtə] - ______________________
5) ['ʧɪldrən] - ___________________
6) ['hʌzbənd] - ___________________
7) ['kʌzn] - ______________________
8) ['telɪvɪʒən] - ___________________
9) ['nevə] - ______________________
10) [sʌn] - _______________________
11) [zuː] - _______________________
______/ 35
Зачеркни в каждом предложении ту форму глаголов, которую ты считаешь неверной.
David Вакег (don't live/doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. He (have/has) a big house. It (am/is/are) old but very good. His children (love/loves) their father a lot and (help/helps) David. David (am/is/ are) old but strong. He can (swim/swims). He (swim/ swims) very well. He can (ride/rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/drives) a car.
______/ 11
Закончи предложения, заменив русские наречия английскими.
1. I (часто) see my cousin in the morning.
2. Nick (никогда) listens to rock music.
3. Betty is (обычно) at school at nine.
4. Jane helps her mother a lot and (всегда) goes to the shops.
(Иногда) we go to the swimming bath.
_______/ 5
Вставь do или does.
1. _______ you sleep well? - Yes, I_______. 2. ______ your sister wash the plates? - Yes, she _______. 3. What _______ the teacher ask you to do? 4. _______ Kitty read English books? - Yes, she _______ . 5. He _______ not like porridge. 6. We ______ not go to school in summer. 7. _______ he swim well? - No, he _______not. 8. _______ you go to the swimming bath? 9. _______ Ann go to the cinema? - Yes, she _______. 10. _______ they play football on Sundays?
_______/ 15
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
________ / 35
Выбери нужную форму глагола в Present Simple. Ненужную зачеркни.
1.My sister (get/gets) up at eight o'clock. 2. She (am/is/are) a schoolgirl. 3. She (go/goes) to school in the afternoon. 4. For breakfast she (have/has) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 5. She (speak/speaks) English well. 6. He (like/likes) hot tea. 7. My friend (don't play /doesn't play) the piano. 8. David Barker (don't live/ doesn't live) in town. 9. He can (ride/ rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/ drives) a car.
_________/ 10
Вставь наречия, указанные в скобках, в данные предложения.
1. Does Tim go to school by taxi? (Usually) - Does Tim usually go to school by taxi?
2. George eats meat. (Never) - ______________________________________________
3. You can see foxes in the country. (Sometimes) - ___________________________________________________
4. She is late for work. (Always) - ____________________________________________
5. We spend summer in France. (Usually) - ____________________________________________________
6. Tom and Tim are very busy on Mondays. (Often) - ______________________________________________________
7. My dog is very funny. (Sometimes) - ________________________________________
8. Kate doesn't go swimming. (Often) - ________________________________________
9. Simon does his English homework. (Never) - _____________________________________________________
________/ 8
Вставь do или does.
1. _______ you sleep well? - Yes, I_______. 2. ______ your sister wash the plates? - Yes, she _______. 3. What _______ the teacher ask you to do? 4. _______ Kitty read English books? - Yes, she _______ . 5. He _______ not like porridge. 6. We ______ not go to school in summer. 7. _______ he swim well? - No, he _______not. 8. _______ you go to the swimming bath? 9. _______ Ann go to the cinema? - Yes, she _______. 10. _______ they play football on Sundays?
_______/ 15
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
5. Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1) ['grænI] - _____________________
2) ['pɛərənt] - ___________________
3) ['mʌðə] - _____________________
4) ['dɔːtə] - ______________________
5) [sʌn] - _______________________
6) ['hʌzbənd] - ___________________
7) ['kʌzn] - ______________________
8) ['telɪvɪʒən] - ___________________
9) ['nevə] - ______________________
10) ['ʧɪldrən] - ___________________
11) ['ɔːlweɪz] - ___________________
12) ['juːʒəlɪ] - ____________________
13) [wɔʧ] - ______________________
_______/ 50
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
Выбери нужную форму глагола в Present Simple. Ненужную зачеркни.
1.I (like/likes) old films. 2. He (like/likes) hot tea. 3. At half past seven we (have/has) breakfast. 4. My friend (don't play /doesn't play) the piano. 5. David Barker (don't live/ doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. 6. These children (don't go/ doesn't go) to school. 7. He can (ride/ rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/ drives) a car. 8. Ann (don't have/ doesn't have) a dog. 9. He (swim/ swims) very well. 10. This house (is/are) old but very good. 10. They (play/plays) football every day in summer.
_______/ 13
Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1) ['grænI] - _____________________
2) ['juːʒəlɪ] - ____________________
3) ['mʌðə] - _____________________
4) ['dɔːtə] - ______________________
5) ['telɪvɪʒən] - ___________________
6) ['hʌzbənd] - ___________________
7) ['kʌzn] - ______________________
8) [sʌn] - _______________________
9) ['nevə] - ______________________
10) ['ʧɪldrən] - ___________________
11) ['ɔːlweɪz] - ___________________
12) ['pɛərənt] - ___________________
13) [zuː] - _______________________
14) [wɔʧ] - ______________________
Вставь do или does.
1. _______ you sleep well? - Yes, I_______. 2. ______ your sister wash the plates? - Yes, she _______. 3. _______ Kitty read English books? 4. We ______ not go to school in summer. 5. _______ he swim well? - No, he _______not. 6. _______ they play football on Sundays?
_______/ 9
_______/ 40
Вставь наречия, указанные в скобках, в данные предложения.
1. Does Tim go to school by taxi? (Usually) - Does Tim usually go to school by taxi?
2. George eats meat. (Never) - ______________________________________________
3. You can see foxes in the country. (Sometimes) - ___________________________________________________
4. She is late for work. (Always) - ____________________________________________
5. We spend summer in France. (Usually) - ____________________________________________________
6. Tom and Tim are very busy on Mondays. (Often) - ______________________________________________________
7. My dog is very funny. (Sometimes) - ________________________________________
8. Kate doesn't go swimming. (Often) - ________________________________________
9. Simon does his English homework. (Never) - _____________________________________________________
________/ 8
Задай общий вопрос к данным предложениям и ответь на них кратко.
Образец: + I get up early. + She gets up early.
? Do I get up early? ? Does she get up early?
Yes, I do./ No, I don't. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
+ We go to the cinema on Saturdays.
? _____________________________
+ She lives in London.
? _____________________________
+ He goes to school every day.
? ____________________________
+ I play football.
? _____________________________
+ My brother watches television every night
? _____________________________
+ Ann and Ben swim in the river.
? _____________________________
________/ 6
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1) ['grænI] - _____________________
2) ['juːʒəlɪ] - ____________________
3) ['mʌðə] - _____________________
4) ['dɔːtə] - ______________________
5) ['telɪvɪʒən] - ___________________
6) ['hʌzbənd] - ___________________
7) [sʌn] - _______________________
8) ['nevə] - ______________________
9) ['ʧɪldrən] - ___________________
10) ['ɔːlweɪz] - ___________________
11) ['pɛərənt] - ___________________
12) [zuː] - _______________________
________/ 30
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
Зачеркни в каждом предложении ту форму глаголов, которую ты считаешь неверной.
John (don't live/doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. He (have/has) a big family: wife Ann, three children and pets. His house (am/is/are) old but very good. His children (love/loves) their father a lot and (help/helps) John. His wife (am/is/are) a teacher. She (teach/teaches) music. She can (sing/sings). She (sing/sings) very well. John can (ride/rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/drives) a car. He (like/likes) old films. He (don't/doesn't) go to the cinema. He (love/loves) his family.
______/ 15
Закончи предложения, заменив русские наречия английскими.
1. She (часто) sings merry songs.
2. Nick (никогда) listens to rock music.
3. I am (обычно) at school at nine.
4. Jane helps her mother a lot and (всегда) goes to the shops.
5. (Иногда)____________________we go to the swimming bath.
6. They (всегда) ________________ play football on Sundays in summer.
_______/ 6
_________/ 25
Зачеркни в каждом предложении ту форму глаголов, которую ты считаешь неверной.
John (don't live/doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. He (have/has) a big family: wife Ann, three children and pets. His house (am/is/are) old but very good. His children (love/loves) their father a lot and (help/helps) John. His wife (am/is/are) a teacher. She (teach/teaches) music. She can (sing/sings). She (sing/sings) very well. John can (ride/rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/drives) a car. He (like/likes) old films. He (don't/doesn't) go to the cinema. He (love/loves) his family.
______/ 15
Закончи предложения, заменив русские наречия английскими.
1. She (часто) sings merry songs.
2. Nick (никогда) listens to rock music.
3. I am (обычно) at school at nine.
4. Jane helps her mother a lot and (всегда) goes to the shops.
5. (Иногда)____________________we go to the swimming bath.
6. They (всегда) ________________ play football on Sundays in summer.
_______/ 6
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
4. Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1) [wɔʧ] - ______________________
2) ['nevə] - ______________________
3) ['mʌðə] - _____________________
4) ['dɔːtə] - ______________________
5) ['hʌzbənd] - ___________________
6) ['telɪvɪʒən] - ___________________
7) ['pɛərənt] - ___________________
8) ['ʧɪldrən] - ___________________
9) ['juːʒəlɪ] - ____________________
10) ['grænI] - ____________________
_______/ 35
Образуй отрицательную форму.
1. He goes to school every day. - He doesn't go to school every day.
2. My sister works here. - ___________________________________________
3. They eat a lot. - _________________________________________________
4. We work every day. - _____________________________________________
5. They live in the USA. - ____________________________________________
6. He plays football every day. - ___________________________________________
7. His father works at an office. - ___________________________________________
8. She gets up at seven o'clock. - ________________________________________
9. They play tennis very often. - _________________________________________
10. We go to the cinema on Saturdays. - ____________________________________
11. My brother watches television every night. - _________________________________________________________
Прочитай три части этого текста и а) напиши, в каком порядке они должны следовать, б) придумай название всему тексту.
Mickey can do a lot. Не is an American mouse and speaks English.
But he doesn't speak very often. He always runs, jumps, drives
cars, rides his bike. He can swim, sing songs, and play music.
B. Mickey has a friend. Her name is Minnie. She is from Hollywood too. She is always where Mickey is. She likes what Mickey likes and she hates what Mickey hates. She is his very good friend. All children and a lot of parents like Mickey and Minnie.
C. Mickey Mouse, born in Hollywood, USA, is a big film star. He is a nice little mouse. His "father's" name is Walt Disney, the American film producer.
1) ______________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________
Название _________________________________________
________/ 4
Вставь наречия, указанные в скобках, в данные предложения.
1. Does Tim go to school by taxi? (Usually) - Does Tim usually go to school by taxi?
2. George eats meat. (Never) - ______________________________________________
3. You can see foxes in the country. (Sometimes) - ___________________________________________________
4. She is late for work. (Always) - ____________________________________________
5. We spend summer in France. (Usually) - ____________________________________________________
6. Tom and Tim are very busy on Mondays. (Often) - ______________________________________________________
7. My dog is very funny. (Sometimes) - ________________________________________
8. Kate doesn't go swimming. (Often) - ________________________________________
9. Simon does his English homework. (Never) - _____________________________________________________
________/ 8
Вставь do или does.
1. _______ you sleep well? 2. ______ your sister wash the plates? - Yes, she _______.
3. What _______ the teacher ask you to do? 4. _______ Kitty read English books? - Yes, she _______ . 5. He _______ not like porridge. 6. We ______ not go to school in summer. 7. _______ he swim well? - No, he _______not. 8. _______ you go to the swimming bath? 9. _______ Ann go to the cinema? 10. _______ they play football on Sundays?
_______/ 13
Зачеркни в каждом предложении ту форму глаголов, которую ты считаешь неверной.
John (don't live/doesn't live) in town. He (live/lives) on the farm. He (have/has) a big family: wife Ann, three children and pets. His house (am/is/are) old but very good. His children (love/loves) their father a lot and (help/helps) John. His wife (am/is/are) a teacher. She (teach/teaches) music. She can (sing/sings). She (sing/sings) very well. John can (ride/rides) a horse, but he can't (drive/drives) a car. He (like/likes) old films. He (don't/doesn't) go to the cinema. He (love/loves) his family.
______/ 15
_______/ 50