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  • Открытый урок по английскому языку в 11 классе на тему: «Youth Subcultures nowadays»

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 11 классе на тему: «Youth Subcultures nowadays»

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по английскому языку в 11 классе на тему: «Youth Subcultures nowadays»


  • обобщение лексического материала: Индивидуальность.

  • совершенствование умения осуществлять выбор языковых и речевых средств, развитие умений осуществлять анализ, сравнение и обобщение, расширение общего кругозора учащихся.


  • Ознакомить учащихся с понятием «субкультура», учить выделять характерные черты различных субкультур, описывать их устно и письменно;

  • Обогащать лексический запас учащихся новыми понятиями, совершенствовать монологическую и диалогическую речь;

  • Способствовать развитию креативного мышления, развивать творческие способности, оказывать положительное влияние на формирование мировоззрения учащихся.

Тип урока : урок ознакдмление с новым материалом,

форма урока: урок - «голосование»

Оборудование: презентация, представители, рекламки субкультур, таблицы, жетоны.

План урока:

  1. (Вступительное слово(3 мин.)

  2. Обяъвление темы, целей и задач(7 мин.)

  3. иТредставление и излощние новой темы(15 мин.)

  4. Ахдіивация познавательной деятельности7 мин.)

  5. Заключительная часть(5 мин.)

  6. Подведение итогов(3 мин.)

Изложение материала

Вступительное слово.

- Good afternoon, students! Sit down, please. Well, how are you? During the lesson we'll try to point out the advantages and disadvantages of subcultures and define what is better: to belong to a cultural grouping or not.

Результаты анкетирования.

-We're glad to meet you on our voting which concern the problems of the youth subcultures. On the last week I

spent the questionnaire of the teens' leisure time activities among my pupils.

11 youngsters activities' were suggested to our readers such as going in for sport, dancing and singing, reading, scientific research, cinema and theatergoing, hiking, computing, gardening, crafts, making poems and sketches, keeping animals and painting.(представлены результаты анкетирования, в %)

1% of our teens enjoy hiking.

1% are interested in science.

2% are busy painting.

What a striking surprise it was to know that 46% of young people are looking for new activities, because they have nothing to do.

Объявление 4 представителей разных молодёжных субкультур.

-We want to offer you 4 representatives of different youth subcultures.

  1. punks

  2. ravers

  3. hackers

4. bickers

Практическая часть

You should tell me what associations you have when you hear these words.

strange hairstyle, pierced lips, earlobes , black clothes, black nails, eyes, lips, peace, love, drugs,

freedom , speed, risk, adrenalin, aggressive, freedom... Now every representative of youth subcultures prove us: Why do we must to belong to this a cultural grouping ?

Представление представителей субкультур (памятна)

Punks start...

The ideology of punks is quite simple: "Say "NO" to everything". They only want to express their individuality in a shocking way - brightly colored hair, metal chains. They always wear dirty clothes and never wash themselves. They use vulgar language. Usually punks are drugs consumers. Nowadays punks tend to disappear. I think, they are not so dangerous to the society. Next ravers...

Now raver is a man that likes disco parties in popular night clubs. Ravers are not aggressive. Raver's subculture can be dangerous for young people because of AIDS and drugs. Usually ravers wear formal clothes. Russian ravers pay great money and go to Ibiza, "the club islandln the Mediterranean. Next hackers...

I think hackers nowadays form one of the most high-tech subculture. Usually hackers wear black clothes and their hair is brightly colored. As you know, the main thing in the life of hackers is a computer. Thus, hackers pay hundreds and even thousands dollars to get the best PCs. In Russia there is a special magazine "Hacker". It is very interesting even for beginners.

Bickers finish...

Guys, listen! Days and nights they are in the streets, wandering and looking for adventures and new friends. Well, some people consider bikers aggressive but devil is not as black as its painted. I think you should know more than a leather jacket about us not to treat us as monsters. Everything is cool. They are glad to be a part of our subculture.

Заполнение учениками таблицы (обобщение и повторение).









Устный обобщение no цщдому движению. (пока ребята делают выбор, мы рассказываем зрителям о новых создавшихся молодёжных субкультурах)

- Now you can make your choice... (ребята кладут жетоны с разным цветом в коробку и подсчитываются голоса).

Заключительная часть. ОТоЪведение итогов.

  • Now let's discuss the results. The mostly voices were remote to... Please, say why you have voted exactly for...

  • What the advantages of this subculture? And than differ from others?

  • As you see, there are a lot of youth groupings nowadays. They may be different or alike in the manner of expressing themselves or showing off.








Brightly colored hair

Metal chains, wear dirty clothes and never wash themselves

They use vulgar language.

Punk-Rock music is very loud and aggressive

Usually punks are drugs consumers


Hair is brightly colored

Black clothes





Long hair

Leather jacket, tattoos and black clothes.

Bikers are aggressive

Heavy metal

Motorcycle -Harley Davidson



Formal clothes

Ravers are not aggressive, But ravers can have AIDS and drugs.

Techno music.

DRUGS and drink alcohole.


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