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- Сборник тестов по английскому языку для 9 - 11 классов в формате ГИА и ЕГЭ (с тренировочными материалами)
Сборник тестов по английскому языку для 9 - 11 классов в формате ГИА и ЕГЭ (с тренировочными материалами)
Муниципальное автономное образовательное учреждение лицей «Синтон»
Диагностические материалы
Сборник тестов по английскому языку для 9 - 11 классов в формате ГИА и ЕГЭ (с аудиоприложением и тренировочными материалами)
Работу выполнили:
Корепанова С.Ю.,
Караганова Е.В.,
Овчинникова О.А.
Чайковский, 2012 г.
Пояснительная записка
ГИА (9 класс) Test 1……………………………………………………4
Раздел 1. ЗАДАНИЯ ПО АУДИРОВАНИЮ…………………..4
Раздел 2. ЗАДАНИЯ ПО ЧТЕНИЮ……………………………6
Раздел 4. ЗАДАНИЕ ПО ПИСЬМУ……………………………13
Раздел 5. ЗАДАНИЕ ПО ГОВОРЕНИЮ ……………………...14
ГИА (9 класс) Test 2…………………………………………………...16
Раздел 1. ЗАДАНИЯ ПО АУДИРОВАНИЮ………………….16
Раздел 2.ЗАДАНИЯ ПО ЧТЕНИЮ……………………………18
Раздел 4. ЗАДАНИЕ ПО ПИСЬМУ……………………………23
Раздел 5. ЗАДАНИЕ ПО ГОВОРЕНИЮ……………………...24
ЕГЭ (10-11 классы) TEST 1……………………………………………25
Раздел 2.ЗАДАНИЯ ПО ЧТЕНИЮ……………………………29
Раздел 4. ЗАДАНИЕ ПО ПИСЬМУ……………………………39
ЕГЭ (10-11 классы) TEST 2……………………………………………40
Раздел 2.ЗАДАНИЯ ПО ЧТЕНИЮ…………………………....44
Раздел 4. ЗАДАНИЕ ПО ПИСЬМУ……………………………54
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №1. ……………………………………………………56
Карточки экзаменаторов - собеседников (9 кл.) …………………....56
TEST 1…………………………………………………………….56
TEST 2…………………………………………………………….58
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №2. …………………………………………………….60
Тексты для аудирования (ГИА 9 кл)………………………………….60
TEST 1…………………………………………………………..60
TEST 2…………………………………………………………..63
Тексты для аудирования (ЕГЭ 10-11 кл)……………………………67
TEST 1…………………………………………………………..67
TEST 2…………………………………………………………..69
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №3 ……………………………………………………..73
Ответы (ГИА 9 кл)……………………………………………………73
TEST 1…………………………………………………………..73
TEST 2…………………………………………………………..73
Ответы (ЕГЭ 10-11 кл)………………………………………………74
TEST 1…………………………………………………………..74
TEST 2…………………………………………………………..75
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №4………………………………………………………76
Тренировочные задания………………………………………………76
Чтение. Задание 1 (9 класс)…………………………………….76
Чтение. Задание 2 (9 класс)…………………………………….80
Чтение. Задание 3 (10-11 кл.)…………………………………..85
Грамматика, лексика. Задание 1 (9 класс)…………………….88
Грамматика, лексика. Задание 2 (9 класс)…………………….89
Грамматика, лексика. Задание 3 (9 класс)…………………….91
Словообразование. Задание 1 …………………………………93
Словообразование. Задание 2 …………………………………94
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №5………………………………………………………….97
Ответы к тренировочным заданиям………………………………….97
Список литературы…………………………………………………………101
ГИА (9 кл)
He/She likes living the life of people of the country he/she is living.
Travelling helped him/her to become a different person.
He/She enjoys doing sights in his/her own country.
He/She liked the relationships among people in the country he/she visited.
He/She did things he/she had never done at home.
He/She likes doing sights in other countries more than at home.
A1. What happened when Allan was at Heathrow Airport?
The plane took off on time.
The flight was delayed.
He had some problems getting through customs and had to wait for the next flight.
A2. What problems did Allan have with his suitcase?
Allan forgot his suitcase somewhere in the airport in Moscow.
It took Allan two hours to collect his suitcase from the baggage reclaim.
Allan took someone else's suitcase and had to go back to the airport.
A3. Why were the suitcases confused?
They were very much alike.
They were of the same colour.
They didn't have any labels.
A4. What did Allan say about labeling his suitcase?
He had forgotten to label his suitcase before going to the airport.
He had never stuck any labels on his luggage and was not going to.
He had never labelled his luggage before but promised to do it in the future.
Names of places sometimes refer to certain events in the history of a country.
Names of places often point to what these places looked like.
Names from other languages sometimes indicate who inhabited a place in the past.
Sometimes names of places include elements taken from different languages.
Words from different languages can be seen in the names of American places.
There are lots of places that have taken their names from famous people.
We do not know when men began to give names to the places they lived and to the seas, rivers, lakes and mountains around them. Very often they invented a name that described a place in a certain way, for example, Bear Mountain, White Lake or Big Canyon. The water in the Dead Sea is so salty that nothing can live in it so the reason for the name is clear. The water in the Black Sea is not black but blue. However, when the ancient Greeks looked to the east, they often saw dark storm clouds over the water, and so they named it the Black Sea. The Pacific Ocean is known for its terrible storms. Yet, on the day when the Spanish explorer, balboa, first saw it, the ocean was quiet in the bright sunlight, and so he called it the Pacific which means peaceful.
From the names of places we are often able to tell who the people in the past were. There are lots of towns and cities whose names end in -pol. We can be sure, even without reading history books, that the Greeks settled in certain places during ancient times and gave them their names with -polis which means "city" in Greek.
Sometimes elements of different languages influence the names of places. In the name of Shakespeare's birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, we see four words from three different languages. In this town, a Roman road (in Latin strata) crossed the Avon (in the Welsh language, the word afon means a river). The English word ford means a place where we can cross a river. So the name Stratford-upon-Avon means the place where the road crosses the river. From this we know that at different times, Roman, Welsh and English people lived here.
The oldest names of places in the USA, as you can guess, are American Indian. They are mostly the names of what people saw in nature: mountains, lakes, rivers and waterfalls. The name of America's greatest river, the Mississippi, is made from two American Indian words: misi (great) and sipi (water). Like all ancient names, these American Indian names were passed on from father to son by word of mouth. They were not written down, only spoken. Europeans found the names very difficult to pronounce and so they said them in ways closer to their own languages.
The Europeans who came to America renamed many of the mountains, lakes and rivers, and gave names to the new towns they built. We can easily tell where Europeans from different countries settled in America by looking at the original names. There are English names in the northeast and along the eastern coast, for example, New London, Portland, New York. There are Dutch names in many districts of New York (Brooklyn, Harlem) and in other parts of New York State and Spanish names in Florida. There are lots of French names in the southern states and along the Mississippi. The oldest names in the west - in the states of California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona - are Spanish.
What finally awoke Ben was the engine coughing.
"Please wake up!" shouted Davy. "What's the matter?"
"Push the lever forward," whispered Ben.
Davy couldn't have known about the lever and now Ben wasn't able to point to it. But the boy saw the direction of his father's eyes in time and the engine took up again.
"What direction do I take?" Davy cried again. "You're not telling me how to get the right direction."
"Follow the coast. Keep it on your right. And for God's sake, don't do anything else. It'll be all right, Davy …" Ben could see the sharp profile of Davy's pale face with his dark eyes. The boy had remembered how to level off and to keep the speed. "He'll do it," Ben whispered to himself and then fainted again.
At three thousand feet, on his own, Davy did not think he could ever cry again. He had run out of tears. He had boasted only once in his ten years of life that his father was a pilot. He had remembered everything his father had told him about flying, but he had guessed a lot more that his father had not told him. Now Davy couldn't even look at his father because he was horrible covered in blood. He didn't want his father to die, but he knew that it was now a possibility. People did die.
The tears that Davy thought had dried up in him were now in his dark eyes, and he felt them running down his cheeks.
Ben felt a sharp pain and opened his eyes. "Davy! What's happened? What are you doing!" he managed to shout.
"We are almost there. I can see the buildings of Cairo," Davy said. "But the plane doesn't want to go down."
"Cut your engine. …"
"I did, but it doesn't seem to make a difference."
"Use the tail lever," Ben said, and the plane put its nose down into a dive.
"Cut your engine!" Ben shouted again. He knew that getting a plane off the ground and flying it was easy but getting it down was another thing. The wind was blowing them back up. They lost air speed now because the nose was up. If the engine stopped at this height in this wind, they'd crash into a thousand pieces. …
They were approaching the airfield and the dust was like a yellow sea over the land. But then Ben saw the plane. "Look out! You'll hit that plane," Ben yelled.
Ben could see a big four-engined plane that was taking off. If it was only taking off and not testing its motors, they'd be all right. Ben closed his eyes and when he opened them again, the big plane was directly in their path but moving so quickly that they were going to miss it.
Now the yellow dust was just below them. "Six inches," Ben cried to Davy painfully. "Six inches, Davy … Wait! Not yet! Not yet …!" he cried.
It was when they reached the last inch from the ground that Ben lost his nerve at last. He was trying to shout, "Now! Now! Now!" but fainted again. He hardly felt it when the plane's wheels hit the ground. When the plane's tail finally touched down, Ben knew it was the last inch of it. The plane moved uncontrollably for a while and when at last it stopped dead, he heard only silence and thought that it wasn't time to give in yet.
A5. Davy loved his father.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A6. Getting the plane down wasn't particularly dangerous.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A7. They nearly hit a big plane.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A8. Ben wasn't scared while flying.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Sharks have always been depicted as cruel and murderous creatures. People ___________ lots of feature films to demonstrate how dangerous sharks are. Though some kinds of sharks can really attack people, the number of people _____________ or killed by sharks is very small. Marine biologists insist that most sharks are harmless to people. Along with that, the shark is one of the _____________ creatures of the world, and it should _____________ by all countries.
One of the sharks which has recently been added to the Red List is the dog-fish or the dumb gulper shark. It is one of Australia's rarest deepwater _________. The average length of an adult shark is one meter forty centimeters, and it can live up to forty years. It is not dangerous to people but people are a real danger to it. The dog-fish population has fallen down by 99 percent over the past 20 years.
The trouble of the shark is that its oil (fat) ____________ widely in cosmetics for producing face and hand creams and in dietary food. People fish it illegally for the oil. Scientists say that if fishing is not stopped immediately, the dog-fish ______________ into the list of extinct creatures very soon.
1 Nobody thought that anything could happen to the Titanic. The ship was considered _______________.
2 The _____________ of the steam engine (паровой двигатель) made travelling easier and faster.
3 We were able to understand what the strangers were speaking about though their ______________ was rather strange.
4 A new seaway from Europe to India was discovered and it caused the further _____________ of trade.
5 Everybody realized that the hurricane was ___________ and so they had to look for a safe place to hide from it.
С1.Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный чистый лист.
При выполнении задания С1 обратите внимание на то, что ваш ответ будет оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе.
Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма письма. Письмо недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объём, не оценивается.
You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You've received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend, Andrew.
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Раздел 5. ЗАДАНИЯ ПО ГОВОРЕНИЮВы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа: С2 - тематическое высказывание, С3 - диалог-расспрос. Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор. Во время проведения этой части экзамена идёт постоянная аудиозапись вашего ответа.
С2. Student Card
Task 1
Give a talk about any animal which lives in your region.
Remember to say:
about its appearance
in what area / places it lives
about its lifestyle and habits
You have to talk for 1.5 - 2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.
C3. Student Card
Task 2 (2 - 3 minutes)
You are a foreign tourist. You are travelling on your own. You ask a passer-by what interesting places you can visit in this town. You are interested in music and art. You can spend only 2 hours for sightseeing.
Ask the passer-by
what interesting places there are in this town
how you can get there
what the best time of day to visit them is
You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of the passer-by speaking English.
Remember to:
be active and polite
ask questions and find out all the information you need
decide which place is worth seeing.
B 1.
Вы услышите 5 высказываний разных людей о путешествии. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 - 5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A - F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
A. There will be restrictions for making the trip in future.
B. Language was the only problem during the trip.
C. The trip back to the airport was delayed due to poor weather conditions.
D. The speaker felt quite free and flexible on his tour.
E. The speaker experienced some severe weather conditions during the trip.
F.. The group was under control of the guide who gave required provisions and instructions
Вы услышите радиопрограмму о домашних питомцах и о том, как о них заботиться. В заданиях A 1 - A 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
A 1. Heather Fish works as a vet
and has got two dogs and a cat at home.
and has got a cat and a dog at home.
but doesn't have any pets at home.
A 2. Heather Fish worries about pets' overweight because
overweight pets don't look very nice.
overweight pets avoid games and are not very friendly.
overweight pets are at risk of lots of different health problems.
A 3. Heather recommends feeding a cat or a dog
once a day.
twice a day.
only when the pet asks for food.
A 4. Heather thinks that
most cats and dogs enjoy games and it's not difficult to make them exercise more.
some pets feel lazy and the owner should think of something special to make them exercise.
cats and dogs often ignore games with a ball or with a string toy.
Установите соответствие между заголовками A - F и текстами 1- 5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. A wonderful surprise
B. A real day off
C. An exciting event
D. The winners
E. Dull morning
F. Tastes differ
Saturday morning was not encouraging at all. It looked like rain and I didn't feel like getting out of bed.
Everything changed when my Dad came into the room and handed me a ticket - a ticket to an auto show. It took me seconds to get dressed and at breakfast we discussed our plans. Even Mum seemed to be excited about the show and kept talking about it over her tea.
The sky was clearing up by the time we took our seats at the stand and, to our delight, the weather got better. The show was great! These very brave people called stuntmen were driving different cars and motorcycles. They did "wheelies" - a trick when they drive a motorcycle on one wheel. They drove a car through fire on two wheels and then their cars jumped over another car. I knew that some of the stuntmen had taken part in shooting (съемки) action films. They did such dangerous and risky tricks. We were cheering them on and Mum was wondering how they managed to keep the cars in one piece after performing all of those tricks.
When the show was over, we went to a special place where lots of cars were on exhibit. There were some old-fashioned cars which dated back to 1920s - 1930s and a long row of Hondas, Fords, Toyotas, BMWs, Chryslers, Lexus, Dodges, and Mercedes. Mum liked a black Rolls Royce because it looked expensive and romantic as if from an old film, but Dad's and my choice was an open top Hummer H2.
We spent the rest of the day watching the cars and admiring them. I don't know if I'll ever go to an auto show again but it was my idea of a real day out.
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A5 - A8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not Stated).
The family has always been very important in all times and societies. However, contemporary families differ a lot from large traditional families. A traditional, or extended, family had a similar structure in different countries. It consisted of several generations and was headed by the eldest man in the family. For example, an ideal traditional Chinese family consisted of the head of the family and his wife, their three or four sons and their wives (the daughters didn't live in the family as they moved to their husbands' families after the wedding) and a dozen grandchildren. People lived shorter lives then, and that's why usually there were no more than three generations in a family.
Children were absolutely dependent on their parents and grandparents, and the status, role and behaviour of each member of the family were strictly regulated. Nobody could break the rules. The interests of the family were above the interests of an individual member. If anyone ignored or betrayed the family interests, they were punished very severely. Most traditional families in Russia, Ukraine, and Poland looked the same.
Nowadays families are much smaller. They often consist of two generations only: parents and their dependent children. The family of this kind is called a nuclear family. There are no male and female responsibilities within the family. This means that most women go to work and earn money, and men often help with cooking, washing and some other work round the house.
Children behave differently too. They are allowed to express their point of view and take part in decision-making on different family issues. Sometimes they can even ignore the senior generation's recommendations or advice, which was absolutely impossible in traditional families. Children are more independent nowadays, and when they grow up, they often prefer to live apart from their parents. Having separate homes, however, doesn't matter much as long as adult children care for their parents and remember to help them.
A 5. The author thinks that nowadays the family is much more important than it used to be in old times.
1) True 2) False 3) Not Stated
A 6. The author says that a traditional Chinese family consisted of five generations living together.
1) True 2) False 3) Not Stated
A 7. According to the article, a lot of men and women living together are not married nowadays.
1) True 2) False 3) Not Stated
A 8. The article says that nowadays children can ignore the senior generation's advice.
1) True 2) False 3) Not Stated
Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В3-В9 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует одному заданию из группы В3-В9.B 3
B 4
B 5
B 6
B 7
B 8
B 9
Last summer I ____ in a language school in Malta. I had won an English language competition and the prize was a two-week trip. I enjoyed it greatly, but there was one thing that really spoilt my impression. It was my roommate. She was a cute girl but a real chatterbox. In the morning, when we got up, she _____ talk about clothes and boys all the time. She kept ______ about these same things during the breaks between our classes, and even in the evening I had no chance to escape from her "boys and clothes".
I'm not a bore and I'm certainly not a bookworm who ______ only in studying. I ______ jealous either, but her silly talking made me mad and even the sound of her voice seemed to me very annoying. Sometimes I told her that her clothes looked stupid and didn't suit her at all or made fun of the boy she liked. She was _____ when she was upset. Then I felt ashamed of how I spoke to ______.
Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B10 - B14 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В10 - В14.
Join us for a camping holiday!
If you want to have a good time and enjoy nature, you can take part in our ____ holiday. Everyone is welcome! The meeting point is the _____ railway station, Saturday, at 7 a.m. Don't be late! You'll find us _____ - you'll never miss a crowd of _______ people with huge rucksacks! Just come up and say 'Hello'. We plan to be back to the city at 10 p.m. on Sunday. If this is going to be your first camping holiday, please read the following instructions ________…
You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend, John:
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 80-100 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
C 2.Student Card
Task 1
Give a talk about your plans for the future.
Remember to say:
if you have chosen the professional sphere you would like to work in
what characteristics of your future job are very important to you
what you are going to do to get the job
You have to talk for 1,5 - 2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.
C3.Student Card
Task 2 (2-3 minutes)
You want to choose a camp for teenagers to spend winter holidays there. You'd like to go abroad and have English classes during the camp.
Ask the administrator in the travel agency about
if there is any winter camp for teenagers abroad
if there is a camp with English classes provided
the price
You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of the administrator.
Remember to:
be active and polite
ask the questions and find out all the information you need
decide which camp you'll go to.
ЕГЭ (10-11 кл)
Вы услышите 3 высказывания разных людей об их жизни в малонаселенном районе Австралии. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 - 3 и утверждениями, данными в списке A - D. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
A I do various work here.
B I'll probably work in the outback next year again.
C I didn't travel to the outback for money.
D It's difficult to live here but it's what I wanted.Говорящий
1- Kirstie Richings
2- Simon Swift
3- Lucy Rowe
Вы услышите информацию, оставленную агентством на автоответчике.
Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A8 - A14 соответствуют содержанию текста (1), какие не соответствуют (2) и о чем в тексте не сказано (3), то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного (да) ни отрицательного (нет) ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
A8. Nobody can answer the call at the moment.
Not stated
A9. The information about the agency is not available now.
Not state
A10. The agency has its own training school and provides people with jobs.
Not stated
A11. The agency finds jobs in Australian hotels.
Not stated
A12. You shouldn't pay for a four-day course on ranch skills.
Not stated
A13. You'll get work in the outback if you successfully complete a course they run.
Not stated
A14. If you're interested in further information you can only email the agency.
True 2) False 3) Not stated
Вы услышите высказывания разных людей об их жизни в малонаселенном районе Австралии. В заданиях A 1 - A 7 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
A1. Why did Kirstie want to work on a ranch?
to earn some money
to spend more time riding
3) to find out what a life in the open air was like
A2. What does she find frightening?
not seeing anyone else for miles
mistaking dead trees for cows
taking her horse down a hill
A3. What can Simon not get used to in Queensland?
having to be good at so many different jobs
doing hard, physical work in the heat
living on such a large cattle station
A4. What does he really enjoy?
the beautiful sunsets
the motorbike musters
the huge open spaces
A5. What does Lucy dislike most of all about her life on the
edge of the Great Sandy Desert?
the job she has
the tin shed she lives in
the high temperatures
A6. What happened to her one day?
She was attacked by wild dogs.
She spotted a poisonous creature.
She saved the children from certain death.
A7. Does Lucy like her life in the outback?
Yes, though it sometimes very difficult to live there.
No, she wants to return home.
She really hates it.
Установите соответствие тем A - F абзацам 1- 5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
A. A sudden awakening.
B. A night swimming.
C. Running out of petrol.
D. Packing in panic.
E. Talking with local people.
F. A sleep at last.
1. A few years ago a friend and I spent a couple of months travelling around the southern states of America on a motorbike. We were on our way to New Orleans. It was Sunday evening and beginning to go dark. We were very low on petrol and needed to find a petrol station, but everything was closed in the small towns we had passed through. Soon night fell and after a couple of kilometres we came to a crossroads.
2. In front of a closed petrol station we saw a couple of local people, so we pulled over and asked where we could put up our tent for the night. One of the men winked at his friend and told us that there was a small piece of land at the end of the road.
3. Sure enough, after another kilometre, we came across the patch of land. The sea sounded very close now but we weren't concerned. Instead we quickly unpacked the tent and put it up in the dark. We were soon sleeping peacefully.
4. After about half an hour I woke up. I was vaguely aware that the ground was getting cooler. I started to panic when I realised that the bottom of the tent was beginning to float. We were closer to the sea than we thought!
5. In the torch light we packed everything, including the wet tent, onto the back of the bikes. Then panic turned to horror when I couldn't find my motorbike keys. By now the water was getting deep, but luckily, after ten minutes of splashing around we found them. The following morning Craig said that looking back it was all quite funny. Today, would still disagree.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1 - 3 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A - D. Одна из частей в списке A-D лишняя. Перенесите ответы в таблицу.
I'll bring back the car -when I've been to Istanbul.
When Steve Dodge lent his car to his best friend, Brian, he wasn't worried. Brian wanted to go to London, and needed the car for just one week. However, as Brian MacDonald was driving south, he found he couldn't stop. Before he knew it, he had driven through the Channel tunnel and into France. And he just kept going and going. Unfortunately, Brian didn't stop in France. While he was travelling to Paris, 1 . His new friend persuaded him to go to Switzerland and see the Matterhorn Mountain. After this trip, Brian decided to carry on through Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria 2 .
Three months later Brian finally returned to Britain. He had travelled more than 7,000 miles, but 3 .'I heard that he was quite angry with me,' said Brian. He was right. Yesterday, an angry Mr. Dodge said: 'Some people might 4 . I wondered where he had gone but there was no way I 5 . I didn't even know that the car had gone out of the country. We were the best of friends for years but we are definitely not now.' 'I did say I would see him in a week,' said Brian. 'But once I was in Europe I was having such a good time I decided to stay longer. I suppose I should 6 or phoned. I just hope he calms down and we can be friends again.'
However, this now looks unlikely as Brian is planning to use the car for another trip - this time around Africa!
A. he didn't return the car to Steve immediately.
B. have sent a postcard
C. could contact him.
D. he met a German climber.
E. until he reached Istanbul in Turkey.
F. has been to different countries.
G. think it's funny but I'm absolutely furious.1
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15-А21. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.
An extraordinary adventure.
Travelling 2,600 miles across America alone on a horse is adventurous by anybody's standards. But when you are a woman, with a budget of only $25 a week, many people would think it was madness. Emma Crosby's family and friends certainly did. Emma, on the other hand, thought it was a perfectly rational idea.
'I had always dreamt about riding across America,' said Emma. 'It made a lot of sense to me to do it on a horse: a horse is cheaper to run than a car and less likely to break down.'
It took Emma two-and-a-half years to save up the £3,000 she needed to pay for her air fare, a horse, equipment and spending money. In that time, she taught herself first aid, went to self-defence classes and read about the type of horse she would need. As soon as her plane landed in Houston, Texas, she went straight to a horse farm.
The first meeting between woman and horse was not encouraging: Smoking Spear was not as wild as her name suggested. 'I had had this image of a wild white horse and there in front of me was this small grey pony,' says Emma. 'I can't say it was love at first sight.' Nevertheless, Emma was persuaded that Smokey, as the horse became known, was perfect for the job, so the two headed east to Georgia to start their journey.
In the weeks and months that followed, Emma and Smokey travelled through the southern states of America. They rode across hot deserts and freezing mountains and down lonely tracks that went on forever. It was a hard way of life, especially crossing the deserts. Emma and Smokey would set off at 5.30 a.m. and carry on until it became too hot. Another problem was her budget. By the end of the journey, she had almost run out of money.
Before she arrived in America, Emma had hoped that the adventure would be an opportunity to get away and 'have a bit of space'. What she didn't realise was that her journey would change her life. After crossing nine states in 202 days, she reached a ranch in San Diego, California. Ranch owner, Mike Spurling opened the door.
'He invited me out to a restaurant that night and it just went from there,' says Emma. 'I never left.' A year later they were married.
Emma now lives in California, helping to run two ranches. For years she had dreamt of owning her own horse, now she has 80. So does she still have the desire to ride off into the sunset? 'I would never do it again,' says Emma. 'My last stop turned into a full-time husband. Now we're on an adventure all of our own - real life.'
The Daily Express
A15. This text is about
a horse race.
an adventurous woman.
a life in America.
A16. Emma chose a horse to ride across America, because
she didn't have a car.
it was the only possibility to travel in that region.
it was more economical than a car, and more reliable.
A17. It took Emma over two years to
save money and learn different things.
ride across America.
reach the ranch where she lives now.
A18. When Emma first saw Smoky, she
felt relieved.
was very proud of it.
was disappointed.
A19. The most difficult thing about the journey was
riding across the deserts.
riding across the freezing mountains.
getting enough food.
A20. Before she arrived in America, Emma had hoped that she
would see a lot of beautiful places.
could escape for a while and spend some time alone.
could own at least several horses.
A21. Emma has always wanted to have
a husband.
her own horse.
a ranch in California.
Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, В4-В10 обозначенных номерами, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует одному заданию из группы В4-В10
We were exhausted. The demands of travelling such a huge distance over five weeks had proved to be much 1) than either of us had expected. While we 2) along the mountain and desert roads, we often 3) ourselves in terrifyingly dangerous situations, and we 4) to maintain speeds that enabled 5) to reach three or four time-checks every day on the exact minute.
During the trip, we quarrelled a good deal, but we also relied on each other and in the end, we learned to trust each other and make each other laugh. By the end of the rally, Phil and I found out things about each other that we hadn't known
about 6) . Eventually, Phil and I reached Paris in 20th place. The medal we 7) now sits in my study, a constant reminder of the challenge we both faced together a year ago.
Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, В11-В16 обозначенных номерами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует одному заданию из группы В11-В16.
On the road
A year ago today, my companion, Phil, and I were
driving on a scenic route through a __________ heart of Greece.
From the harbour wall of Thessaloniki, we had covered 450 km to the
little seaside town of Kamena Vourla, and had driven past Mount
Olympus. ______ , I didn't catch more than a glimpse of this as I
was too busy looking at maps to make sure we were on the right
road. When we stopped for coffee, it was at a garage because there
was something wrong with the car. Phil __________disappeared under
the car to have a look at the engine. I didn't miss his company
because we weren't on speaking terms. We had quarreled earlier on
in the day. We were both exhausted after driving almost for seven
hours before eventually __________up at the check point the
previous evening. If this doesn't sound like much of a holiday,
it's because it wasn't. We were the crew of car number 82 in the
longest rally ever to be completed by classic and vintage vehicles
from Peking to Paris. We'd never done any rallying before
and the trip was to take six weeks.
Прочитайте приведенный текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
My holiday nightmare.
A year ago I was backpacking in the Caribbean with my friend Matt. After we had spent a week in Honduras, we A22 to go to the island of Utila. The 15-minute flight to the island was expensive, so we A23 a 4-hour boat trip on the Caribbean Queen, a cargo boat carrying provisions to the islanders.
The Caribbean Queen was an old, broken-down boat. As we stepped on deck, I wondered if we had made the right decision. There were no other passengers, but it was too late to turn back. A24 we had climbed on board, the blond, sun-tanned captain shouted orders, and we were off to Utila.
The sun shone brightly as we set out on our journey. A25 , an hour later the sea began to get rough. A storm was approaching and very soon waves were pouring over the deck. Suddenly there was a shout from below. The engine room was flooded! But before the crew could start pumping the seawater out, the engine stopped. The boat was in trouble and the crew were told to start throwing the cargo overboard. Matt was the first on his feet, throwing as many things as he could into the sea.
Meanwhile I was beginning to panic. I A26 for a lifejacket, but I was told that there weren't any. Panic turned to fear and I started to cry.
Fortunately, after a few minutes, the pump started working again. The captain skillfully steered us through four hours of stormy weather, A27 we reached the calm harbour at Utila. There, as we walked off the Caribbean Queen, I promised myself that A28 the price, we were definitely flying back to Honduras.
A22 1) suggested 2) decided 3) claimed 4) allowed
A23 1) asked 2) went 3) booked 4) took
A24 1) As soon as 2) While 3) Although 4) Moreover
A25 1) However 2) Besides 3) Finally 4) Despite
A26 1) found 2) took 3) shouted 4) asked
A27 1) despite 2) until 3) while 4) as
A28 1) whenever 2) in spite 3) whatever 4) wherever
С1. You have 20 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Sam who writes:Soon I'll have winter holidays and I'm going to visit Moscow. Could you tell me where I'll be able to stay? Is it possible to see different famous sights and meet interesting people at this time of the year? What kind of transport should I use during my stay there?
As for the latest news, I've just returned from Oxford…
Write a letter to Sam.
In your letter:
answer his questions
ask 3 questions about his trip to Oxford
Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
C2. You have 40 minutes to do this task.
Comment on the following statement.
People should be encouraged to get out of their cars and find other ways to travel, like public transport or cycling and walking.
What is your opinion?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
make an introduction (state the problem)
express your personal opinion and give reasons for it
give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don't agree with it
draw a conclusion
B 1.
Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между
высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 - 6 и утверждениями, данными в
списке A - G. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное
соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее
утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в
The speaker thinks the death penalty prevents criminals from consciousness of their guilt.
The speaker doesn't accept eye-for-an-eye reprisal.
The speaker doubts about the death penalty as the wrong person can be killed.
The speaker supposes the death penalty can protect human race from disgusting crimes.
The speaker says the death penalty is the only way to stop crimes.
The speaker is for the death penalty but only after reading sad news.
The speaker admits we shouldn't kill anyone in any case.
Вы услышите часть радиопрограммы. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А1 - А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
A 1. Some people in the outback live over 100 kilometres away from their nearest neighbours.
True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 2. Everybody in the outback has at least a telephone to keep in touch with the world.
True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 3. In an emergency, doctors use jeeps to get to the patient.
True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 4. It doesn't take the doctors more than ninety minutes to get to any place in the outback.
True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 5. There are only thirteen doctors for 150,000 people.
True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 6. Children living in the outback do not go to school at all.
True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 7. The children in the outback can communicate with their teachers by two-way radio and post.
True 2) False 3) Not stated
Вы услышите рассказ молодого человека о его опыте обучения в школе пилотов. В заданиях А8 - А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
A 8. Setting priorities depends on
the contracts and magazine shoots
the importance of your personal life
the pressure you receive
A 9. The model considers that …. made her popular.
working as a model
magazine shoots
TV commercials
A 10. Anna thinks it is important to know that models
work hard to look great
look great by nature
are the center of public life
A 11. Acoording to the model, the public
shouldn't mafe fun of a celebrity's image
doesn't need to know every detail about a celebrity
should know all about a celebrity
A 12. Anna says that she enjoys
doing executive productions
acting in films
taking responsibility
A 13. The model says that her casual evening depends on
being recognized
having a bath and a phone talk
the place she is in
A 14. The model hopes to
do a parachute jump
give up on her career and start a family
do a show on women daredevils
B 2.
Установите соответствие между заголовками A - Н и текстами 1 - 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Risk taking is about living E. Books in modern world
life to the fullest F. Proof of the American dream
Extremists G. Strange change
Exam dress code H. Thanksgiving Day
Tastes differ
A Michigan-born superstar Madonna is slowing but surely turning English. She has bought a $2 million house in London and is looking for an English school for her daughter, Lourdes. Her latest boyfriend is the English director Guy Ritchie, and even her accent has become more noticeable. 'I'm having a love affair with England,' she admits. She also enjoys getting away from Hollywood's celebrities.
My friend was not allowed to take exams- he appeared there in torn jeans! His whole future career was endangered because of the incident. The school administration found his looks improper. They said he might draw other students away from doing well in exams.
My problem is that every time I need new clothes my mum comes with me to buy them. We don't have a lot of money, so any new clothes I need go on one of the credit cards. She is quite old-fashioned and will only take me to shops like Burton's as she says all the other shops only sell rubbish and she wants me to get something that's good quality and will last.
When you are high in the mountains, your attention becomes so extremely focused on your purpose that you no longer notice the sore knees or the tired back. The climb becomes a clear-eyed dream. Hours pass by like minutes. The routine of day-to-day existence is forgotten. At such moments something like happiness actually stirs in your chest and you feel like you have the world in your hands.
The author raises the problem of the future of books. She agrees that computers will conquer the world. She says that printed books have no future. She has some sentimental memories about how she read "Don Quixote de la Mancha". But the electronic era has changed her relationship with books and now she thinks that books on-line are entirely replacing printed books.
In the USA there is one area notorious for extreme straight edge behavior - Salt Lake City in the state of Utah. Here many of the straight edgers like to classify themselves as a "crew". They are impatient with anyone who drink and smoke or do not fit into their strict philosophy. Sadly, some are prepared to physically hurt people in an attempt to get their message across.
When the Pilgrim Fathers and their families reached the New World in 1620 it was too late to plant corps for the next year and nearly half died of hunger during the first winter. The survivors celebrated their first successful harvest with a day of thanksgiving, which became a national festival. Today it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.
B 3.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1 - 6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A - G. Одна из частей в списке А - G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.
Scientists have discovered that people's sense of smell can make the difference between success and failure. The influence 1_____________ that once a particular smell becomes associated with failure any future exposure 2___________________.
Scientists at a scientific center in Philadelphia succeeded in proving this idea 3_____________________ to see if they were able to find their way out. They didn't know that they were being exposed to a flower scent and that it was an impossible maze and they were bound to fail.
Some time later, the volunteers took another , 4_________________; some were exposed to the same smell, and others to another smell or no smell at all.
Dr Ruth Hertz, who led the research, said: "We found that those 5_________________ as for the maze task performed significantly worse. The feeling of failure induced by the smell led them to perform below their natural ability in the second and solvable test. Our results suggest that smells that have acquired specific emotional responses can change behaviour and performance."
Dr Hertz and her team are now working on the smell of success. The idea is that 6______________can turn people into losers, then a smell associated with success could turn losers into winners.
by putting volunteers inside a maze
if the smell of failure
can be so powerful
who were exposed to the same smell
can change your sense of smell
can turn winners into losers
but this time solvable test
Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания А15 - А21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.
My dad had never really wanted children, he didn't think the world was fair enough or pleasant enough for them to grow up in but somehow he did have children. I'm not sure how, there has always been an abundance of storks in our village. My earliest memory was of long yellow beak and soft feathers that were warm and soft to touch. Not only was I born but had some brothers too. Can you only imagine? Three kids for a man who believed the human race should just give up and call it a day. My brothers came by stork too. All at the same time. We were all the same age except I assumed I was eldest. My brothers decided which of them was the eldest and which was the youngest. How they did that I don't know, that's their business.
When I was old enough to talk, my dad came into the kitchen to see how we were doing and he said to me:
"Son, I don't want to hamper your life with rules and oppressive doctrines. I firmly believe that you'd do a better job raising yourself, so you'd better get on with it and just see how it goes. You never know, it might be fun one day."
Me and my brothers did bring ourselves up. We used to walk around like a six-legged creature, looking at things and making observations of one kind or another. We were quite clever really. We saw our dad from time to time. He came into the kitchen one night (we only ever saw him in the kitchen). He just stood there and looked at us for a bit. I was in the middle of preparing a quite difficult crab and lemon soufflé, I needed my concentration and could have done without parental observation so late in life. My brother was cutting my other brother's hair, he wanted to look like Cary Grant for the season. My dad stood there grinning, seemingly pleased with his offspring. I said to him:
"Christ, Dad, I've burnt the soufflé now. If you bother my culinary practices again I'll have to lock you out of the hose for good."
"Ok, son, don't fret," he said in the responsibility-free way that he had.
"I was just checking that everything was present and correct."
"Well it isn't. This was a celebratory dinner for Tractor" (We chose our own names). "He has been accepted at Oxford to study philosophy, and crab and lemon soufflé is his favourite."
"You shouldn't base your life on soufflé, son."
"I know that, but it's the results that count, not the thought. I don't want him going away thinking how he could have had a good soufflé."
"Yeah, and look what you've made me to do Tractor's hair, he looks more like Clark Gable than Cary Grant now, God dammit!"
"Clark Gable is an equally admirable icon of the silver screen, son. I'm sure most people wouldn't notice the difference."
My father left us in peace after that. A burnt soufflé is one thing but a Cary Garnt/Clark Gable image dilemma is something else. Even he realized that.
A15. The narrator's Dad has never wanted children because
he didn't know how to grow them up
he didn't think he would be a fair and pleasant father
the world was fair enough and pleasant enough
he didn't consider the world to be fair enough and pleasant enough
A16. The narrator's father believed
the human race shouldn't reproduce anymore
the human babies should be brought by a stork
the human race should just give up calling
the human babies should be of the same age
A17. The narrator's father brining up principle is
to hamper children's lives
to follow some rules and doctrines
to let children grow up themselves
to believe firmly in children's abilities
A18. When the father came to the kitchen the narrator was
surprised with his coming
confused with his coming
frustrated with his coming
annoyed with his coming
A19. Three brothers
spent all the time together
explored the world around
cooked crab and lemon soufflé
suffered from parental observation
A20. The father
mocks at his children
treats them as responsible people
bothers his sons
seems to be satisfied with his sons
A21. Father's mistake is
he interrupts sons' talks
distracts sons from their
activities tries to give useless pieces of advice to his sons
ignores his children
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4 - B10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4 - B10.
The art of prank calls (part 1)
I suppose it all started when Lorraine and I ______ hot on these phone gags last September. We did the usual ones like dialing any number out of the book and asking. ' Your refrigerator __________?'-'Yes.'- 'Go catch it then.' And we called every
drugstore. 'Do you have Prince Albert in a can?' - 'Yes.' - 'Then let him out.'
But then we made a new game in which the object was to keep a stranger talking on the phone as long as possible. At least twice a week we'd meet for a telephone marathon.
Anyway, the idea of the telephone marathon was that you had to close your eyes, stick your finger on the number in the directory and then call it up to see how long you could keep whoever _______ talking on the phone. I wasn't too good at this because I used to keep bursting out _________. The only thing I could do that kept them talking a while before they hung up was to tell them I ________ from TV Quiz and that they _________a prize. That was always good for three and a half minutes before they ______ on.
Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если
необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк,
обозначенных номерами B11-B16, так чтобы они грамматически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученным
словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы
Ever since true humans appeared on earth, they have lived in close _______ with other animals. Throughout most of that time, humans existed as hunter- gatherers who depended on wild animals for food and clothing. They also found a source of aesthetic pleasure and _______ strength in the
animal life about them. Evidence of this exists the ______ paintings of Paleolithic people in the caves of __________ France. The religious practices of Native North Americans involved the
__________ of certain animals, such as the bear, wolf, and eagle, in an attempt to acquire the power, _________, courage, and speed that these animals they believed possessed.
Maressa Orzak, a Harvard University psychologist, A22_______ a special clinic for computer addicts. She is researching computer A23________, which she sees as a growing problem. She experienced it herself when she became hooked on playing solitaire on the computer instead of A24_____ herself a difficult new software programme, and since then she has studied people whose lives have been taken over computers. One of them was a divorcee who lost custody of her children when her husband discovered she was neglecting them to spend ten or more hours a day on the web.
Ozrak defines computer addiction as "a disorder suffered by people who find virtual reality more attractive than everyday reality". Symptoms A25_______ strange behaviour, spending large sums of money on computers and software, and even mental A26_____problems, but most sufferers compound the problem by A27____ it.
One of the strategies Ozrak uses to A28______ the condition, based on her own experience of addiction, is to encourage her patients to limit the amount of time they spend in front of a computer. But until the problem has been more widely recognised and better researched, cures and solutions will be heard to find.
A 22 1) rules 2) guides 3) leads 4) runs
A23 1) dependence 2) correlation 3) addiction 4) relation
A24 1) educating 2) studying 3) teaching 4) learning
A25 1) include 2) involve 3) reflect 4) require
A26 1) activity 2) health 3) disorder 4) disease
A27 1) denying 2) refusing 3) rejecting 4) voting
A28 1) cure 2) heal 3) treat 4) doctor
You have 20 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Steve who writes
You have 20 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Steve who writes:
…In our school project, we're trying to find out what the best loved work of art in the world is. Can you help us? What's your favourite work of art? (It couls be any picture, statue, building, etc.). what do you know about its history? Why do you like it so much?
As for me, I've got several favourite works of art…
Write a letter to Steve.
In your letter
- answer his questions
- ask 3 questions about his favourite works of art
Write 100 - 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
C2ou have 40 minutes to do this task.
Comment on the following statement.
People should be encourage to get out of their cars and find other ways to travel, like public transport or cycling and walking.
What is your opinion? Which is more useful for people, travelling on foot or by car?
Write 200 - 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give reasons for it
- give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you
agree with it
- draw a conclusion
Карточки экзаменаторов - собеседников (9 кл.)
What's your favourite animal? Do you have any pets?
Task 1 (2.5 - 3 min)
Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.
What is the appearance of this animal?
What area/places does it live in?
Does it have any habits? What habits?
All these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
What animals would you like to have at home? Why?
The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to:
speak at length elaborating on a topic
produce coherent utterances
give reasons
use accurate grammatical structures and a good range of vocabulary
appropriate to the context and function.
C3 INTERLOCUTOR CARDTask 2 (2-3 minutes)
You are a passer-by to whom a foreigner comes up in the street. After the student's greetings start the conversation: «Hello! How can I help you?»
You've got the following information about interesting places in your town:
To finish the conversation say, "Well, are you going to... or ..?"
The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to:
elicit necessary information by asking questions
maintain and conclude a conversation
be active and polite
make a decision
Warm up
What's your hobby? Why do you like it?
Task 1 (2.5-3 min)
Let the student talk for 1.5-2 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.
Have you chosen the professional sphere you would like to work in?
What characteristics of your future job are very important to you?
What you are going to do to get the job?
All these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
Is it important to choose a future job being at school? Why or why not?
The student is expected to demonstrate his/ her ability to:
speak at length elaborating on the topic
produce coherent utterances
give reasons
use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function.
Task 2 (2-3 min)
You are an administrator in the travel agency. After the student's greeting start the conversation: "Hello! How can I help you?"
You've got the following information about the camps available during winter holidays:France
4 hours of English classes every day
30000 rubles
40000 rubles (in winter there are discounts for school students)
To finish the conversation say, "Well, what country would you prefer? Can I write down your name?...I hope you'll enjoy your trip."
The student is expected to demonstrate her/ his ability to:
elicit the needed information by asking questions
maintain and conclude the conversation
be active and polite
make a decision
Тексты для аудирования (ГИА 9 кл)
Задание В1
Speaker 1
I was always bad at languages and communicating with people. Then I decided to go to France to study French. I took a 4-week course and when I came back, I passed my French exam very well. But the most important thing is that I've changed very much. I have become more open to people and I have also changed my views on fashion and many other things.
Speaker 2
I'm from Boston. A few years ago, my family and I took a two-week trip to Italy. I liked that the Italians were very helpful and kind to each other. I also enjoy the friendly atmosphere and respect in Italian families. I mean I really would like ti bring back home the idea of a big family, where the old and the young live together.
Speaker 3
When I travel I try not to stay in a hotel but with a host family. I travel to meet people and communicate with them to get to know their lifestyle better. I like shopping where local people shop and trying the food they eat. I enjoy learning the culture and traditions of those I'm visiting and also I like living the way they do.
Speaker 4
I'm English, I was born in England and I understand the wish of English people to see other places. I agree the weather in England is awful, but the grey sky doesn't stop those who want to see all the wonderful museums, palaces, tearooms and such. I spend every Christmas and summer holidays visiting different parts of Britain and I must say Britain is very beautiful!
Speaker 5
I had a great time in France and the family I stayed with were very kind. I was studying in a small city, but the family lived just outside - they were farmers and I was surrounded by fields and animals. I had to get myself waterproof boots and stuff to go out and help with the cows! A totally new experience for a city girl like me.
Задания А1-А4
Allan! Here you are at last. I've been worried. Why are you so late? Was the flight delayed? Did you have to wait at Heathrow Airport for the next flight?
Oh, no. I got to the airport on time - actually, an hour and a half before the flight. I got my boarding pass, got through customs and we took off on time. It was a little bit windy and snowy when we were approaching the airport, but we were in Moscow at 5 p.m., just according to the timetable.
What went wrong then? Why are you two hours late? It took you two hours more than usual to get from the airport.
Yes, because after I collected my luggage from the baggage reclaim, I realized on my way here that …
That you had forgotten something at the airport?
No, I realized that my suitcase seemed too light.
So I asked the driver to stop, got the suitcase and opened it.
And what?
It wasn't mine. It had somebody else's things in it. But the suitcase itself looked absolutely like mine - the same model, colour and size.
Hadn't you labeled your suitcase before the flight?
No, I never put any labels on my things. …So I rushed back to the airport, and fortunately, the person who had taken my suitcase had opened it on his way home, too.
How did you managed to find him?
I was clever enough to go to the information desk and ask the person there to make an announcement. -The man came to the desk in a couple of minutes and we exchanged suitcases.
How do you feel about labeling your luggage now?
Well, I confess that I was wrong and next time I'll stick a label with my contacts to every tiny piece of luggage.
Задание B1
Speaker 1
We visited Southern Spain in the first week of half term. The purpose of the trip was to enjoy the art and architecture of the region, particularly the mediaeval Moorish influence. And, of course, to enjoy the taste of Spanish food and society. Without a guide, but well supplied with guidebooks, we could really take our time and enjoy the country. Organizing all our own sightseeing and meals gave us considerable flexibility, and not being tied to a guide and a timetable turned out to be quite a bonus. Finally, we made our way back to the airport by taxi, train and bus. It was a highly successful trip in every way!
Speaker 2
Eight days of hiking in Morocco. Just imagine it. On the first day we met our guide. A local man with dreadlocks. Actually he was a nice chap and very experienced. The days were filled with travelling. We started the trek, and walked, with small ten minutes rest every hour, if we were lucky for about seven hours. At nights we slept next to the river which was an extremely pleasant place. One night, though, we were shocked by the monsoon style rain and hurricane. We enjoyed the Moroccan food. After eight days of the expedition we left exhausted and in tears.
Speaker 3
Going to Berlin was a fantastic experience as it is truly the most diverse city in the world. Apart from the usual tourist attractions there are plenty of other areas worth visiting. Also, I found the German people not to be as serious and efficient as I thought they would be. They were very friendly and hospitable. It's a shame that future 6 formers won't have an opportunity to go on this exchange in future because our partner school is restricting it to 4th years.
Speaker 4
We spent three weeks travelling around South East Asia. On arrival the group was met by our chief guide, who briefed us on the forthcoming trek and provided the necessary sleeping bags, carry mats and supplies. Next morning we headed into the jungle first by minibus and then by boat. Our first port of call was the Canopy walk, basically a rope walkway suspended between tress 40 foot above the ground. Then the group left the river and set off on foot to explore the interior.
Speaker 5
This year I had decided to organize the work experience week in a different part of France and with a different company. Indeed, though the week in Brittany had been a success every time, the main problem was in the evening as the boys were all staying together and, therefore, speaking English. Trying to make them speak French to each other, after having spent the day at their work placement trying to understand what was going on, was a very difficult task.
Задания A1-A4
Interviewer: Today we are talking about our pets. They make our life more fun - like when they shake hands with us, chase the ball or play with toys. However, our pets, themselves, are not toys, and actually need lots of care. But sometimes pet owners are not aware of the most essential things. In other words, they don't know what they should do to keep their pet happy and healthy. We've got lots of questions from our listeners and now Dr Heather Fish, a vet, will answer some of them for us. Good evening, Heather! It's nice of you to come to our studio and give us your time.
Veterinarian: Good evening. I think that your programme is really very important, as lots of people, unfortunately, don't realise that keeping a pet is not only fun, but a great responsibility too.
I: I know that you've been working with animals, as a vet, for more than ten years, but do you have any animals at home? Do you keep pets yourself?
V: Yes, I've got a cat, her name is Dusty, and she's already thirteen years old, and I've got a dog, a shepherd dog, Misty. He's still quite young, he's only three.
I: And I'm sure they are in perfect health, aren't they?
V: They do all right. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to advise other people about their pets.
I: And what are the most common problems you have to advise people about? What illnesses or diseases do their pets suffer from?
V: Lots of different diseases. However, most of them are caused by one and the same factor...
I: One reason for different diseases? What could that be?
V: In most cases, health problems are the result of the wrong type of food and not enough exercise.
I: But how can the owner of a pet understand that the food's wrong or the exercise's not enough? Are there any symptoms which can help the owner to spot the problem?
V: First of all, watch the weight of your pet. Lots of pets nowadays, especially those kept in flats, are overweight. And this inevitably puts them at risk ... risk of hundreds of health problems.
I: What can the owner do to avoid the risk?
V: The pet owner can arrange a full check up with a vetenary surgeon. He or she will calculate the ideal weight for the pet and then prescribe the most appropriate diet.
I: I see...but not many people, I'm afraid, would take their pet to a vet... So could you give us a general idea on what we should pay attention to... to keep our pets fit and healthy?
V: Right. Well, the first thing would be to measure the food you give to your pet. Use a special measuring cup to control the portions. Secondly, feed your pet twice a day. It's healthier if you divide the daily amount of food into two meals. Don't offer your pet one large meal. And don't forget that your pet needs exercise. Take your dog for longer regular walks, or play games with your cat. Most cats find chasing small balls or toys on a string absolutely irresistible.
I: True. I know mine does!
V: This is mostly general advice. For more specific advice regarding your own particular pet, it's best to see a vet who can actually examine your pet.
Тексты для аудирования (ЕГЭ 10-11 кл)
Задания A8-A14
You have reached the offices of the VisitOz Agency. Unfortunately, there is no-one available at the moment to answer your call. If you would like information about our agency, please press 3 now.
Welcome to the information line for the VisitOz Agency. We have all the contacts you will need for your visit to Australia. We run our own training school, and we are a job placement agency.
We find jobs for overseas visitors on Australian farms, host farms and outback stations. In addition, we run a four-day course covering different ranch skills at a cost of $450. If you pass, we will find you outback work during your time in Australia. If you are interested in further information you can phone, send a fax, or email us at the following address: www.users.big</<font size="4">...
Задания B1, A1-A7
I wanted to experience an outdoor life, so I spent a month on a ranch. It was dirty work but I enjoyed the riding, so I decided to try mustering cattle. I'm not receiving any wages, only board and lodging, but I get by. You see, I didn't travel to the outback for money.
Mustering in the mountains is difficult. I often can't see anyone else for miles, and I don't always know where I'm going. Sometimes, I'll come across a steep hill and I have to get off my horse and lead it down. That can be pretty frightening. And being in the mountains on your own can also be a bit confusing. I often mistake a dead tree for a cow. When I can't see anyone else, I worry that I'll get stuck here.
Since I arrived here four months ago, I've been on a large cattle station in outback Queensland. I do any job that's going. You name it, I'll do it! To tell the truth, the only work I really hate is fencing - digging all those deep holes, cutting trees for posts - it's hard, it's hot and you don't get used to it. I've even done cattle musters on a motorbike instead of a horse but I didn't enjoy those because I fell off!
The huge open spaces are a bit boring, though. There's nothing but flat ground and dusty tracks that go on forever. Mind you, there are beautiful sunsets - they're really fantastic. It's as if the sky is on fire.
I teach children on a ranch at the edge of the Great Sandy Desert. I live in what you'd call a tin shed. Actually, the school's just a caravan.
But the worst thing is the heat. It's so difficult to cool down. You can't escape from that. The generator for the electricity has to be turned off for two hours a day because it gets too hot, so we can't have the fridge on and all the food goes off.
Living here is certainly not easy but it's what I wanted. Each day's exciting. One day, I heard the dogs barking, looked over and saw an enormous snake on the ground. I knew it was poisonous and all the kids started screaming. But luckily it decided to leave before we had a chance to do anything about it. I'm a good teacher, but I'm not very good with poisonous snakes!
Задание B1
Jeannie, United States
The death penalty? I don't believe in the death penalty because for
me it's always a thing of, you know, who gets to judge who gets to
live or die. Even if the person being killed is being killed
because they killed someone, I still don't go for that,
eye-for-an-eye type thing.
Kate, New Zealand
No, I don't believe in the death penalty. I don't believe in
killing. In fact, I think if someone deserves the death penalty,
actually instead of getting a death penalty they should serve time
in jail and have to face society and fell the humility. If they
don't, if they serve the death penalty, they will not feel the
shame and will not realize the consequences.
Nitiya, India
I believe in the death penalty because I think rape and terrorism
are some crimes which are totally so disgusting towards the human
race and that's, I don't think it encouraged by anyone in the whole
world, and everyone wants peace so I think, yeah there are some
reasons why the death penalty should be there.
Joel, America
The death penalty? That's a tough one because I think the death
penalty is a good deterant. It would definitely stop me from doing
certain crimes if I knew that I was going to be killed if I did
them, but the problem with it is, is that you can never be sure if
the person actually did it, so if we convinct someone and then kill
him and later find out that the person actually didn't do the
crime, then I think that's a tragedy.
Steve, England
I'm against the death penalty, for, well, the main reason I'm
against it, is that there's always an element of doubt. You never
know if someone really did murder someone, or. well, murder is
usually the main reason for the death penalty, so there's always an
element of doubt. You can never be quite sure, so I think there's
always a risk, and you shouldn't kill someone.
Marion, Ireland
I think that's a really difficult question if the death penalty
should be in place. Most of the time, I think that I'm against the
death penalty, but then, you know, you read stories in the
newspaper, especially about children being killed, particularly
cruel ways of ending people's lives, and then sometimes, I get so
angry that I think, yeah, just kill that person because they
deserve it, but really, when I calm down, I don't believe in the
death penalty.
Задания A1-A7
Welcome to 'Our Neighbourhood', the programme that looks at the different places and conditions that people live in. Today we're visiting the Outback, a distant part of Australia far from the main population centres. Imagine you're living on a farm and your nearest neighbours are over 100 kilometres away. It certainly is very lonely and isolated. And this is how it feels for many people living on farms in the Outback of Australia, far away from the cities and towns. Some people are lucky enough to have email and the Internet but many do not even have a telephone line. Everyone has a two-way radio. You can listen as well as talk into it, and it is the most important means of contact with other people. When someone needs a doctor urgently, they use their two-way radio to contact The Flying Doctors. That's a special medical service that covers six million square kilometres of Australia. The doctors fly to an emergency in a small aeroplane or helicopter, and they say they can arrive at any place within ninety minutes. There are thirteen flying doctor bases in Australia with thirty-eight aeroplanes and helicopters. They visit 150,000 people every year. Another problem to solve is education. How do you go to school when you're living five hundred kilometres from the nearest one? Some kids go to boarding schools, others have their lessons sent by post. But most outback children use their two-way radios twice a day to listen to their teachers and to communicate with them and with other Outback students.
Задания A8-A14
Interviewer: Anna, we see your face everywhere these days. With such a busy schedule, how do you manage to set priorities?
Model: My personal life comes first, then there's everything else - like work. I have my contracts and I do some magazine shoots because they're what keep it all going. But I've also learned to say no to certain things.
I: Not everyone's lucky enough to turn down work.
M: I used to have trouble doing it - you get pressed a lot. But I've realized that I have to take a break once in a while.
I: When did you really start to feel really known?
M: After I did my second Vogue cover, I realized I've arrived as a model. But it's really been the television and especially my Pepsi commercial. Some people never look at magazine, but everyone watches TV.
I: Now you're quite a celebrity yourself. Just how much do you think the public is entitled to know about you?
M: Well, even on my show we try to make fun of the image. I think it's important to realize that I don't wake up looking like that.It's after a few hours of hair and makeup and great lighting - and retouching if I have a pimple. I'm pretty used to being in the centre of activity, but sometimes I wish I could be just another girl at the gym working out. People don't need to know what I eat for breakfast. They need to know that I work hard. And that I have fat days and ugly days.
I: Having previewed your new exercise video, we find that hard to believe.
M: Oh, I have to work out. Some models don't, but I'm not one of them.
I: We hear that you were also involved in the off-camera production.
M: Actually I executive-produced it. That was a whole different role for me. I had the final say on everything from the cover design to hiring the director. That was great, but it was also my responsibility if something didn't work out.
I: Does all the TV and video mean you're giving up on a film career?
M: No, I would never rule it out. But I do find that I have an easier time being myself than playing a role. With acting, I don't know when I'm good or not. But with TV, I know.
I: People are always curious about celebrities' behaviour when they're away from the cameras. What's your "normal" evening at home like?
M: It depends on which house we're in. In New York, I'd be in the bathtub - I'm a real bath person - or reading or talking on the phone. If we're in the country house, where there's more room, I'd probably be in the kitchen.
I: Somehow, we don't' just picture you running out to the supermarket to pick up a few things!
M: I do it. I don't get recognized as often as you might think. - but I certainly don't go to the grocery store in full hair and makeup. That's asking for it.
I: Do you have any plans for the future that we should know about?
M: Well, the video comes out in October, so I'll be working on promoting that. And I'll be doing more with MTV and the Fox network - we're talking about doing a show on women who do really daring things, like parachuting and mountain climbing. I have my work with Revlon for a few more years, too. And of course, we'll eventually think about starting a family.
TEST 2ОТВЕТЫ (ЕГЭ 10-11 кл)
Чтение. Задание 1 (9 класс).
An important profession.
Looking for a job.
Learning business.
Learning by doing.
A new image of Marry Poppins.
Kids are in trouble.
1. A computer company has a special person who answers all questions that are sent to him. The person is a 63 year old man. He is known for always finding the right answers he does not look like a computer expert. Other companies do not have a place for people to ask questions. If they do, it may take a long time to get an answer. Sometimes you may never get an answer at all. It is important for companies to have a person who will answer your questions.
2. Every morning kids from a local high school are working hard. They are selling their special coffee to airplane passengers. The students earn 6 dollars an hour plus tips. They also get school credit while they learn how to run a business. Many of the students enjoy the work although it took some time to learn how to do it. They have to learn how to steam milk, load the pots and add flavor. It takes some skill and sometimes mistakes are made. The most common mistake is forgetting to add the coffee.
3. Martin Smith at his 22 is one of the best male nannies. "I love being around kids, it is very rewarding. The money isn't great, but then I don't do it for the money. I like seeing kids happy and, if they are, it makes my job a lot easier," laughs Martin. His female collegues have welcomed Martin, although some men think his chosen career makes him "strange". He admits that it will be some time before male nannies are totally accepted.
4. Tom had a good job for many years. He enjoyed his work and did his job well. But six months ago Tom lost his job. Finding a new job turned out to be difficult. Tom has become discouraged. He cannot pay the bills. A job counselor gave him a person to contact. Now he feels better because he has two job interviews next week.
5. Bess is a clerk in an office. She doesn't know how to use the paper shredder. Gail, Bess' boss, shows her how to use it. Gail points to the on/off switch. Bess turns the shredder on. "Keep your hands and clothes away from the shredder when it is on and in use. The blades are sharp," says Gail. "I would like to practice it by myself," says Bess.
Dear Editor,
We represent the Young Journalists Club and we would be happy to publish some of our articles in your journal. The topics we study refer to teenagers' life. We run different surveys and questionnaires which help understand what teenagers are interested in, what they care for, and what they are indifferent to. Most of our research is on political and cultural issues, and we want to find out how competent contemporary teenagers are in those topics. We certainly don't ignore environmental issues and human rights problems and try to display a wide diversity of views and opinions.
Lately we've been studying the TV topic, i.e. what teenagers watch on TV and what TV programmes they enjoy. Forty teenagers, aged 14-16, were interviewed, and we got some curious results. Here are some of them.
About thirty-five percent of the interviewed said that they don't watch the news at all. "I don't watch the news," said Julia Smith, one of the typical representatives of that group, "they speak either about wars or terrorist attacks. If I watch it, I feel down and scared …, so … I don't watch it at all."
Sixty-five percent watch the news occasionally and randomly, and were not able to name any programme they trust. They confuse Presidents and Prime Ministers, and they are not sure about the regions of armed conflicts, and don't know what the word "summit" means. However, about half of our respondents mentioned that they would like to fel more confident about political issues, and that it would be useful to have some classes on political literacy in the school curriculum.
The survey revealed some unexpected things. For example, most teenagers are not really keen on thrillers and action films. They say that they prefer point-and-shoot computer games to action films.
As for TV, about sixty percent of our respondents claim that they would like to see more educational, cultural and popular science films on TV. Scientific breakthroughs, new technologies, mysteries of the past and the present, ancient civilizations are very welcome. These topics have always been a great attraction for teenagers of all generations.
In conclusion we would like to thank you for the time you gave to our letter. If you find our topics of some interest to your journal and your readers, we would be happy to present the full texts of our projects and articles, and discuss our possible cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
Martine Swift
President of the Young Journalists Club
A5. Club publishes their articles in the journal on a regular basis.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A6. The young journalists have already published some of their articles in other journals.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A7. The young journalists write about teenagers and topics related to them.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A8. The young journalists never give names of the people they interview.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Чтение. Задание 2 (9 класс).
Установите соответствие между заголовками A - F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1- 5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. The unexplained
B. How horror stories make us feel
C. Fears we can easily explain
D. Two kinds of stories
E. Real life fears
F. Not like other films!
Why do we enjoy feeling afraid?
1. Have you ever wondered why horror stories are so popular? Horror films don't usually contain characters with strong personalities or have strong stories like other films. We are not interested in Dracula's psychological reasons for biting people. Most of us can't remember what happens to Frankenstein's monster when he isn't running around terrifying people. Horror stories can be supernatural, biological or physical, and they can take place anywhere. The important thing about them is how they make people feel.
2. People like stories that have an emotional effect on them. For example, some people like romantic stories, which make them feel sad or remind them of being in love. Horror stories and feeling afraid make our hearts beat faster. We experience the same feelings that we get when we do sport or ride on a rollercoaster. People feel panic because they are frightened when they think about the "monster", or ride on a fairground ride, and this is exciting. The danger can be just an idea or an image, but it is always frightening and evil. The person watching the film or reading the book shares the feelings of the human beings in the story.
3. There is another reason why people enjoy feeling afraid. It seems that horror stories help people to do something about things that worry or scare them, such as the dark or pain. They can sit in a safe cinema seat and watch the dark or pain on the screen. When they come out of the cinema, their real fear doesn't seem so bad.
4. There are two different types of fear in horror stories. In the first type, the danger always comes from outside, such as monsters or vampires like Dracula. Human beings can attack the monster, and there is usually a happy ending to the story, the danger disappears. The second type is more terrifying. The danger comes from inside people, and it is usually more 'realistic' to people. Human beings fight against it, but they are never successful, and the story is usually open-ended, the danger may return, or get worse!
5. Finally, frightening stories are popular because they show us impossible, unknown beings and things we don't understand. These things both fascinate us and terrify us. Because we are fascinated, we keep on watching or reading, even though we are frightened. This is what gives us the experience which so many of us find enjoyable!
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A5 - A8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not Stated).
Love story.
In the autumn of my last year at Harvard University, I studied a lot in the Radcliffe library.
The library was quiet, nobody knew me there, and they had the books that I needed for my studies. The day before an examination I went over to the library desk to ask for a book. Two girls were working there. One was tall and sporty. The other was quiet and wore glasses. I chose her, and asked for my book.
She gave me an unfriendly look. 'Don't you have a library at Harvard?' she asked. 'Radcliffe let us use their library,' I answered. 'Yes, Preppie*, they do - but is it fair? Harvard has five million books. We have a few thousand.'
Oh dear, I thought. A clever Radcliffe girl. I can usually make girls like her feel very small. But I needed that damn book, so I had to be polite.
'Listen, I need that damn book.'
'Don't speak like that to a lady, Preppie.'
'Why are you so sure that I went to a prep** school?'
She took off her glasses. 'You look stupid and rich,' she said.
'You're wrong, I'm actually clever and poor.'
'Oh no, Preppie,' she said. 'I'm clever and poor.'
She was looking straight at me. All right, she had pretty brown eyes; and OK, perhaps I looked rich. But I don't let anyone call me stupid.
'What makes you so clever?'I asked.
'I'm not going to go for a coffee with you,' she said.
'Listen - I'm not going to ask you!'
'That' she said, 'is what makes you stupid'.
Let me explain why I took her for coffee. I got the library book that I wanted, didn't I? And she couldn't leave the library until closing time. So I was able to study the book for a good long time. I got an A in my exam the next day.
We went to a coffee shop and I ordered coffee for both of us.
'I'm Jennifer Cavilleri,' she said. 'I'm American, but my family came from Italy. I'm studying music.'
'My name is Oliver,' I said.
'Is that your first or last name?' she asked.
'First. My other name is Barrett.'
'Oh,' she said. 'Like Elizabeth Barrett the writer?
'Yes,' I said. 'No relation.'
I was pleased that she hadn't said, 'Barrett, like Barrett Hall?' That Barrett is a relation of mine. Barrett Hall is a large, unlovely building at Harvard University. My great-grandfather gave it to Harvard long ago, and I am deeply ashamed of it.
She was silent. She sat there, half-smiling at me. I looked at her notebooks. 'Sixteenth-century music?' I said. 'That sounds difficult. 'It's too difficult for you, Preppie,' she said coldly.
Why was I letting her talk to me like this? Didn't she read the university magazine? Didn't she know who I was? 'Hey, don't you know who I am?' 'Yes,' she answered. 'You're the man who owns Barrett Hall.'
She didn't know who I was. 'I don't own Barrett Hall,' I argued. 'My great-grandfather gave it to Harvard, that's all.' 'So that's why his not-so-great grandson could get into Harvard so easily!'
I was angry now. 'Jenny, if I'm no good, why did you want me to invite you for coffee?' She looked straight into my eyes and smiled. 'I like your body,' she said.
* someone who has been to a prep school
** an expensive private school for rich people's children
A 5. Oliver studied at Radcliffe University.
1) True 2) False 3) Not Stated
A 6. Oliver and Jennifer did not get on well when they first met.
1) True 2) False 3) Not Stated
A 7. Jennifer had seen Oliver in the library before.
1) True 2) False 3) Not Stated
A 8. Oliver did not like the building his grandfather had given to Harvard University.
1) True 2) False 3) Not Stated
Чтение. Задание 3 (10-11 класс).
I was on holiday in Greece with my parents and my brother Joe. It was all very beautiful and mostly I was enjoying myself, but my family were getting on my nerves.
They told me things, all the time. They were usually interesting things, but I got really fed up with the way they always knew stuff I didn't. They told me stories from Greek myths; they showed me how olives and lemons grow; they taught me how to eat an artichoke. I can't think of anything they didn't tell me.I remember sitting outside a cafe on the beach eating honey cake and thinking that my head was so full it didn't have enough room for a single extra fact or figure.
Then my father suggested visiting a tiny rocky island we could see, so we went down to the water's edge where the boats were moored, and my father talked with two fishermen. An older one only spoke Greek, but his son, Stefanos, spoke English. Although he was really friendly and helpful, when my father asked about a trip to the island, he shook his head and said it was only a rock and no one went there. My mother said we'd like to have a picnic on it, but Stefanos said that was out of the question because there were a lot of submerged rocks around it, which made landing too risky. But to make up for it he offered to take us night fishing.
He took us out at sunset, and it was beautiful. There were big lamps fixed to the prow and when Stefanos lit them they made a soft hissing sound. My mother was watching the land, where thousands of tiny fireflies were flickering among the trees. But I was looking in the other direction because I'd seen something amazing - a silver seal. My father said he wasn't sure if there were seals in Greece and my mother said there definitely wouldn't be silver ones. I think Joe believed me, but by the time he looked where I was pointing, it had gone - and even I was beginning to wonder if I'd imagined it. Stefanos didn't say anything. He stopped rowing and lowered a net into the water, saying that we might get fish there. He said they came to the light.
And then I saw it again, moving towards us, trailing shimmering streaks through the water. It looked completely magical. Joe shouted out that I was right, it was a seal. It submerged again and my father explained to us that it wasn't really silver; it was just that there was phosphorescence in the water. I expect he told us all about the microscopic sea creatures that form phosphorescence, but I didn't listen. Stefanos said the seals were rare and shy, but I just wanted to know where mine had gone. After that I couldn't pay attention to anything else - I think they caught some whitebait and a small octopus - I just stared at the sea until Stefanos rowed us back to shore again. But there was no sign of the seal.
When I saw it the next day, it was a long way out, and I stood at the edge of the sea near Stefanos and his father, who were sorting their nets, and watched it through my mother's binoculars. Stefanos' father said something to him in Greek. He sounded cross. Stefanos translated for me. He said his father was angry because the seals took all the fish. Stefanos said it was the big fishing boats that took most of the fish.
The old man grumbled about something else.
'He says the seals get caught in the nets and tear them. That's true, but it doesn't happen often,' said Stefanos. I asked if the seals escaped from the nets and Stefanos said that they sometimes did. Later on, I got a fright because my seal dived and didn't come up again. I pictured him struggling in a net. But Stefanos put my mind at rest, explaining that seals stay underwater for a long time. Perhaps I hadn't seen the last of my seal after all.
In the first paragraph, we learn that the writer
Was finding her family irritating
Was bored by all the things she was being told
Was feeling unsure of herself in unfamiliar surroundings
Was having trouble remembering all the things she had learnt
The word 'it' in line 14 refers to
The writer's head
A room in a café
A single piece of information
Something the writer was eating
Why did the family decide not to visit the island?
They discovered that nobody was allowed to go there
There wasn't a suitable place for a picnic there
The fishermen had no time to take them there
It wasn't safe to take a boat out there
The phrase 'to make up for it' (line 29) suggests that Stefanos
Realized that the writer's mother didn't believe him
Was aware that the family was disappointed
Knew that the family enjoyed going fishing
Was sorry that he'd appeared unfriendly
When the writer first noticed a seal in the water,
All of her family thought she had imagined that
It was too dark to see what colour it was
She heard it before she actually saw it
Nobody else caught sight of it
How did the writer feel after the seal's second appearance?
Pleased that her brother had been proved wrong
Impressed to hear that she'd seen a rare animal
Unable to concentrate on any other activities
Unconvinced by the explanations o fits colour
The word 'grumbled' suggests that Stefanos' father
Was complaining about the seals
Felt sorry for the seals which got caught
Didn't really want to talk about the seals
Disagreed with his son about the big finishing boats
At the end of the text, the writer feels
Certain in that she'll see the seal again
Reassured by what Stefanos tells her
Convinced that the seal is in trouble
Confused by different things she's heard
Грамматика, лексика. Задание 1 (9 класс).
The Last Inch.
It wasn't easy for Ben, a pilot of forty-three, to find a flying job. That's why it was a stroke of luck when he _________ a job by the Commercial Television Stock Company. They paid a thousand dollars for every five hundred ______ of shark film. Ben used a light plane to get to a little desert island in the Red Sea where the water along the coast was always filled with good-sized sharks.
Ben _______ his ten-year-old son Davy with him. He was a shy quiet boy who had never been particularly loved by his parents.
While ________ the sharks, Ben was attacked by a huge tiger shark. He was lucky to get out of the water, but his body was a ________ mess. He ________ feel his arms or his feet. He had lost a lot of blood and was in and out of consciousness. The boy had to either fly the plane or die from thirst and the hot sun on the island where nobody would ever find
Only once had Ben shown the boy how to fly a plane. He also explained that it was the last inch above the ground that mattered if the plane was going to crash while landing or not.
В7, В8
sleeps/is sleeping
He believes that to be healthy and merry, a person should sleep no less than eight hours a day. He … nine hours to be on the safe side (на всякий случай).
He arrived only two hours ago, very tired and weak. I think he … and it's not a very good idea to wake him up.
wore/was wearing
I recognized him at once. He … the same dark leather jacket, blue jeans and a bright yellow scarf.
It was very hot at the seaside and she seldom … anything else but a T-shirt, light cotton shorts and huge sunglasses.
have made/was making
I can't wash up; my finger hurts. I cut it when I … sandwiches.
If you are going to the countryside for the whole day, take this basket with you. I … some fish and chicken sandwiches.
joined/had joined
When I was ten, I … a swimming team and even took part in competitions.
Jack was a good swimmer and was offered to take part in the swimming competition. But he refused because he … the diving club and had no time for anything else.
has been choosing/has chosen
Jane … at last where to go on holiday. We are leaving for Spain next week.
I'm not sure we'll go anywhere this summer at all. Jane … the place since April but still can't make up her mind.
George doesn't like staying at home when he is on holiday. He … (1) (prefer) going somewhere at the seaside. He … (2) (enjoy) swimming, windsurfing, and diving. Three months ago he was at the Red Sea and when he … (3) (come) back, tanned and happy, he said that he … (4) (never/have) such a terrific holiday before. As he was very good at swimming and diving and was interested in biology, he managed to join a scientific expedition that … (5) (study) the sea life of the Red Sea coast at that time. The researchers … (6) (allow) him to help them in their work and gave him a special suit for diving, so he … (7) (be able to) stay deep in the sea for quite a long time. George was amazed how beautiful the underwater world was. Millions of brightly coloured fish … (8) (move) busily around him. Crabs, turtles, and sea snakes looked at him curiously and then hurried about their underwater business. Once when George … (9) (follow) a little crab, a huge fish appeared from behind a coral rock. Though he … (10) (never/see) sharks alive, he recognized it at once. Fortunately, the shark took no interest in him and disappeared into the depth as if it had much more important things to do.
While George … (11) (work) for the expedition, exploring the sea plants and animals in their natural conditions, he made a firm decision to go on studying biology and natural sciences as the research work … (12) (become) very attractive to him.
Грамматика, лексика. Задание 3.
I Will Not Explode
Everyone knows what happens if you give a full bottle of coke a vigorous (1)_______ and then unscrew the top. So the children of Benchill primary school in Manchester dived for (2)_______ when visitor Kim Wade flexed her muscles. Wade, head of Manchester Schools Behaviour and Support Service, (3)_______ the temptation to open the bottle and let the fizz drench the pupils. She had (4)_______ her point; the frothing of the drink was a metaphor for the build-up and explosion of temper.
Benchill's children were having a session on anger management. There is no (5)_______ that they are any more angry than children at other schools in the city, and the lesson was part of a scheme intended to help children identify and (6)_______ with the rages that life in the classroom and playground can provoke.
A- shake
B- rattle
C- stir
D - wobble
A - shelter
B - cover
C - safety
D - protection
A - denied
B - rejected
C - declined
D - resisted
A- given
B - made
C - scored
D - won
A - inclination
B - reception
C - conviction
D - suggestion
A - cope
B - bear
C - handle
D - manage
Словообразование. Задание 1.Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В10 - В16 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В10 - В16.
People have always been exploring the world. After many ___________ space flights, the Earth seems to be known ____________. But still some parts of it are full of mystery.
In the western Atlantic Ocean, there is a very strange place. Lots of ships, boats and even planes have ____________ in this area. This part of the ocean is called the Bermuda Triangle.
People have been puzzled by it for years. __________ have suggested a lot of ________ explanations for the Bermuda Triangle. They try to explain why that part of the world is so _____________ and ___________.
В15, В16
Словообразование. Задание 2.
Dear friends,
Many people ask questions about conflicts. They want to know why conflicts happen in a family. They want to know why political parties and states have conflicts. They ask me what they can do about conflicts.
Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don't really hear what the other person is saying.
Conflicts may lead to fights, bad relations and violence. If conflicts happen between parties or states, they can lead to war. That is why people should try to prevent conflicts.
But it is impossible to prevent all conflicts. Every day you are in contact with people whose values are different from yours. And you have the right to disagree with their values. But you should understand that other people also have the right to be different from you. You must respect the right of other people to have ideas that differ from your ideas. People who respect each other's ideas can resolve conflicts in a peaceful way. If people resolve conflicts peacefully, they will have better relations in the future. That is why many people want to learn about conflict resolution.
He is a very tolerant person. He is intolerant of his daughter. Violence should not be tolerated. The climate here is hot but tolerable. Some people have no religious tolerance. He acted tolerantly toward his children.
Liberty and justice are human rights. Wars are inhuman. Dogs can hear better than humans. Children should be respected as human beings. War is a crime against humanity. I am going to study literature, languages and history at university because I am interested in the humanities.
We should be tolerant of people who are different from us. The French culture differs from the Russian culture. There are many differences between these religions. Can you differentiate between British English and American English? He is indifferent to other people.
Чтение. Задание 1.
Чтение. Задание 2.B2
f b e d a
Чтение. Задание 3.1
Грамматика, лексика. Задание 1 (9 класс)
Грамматика, лексика. Задание 2
was working
had become
Грамматика, лексика. Задание 3.
Словообразование. Задание 1.
Словообразование. Задание 2.
Список литературы:
1) Биболетова М.З. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/Еnjoy English: Рабочая тетрадь №1 к учебнику для 9 кл. общеобраз. учреж.-Обнинск: Титул,2011.-96 с.: ил.
2) Биболетова М.З. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/Enjoy English: Учебник для 9 кл. общеобраз. учреж.-Обнинск:Титул,2010.-240 с.: ил.
3) Вербицкая М.В. Самое полное издание типовых вариантов заданий ЕГЭ.-М.:АСТ:Астрель, 2011.-155 с.
4) Гроза О.Л. New Millennium English: учебник англ.яз. для 10 кл. общеобраз.учрежд.-изд.второе.-Обнинск:Титул,2005.-176 с.:ил.
5) Гроза О.Л. Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Английский язык нового тысячелетия/New Millennium English для 10 кл. общеобраз.учрежд.-3-е изд., испр. и перераб.-Обнинск:Титул,2009.-96 с.:ил.
6) Готовимся к ЕГЭ. Английский язык. 10 класс. Итоговое тестирование в формате экзамена /авт.-сост. М.А.Попова.-Яролавль:Академия развития,2010.-128 с.:ил.
7) Соловова Е.Н. ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Практикум. Грамматика и лексика /Е.Н.Соловова, John Parsons.-М.:Центр изучения английского языка Елены Солововой, 2011.-87 с.
8) Соловова Е.Н., Солокова И.Е. State Exam. Maximiser. Workbook.-Longman, 2008.-112 с.
9) CAMBRIGE learner's dictionary.- Cambrige University Press, 2001.-767 c.
10) Kathy Gude, Michael Duckworth. Matrix. Pre-intermediate student's book.-Oxford University Press, 2002.-152 c.
11) Kathy Gude, Jayne Wildman. Matrix. Intermediate student's book.- Oxford University Press, 2001.-152 c.
12) OXFORD Advanced Learner's dictionary, the6th edition.- Oxford University Press, 2000.- 1540 c.
13) Raymond Murphy "English Grammar in Use", Cambridge University Press, 1985;
14) Sharon Ashton, Barbara Thomas. PET Practice Tests. - Longman, 2007. - 224 c.
15) www.ege-language.ru
16) www.fipi.ru - официальный сайт ФИПИ