- Учителю
- Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку День матери
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку День матери
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса «Mother's Day» по ФГОС
Цель: Поддержать интерес к изучению английского языка.
Образовательные: знакомство с одним из праздников Великобритании - Днем матери; активизировать и закрепить лексику по теме; совершенствование речевых навыков.
Развивающие: развитие творческих способностей учащихся.
Воспитательные: воспитание любви и уважения к близким людям.
Форма проведения: внеклассное мероприятие.
Ход мероприятия:
- Good morning, dear boys and girls and Our guests! Welcome to our party! I am glad to see you! Now children let's divide in two groups. (учащиеся выбирают цвет и садятся за стол с этим цветом).
1. Today's meeting is devoted to a very famous holiday. I won't tell you the name of it. So, look at the screen (на экране: 1 слайд - страны: США, Англия, Россия. 2 слайд - фото цветы, конфеты, сердце, ребенок. 3 слайд - песня Mother Song)
- Now tell me, please, what holiday is spoken about?
(ответы детей)
- Yes, you are absolutely right. It is Mother's Day - one of the most favourite and important holidays in Great Britain and The USA.
- On the fourth Sunday of November Russian people celebrate Mother's Day.
Happy Mothers Day is a time of commemoration and celebration in honor of all kind and affectionate mothers of the universe. It is a time of family gatherings, and crayon scribbled "I Love You Mother".
- And what are we going to speak about today? (учащиеся ставят задачи: 1) познакомиться с традициями празднования Дня Матери в США и Англии; 2) традиции празднования в своей семье).
2. Beauty, flowers, girl, woman, mother. These words sound so wonderful. Today we have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and beauty. But at first we read some facts about this holiday.
(учащиеся получают тексты о праздновании Дня матери в разных странах (США, Англия). После прочтения учащиеся представляют в какой стране и как празднуют День Матери)).
1 group:
People in Great Britain and Russia celebrate Mother's Day. The English do it in March. The Russians do it in November. People in the family try to make it a day off for mother. They help her any way they can; wash up, clean the rooms and cook different tasty things. People visit their mothers give them some flowers or presents. If they can't do that, they send their mothers a "Mother's Day Card". Little children give their mothers presents made with their own hands.
2 group:
The story of Mother's Day began in the USA in 1908 in America. In the USA, Mother's Day is always celebrated on the second Sunday in May. People in the family try to make it a day off for mother. They help her any way they can; wash up, clean the rooms and cook different tasty things. People visit their mothers give them some flowers or presents. If they can't do that, they send their mothers a "Mother's Day Card". Little children give their mothers presents made with their own hands.
На доске висят флаги США, Англии, России (после представления каждой группой текста флаги развернуть)
3. Let's play. Look at the blackboard. Make a flower for your mothers. Choose what you can do to please your mothers on Mother's day.
(wash dishes, clean the floor, cook dinner, buy flowers, buy a cake, set the table, make tea or coffee, give a present, sing a song, congratulate, kiss and hug, write a card, tell my mum how I love her, run, skate, ski). (Дети должны расположить на ромашке эти слова и сказать предложения, что они могут сделать)
4. Thank you for that! We can cook and write cards , can't we? So let's cook for our mums and write a beautiful card.
1 group:
There are some pictures on the table. You can see food in them. It's time to cook smth tasty. Please, choose what you need for a pie. Children, you are welcome to the kitchen!
(дети выбирают картинки для яблочного пирога. Среди нужных картинок можно положить несколько ненужных для этих блюд. Через 2 минуты дети показывают картинки, называя их по-английски.)
2 group:
There are some pictures and some words. You should make a card for your mothers. (Дети получают набор для создания открытки)
5. Thank you very much for your presents. Now we are going to listen to a beautiful song called "I Love My Mommy". Listen to the song and fill in the missing words. (звучит песня учащиеся заполняют пропуски)
I Love My Mommy lyrics:
I love my mommy, I love my mommy
I love my mommy, Yes, I do
Here's a kiss and a hug for you
Thank you mommy for all you do!
Happy Mother's day Happy Mother's day I love you!
I love my mommy, I love my mommy
I love my mommy, Yes, I do
Here's a kiss and a hug for you
Thank you mommy for all you do!
Happy Mother's day Happy Mother's day I love you!
Now, let's check up. (слова песни на экране) (Затем можно спеть песню вместе с гостями и учащимися)
- OK, children, look at the blackboard. We have last task. What is it? What do you think? That's right! It'll be your homework. You should describe how you celebrate Mother's Day in your family.
- It's time to say some final words (выступление Никиты Зорькина со стихотворением Mommy by G. Russellburg)
В качестве рефлексии украшаем вазы - красные и розовые цветы - все понравилось, настроение отличное, желтые - плохое настроение, ничего не понятно, оранжевые цветы - настроение хорошее, но были моменты, когда было непонятно)
- In conclusion, let's say "Happy Mother's Day!" again. Thank you for your participation. Good bye!
1. Texts
1 group:
People in Great Britain and Russia celebrate Mother's Day. The English do it in March. The Russians do it in November. People in the family try to make it a day off for mother. They help her any way they can; wash up, clean the rooms and cook different tasty things. People visit their mothers give them some flowers or presents. If they can't do that, they send their mothers a "Mother's Day Card". Little children give their mothers presents made with their own hands.
celebrate - праздновать
try - пытаться, стараться
off for - освободить
any way - любым способом
tasty - вкусный
made with their own hands - сделанный собственными руками
2 group:
The story of Mother's Day began in the USA in 1908 in America. In the USA, Mother's Day is always celebrated on the second Sunday in May. People in the family try to make it a day off for mother. They help her any way they can; wash up, clean the rooms and cook different tasty things. People visit their mothers give them some flowers or presents. If they can't do that, they send their mothers a "Mother's Day Card". Little children give their mothers presents made with their own hands.
story - история
celebrate - праздновать
try - пытаться, стараться
off for - освободить
any way - любым способом
tasty - вкусный
made with their own hands - сделанный собственными руками
2. Flags
</ Russia, Great Britain, America
3. I Love My Mommy lyrics:
I love my mommy, I love my mommy
I love my mommy, Yes, I do
Here's a kiss and a hug for you
Thank you mommy for all you do!
Happy Mother's day Happy Mother's day I love you!
I love my mommy, I love my mommy
I love my mommy, Yes, I do
Here's a kiss and a hug for you
Thank you mommy for all you do!
Happy Mother's day Happy Mother's day I love you!