- Учителю
- Открытый урок на тему 'Весело проводим день. Делаем перерыв'
Открытый урок на тему 'Весело проводим день. Делаем перерыв'
Коновалова Н.П. ,учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №1.
Дата: 1.04.2015
Класс: 9
Тема: Весело проводим день. Делаем перерыв.
Используемая образовательная технология: технология коммуникативного обучения, технология концентрированного обучения, технология на основе активизации и интенсификации деятельности обучающихся.
Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных умений в чтении, аудировании, говорении, письме.
Познавательная цель: расширение знаний о времяпровождении и релаксации англичан, формирование целостного представления о музеях Британии.
Развивающая цель: развивать умения высказывать и аргументировать свою точку зрения, умение работать в паре, в группе.
Воспитательная цель: повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка, стимулировать развитие способностей в лично-активной творческой деятельности, формирование сознательного отношения к досугу.
Учебная цель: формирование лексических навыков говорения на основе речевого материала-текста «A school trip».
Задачи урока: ознакомление с новыми словами по теме «Taking a break»и использование их в ситуациях, совершенствование навыков аудирования и развитие умений выбирать главные факты, опуская второстепенные.
Оборудование: учебник, словари, кассета с текстом для аудирования.
Использованная литература: 1) УМК О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая «Учебник английского языка для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений», Обнинск, Титул, 2009г.
2) журнал «Speak out» №6-2008г.
Ход урока:
Актуализация пройденного материала.
Организационный момент.
Приветствие. T: Hello, everybody. Glad to see you. How are your things? You look nice today.
P: Thank you for your compliment. Your hairdo is wonderful.
P2: Thanks a lot.
Речевая разминка. T: How do you relax after school?
P: As for me, I visit my friends at the weekend.
P2: As far as I'm concerned, I go skating to the Ice Palace.
Введение в тему урока: As you've understood our theme is "Making your day out fun. Taking a break". What do you think what we'll study on this theme?
P: We are going to speak about different forms of relaxation.
P2: I think we'll speak about museums, galleries.
T: You are right. First I'd like you to pay attention to the English proverbs. Let's read them Try to give Russian equivalents. Work in pairs.
Action speak louder than words.
Appearances are deceitful.
Better to be alone than in bad company.
Diligence is the mother of success.
He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.
T . Let's check up. Well done. I'm pleased with you. To tell the truth you have a sense of language. There is a key on the board.
I wish you to have true, loyal friends. Try to be kind and helpful to each other.
Проверка домашнего задания. Your home task was to present an unusual creative profession at the fair. Whose presentation or booklet did you like best?
P: I think everybody did his best. It was interesting and exciting.
P2: I suppose it helps us to make the right choice of a job.
T: You are right. In conclusion I'd like to say that all the jobs are necessary and useful. And you should do any work professionally.
Изучение нового материала. Формирование новых знаний.
Новая лексика. New worlds and phrases.
Audio guide-аудиогид, звуковой гид
To do an educational quiz-проводить образовательную викторину
Guide- гид, экскурсовод [gaid]
Have a ride-прокатиться
Item-путь, вопрос, каждый отдельный пункт в списке
Quiz card-карточка с вопросами
Ticket office-касса
Be thrilled-быть взволнованным
Be scared about=be afraid of= be frightened about-бояться, испугаться
An exhibit [ig'zibit]-экспонат
Be amazed at-быть изумленным, удивляться, поражать
Theme park-тематический парк
Visitor -посетитель
There are some international words among them, you can easily guess. Let's do it in chorus, in groups, individually.
In order to activate the vocabulary let's answer my questions.
What do we call things that are displayed in museums?
What can you ride?
What do you feel when you have to queue?
What exhibition did you last visit?
Have you ever participated in a quiz?
Where can we buy tickets for the performance?
Формирование новых умений и навыков.
Ex 2a p.110 Let's get acquainted with different attractions.
Match these places to go to at weekends with their names.
Are you ready? Check if you are right or mistaken.
There is a key: A- Historic house F- Motor Museum
B,C- Art Gallery G- can be any of places
D- Theme park H-Museum
E-Museum I-Museum of Natural History
Ex 2c p.111. let's play a guessing game using new words and phrases.
P1 describes one of the pictures in Ex 2a. the rest are to guess which picture he/she is describing.
Reading phrases
Reading questions
P1: Last weekend I decided to take a break. My friend and I visited an interesting place. We were told wonderful stores about every item. We learnt new things. We were pleased and enjoyed very much. What place did we visit?
T: Thank you, it was interesting. Now you are to read the text Ex 3a p.111 to yourself and fill in the gaps. After that we'll listen to the text and you check up if words you've chosen suit each gap. A) Reading b) Listening.
There is a key, check your answers.
On time 5. Look around
The ticket office 6. An audio guide
What the guide says 7. The educational quiz
Other visitors 8. Your school uniform.
T: And the last point. In groups discuss these questions and prepare to report to the class.
Have you ever visited any of these attractions?
If yes, what kind of attraction was it?
What was your impression?
How did you fell?
What attraction would you like to visit? Why?
Thank you for your report.
Домашнее задание.
Marks with comments
Learn new words, be ready for quiz
Ex 5 p.111 Write a postcard to your pen-friend describing your visit to an attraction.
I'll remind you how to write postcards .
Dear Paul, Paul Wiles
Thanks for your letter. 250 Wireless Boulevard
How are you? I hope New York 11788
all is going well. USA
As for me I'm still
enjoying my visit to
Russia. The other day
I went to the Tretyakov
Picture Gallery. Russians
are very proud of it.
A lot of pictures by famous
Russian artists are exhibited there.
Well, I must finish now.
I look forward to your letter