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- How many stamps have you got? 5 класс
How many stamps have you got? 5 класс
Lesson No4
Проверила зам. Директора по УР______________________
Date: 20.11.2015
Grade: 5 «В»
The plan of the lesson
Тема: How many stamps have you got?
Цель урока: Развитие устной речи по речевому образцу со
зрительной опорой, применяя новые грамматические и лексические
нормы языка.
1.Образовательные:Обеспечить закрепление практических навыков говорения, используя have has got и how many? Обучить монологическому высказыванию с использованием новой лексики урока.
2. Воспитательные: Воспитание доброжелательности, и умения ориентироваться в незнакомой социальной среде. Прививать любовь и интерес в изучении иностранного языка; Воспитать чувство коллективизма.
3. Развивающие: Развитие речевых умений монологической и диалогической речи по теме урока; строить высказывания по образцу и самостоятельно; развивать критическое и аналитическое мышление.
Тип урока: Объяснение новой темы
Методы обучения: словесный, наглядный, практический.
Формы организации познавательной деятельности: общеклассная, индивидуальная.
Средства обучения: учебник English 5 класс Авторы: Т. Аяпова, Д. Укбаева, З. Абильдаева, наглядности по теме, интерактивная доска.
The organization moment:
Good morning!
How are you?
Are you ready for the lesson?
So, let's start. Today is the 20 th of November. I want to start the lesson with warm-up.
1. Read the following words paying attention to the feature of reading.
Shoe, which, chicken, choose, please, city, where, this, thin, nine, evening, positive, human, bye, what, whole.
2.Find words with similar sounds.
Time- fame
Name- there
Treat- book
Cow- bow
Where- mime
Cook- meat
Correction home work: ex 18 page 38. Correction home work in oral form.
12 35 - It is twenty-five to one.
12 25 -It is twenty-five past twelve.
11 35 - It is twenty-five to twelve.
5 20 -It is twenty past five.
5 40 -It is twenty to six.
430-It is half past four.
The new theme: Today we have a new theme. Our theme is called "How many stamps have you got?". So, what have you got for today's English lesson? Right! You have got an English text book. He has got a pen. She has got a pencil. They have got a copybook. And today we will consider "have/has got a …" in Present Simple and "How many?...". "Have/ has got" for Russian "есть" в смысле "иметь". "Have/has got a …" is used if the person indicate that he owns something. Pay attention to the forms:
I I've
We you've
You we've have got a friend.
They they've
He he's
She she's has got a friend.
It it's
I 've got _two sisters.
She's got a mother and a father.
My uncle and aunt have got a sofa.
Mary has got a carpet.
You have not (haven't) got a friend.
She has not (hasn't) got a friend.
I haven't got a mother.
I haven't got two sisters.
She hasn't got a mother and a father. .
Mary has not got a carpet.
And let's consider "How many?". I have got one book one pen and two pencils. And what about you? How many pens, pencils, copybooks and textbooks have you got? I received enough answers thank you! Tell me, children, what set expression have I repeated many times? You are right! "How many?" is used if you want to know amount of countable nouns. For example: How many friends have you got? I have got two friends.
Practical exercises: Correct sentences with mistakes. I give you five minutes one minute for each one.
1. My friend and I has got a two grandmothers. My friend and I have got two brothers.
2. Murat has got a nephew. Murat has got a nephew.
3. Ann have got a cousin. Ann has got a cousin.
4. They has got two brothers. They have got two brothers.
5. We has got three niece. We have got three nieces.
Vocabulary work:
A badge [bəеʤ]- значок
A stamp [stəemp]-почтовая марка
A coin [kɔin]-монета
A car [ka:]-машина
A box [bɔks]-коробка
A postcard ['pəust,ka:d]-открытка
A shell [ʃel]- ракушка
A photo ['fəutəu]-фото
How many [hau 'meni]-сколько?
Consolidation of the new theme: Work with card. Fill in sentences with correct written words.
1. Tom has got a amstp ____________. Stamp
2. Lucy has got a inco ____________. Coin
3. Jane has got a ellsh ____________. Shell
4. Tony has got a acr ____________ . Car
5. Nick has got a bxo _____________. Box
6. Grandmother has got a stpordca ___________. Postcard
7. My sister has got a dgeba _______________ . Badge
8. I have got my family topho_______________ . Photo
Examine gained knowledge: Look at the picture and tell about Tim using key words and new words of the lesson. What Tim has got?
What is his name? His name is Tim.
How old is he? He is seven.
What is he like? He is tall and clever.
How many photos has Tim got? Tim has got one photo.
</ How many badges has Tim got? Tim has got three badges.
How many shells has Tim got? Tim has got three shells.
How many coins has Tim got? Tim has got five coins.
How many cars has Tim got? Tim has got three cars.
How many stamps has Tim got? Tim has got three stamps.
How many postcards has Tim got? Tim has got four postcards.
Using gained knowledge: Choose correct pronouns.
1. (She /they) … has three badges.
2. (I/he) … have a photo.
3. (We/he) … has four stamps.
4. (You/It) … have one shell.
Evaluation: Evaluation pupils' knowledge.
Home task: ex 8 p 69 written form.
Conclusion of the lesson: In conclusion I would like to say that you are very smart children. I see you understood today's theme very well. Thank you for active participation.
Reflection: Have you liked the lesson? What new words have you leant at the lesson? What was difficult for you at the lesson? What were we doing at the lesson?
Общеобразовательная школа № 89
Открытый урок
по английскому языку
в 5 классе «В»
на тему: «How many stamps have you got?»
(Сколько у тебя есть почтовых марок?)
Учитель: Даушева К.И