- Учителю
- Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему My school day
Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему My school day
Open lesson:
«My school day»
by: Zhazaeva M.S.
№ 63 School-gymnasium
Form 8 B
</ 2016
Тема урока: My school day
Цели урока:
активизировать употребление в речи учащихся лексики по теме "My School Day";
повторить правила употребления глаголов в Present Simple, Past Simple;
повторить грамматические знания по теме Reported Speech;
закрепить полученные знания.
развивать внимание, память, воображение;
развивать языковую догадку, произносительные навыки.
воспитывать доброжелательное и толерантное отношение друг другу;
воспитывать чувство ответственности за порученное дело;
признавать право быть уникальным и право на ошибку.
Активизировать навыки чтения монологической и диалогической речи.
Развивать речевые способности, связанные с речевой деятельностью (память, мышление, способность логически мыслить, умение анализировать).
Способствовать развитию умения сопоставлять факты, развивать творческие навыки, создать условия для развития навыков общения и совместной деятельности.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор
Раздаточный материал: карточки с упражнениями, учитывая уровень знаний учеников.
Ход урока
I. Organization moment. Организационный момент
T: Good morning, children!
How are you?
P: We are fine, thank you! How are you?
T: I'm fine, thank you! I'm glad to see you again.
Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of the week?
What season is it now? What is the weather like?
I see you are ready to begin our lesson. I hope you'll work well and get good marks.
Today is the 20th of February (слайд- 1)
II. Checking h/w. Этап проверки домашнего задания.
Your homework was to write your ideal school timetable and to learn the names of the subjects. Have you done your homework? Do you have any questions?
III. New theme. Озвучивание новой темы.
Today we are going to talk about your school. What school subjects do we study? What are your favourite school subjects? Why?
Сегодня, ребята, мы будем говорить о школе. Какие школьные предметы мы изучаем? Какие предметы любимые и почему?
Слайд 2 (вид школы, тема урока: "My School Day"
IV. Phonetic drill. фонетическая зарядка.
T: Let's do the phonetics drills! Look at the black board. Listen and repeat after me. Слайд 3
Geography, learning, word
Germany, Biology, language
Music, Physical Education, technology
Mathematics, Literature, Chemistry
Favourite, subject
V. Speech charging. Речевая зарядка. Слайд 4,5,6 ( дневник, расписание уроков, дни недели, школьные предметы). write many exercises, learn the rules, speak, run, play, answer, work (лексика по теме-опора)
T: Do you have the school diaries?
P: Yes, we have.
T: Open your diaries. Look through your time table and answer my questions.
When do you go to school?
P: We go to school on Monday ... ( P1, P2...)
T: Do you go to school on Sunday?
P: No, we don't.
T: What subjects do you have today?
P: Today we have English, Russian, Mathematics, Physical Education.
T: When do you have English lessons?
P: We have English lessons on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
T: What do you do at the English lesson? ( at Russian lesson...)
P: We speak English, write many exercises, learn the rules.
T: What is your favourite subject? Why?
P: My favourite subject is...It is great. It is interesting.и т. Д
Now let's revise the names of the subjects. I will tell you the definitions of these subjects and you have to say me these subjects.
You listen to music or sing at this lesson. (Music)
You run, jump, play football, basketball, volleyball at this lesson. (P.E.)
You use computers at this lesson. (Computer Studies)
You study cities and countries at this lesson. (Geography)
You study historical events and their dates at this lesson. (History)
You study chemical elements, the structure of substances and chemical reactions at this lesson. (Chemistry)
You study physical objects, substances and natural forces such as light, heat and movement at this lesson. (Physics)
You study living things at this lesson. (Biology)
VI. Revision of the grammar Present Simple. Повторение грамматического материала Present Simple (слайд 7)
T: Напомните, какое это время Present Simple и как оно образуется?
Р: Когда глагол работает с местоимением he, she, it. К глаголу добавляется окончание -s-, -es-.
Слайд 8 (правило чтения окончания -s)
Past Simple (слайд- 9)
1. Т: Work with cards. Выполните упражнения (задания по карточкам)
Группа 1
Task2. Change the sentences using Present Simple Tense and Past Simple Tense. Измените предложения, используя настоящее и прошедшее времена глагола.
Образец: I learn many rules. - He learns many rules.
I like Mathematics. - He...
We read History books. - He...
I play the piano. - She...
You write the exercises. - He...
They have new friends. - He...
Группа 2
Choose the right variant. Из данных вариантов выберите правильный.
1. School... at 8 o'clock.
a) starts b)start c)to start
2. We ... to school 5 days a week.
a) go b)goes c)to go
3. Mathematics... me to think.
а) to teach b)teaches c) teach
4. They ... many rules.
а) earn b)learns c)to learn
5. English...me to find friends.
а) help b) helps c) to help
Группа 3
Find mistakes and correct them. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.
I likes to learn.
We plays football.
He teach Literature.
Kate learn the rules.
They has 5 main subjects at school.
Т: Check the answers. Проверяем. Правильный ответ+ Слайд 10,11,12
2. Work with book. Работа с учебником. (Reported Speech) (слайд-13,14,15,16)
Aidar says: «I have got acquainted with an English boy of my age»
Nick asks him: «Who is he and where from?»
Aidar answers: «He is John Smith. His father has come to Astana from London as a businessman for several weeks»
Nick asks Aidar: «Are you going to introduce him to me?»
Aidar answers: «Not only to you. Let's invite him to our class. I think he will agree»
Asel asks: «What are you talking about?»
Nick says: «No secret at all, Aidar has got a good idea. He proposes to invite an English boy John Smoth to meet with our class»
Asel agrees: «Oh! It's really a good idea but first we should ask our English teacher for the permission to do it»
VII. Creative application and getting of knowledge, development of ways of activity, a solution of the problem tasks constructed on a basis early the acquired knowledge:
T: Children, did you read and watch the movie about Harry Potter. Do you remember at what school he studied? The magic owl brought us the letter from Harry Poter.
She did a long way and probably was caught in the rain. Some words were washed away and I can't sort them. Help me.
We read and insert admissions (Читаем, вставляем пропуски ) Слайд 18
Dear friends,
I'm Harry Potter. I live in (London). I go to (Hogwards School).
My school (starts ) at 9 o'clock. We study many interesting (subjects. )
We learn to fly, to speak to (animals). We read (magic) books.
My favourite subjects is English of the future.
English is the subjects of the world.
I want to learn Russian. It helps me to find friends in Russia.
Harry Potter.
T: Pupils, name me please the verbs in Present Simple. Ребята, назовите мне глаголы в форме Present Simple , которые есть в письме.
Проверка письма (слайд 19)
VIII. Let's relax. Физ.минутка
Alright, alright
Here we go!
I wake up
I wake up
I wash my face, I wash my face
This is what I do when I wake up in the morning. Yeah!
This is what I do when I wake up. Yeah!
I brush my teeth, I brush my teeth
I comb my hair, I comb my hair
This is what I do when I wake up in the morning. Yeah!
This is what I do when I wake up. Yeah!
I eat breakfast, I eat breakfast
I go to school, I go to school
This is what I do when I wake up in the morning. Yeah!
This is what I do when I wake up. Yeah!
IX. Generalization of material and its introduction to system early the acquired knowledge; Обобщение изучаемого на уроке и введение его в систему раннее усвоенных знаний;
1. Speaking activity. Put the sentences in the right order. Поставить предложения в правильной последовательности, чтобы получился рассказ (слайд-21)
On Monday I usually wake up late and have no time to eat my breakfast. I can't find my books and my school cap. At last I find my books in the bathroom and find my cap - my dog. Pal. likes to play with it. I have to wait ages for a bus and I am nearly late for school. I enter the classroom when our class-teacher begins to call out the register.
The first lesson on Monday morning is maths. Mr. Bailey, the maths teacher, collects our homework and then gives us some sums to do.
The next lesson is French. I like French. It's nice to be able to talk to somebody in another language.
At last it is eleven o'clock: time for break. A girl, whose name is Susan, gives me a piece of cake to eat with my milk. She allows me to copy her Latin homework, because I don't know how to do it.
2. Put letters in the correct order and learn, what words are ciphered here. Поставьте буквы в правильном порядке и узнайте, какие слова здесь зашифрованы.
ptnresgtineirwatnesocsholsasmcatlesceaerhdtsbuecjehlisgnsseonlesuiontqerxeiescyaplsuisdtuyblkearbel (слайд- 22)
3. Work with crossword. (слайд-23)
X. Work in pairs.
The teacher distributes themes to pupils, considering their level of knowledge. Pupils work independently, make a monologue on the theme, then tell the partner.
Работа в парах.
Учитель раздает темы ученикам, учитывая их уровень знаний. Учащиеся работают самостоятельно, составляют монолог по своей теме, затем рассказывают своему партнеру.
When you get up
When you are at school
When your lessons start
Describe your typical day at school to your new American friend.
Tell him or her about your school subjects.
Tell your friend about your school, class(classrooms, your class teacher)
Describe your classroom to your friend.
Tell him or her about English lessons.
Describe your typical lessons.
Describe your school
XI. Homework. Домашнее задание. (Слайд 24)
XII. Reflection. Marks. Подведение итогов урока. Оценки.
We talked about school today. I learned about your favourite subjects. You worked very well.
Мы сегодня поговорили о школе. Я узнала о ваших любимых предметах. Вы работали хорошо.